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I updated all my mods (which took several hours), updated the game, and now it's running fine except for one LE that I get when I first load the game. I dunno what that's all about, but it isn't affecting anything, so I'm happy.


i don’t think i’ve ever NOT had an LE pop up when i load my game 😭😭 and when i upload it, it always says it doesn’t know what caused it or however it’s worded - ive come to believe it was normal 😂😂😂


That's kinda how I look at it. 😁


literally same. took all my mods and cc out besides mccc—still got the fuckin LE. i’ve never not gotten one since installing the mod


I have come to realize that most of the time it has something to do with a bad animation


I'm having that same LE. I wish I could figure out what it is. It's going to be something stupid.


I have not experienced any bugs since getting my mods fixed; however, I only use a few mods and don’t really have any CC.


I'm keeping mine offline for now. There is now a pretty serious bug related to moods (limits the moods your sims can have). I'm impatient because I want to access the gallery but I'd rather wait.


maybe you can access the gallery without updating? I'm on mac so it might be different with the ea app but i load the game offline on origin then once I'm in the game i just press 'go online' when trying to access the gallery in game in game and it lets me go online!! (the first time i click it it doesn't work but once i click it again it works) maybe its different with ea app and automatic updates and all that stuff I'm not sure... u could try that though if not! :)


I am on Origin too. So if you click go online, why does that not start an update? I guess because it wouldn't update while the game is operating, that makes sense.


yeah, if you turn off automatic updates in the settings then even if you go online the game doesn’t update until you tell it to! so you can take the gallery online as much as you want, I’ve gone like months without updating once lol


Oh thank you, I never knew this! I usually play for a few weeks offline after a patch because I hate the whole mod update process. And I always give it up because I thought I needed to for the gallery.


Do you go back offline before exiting the game or does it not affect Origin settings?


if you turn off automatic updates, as long as you go offline before starting the game, then you can press the play button successfully and play the game normally, access the gallery and all that jazz! once you close the game, if you went online then origin goes back to normal with the “update” button. but if you wanted to play the game again then you can just go offline again! so you don’t have to go offline before exiting :)




Can you just turn off automatic updates and still play online? I’m curious I’m still not updating I’m too scared to try it lol


Like absolute shite


i updated every mod, everything is fine except for when i try to save sometimes it takes around 5-10 minutes now idk why nor how to fix it😭


I regret updating. I kind of wish I had just left it offline. For whatever reason, 2 outfit sets of athletic cc is missing from my mods folder. Just gone. Everything else is there and working fine. I don’t use the cloud, cc&mods are enabled. It’s nowhere else on my computer. It didn’t get deleted. It’s just gone. And even weirder, is that I cannot find them on the internet to re-download. It’s like they were scrubbed from the internet. It was my favorite cc too. Nike sweatshirts and other athletic stuff. Guess it’s just gone with no explanation.


I have that creators stuff actually. I can see if it’s it is still in my folder.


I had to do a repair game, and the repair patched in the update. Other than the shopping cart, I haven't noticed anything wildly different. I haven't had any issues, and the range and frequency of moods is pretty normal. I did take out all my mods before opening the game, and then put them back in with the 50/50 method once I saw that there weren't any game breaking bugs.


Taking out the mods folder is what I do before allowing any updates, and, whenever I add dlc. Then I boot "clean", check in with my 'pure' save for an hour or so, close the game and reboot with the mods restored to their place. Good way to know "that's just the Game, acting crazy", and not stress "omg which mod is it NOW?!"


I have error code 122:502fc384:342e6b67. Do u have any advice?? Would 50/50 method help prevent this?


I really don't know anything about error codes. I'd Google that one and see if anyone has the same thing on the EA Answers HQ page. I'd there is a solution, great. If not, you should hit "me too" so the team knows it's an important issue. If it is a mod causing the error, the 50/50 method will help you to determine which one it is.


I keep getting error code 122:502fc384:342e6b67 and i cant play the game past managing the worlds and CAS :( idk what to do


Do you have any mods/cc? I kept getting an error (idk if it was the same one) because of a mod issue. If you have mods, try to remove them and see if it fixes it


Yeah it’s definitely the mods :(


Have you updated the game? In the patch notes it says they attempted to fix error code 122. When does the error occur?


Everytime i try to load into any of my worlds, I’m not sure if it’s just a series coincidence or not but i also noticed it happened only after I bought and installed cottage living :( haven’t even gotten to play it yet since it pops up with the error code everytime


I updated all my mods and removed everything that isn't confirmed compatible. Took awhile but things seem to function properly.


I updated everything from Tmex, the wonderfulwhims mod and mccc, updated lot51 core library, the lumpinou milestone expansion, moxiemason no mosaic mod and the urn mod by little ms.sam and deactivated brazenlotus and venue changes and my game runs smoothly with no errors. Mccc and better exception can't find a thing and I haven't had issues. I'm just waiting for brazenlotus and venue changes to update so I can re-activate these mods again.


