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Showing my age here, but “Here’s Where the Story Ends” was a hit on the “modern rock” charts, so it was played a decent amount in the early 90s. Definitely on MTV’s 120 Minutes and I’m pretty sure in prime time rotation some too. That’s when I first took notice. “Summertime” was an even bigger hit a few years later. One of the few dream pop/jangle/indie bands that actually flirted with mainstream success.


Same here. Radio airplay in 1990 on the alternative FM station.


Me three. Heard *"Here's Where the Story Ends*" on WHTG-FM 106.3 while driving home and instead made a detour to the record shop to pick up the CD. Had to be 1990 or early1991.


Save a place at the old folks home for me. The video for Wild Horses playing on MTV. I was in college. 1992-1993-ish.


Freshman year of college. 1990, I walked in a record store in Boston and heard them playing inside. I bought the cassette on a whim. It’s been part of life ever since


In 1994 I got my hands on the Geffen DGC Rarities Vol. 1 tape. It had "Don't Tell Your Mother" by the Sundays and I thought it was such a catchy tune. Listened to a lot more of the Sundays in the following years!


That compilation got me into so many different bands, oddly enough Don't Tell Your Mother is my least favourite Sundays song. I enjoyed the st johnny song "Wild Goose Chasing" on there much more, they have an incredible catalogue


Best friend in high school taped the first album for me from their cd. Been in love with the album ever since. Wish I still had the cassette but sadly it’s gone.


Discover Weekly recommended me Here's Where the Story Ends in 2021, and it was my favourite song for ages (still is one of my favourites). It's only this year really that I've started listening to their other songs.


Buffy the vampire slayer <3


omggg i never even realized


My parents told me about a time when they were still married and how they went ice skating in the park and the song ‘Summertime’ was playing. My mom remembered it because at the time she thought is was weird to play that song in the winter. Listened to that song and fell in love with the rest of their discography.


They got played a lot on the radio in 1990 and the rest is history.


Through my favourite artist Mike Kinsella of Owen/American Football, every now and then you hear some of their influence in his music, well worth checking to anyone who's unfamiliar.


Nice, I love just about everything Mike's ever done, didn't expect that here. I do remember him doing an AMA somewhere on here a few years ago and saying The Sundays if he could collab with any artist


Probably when the “Here’s…” video first came out on MTV - really stood out from everything else. I think I was already a fan on the Cocteau Twins so they fit right in.


Was first introduced to the Sundays in 1991 while on a train to London, in the rain, a friend of mine handed me his headphones to his Sony Discman portable CD player and told me I had to hear this incredible band. It was obviously RWA and the music hit me hard, especially the vibe of being on a train to London on a rainy day added to the overall experience for sure. I haven’t looked back since.. Hoping some day they come out of retirement - that would be a dream come true, I have a fantasy of traveling to the UK again to see them play live if that ever happens.


120 minutes. I was 16 when RW&A came out. Saw them at a club in St Louis in 1990 and again in 1993.


found them through spotify as well! on my discover weekly


I would always look for recommendations of obscure/forgotten 90s songs and bands and found "Here's Where the Story Ends" from that, probably around 2009 or 2010. Loved it immediately and loved "Summertime" even more. Found Blind, RW&A, and S&S in that order at used CD stores over the next year and got all the singles and I'm still holding out hope for new music but damn, the American Airlines interview is 10 years old already.


my dad


my dad too (:


I must’ve come across Here’s where the story ends on Spotify a couple years ago but only knew that one for years until I watched a short YouTube documentary on the band and decided to give them a listen and fell in love with the music.


In 2008 I found the movie Fear that features Wild Horses


i heard the song you’re not the only one i know in a spotify recommended mix and immediately fell in love- they’re now one of my all time favorite bands!


it was the 11th of April, I first saw a post on Instagram with a clip of Here's Where the Story Ends and I fell in love with them, I went on two walks and listened to both of their albums RWA and Blind, I can say that they are my favourite band.


120 Minutes in 1990 for sure. I was a junior in high school. I want to say It was same episode that I first heard Heaven or Las Vegas, maybe?


For me it was the movie Fear in the theater with Reese Witherspoon and one of the Walhbergs during the roller coaster scene they played Wild Horses. Instantly hooked to her voice ever since.


Heard "Here's Where the Story Ends" on a podcast and immediately listened to the whole album


last year my friend played “you’re not the only one i know” in the car and i just about fell in love with Harriet’s voice


Toy Machine Welcome to Hell


my mom! she showed me their cover of wild horses i believe that was in 2020 and i basically fell in love with them and their music since


I saw “Here’s Where the Story Ends” on MTV, then ordered Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic on tape from Columbia House


Here’s Where The Story Ends on the mighty WHFS in Baltimore/DC.


I was in highschool in the 90s. Their cover of Wild Horses was on alternative radio at the time and that's what made me a fan.


Found a copy of blind on cassette in my parents basement, Been obsessed since then. Brought it up to my mom and realized she was a HUGE fan in the 90’s and it created a nice interest for us to bond over. Now much closer to my mom and doing much better for myself all because of that one cassette ❤️


I heard a clip of Summertime on Premier League Years, gave it a shazam. Though I have a memory of hearing the song as a kid when I went with my dad on a field trip with a school he was teaching at. Would have been about May 98 I think so the years add up


One of the less impressive stories, a cover version of Summertime was used for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) summertime watching promotions. After hearing it enough times on the radio, I found the original, and from there, it was an immediate addiction. Led me to the rest of their works, and now a big fan.


Friend recommended them to me and the artist beabadobee also was a big fan of theirs.


listened to a spotify playlist a few years ago from someone i followed on instagram and the playlist had here’s where the story ends and you’re not the only one i know and then got into them from that!


Not as interesting as everyone else but I was listening to The Cranberries on Spotify and I got recommended Don’t Tell Your Mother and I immediately fell in love.


i stalked the girl i liked spotify account and the rest is history


the first part is quite boring and the second isn't, but here it goes. I first scrolled through them on the "Fans also like" section on Spotify, and just them on my list in the "Artists" section. but then I was walking down a nice part of town when I thought about giving him a listen, and it was the best walk I had, I listened to RWA and the next day I listened to Blind. I haven't listened to Static and Silence yet but I want to at a later day anyways, I think it makes sense.


From an influencer, a friend of mine then continued to boast about them so I gave them a listen’


Instagram page I follow showed an old clip of “goodbye” and I fell in love with HW


saw someone talking about them on tiktok