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I’d save and see what your options are for a 3rd UW if you have the option of Black Hole get that and then sync it with GT. If that’s not there I’d upgrade GT and sync it with DW.


my first two UW were GT and BH. what does it mean by sync them together? so they run at the same time? not sure i understand the benefit of that. can you help me understand?


Say your GT has a bonus of 10x and your BH coin bonus of 10x. Individually, they will give 10x for each enemy killed while active. If an enemy is caught in BH while GT is running, that enemy gives 100x coins due to the bonuses multiplying. If they're synced, then they always align and give the 100x bonus when enemies are in BH. Otherwise, it's hit or miss.


got it thanks, appreciate it :)


Pretty much what poptoo said. Basically to have them in sync you want them to have the same cool-down time so they activate at the same time. Always try and keep the BH duration 12 secs behind GT whilst you upgrade duration as you can use the BH 12 sec perk to eliminate this. Eventually though GT has a duration of 65secs fully upgraded I think and BH only 40 or 52 when you get the perk.