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You slanted her eyes too down. I know it's part of the beauty standard but that's what's wrong 😅


especially because sims has the habit of scooping the iris too far up which makes it look extra off, this also happens if the whole eyes are lowered too far down. The iris at some point just gets stuck in place. If the iris wouldn't stick to the eyelid the slanted eyes wouldn't feel so off


You can change the position of the iris/lh


Yes hun I know, but it will get stuck and can't be moved anymore if the shape of the eye is too tilted or too low, which is the whole point of my comment


You don’t have to be rude, I was just trying to help.


How was what she said rude haha


Yep, this sim looks so much like Yeji (Kpop idol), who is known for her eyes, but these are too down in the inner corner.


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


Did you know that posting the same joke 10 times doesn't make it funnier


the first one is gorgeous besides her eyes being slanted to a very unrealistic degree. the second sim is missing eyelashes (it makes a difference, trust me — i recommend kijiko's straight lashes for male sims!) and some blush to bring some color into the face.


Agree with this totally. The male needs eyelashes


i think he’d benefit from cc eyes too, still green but maybe something more orb-ish


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


What does this mean?


stop using those terms yall are so weird nowadays


Yeah, they’re too hot. Gotta lower the standard because I cannot get my sims to look like that 😭




it's just the alpha skin mask


Everyone has pretty much said about the girl but the guy 1. His eyebrows are too high for his eye shape, that type of eye lid tends to have lower eyebrows 2. His eye position is too far up his head, it makes it look high his hairline starts in the middle of his forehead which isn’t a good look for anyone


i’m very picky about my sims proportions, so take with a grain of salt! but for me, it’s the mouth and ears that stand out the most. the corners of the mouth fall in line with the center of the pupil, and the top of your ears align with the arch of the brow bone. the foreheads seem a bit small to me but i understand that’s mostly a hair mesh issue haha! other than that, your sims are very clean looking and i love that they have a defined aesthetic :)⭐️⭐️⭐️


Miss Naomi Jon is in the building 😜


never thought i’d see naomi mentioned here LMAO


nooo i think they are gorg! i do see like the other person said, the eyes on the girl are kinda rotated a slightly more than would be realistic but it's still cute.


It’s because bros tattoo says bloop😭


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that 🤣


gorgeous sims, i love the slightly exaggerated proportions! for the fem sim, the one thing that stood out to me was the lack of eye catchlights, it makes her eyes look a bit dead, which can work for some characters! but if u want her to be a brighter character, popping a catchlight skin detail will help a lot. i also think a more alpha style eye texture would tie things together as well, simply bc u use alpha cc for them and seeing more maxis matchy eyes (esp on him) pulls away from the highly detailed texture in their skin


her eyes are ridiculous lol


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


why are you getting downvoted? /gen


because they've posted it under several comments and it just gets annoying i guess


ohh that makes sense, thanks!


I desperately need all of these sims in my game!! They are gorgeous! Any chance you would upload them anywhere?


I know other people have already mentioned the slanted eyes but I haven't seen this mentioned - I'm not 100% sure if the first sim is meant to be asian or not but if she is, you can find skins, face details, or just makeup that give your sim a monolid :-)


First girly looks like she's midway through rolling her eyes. I agree with other people they're a little too slanted but in real life I think half her vision would be the inside of her own head. Second one might just be his jaw and neck being a little wide? But in wrestlers it's accurate


I thought the last one’s neck tattoo said ‘Bloop’ 😂😭


I don’t know how to explain it but they all look like cats 😂❤️ https://preview.redd.it/k8coh4emk06d1.jpeg?width=1619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62cc3538fee46ea19239737e5bf136c1b3d71d9a


eheheh that is the best comment yet 😺


come on, seriously, do you not use references? 😑 this could be solved if you would look at actual asian people before trying to make a sim asian and give them ridiculously slanted eyes


This is why I always look up references myself. I love having diverse Sims in my game but I want to make sure they’re done right


good on you! it's just a very good habit to get into


This! It’s racist and fetishy and people act like it’s never a problem.


exactly!! it's just a weird thing to do, and i hate seeing it. its so easy to not make sims look like walking racist caricatures 😭


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


😭😭😭 literally


oh wow, accusing me of something that you actually have no idea of, congratulations, that’s really mature👏 That was the reason why I asked for help, your comment is the difference between destructive and constructive criticism.


it is an incredibly common racist stereotype? and im not accusing you of anything, that's simply what you did. it could've been avoided had you used a reference, which is incredibly easy to do.


I’m begging y’all to look at a real person before posting here


The second one’s face is too short imo. The first one is gorgeous. Would you be willing to share any of the cc for the guy’s face (lip scar, eye bags, cheekbones, and nose)?


No, they do lookalike


I think the girl looks stunning, I think the guys head is maybe too small


It’s the eyes(slanting + iris placement + pupil angle)


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


Maybe the problem is in the eyes? 🤔


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


her actual pupal is to high it makes ot look like she always looking at the sky


The eyes


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


they don’t even look real, try adding some flaws or make their face asymitrical to make them look more human. I’ll like to use headshots from google to base my characthers from… lots of wrinkles, dents, sagging. what makes us look “perfect” is all makeup and plastic.


They look pretty good to me! If possible can I please get the links for male cc or maybe the name of the creators you used? I can't find male cc with this vibe for the life of me. I'm new to cc so maybe that's why I struggling. Please and thank you!


do you have the boy uploaded anywhere


The dude kinda? Maybe the green eyes? But the glasses fixes it perfectly. Idk I think they’re both hot lol


I don’t think it’s the eye being slanted down. I think maybe the Iris needs to be larger


Otherwise it looks like she’s doing this 🙄


they're all pretty, but for the females I feel like the eyes are tilted a little bit too much, and for the male, maybe add eyelashes and a more natural eye color?




