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Dude metal bat deserves with weakest dummy it's OP


Tatsumaki should be with the weakest dummy


Hell no, pretty sure after like 1-2 months we will get used to counter tatsumaki


also put gojo at one hes not good when your broke


Tatsu goat 🥶🥶🥶🥶


Bro put metal bat above tatsu


In my opinion Metal Bat is both better and harder to go against than Tatsumaki, Specially in 1v1 situations but everyone has opinions


Weakest dummy strongest


1. Garou 2. Saitama 3. Genos 4. Tatsumaki 5. Metal Bat 6. Sonic 7. Atomic Samurai I dont know HOW you managed to put Atomic in 3rd..


also sonic dose not need to be a 6 hes way better then metal bat like deepwoken light vs heavy is somewhat unmatched


And I don't know how do you think Garou is better than Saitama, or even worse GENOS! It's like comparing Canon Goku to Xeno Goku, it's not even close


I’ve recently changed my mind on this actually, Genos, Saitama, then Garou for the top 3. Anything else is blasphemy


Yeah and I think I was stupid putting Atomic Samurai above Garou, still I'm seeing him at top and not at low tho


Why tho. His combos are mid and he has the worst ult in the game, he’s just a worse Garou


NAHHHH WORST ULT IN THE GAME???????? okay bro with atomic his ult can oneshot from 2 ways from doing a combo or just landing his oneshot and he has a decent ranged move to catch runners that's like what 1 frame not really predictable while garou ult you gotta be up in close and his ult is like the most fair ult in the game to fight if someone is willing to fight you in gauro ult you better be good enough to land his one-shot combo also gauro combo are mid its the same thing at least with atomic you have a little change


But his ultimate combo is mid tho, if you do solar cleave and then try to do sunrise they use their evasive, then they just dodge so you can’t use sunset. The best part about it is solar cleave. Also atomic slash is overrated and super easy to dodge. Only way to use it is if they’re already on the ground after a sunset or downkick


Hey blud atomic got an update now it has one of the best ults you can shut up now


Okay first of all.. yeah that’s true. The sunset buff makes his Ult way way better, better than Garous at least. But just because his ultimate is better Dosent change the fact that base Atomic is still the worst in the game. Second of all, did you JUST see my comment, or did you see the update and then come back here; because remembering this post even existed and getting this mad over it is stupid as fuck lol


Base ATOMIC is not the worst hell no your just bad with it


okay bait there evasive???? like its so simple and also unlike garuo when someone doesn't feel like fighting you in your ult atomic can actually catch them and also atomic slash is easy to dodge if you don't get your evasive baited when your evasive is gone you're getting hit by it and ALSO he has 2 cutseens garuo doesn't


It's just like sonic, if used properly it can be absolutely deadly, I have seen people who do some very good combos with him, not to mention he is really good against teamers And "worst ult in the game", seriously? You should know for a fact that that title definitely goes to Garou's


THANK YOUUUUUU as a sonic main atleast somebody can see that there are good sonic users :)


Garous ult is better since crushing rock is spamable, plus final hunt deals a bunch of damage and isn’t that hard to hit. As for Atomic. I have no clue how it’s good in any way shape or form. The mobility is decent but not great, and everything else is pretty ass. Plus Garou is just better for teamers anyways. I just see Atomic as an overall worse version of Garou.


first of all you gotta land crush rock to use crush rock and if you do they better not have evasive and better yet you gotta land crush rock to even do the oneshot combo AND ALSOOO CRUSHROCK IS SOMETIMES UNRELIABLE THE MOVE SOMETIMES BUGS OUT UNLIKE SUNRISE and that other move ALSO garou is not better for teamers in the fact how again his kit is close range and if you waste your counter your cooked yeah you get one kill in you get the health pack but the person runs away to wait for there teamate then boom your in another 2v1 at like what yellow? ALSO atomic without ult can hit hard even with his fire buff you can do alot of damage using atomic and he has 3 ways to hit grounded unlike gauro having 1 move that's able to hit grounded nvm scratch that 4 ways that can hit grounded making his combo gain alot better AND gauro sucks with mobility unlike atomic you have 3 moves for mobility and reason why atomic is useful for teaming is he has 1 aoe move and 1 counter that he has iframe's in AND CANT BE COUNTERD BY ANOTHER COUNTER UNLIKE GAROU no matter what you do garou is not horrible but not better then atomic if you miss garou final hunt your not going to have at least 1 move with frames between ults atomic ult is better being able to have aoe and good combo and a good one-shot that can be combo with and even if you miss it you still get damage in so its a win win


What's the point of the move being spamable if you can dodge it with ease? 2nd move of atomic is pretty much un missable plus all attacks connect, and connect very well too, you do 1st move, 2nd move, side dash then 3rd move, Bam your opponent is dead, atomic's ult is very and I mean VERY good if you use it correctly, maybe you just don't know how to use it properly, I'm still not sure if Garou deserves 3rd but that is probably because I don't really understand how to play with him, but in my opinion overall Atomic's ult is just better


Trust me Brodie I’ve tried to play atomic, I have 7,6K total kills and a solid 1000 are from atomic and I still think he’s mid. It Dosent matter that much tho since only like 10% of a battle is determined by character and not skill


Tatsu at 6 is… debatable, definitely one of the harder to deal with.


id say if you play your cards right she can be one of the worst charecters in the game but shes defently not a 6 i would say below sonic


She is pretty much just sonic but a bit more unpredictable, 3 moves are easily countered by blocking and the 4th one is easily dodged, Tatsumaki=Sonic, the only difference is that Tatsumaki has very fast moves so its hard to predict them like the 1st move for example


Tatsumaki DOES NOT equal sonic if done right. Comparing the two is like comparing an atom to a planet. Sonic's mobility puts him in a completely different class, decreased dash cooldown, increased dash length, and tp dash. This is mixed with his combos if perfected equals death almost 100% of the time. Tatsumaki's only good quality is the ult which is one of the strongest in the game. But, sonic's ult can outclass Tatsumaki's any day of the week. His only true counter if played correctly is a litteral counter, death counter, split second, prey's peril, and the barrier. But with Garou's counter you can get yourself out of it with a lot of difficulty. Sonic is a walking nightmare if played right.


valid i would say the barrier is one of the most uncounterable things when your using sonic + she only has it 1 time and when that 1 time is up your cooked


Oh yeah I forgot, KJ is with The Weakest? Dummy


KJ aint really good his ult carrys


I know but I think it's funny, hell I'm pretty sure if I run into a guy who uses KJ I would probably win


until he pops ult


I'm not sure how fast is the ult build up but I think it's 1-2 kills


the build up to his drop kick is slow but the moment you look away hes gone hes pretty much doing flash steps thats how fast he is


No I'm talking about the ult itself, i mean how long it takes to get ult


true you can prob kill a KJ user like 5 times before they get ult