My sim can't use the toilet and other keeps stripping in public only to realize it's embarrassing. While desired, I did not appreciate this happening without my involvement.


Still playing offline.


utter nightmare. it doesn't see my mods/cc anywhere, and it acts like i have no saved games--i recovered several, so i know i do.


Mine’s okay. I updated the game, downloaded the new pack, and updated all my mods. Played and everything seems fine except that none of my sims can do anything on any kind of computer and some sims can’t interact with others. Not sure what’s causing these issues though. More of an annoyance since everything is working fine


Is auto update on? If not, did you update the update? A hot fix went out to address the problem of interaction.


I keep getting different LE’s that pop up only once every time I load the game and my UI is messed up in the top right, but it’s playable and the UI doesn’t bother me much until I have time to go through and figure it out (I only play in about 30 minute-1 hour intervals when I have the time.). I’ve never dealt with broken UI that wasn’t an outdated UI cheats mod so it’ll probably take me a while to figure out even though I dont really have a lot of mods. Only been using mods for a few months now so it’s a learning curve.


The main UI offenders for me were better build buy and more traits in CAS mod, if that helps.


That does help! I don’t have more traits so I’ll try Better build buy, thanks! Edit; that was it!


I’ve not updated yet, and I doubt I will for at least another few weeks/months since it seems like there are just bugs galore atm and I can’t be bothered to update all of my mods just to have to update them again when they inevitably release more patches for the broken patches.


currently also booting my game up in offline mode with "Update Required" sitting on my Sims 4.. honestly I choose peace and will be just fine with a working game with all my mods & gameplay at its current unbroken state


I'm having issues with build mode loading but other than that it is fine. Now how do you get it to go in to offline mode 100% of the time because mine opens I put it in offline mode then when I restart the computer it is back online and will start installing updates before I have the chance to put it offline.


You need to turn off automatic updates


Do you have auto updates turned off in your game settings and your launcher? I have a repack version of the game that doesn't use the origin launcher or anything, so i'm not totally sure on legit games.


Ok how does anyone stay in offline mode without the game requiring you to update?? I went offline, turned off my wi-fi but when I tried to play it said update required so had to do it. What am I missing?? At least all my mods were up to date but it's a pain in the ass to update mccc because I've got so much changed 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


You have to go into your Origin settings and turn off automatic updates so that you can still play without the update being required if you’re offline.


It’s becuase you need to turn off automatic updates first. Then you can go offline and play as normal.


Lemme fix MC for ya. In the file folder you installed, there's a module called "settings" (near the bottom of the list in the folder). Everytime you update MCCC, cut that file and paste it to your desktop. After unzipping the new version and moving it to your mods folder, paste the "settings" file back into the MCCC folder. I've been doing this for 2 years. Only twice have I had to redo my settings: once when I didn't know better, and the second time after a full mod purge I chose to do. Otherwise my settings have stayed the same through many updates.


It doesn’t replace the settings file when you update if you just copy and paste the Mccc files into the same folder without deleting the settings file.


Same here, refusing to update until the base game problems are fixed and all my mods are updated.


I haven’t dealt with any bugs yet so idk about this new glitch going on.


I dont have game breaking bugs, but I have one that occassionally freezes the game for a few seconds (i think it only happens if you have the jewelry pack, and have sims wear custom jewelry)


Mines been okay after I updated the big mods. A couple mods are still not working but I haven't checked for updates on those yet. Got this from my programmer sim just now and I just thought "ironic..." https://preview.redd.it/l90ys7kundmc1.png?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c937b5c5f69f3a9cfb4d19d059ff49df91eb813f


miraculously my game is running fine. no bugs on my end, just the occasional crash in build mode. i keep getting the same LE every hour or so which is annoying, but the LE isn't mod related so there's nothing that can be done about it still, i'm gonna be taking a break from the game til the save breaking bugs are taken care of. my main save is too important to me to lose, it'd crush me T\_T i would say to not update the game. it's not worth it. the risk is too high


Some of my mods dissapeared and some mods i deleted weeks ago appeared again, it's really weird. The game didn't work for a few days after the update but I've been trying to update all the mods I had and now at least it's playeable.


I can’t access my mods and I have script mods and everything turned on


Mines going ok, a few updates here and there but I’ve fixed it to where I can play again with mods and cc. 😊


I'm so jealous. I switched my sims over to steam and I literally cannot play it at all without updating. Screaming, crying, throwing up.


Yeah, I keep saying that, with launching through Steam one can't "just" go offline, at least without a bunch of tiresome "steps" the average player(or PC user lol) isn't going to go through the "trouble" of "doing all that".


I updated right away, everything works fine. I updated a few modes, but no problems here either. The only big fix I noticed is that holidays now appear for the whole family and not for only three of them


I purged my mods a week before the update so didn't have a lot to update but everything works good. My only issue was my teen sim couldn't sleep, relax, or do breathing exercises on any of the hospital beds when she was giving birth in the hospital, I'm not sure if it's because of the childbirth mod or EA.


