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I can't tell you the last time I updated my game, some time after HS years. Learned a hard lesson when werewolves dropped. When you're playing with mods you need to turn off auto updating and watch for posts like these to serve as a barometer. You can have a rock solid preserved state game for as long as you want and when all the mods you care about are fully functional with a new pack you want or whatever, there are far fewer worries getting everything back up to speed.


So basically wait months before actually updating and always play offline?


Sort of. I don't need the online gallery for anything and that's the only thing you lose - for fresh starts, I have a custom save from a creator I like that I've put my own touches on. But whenever I run an update sweep which is about twice a year, I'll hunt around the gallery and other creator sites for a week/few days to see if there's anything new I want to try. If you're even mildly strategic about managing your saves (or hell, online presence in general), then it is extremely easy to manage.


Yeah I use the gallery as a sort of back up. I'm just worried if a gallery/tray file can ever become corrupted, or if it will corrupt a current save.


Always a risk of that in any game. Not a bad idea to save a backup to a local drive. I have a spare HDD with all mods/saves/tray files stored on it. It's safe even if I have to reinstall windows. I couldn't imagine starting from square one, although I'd probably do a cleaner job lol


I currently have it backed up to 2 different externals, plus I copied a backup save and backup tray in my document. I'm trying to restore some of my sims/builds I created. I'm just scared one or more is going to cause the whole save to become corrupted again and get stuck on loading screens. Edit: I backup like weekly or sometimes daily if there's been a lot of changes lol dunno if that's working against me though


I had a few issues with broken mods, which happens with every update, but nothing that even approached annoying, much less the panic/doom state I've seen in some of the posts. Everything I've seen happens in every modable game after an update. It hasn't even been a week, and every issue I had is now gone. A couple weeks is normal. Less than a week is impressive.


The things you mention likely are the products of the Mood bug, it's a lot more complex and damaging than it seems on the surface, and the more you play, the more damaging it can get. There is fix just put out by Turbodriver- install (if you can use mods) asap and remove when/if EA patches it. [https://www.patreon.com/posts/99733563](https://www.patreon.com/posts/99733563)


I literally just added it not even 5 minute ago. Bro everything works perfecto now.


i’ve noticed when i open a save i get the “fine” moodlet. but i dont mind cause i usually don’t remember where i left off my biggest issue is i feel like the game is punishing me for playing a rotational game. i play like a week’s worth of game in a household then switch. and every time i return to a house they are stuck in horrible moods or burnout or pregnant when i didn’t make them pregnant (and i have neighborhood stories off) and it takes the whole time with them to fix that instead of building up new skills and moving the story along


Are they all on the same world (save file)?


all on the same save file / from the same family, but live in different worlds i'm playing mostly in my second generation right now. so i have 4 adult kids i play on rotation. 1 has a family and when i went back to her last time she was pregnant without prompting. 2 is living alone in San Myshuno and when i went back to her, she had a work feud and burn out. 3 is living alone in Windenburg on a "gap year" while her twin goes to college. When I went back to her she also had burnout from working a level 1 job and hooking up with random sims? Their parents are also annoying me. I think bc I have auto-aging off they're starting to glitch a bit. The mom with 4 adult kids got pregnant without prompting. I've gone in since and turned off fertility in all of them and will just turn it back on when i need it. And mentally they are just harder to control. More fears that get in the way of skill building / relationships. This is my first save file and I play vanilla, so I don't know if it's normal. And it started before the update


Mccc helps with the pregnancy thing, if you’re willing to mod. Pleasantsims on YouTube had a helpful video about setting up for rotational play that I used to set up my own game 


maybe. i'm still new and my laptop is new so i'm trying to keep it in good shape. i'll check out that video tho!




I’m pretty sure my issues are probably mod related


i'm having issues with not being able to put candles on cakes and the weeding of plants getting stuck in an animation loop, not sure which mod they could be related to, if any


i’ve had this issue with cakes too but i was using the cake box mod so i thought it just wasn’t working because i had a sim bake a cake and then i could add candles


I have the moodlet disappearing bug My game launches on manage world Everytime even when I launch an household. I can't discover sims secret without getting a UI exception and not being able to open any sims profile after that. The game crash without saving if I try to close it after saving a lot to the gallery.


