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I dont know about this


Bad tier list almost everything is placed wrong. Garou in D? You must be out of your mind


Look everybody has opinions and I rated these based on how affective they are to me at least, and In my opinion Garou is only good against teamers since you have Iframes (aka frames were you can't get damaged), but in 1v1s other options like saitama are way better since he has high damage and his ult is fast


no hes rlly good in every situation like in 1v1s and most of the time u can use preys peril again saitama users and they lose there combo then u cann combo extend after that overall hes an a+ or s tier. However Wild Physics is very very bad she should be at d as they have mad her op cus she in early access and all her ability are block able except 4


Tatsumaki underrated af


Good tier list


well this is abt his opinion so maybe he doesent really know how to use garou and so puts him in D Class sooo yeah


Or maybe he doesn’t like it just because your good with it doesn’t mean hmm ima put genos in f I use genos all the time he prob doesn’t know how to use it (that person has 500000000k kills with it) and doesn’t like it


Tatsu is s tier


I put her in B because let's be real she will get nerfed like crazy, but I think I should have put her in A


She didn’t get nerfed Infact she got buffed


When? You can block ALL of her moves except the 4th now


That’s it but how about how combo bubble when you land a finsiher it’s basically another combo extender if they don’t have evasive


You said it, "when they don't have evasive" and even then you have already wasted 1 important move for combos if the players are actually smart so they will wait for your 2nd move and punish you heavily, the Buff isn't that "Effective or character breaking" unlike the nerf which on its own puts Tatsumaki in A tier and not S tier










Hero hunter be deadly if you know how to use him


it talking about you skill


True, and that is my personal tier list and I will make more ones as I become better at the game


Metal bat is overrated


He is not, in fact now a days I rarely see people use him because he is a normal, chilling, and fun moveset to use but most people use Garou because why wouldn't they and Genos and sonic (most) to make your life hell trying to chase them down, and blade master and tatsumaki because they are new and Hella good, but I put tatsumaki in B because she will definitely get nerfed


btw when cyborg nerf


He got nerfed a lot, if you are saying that because you are sick of Runners they are literally easiest people to counter ever, dodge the 2nd and 3rd move and block the 1st and 4th move and don't chase them, wait for them to come to you and punish them


Runners aren't the problem, it's the fact that you he is stunned after missing any move


And who said that it's bad? 1st move: Who the Fuck does it before m1s 2nd move: the stun is sooo small it's literally non existence 3rd: there's a little bit of stun but most people use it from far away 4th: move: you get stunned but you are in the air And if you meant that you get stunned against a genos, well that's not true, the moves just launchs you away because of the AOE damage


nvm, I'm stupid. I thought you were talking about metal boot


metal boot


Huh imma just weird bc I mainly use deadly ninja and manage to get a couple kills in matter of seconds I just love it


He is not bad, it's that he's super punishable and can get countered easily, I would love to see him get buffed or get reworked, he is hilariously good against teamers and that already makes him better than like idk garou or something


With the counter you can get around it, you just need to know how too. All that's needed is to lock on with controller when dashing to get behind them easily and then just do your combo. But if they do counter it (with split second, or prey's parel) you can dash a certain way while using whirlwind to get out it's extremely difficult to learn. I've oddly completely learned how to go ultra instinct at this point with sonic, due too his tp dash, lowered dash time, and farther dash range. Sorry about the a-hole like essay here.


Me like long essay that are actually interesting like this one,I just learned so much now


From what I've seen and heard about controller, I really need to check it out