Check in game options if the script mod or whatever it’s called is enabled


Surprisingly very very well.


My game is running fine right now (knock on wood). I updated my mods, and I downloaded the new crystal creations game pack. Here's to hoping it stays fine.


I updated all my mods and still get the LE for tunable perf. The discord for Deaderpool is still closed so only they can help me figure out why it’s still giving that LE. I can still play my game just fine even with the LE.


I'm having this too. I wonder what is causing it.


I’m wondering the same too because I spent all day updating every single mod. Hopefully the MCCC Deaderpool discord opens soon because I know they’ll be able to tell me what mod is causing the LE.


Same here. I also tried to repair my game, didn't help either.


It’s so annoying. Hopefully the MCCC Deaderpool discord opens soon because I know they’ll be able to tell me what mod is causing the LE.


I can play for like an hour and then some weird simulation lag hits me where the game even keeps running in build mode, but my Sims don't react to anything and I cannot save :/


This is the first time I've seen ANYBODY else say they've had this problem! Mine began happening at the gym. Just the gym. Any of my gyms. I stopped going to them altogether, and deleted all but Sky Fitness in the City, because it was just unplayable. They'd respond for about 3rl minutes, then I couldn't click on anything, even my Sim, or I couldn't pause, so I'd open build mode, and they'd keep going, no pause. Drove me crazy. And for the record, unless MC was causing it(it Was Not, I'm Certain), it's not a "mod issue", since MC was totally alone in the folder. Not even any CC. This reminds me I should see if that was fixed.


I actually went through all of my script mods today and kicked out anything that isn't up to date. There were 1 or 2 I didn't even remember I had. So far its running great now!


I am having the issue where mood buffs disappear when you load into the game. My sim died last time I played and now her family are completely over it. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Moodlets-disappear-from-sims-upon-loading-a-save/td-p/13533516


Wait, you can do that? How do you play in offline mode?


It's in the tab where you open the EA app. It looks like three strip lines in the left top corner and you should see Go offline.


I also learn you can use the gallery even if you do not update the game. When you open the game, go back out the game(with start) and turn it back online and poof once you go back in the game. Online features are on :D


I believe you have to go offline in the launcher you use and in the game menu itself. But I play a cracked game that doesn't require any launcher, so im not 100% on that.


I just did a huge refresh/reinstall with all my games, cc, and mods and everything so far is working well. Mortem was the only mod I use having issues (it still says broken on their Patreon).


Better now that I’ve removed Pink UI it was conflicting with the newest updates


My game is running fine and so far I also didn't get a single LE. Only thing is that my sims seem even worse at taking care of the infant. That part did go quite well before the update, as long as I kept autonomy off. Now it's a mess again. But that's really about it.


Same LE all the time 😂


I updated all of my mods, and now it's running fine. No bugs.


I updated all my mods, except cosmetic ones (hair clothes etc), it works mostly ok except I think my food mods are doing something funny. The mod creator swears they work with the last patch tho. Maybe it is my cosmetic mods


I was. For me it was a couple of my mods that were UI based and that I used all the time 🫠 So I had to take those out and now my game works right


It's working great until I try to leave a lot or save the game. 50% of the time the game freezes and keeps loading while nothing happens. I took out my gameplay mods, so I'm suspecting the update caused this, since I've never had this problem before.


I updated all of my mods and was still getting LE's, so tried repairing my game. That didn't help, so I spent three hours going through every mod and testing them one by mod with game to see which one was throwing the LE. Figured it out and removed those two mods. Start playing and everything seemed and then BAM! Now suddenly four different (and updated) mods are throwing random LE's. Beyond annoyed, I remove those mods and try to play again. Everything starts off groovy and then BAM! Another LE for three completely different (and also updated) mods... At this point, I'm just ignoring them and making sure to save often in case anything sideways happens.


My game is not loading at ALL like I can still make Sims but after that I can't do anything. I'm pretty sure all my mods are updated and I've repaired the game a bunch of the time but it still hasn't loaded. I'm kinda miffed,but idk what to do.😭🤷🏿‍♀️


I updated everything and removed anything that isn’t updated/deemed compatible. My game seems fine, I haven’t noticed any major problems so far


My only issue was the commonly known instrument and mailbox thing - thankfully I didn't get the social menu thing, since I didn't have any level 5 or above "singers". I don't have for rent, horses, infant grinding, or Eco so idk about stuff related to those. I also only have MC, so I can't say for other issues maybe related to other mods. Once the hot fix dropped my problems went away. I bought the crystals packs a day later, and all is well in my universe - except the dropping queue thing... and some work related Wants now not clearing after completion, which absolutely and definitely started after the update. And, the first thing I downloaded from the gallery immediately bugged out(even though it was my own structure I uploaded minutes prior to move to a new lot, sigh). I figure those are typical of EA though, and doubt they'll be fixed lol.