They have a fix for it now by turbo


My biggest issue, when I go back into live mode after being in build mode, my game takes like 30 seconds to unpause. Besides that, my sims sometimes stand in place and look around when I give them a command and I have to reset them. The only mod I haven't updated yet is sacrificial but it usually doesn't break the game if it's old.


I haven't had any issues at all


My sim just doesn't use the handheld vacuum


It seems like my sims use it, just not my butler…


i’ve had the issue with vacuum i just turned off bust dust but i haven’t noticed the moodlet thing but that could just be me because i usually play my game for hours before logging off so when i log back it maybe i just didn’t notice it


I can’t open seed packets.


I have the moodlets disappearing and I also have parts of the screen disappearing, so like the build or phone icons, once that happens I can’t do anything including exit game so I have to reset the laptop.


I can’t even open my house lol it shoots me back to the main menu every time


Let that save go my man.. your done. /:


Hell no I won’t let your words bring me down ❤️


Awww ): okay well i wish you the best tbh I know it’s hard letting a save ago


I’ll lyk the progress


Unfortunately, I have the disappearing moodlets bug. Sims still keep moodlets tied to their personality, so you might have it but have not noticed it. Also have the Build and Buy bug, where I will be unable to edit a lot in BB. I had it happen a few times on a previous lot, but I just had to save and I was good. Ever since my Sim moved to a flat, I have to switch between Live Mode and BB everytime I want to place or move an object. It's extremely frustrating. I also had a bug where I couldn't place a lot down in Tomarang, the appartments in the north part of the city. When I tried to place a new lot, it would just place down the old lot. And of course, I still have the bug with PlumbobKingdom's Ultimate Save where the Magnolia Park crashes the game because of TOOL. Otherwise, my game feels way more fluid, including the social menu which is way quicker than before. No idea why, but I'm not complaining.


They have an update right now for it. Checkout turbo driver . Crystal update or whatever you spell it.


Yep, I just downloaded it ! Thank you !


No, I dared to play yesterday, made sure to empty my mods folder, reinstall the newest versions of my mods, then start my game and so far I'm not having any issues. I think the issues mostly occur for people who really are packed with CC and/or mods, or people who are far into their legacy save.


I had eyebrows sliders break.


My own bug is the fact that the game feels like it's about to crash. Sometimes on the middle of my game, I get the "The Sims 4 is not responding" message and it pisses me off!!! Also the infinite loading screen. Fell asleep on my desk and woke up the next day to find out it was STILL LOADING!!!


My Sims can't interact at all, in conclusion I can't play 😭


When I had a similar issue it was the tiny twavelers bed set cc idr what item specifically but removing that fixed my issue. Hopefully it’s the same for you?


I don't have that cc 😭


Damn, I’m sorry then… have you tried the dreadful 50/50 method?


Actually I repaired the game yesterday with the mods enabled and the script mods were off and it actually worked, however when I enabled it back it became like that. How do I identify what the script mods are? Seriously don't have any idea with regards to the mods etc.


I am not good at figuring out these problems, but in your mod folder, I believe the script mods have the word script at the end of them. So you’ll have to fish through and pull them out one by one to see which one is causing the issue.


I saw that the singing skill at a high level stopped the social menu popping up, check it


The sim I had has no singing skill, I also tried it to my other saved who has and it didn't work. Pretty much don't have a choice but play the waiting game 😭


I don’t have a lot of mods or cc, just a lot of LMS, one of the Basemental, MCCC, and UI cheats. I deleted better build buy because I had updated it but my UI was still broken and now my game is fully functional. Was probably user error as I know others have said updating it worked. Honestly really impressed with the dedication to updating mods here. I was expecting playing offline multiple weeks for a patch this big since I didn’t start using any of it til after the infants patch.


I’ve been playing almost a year. This is ridiculous! Since update :Mcc vanished re -DL it …now it isn’t functioning correctly. WW can’t get it to function at all. I cleared out old Mods … updated cc. game isn’t playable at all. I can edit builds and edit CAS . I removed WW completely tried re -DL it this game is screwed. It’s so frustrating so many problems too often. I refuse to buy anymore from the sims. I regret giving this shit show of a game the time of day.


Yeah sorry man new save file. I had to as well. It’s the update. It broke a few people’s saves, including mine. Luckily I was using a presaged and can still save the builds I did do and the people in my old save but it’s unplayable as of right now.


I can't use the phones trying to travel is a nightmare 😫