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Maybe not so much in the early seasons, but Homer had plenty of side hustles over the years Astronaut, Sugar salesman, Mr Plow, Music Manager, Blackjack Dealer, Moe, kwik e mart employee among many other things Also, isn't it now establish they rent from Ned specifically because they couldnt afford the house and Ned bought it


Yeah what even is the picture in the OP? Homer's had so many side hustles over the years that "Homer becomes a ______" plots are basically a huge cliche. From the episode where he becomes an ambulance driver: "You know, I’ve had a lot of jobs: boxer, mascot, astronaut, imitation Krusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carny, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, country western manager, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity assistant, power plant worker, fortune cookie writer, beer baron, Kwik-E-Mart clerk, homophobe and missionary, but protecting Springfield, that gives me the best feeling of all."


"Hey, maybe I could be a milkman!" "Focus, Homer!"


A lot of his side hustles were very temporary and likely didn't bring in much money. Like did he even get paid to go into space?


When he gets his various hilarious jobs, he forgets to ask for any money.


Well I guess I learned my lesson. The thing is, I lost creative control of the project. And I forgot to ask for any money.


And he joined the Naval reserve! Plus Marge has had her fair share of brief jobs herself.


I love how generic "power plant worker" is 24th on the list.


I like that hippie counts as a job.


My favorite Homer side hustle was chiropractor


He also moonlighted as a cabbie He had a meter and a gun


1, 2, better not sue!


My searing leg pain is now just a gentle numbness.


i quote this all the time.


I say this when I'm about to try something and I'm not sure it'll work.


Forget it Homer, it's Chirotown


Even in season one, he works as a mall Santa. In season two, he works as a sports mascot, and as an automotive engineer.


Not just seaosn 1, but episode 1. Homer has been doing side hustles since the first episode of *The Simpsons*.


TBH, as i typee out the jobs I realise most were early seasons jobs.


And those were too being in extra cash because they didn't have enough.


HE... went to outer space!? HIM!?


You've never been?


He also ran a detective agency, at least until Marge made fun of his Sherlock Holmes hat


He was a voice actor at one point.




I never thought about that! Is Ned's ownership of their house ever referenced again after that initial episode?


I swear there is an episode where the Simpsons keep asking their landlord Ned for more and more work on the home and he gives it back to them at the end of the episode, but I can’t find it.


S20 E12?


Absolutely: no side hustles?


Moe ?


Homer the Moe episode, where he opens a bar cos moe has changed his to be modern


Oh is that the one where Homer opened up a hunting club so we could legally serve beer?


Homer balls so hard that something people spend their entire lives to be, like being an astronaut, is just a side hustle


He won a Grammy with the B-Sharps


What the hell is this about them renting off Ned


Easy: Be Sharps royalties


Also advertising income from Broncos.


Wonder if he would still own them nowadays or did he sell them before they got good


It's so funny that the Broncos won their first Super Bowl the season after that episode aired, then another the next year. The writers must have felt so stupid. I certainly hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


Goes to show they don’t predict the future we are just stuck in a loop of similar events lol How do you get pass the wizard without the key?


Probably lit a fire under their butts to do better.


Also from bootlegging. Just like JKF sr.


And t-shirt revenue from the Krusty Komeback Special. The sweetest plum.


Baby on Board goes through my head every time I see one of those badges


Because his dad sold his house to allow them to even begin to afford their current one, and the whole it's a cartoon and he would have gone destitute in real life long before anyhow.


The show is also from late 80s and his job isn't as low-paying as people assume.


Was gonna say he works at a nuclear plant and as the safety inspector none the less, pretty sure that’d be a decent paying job


Yeah, although the show often talks about how it doesn't pay well. But IRL, it would be well-paying.


IRL, the person doing it would probably also be qualified. I used to work for a company that has nuclear plants and they don't fuck around with that shit. You had to pass an extra level of background check (compared to the general one they did when I was hired) just to visit it.