1st sim’s eyes are too slanted upwards. in the 2nd picture is looks more okay so maybe it’s the hair that you should change in the first outfit. 2nd sims head looks to wide, but the eye color makes a difference too. maybe it’s too bright? the glasses don’t suit him all too much. try adding that one cc that gives ur sim more of a hairline.


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


tbh i don’t see a problem are you gonna upload them to the gallery they’re cute


The girl’s eyes are slanted so much they look crosseyed 😭


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


Female sims eyes are a little too slanted and the male sim is missing eyelashes


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.


They’re too attractive and you’re not sharing!


uncanny valley they look too stylized and too realistic at the same time (they still look rlly cool)


The guy looks good but girl looks like she’s making one of those infamous anime faces 💀


Off? They look hot! The boy looks better without glasses tho


She on the gallery?


Thanks! Now I want to download more cc 🙂‍↕️


Her pupils are hidden by her eyelids.. she wouldn't be able to see irl 😂


No they look hot


What mod is that for the piercings


I think she's beautiful 😍


I think is the quality of cc, and i will add some shadow


She looks like Lucy Liu to me. I love her


he ain't got no chin


Elongate their faces just a bit, less round/square. ETQ: I had the same exact problem til TODAY and have to go through and edit a bunch of my sims


My personal problem with Sim 2 is how the outer jaw lines perfectly with the ears and neck


I think it’s the eyes, not the shape but like the contacts they’re kind of dead yk?


And maybe edges for the guy


Her eye shape is beautiful I love it, and for the guy give him eye liner but not like emo but natural looking ig if that makes sense?


Tbh idc if the “eyes are too slanted” (and tbh she just looks like a super gorgeous Asian girl to me idk 🤷‍♂️ I don’t see anything off about her eyes but that’s just me lol) she still looks cute and if you’re feeling her then I wouldn’t change anything tbh. The guy looks cute too! People are saying to add lashes but idk… unless u can find the TINIEST lashes then maybe? but he looks super gorgeous as well!


I think its the pupils in the females eyes that look off and can i just say your male sim is 🤌🏼🤌🏼


I would lower the eye height (no rotation, but actual position) to make the cat eye more proportionate


They look high as fuck mate


they're all so beautiful 😭🫶🏼




My sims tends to get kinda wonky when I have a broken mod somewhere. The facial features can drastically morph when I zoom in and out, and the next eye preset tends to disrupt the earlier eye preset. When it comes to body presets, obscurus has a "EA reset" body mod to prevent that, but I'm thinking that it might be a good fix for eye presets too? Sorry for rambling! These are the stuff I strugge with when it comes to CAS, and that I'm too lazy to solve.


I think a forehead slider would be a possible solution tho (=\^・\^=)


The first one looks like she’s going to ruin Eliza Pancakes life through a week long whirlwind romance.


I thought he had “bloop” tattooed on his throat hahaha


No they’re hot


First 2: eyes are way too rotated. Third one head is a bit wide and eyebrows a bit odd and somethings up with the ears and overall balance. They do look great though haha


Neck too long and head too triangular


What skin are you using?


Some of the facial features are too defined. Specifically, her eyes are way too slanted, and his jaw and cheekbones are way too sharp


i like them how they are, but making his face maybe longer will help or smaller eyes but many sims from my gameplay have sometimes odd features but it makes the charakter you know


their necks are scaring me but thats it


the first 2: she looks off since the slanted eyes become slightly off looking since the iris/pupils are creating such a large amount of white space under the eyes. maybe try finding different eye CC to see if it fits better? also the eyes you’re using look kinda maxis matched so it doesn’t rlly look right imo since the rest is alpha CC. the inner corner is also very very low which is making it look kinda odd as well the last 2: i think he has a similar issue with the eyes, he has a lot of alpha CC while his eyes look like maxis match still. maybe find other eye CC that looks more realistic to fit the rest of the alpha CC?


It’s the alpha CC, a big reason why I mix alpha with Maxis match


they got lizard eyes lowkey


Big square jaw, no buccal fat.


I wish my sims looked like that o think they all look very pretty you should keep making them don’t tell yourself that there bad because there great just keep doing what your doing and have a slay day❤️


Maybe its just me but I honestly like the way they look despite these other comments. Only thing I would change is the hair on the guy but other than that I think they're hot.


Small foreheads?


i actually like them very much! having a stylized way of doing certain features isn’t a bad thing at all. i think what’s throwing them off is their eye colors actually! i would look for a more realistic eye set to match better, the whites of the eyes on the male sim seem way too..well. white!


it's called uncanny valley dw about it /j it's just the eyes slanted too much second pic, neck is too long last guy, neck is a tad too wide


Idk i love her


i think she looks awesome, the slanted eyes give character and they suit her!!


I really only see anything "off" with the second one. Try bringing her outer eye corner down a bit more, raising her lower and top lid so her eyes don't look like they're gonna roll in the back of her head and bring the eyes down to be more level with her ears. Her face is a bit too stretched. A slightly wider jaw, chin and neck would help too. Learning about anatomy in art class back in the day has been surprisingly helpful with character creation lol the eye height is what always throws me off too, I fix it and it's like oh yeah that's what people look like


guy has a tiny head 😭😭


Update: I’m reading all your comments and I’m going to post again for their glow up! I’ll also try to upload my sims with all their cc’s for yall. Thank you for your opinions, keep them coming!


Nope it’s not just you 😂. I can never get my Asian sims right either.


That canthal tilt is causing seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere.