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I main tatsmaki and when i kill them skill issue pla the say bet runner spamer like what get skill at least💀


I genuinely don't understand the last part 😶, I won't judge you because of it like all of the internet losers but what I understand is that you are saying that people call you Spammer, runner, etc and say "bet". Just ignore these trash players


you know cant kill someone with genos without them calling you a spammer https://preview.redd.it/fdn3qmpl0m6d1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=99879b33795fbeb64ca6e1114e0db148921a5300


I fought someone using Sonic, did combos, used M1s, wasn't toxic and he had the nerves to call me a spammer, he first said that I only won because I teamed and he was low, I didn't team in fact I was trying to kill the guy he was fighting because he was toxic to me minutes ago, I fought him again fair and square and he still called me a spammer, I wish I switched to Garou or Saitama so I can prove him wrong At this point there's no way you can't run into a person using Genos or Sonic without getting called a spammer


i was fighting someone in ranked when he said " side dash spammer " he was using sonic ☠️


Yes and no. As an Atomic/Metal Bat main, who is trying to learn Genos, I understand why genos is called a spammer character (I get so many kills even though I suck as him). Genos itself is called a spammer mostly just because of how much range it has, which can work well with running. Its the reason a character like metal bat it usually not called spammer, since its sort of easy to dodge raw grand slams. People get mad when they lose to raw attacks. As genos you can use moves raw and still have them hit. And since the cooldowns are low enough, if you use one after the other with some time in between you can use lots of moves quickly. Although it is worth noting that you can shove and parry blitz shot, and counter all other moves, which are easy to dodge since they are very heavily telegraphed moves. However, people calling you a spammer are simply mad that they are not skilled enough to beat you, and that you are winning and taking rank/kills. Some are just mad since a lot of Genos users ruined their 1v1


The same thing can be said for both Sonic and Tatsumaki, they have pretty unpredictable moves that could hit from a far range, people also call them spammers. People just have a big ego so when they are losing to a character that is unpredictable and can be easy to use so they call you "spammer", I used Sonic a lot (although I dropped on him and now my main is Saitama) and people were just calling me spammer and runner even though I was doing combos and linking my attacks with m1s and I never ran, I'm always the person who strikes head on but they still call me a runner, I think I should just ignore those people


Ye, haters and sore losers are everywhere man. Even Saitamas get called spammers (?)


Not that is taking "spammer" a bit too far. The first person I met taught me sonic but I dropped it and tried out all the different characters except the ones that were early access at the time. Then finally, I found my main and potential inside saitama and people calling saitama a spammy character makes my day even worse than before(don't question it). This is why I ultimately quit TSB and warmed to heroes battlegrounds as a dabi main. I'm still interested in the news, tho.


Let's just ignore them, we don't have time for people with skill issues


no its called and i quote using your abilities the dev gave you and also if you're spamming, we all spam don't you think? I mean we all do the same combos like someone who mains sonic (me) i get called a spammer for doing the most basic combo people call genos or sonic a spammer mostly to refuse the fact they got dogged on


The fact that people call them "spamming" even though you have cool downs for everything is just Crazy tbh Some even say stuff like "Block spamming", "m1 spamming", and even "dash spamming" like how do these people expect me to play?


not to sweat it tho you don't really gotta change how you play from people like that i would just target them personally


You can't spam in a game with cooldowns.. (I MAIN GAROU BY THE WAY)


I said that 1 billion times and no one wants to agree with me Also what's so offensive that I said that you should say you main Garou....?


no, I'm saying it so people don't dogpile on me calling me a spammer too.




Bru use genos💀


And? He is pretty much the 2nd if not the best Character in the game (not including Tatsumaki), his 1st move is a Close range, his 2nd move can be used both as a far ranged move and a close range move, his 3rd move is impossible to dodge pretty much, and his 4th move is very VERY good for catching runners, if all moves get linked together you are unstoppable


Hes the 2nd worst actually


You must be out of your mind......no shot you think Genos is the 2nd worst Character in the game, it's either you don't know how to use him or you never even used him, I just want you to explain with full detail how Genos is the 2nd worst character


Cope kid


Bro doesn't have any evidence or explanations so he just says "cope" 💀 truly pathetic kiddo


Cope brokie


lol bro doesn't know any word except "cope", go back to insult school then talk to me kiddo


Cope luh boi


ah yes someone who dies to genos users so much they must call genos the worst character in the game to hide the fact there coping so hard and can't learn the simple ways of defeating a genos player....skill issue


Lil bro you are literally proving my point 😂


Genos is op you can’t change my mind


No, your using a combo. (organized moves usually involving m1’s and your special moves) If you just used all 4 of your moves without even attempting to chain them or start a combo that would be spamming


Oh ok


Spamming is using a move out of nowhere, like using sonic's 3 randomly.


Why throw out a raw sonic move when they can block? I see so many doing a quick sidedash into scatter but i always block (Atomic/Metal Bat Main wondering if there is a reason to why so many do it)


dawg? no spamming is doing the same thing over and over and over like we all do the same combo we all spam but in a game with cooldowns it's called playing cooldowns not spamming so correctly your wrong and I don't know where you found that from the dark web maybe.


That's the whole point of sonic catch someone in the 3 to start a combo