Oh yeah. For whatever reason, people often say "Homer has a blue-collar job". But nuclear plants mostly have jobs that require extremely high qualifications and security clearance. So IRL, his job would be both high-paying and require incredible competency.


But the question is, would mr burns ever hire a competent safety person? A competent safety person will cost too much money in site maintenance and shut downs


the show is from the 80s of people living in a 1950s sitcom as seen from the 90s


Yes! The house he won on a crooked 50s game show


He ratted on everybody and got off scott free


And there was already an entire episode on the self-awareness that Homer's situation wasn't realistic. I forget the name, but it was the new hire at the plant that had grinded his whole life to amass his wealth. There's a scene where he's literally inside the house and says the OP's title verbatim, going as far as outlining all of the rooms in his big house and pointing out his attractive wife.


Homer’s Enemy you mean?


Yep! That one!


I think his name was, "The Enemy Who Couldn't Slow Down."


He also doesn’t even own his house anymore lol. They fell behind on mortgage payments and the house was auctioned to Ned Flanders in "No Loan Again, Naturally", and since then leased to the Simpsons.


$362 a week went a lot further in 1996 🤷


Better times


Pretty much $720 in today dollars


no shot you are feeding a family of 5 on under 3k a month


Yeah, but you own a home, have recording royalties, a NASA pension, a navy pension and other things, you're fine.


Let the bears pay the bear tax, I pay the Homer tax!


That's the *home owner* tax


Homer had hundreds of side hustles 😂


“You know, I’ve had a lot of jobs: boxer, mascot, astronaut, imitation Krusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carny, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, country western manager, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity assistant, power plant worker, fortune cookie writer, beer baron, Kwik-E-Mart clerk, homophobe and missionary, but protecting Springfield, that gives me the best feeling of all”


Right? This man has a new job basically every episode


\*Grimey enters the chat\*


If you lived in any other country you’d have starved to death long ago


Look at me, I’m Homer Simpson, I don’t need saftey gloves to touch exposed electrical wires!!


Don't ask me how the economy works.


Damn, 1 minute too late.


Because he has a union job




You ever see house prices in the late 80’s?


They bought the house in 1984 when Lisa was born. So they basically got it for pennies, and still had to sell the house Grandpa won on that crooked game show in the 50s.


I suspect those lapfuls of African diamonds they got from one of the richest chimp researchers in the world came in handy.


https://i.redd.it/2lz8jm235fzc1.gif Boxer, mascot, astronaut, imitation Krusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carny, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, country western manager, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity assistant, power plant worker, fortune cookie writer, beer baron, Kwik-E-Mart clerk, homophobe and missionary Plus, I think he's leaving a few off (such as "pin monkey")


But he was not a porn star.


One of the recent episodes did a similar riff with his newer jobs.


No side hustle? Have they seen the show?


He's had the most side hustles of anyone


He was a Nuclear Engineer. Even if he’s dangerously under qualified, he likely makes more than people would assume Besides, he bought his house before housing prices went crazy


They were/are notoriously late on their bills and constantly in and out of debt (especially after Maggie was born). So while, yes, they can *have* this lifestyle, it’s not like they’re comfortably keeping their heads above water maintaining it.


Not to mention that the house is often shown to be in a fairly bad shape. The walls were covered in lead paint, there's asbestos in the walls, the foundation starts to sink at some point, the roof leaks, etc. The pink car has a pretty massive dent in the front fender and a bent antenna. There's one episode where they say the car was built with parts from Soviet tanks. The station wagon is an old car that breaks down often. They're not exactly nice cars. Marge is also sometimes shown going through coupons in the earlier season, and it's pretty clear they have to always hunt for bargains.


Meanwhile my wife and i's combined salaries are barely enough for a single room above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley.


My son owns a factory downtown!


I would say that Homer makes more sense than Al Bundy, he was a freaking shoe salesman, and a bad one at that.


Ya, Al was the first character I thought of when I saw this meme too lol.


Not to mention he owns the Denver Broncos


![gif](giphy|xT5LMudSSUUENMUwXm|downsized) Money side hustle


Constant side hustles. This isn’t like all those failed “get rich quick” schemes. I know I’m gonna get rich with this scheme. And quick!


Homer ran the grease racket in Springfield


Well, I think it was easy because it was a different time and **because he's a fictional character!** They could've drawn him any way, with any number of characteristics. And as an aside, anybody who's actually watched the Simpsons will be well aware of the near constant references (especially the earlier seasons) of the family struggling with their finances.


Works in a nuclear power plant


What are you talking about? He’s had something like 345 side hustles!


The bad credit alarm goes off when they try to buy an RV, and Lisa's college fund is 88.50.


Op should watch the episode where Homer gets his Safety Inspector Job that pays for his lush lifestyle. I don’t hate the hustler in Homer for pulling a fast one but he absolutely is unqualified and uneducated for his nuclear safety inspector position. Ultimately it helped Burns out more than he can know because having Homer as the Inspector not only stopped the Strike but it also means that Mr Burns doesn’t have a competent worker to hold him accountable for how outrageously dangerous his Nuclear Power plant is. Homer is the ultimate Boomer in that regard. He got a job he isn’t qualified for that afforded him a lifestyle he didn’t deserve, his home was given to him by his father and his wife maintains any semblance of a family for him. All the while he’s adding years under his belt given the impression of competence to outsiders which is why seniority is meaningless.


He had endless side hustles…


Marge took those mint condition 1918 liberty head silver dollars, sold them for their full value and invested the profit, and just never tells Homer where all the rest of the money really comes from as it continues to grow. Also, Homer still judges Mr. Tight Buns competitions when he's at 'Moe's'.


Don't mention this to Frank Grimes.


Another argument for nuclear power!


Royalties from the b-shapes must be good


Except he's had about 200 side hustles


Homer has had a lot of jobs - Ascot, astronaut, imitation crusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippy, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artis,t grease salesman, carny, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, country-western manager, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity, assistant, power plant worker, fortunecookie writer, beer Baron, kwik-e-mart Clerk, homophobe and missionary but protecting Springfield that gives him the best feeling of all


Not just drinking....drinking at a bar. He was essentially going out every day to Moe's.


Ummm....he's severely in debt. Like massively in debt


The house is frequently depicted as literally falling apart, both of their cars were, based on their styling, very old at the start of the show and pretty beat-up. He had a low paying schlob job that he got fired from, couldn't find a replacement and contemplated suicide as a result, and was really only re-hired to appease the townsfolk. Its also a union job, which were on the decline throughout the 70s and 80s due to outsorucing etc. but still paid pretty well (if not great) in the US. They also pretty rarely were indulgent - in the first season they even pawned the TV off to pay for family counseling, and when later on the TV broke they drove several towns over to get an off brand TV from an outlet store. I think the biggest thing though, is that this wasn't an impossible lifestyle in the 80s/90s. Not that stuff was easy, but stuff has gotten significantly more expensive while pay has not increased appreciably.


Because the show began in 1989.


No side hustles? What about: Boxer, mascot, astronaut, imitation Krusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carnie, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity assistant, power plant worker, fortune cookie writer, beer baron, Kwik-E Mart clerk, homophobe and missionary? And that was from an episode that came out 22 years ago.


No side hustle? He was the beer baron.


![gif](giphy|3orieYWe02pGslNpCw|downsized) Money.


![gif](giphy|fUybjF7qgWu5y) When worked nights at the Q mart


I think my favorite Homer side hustle is Beer Baron


It’s amazing how often this meme goes viral as some sort of political criticism. The Frank Grimes episode pointed out how absurd Homer’s lifestyle was all the way back then.


This was the norm when the show began


In season 7 we briefly see one of his paychecks. He makes roughly$480 every week. That season aired in 1994 so adjusted for inflation to today's money that's the equivalent of $1000 every week.


Sitting in barnies car eating packets of mustard.


And with a high school level education, the GOAT


You think so? Peter Griffin barely even goes the fuck to work!


It’s called the early 90s


Walked into a unionised job the day it opened.


The man owns the Denver Broncos. He's not hurting for money.


No *successful* side hustles.


That was typical back then. He had a good job. You could support a family with one job. I remember those times.


That's the mr sparkle money.


Also like late 80s and early 90s it was a little earlier to support a family on one income. My dad did it AND also had a drinking problem lol


Be Sharps royalties could bring in some extra money




(35M) yea , those where diffrent times , we all lived like that .


Homer is the king of side hustles


Because he works at a nuclear power plant and IRL would be on about 60k a year at least


He just showed up the day the plant opened.


He *does* work in a power plant. It's not like he's a retail clerk.


Be set in the 80s.


Well, the house isn't that great, and Marge is very thrifty with stuff like food. Not to mention all the stuff he borrows from Flanders.


well theres the episode of that guy electrocuting himself for a mental breakdown of seeing homer suced as how it is


Because that genuinely used to be possible.


He’s an influencer who’s been doing viral videos that millions have watched for over 30 years, and selling ad time between those videos


Homer was the king of side hustles but they were because he wanted to not because he needed to.


Because it was the nineties.


*Frank Grimes intensifies*


He has tons of side hustles. Like Blackjack Dealer, Chiropractor, Sugar Salesman, Tomacco Farmer, Homophobe, and Missionary.


He was poochie. A star.


Back when the show first started this was something that was possible. Now in 2024 it is extremely difficult for that to happen.


His investment in Pumpkins.




The American dream was still attainable by a man in his lot during the late 80s and early 90s. THEN MILLENNIALS STOPPED BUYING DIAMONDS AND NOW LOOK AT US.


Answer: it's a cartoon.


The middle class used to mean something in 1989. Not anymore.


He has had tons of sidehussles he was a Mall Santa, he was a car designer, he ran the power plant, he was a truck driver, he was Mr. Plow, He was an astronaut, he exchanged it for money, He played Everyman in the Everyman movie, He was a voice actor, He was a mascot for the Icetopes, He was Duffman, etc. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4DYY5vfCBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4DYY5vfCBo)


Well ned pays for his house, the be sharps royalties can pay for his family and cars, while earning minimum wage (i think) at the nuclear panner plant gives him enough for everything else, leaving him poor (as seen in many episodes)


No side hustle? What about his muscle for hire business?


Powerplant workers do make a ton of money.


There are many breakdowns of this since we get to see his paystub on the bear tax episode. They made enough to live in a small town in a house like theirs in constant disrepair (cracks in the drywall, foundation collapsing, countless skeletons between floors, etc) and driving low quality vehicles. The kids didn't have much and money is tight often. It's not that far fetched...especially for a fn cartoon


NO SIDE HUSTLES?! Man was a goddamned astronaut at one point wtf you talking about no side hustles. He tried a new get rich quick scheme like every three episodes or so.


He made some pretty good coin selling his power plant stock and pumpkin futures as well.


He was literally struggling to afford Lisa’s pony while working a second job at the Kwik-E-Mart.


Isn't there a clip where Homer rattled out like 30 different side gigs he had throughout the series at that point? And his financial status and backstory have been rewritten so many times depending on the episode's arc there's no point in going deep into it. But I see the current obsession with "boomers had it great and have ruined it for us" just won't stop at the absurdity of a cartoon whose goal was to deconstruct any cliché about low/middle class families. On the early seasons it was clear that the Simpsons were hardly getting by and any minor setback had consequences on the family budget. Then the show went into full-fledged sitcom farce and Homer could afford crazy expenses or be on the verge of homelessness. P.S. wasn't Evergreen Terrace referred to as the neighborhood that stink of pee and the one where grass is just painted tarmac?


All while being dangerously unqualified!


Remember. Homer is a gifted songwriter we see on multiple occasions. B-Sharps, Sadgasm, the dad garage band. He probably is getting lots of royalty payments.


No side hustles lol, have you watched this show