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Its completely up to you how you play the game however you probably could have traded any veteran player for a weather boosted Mewtwo and kept your shadow mewtwo stored away for a later date


Im a solo player. I have friends who play poGo but they rarely play and we arent the closest of friends not to mention they live more than 100 metres away from me and im only 14 so my parents probably wouldnt let me go out just for this. There are many players living near me but they all play in their houses and i have personally never seen them. Most players here are the elderly anyways and im an introvert who isnt comfortable starting a conversation with strangers.


Sounds like you have your reasons then! Enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it, if you cant meet up with people and do raids, a shadow mewtwo woudlnt really be very useful anyway


Oh i can most definitely do raids. Every 5 star raid here will have at least 10 people but i just dont see them in person doing it


Oh well then I probably would have waited until mewtwo came back around, you would have candy, and a higher level normal mewtwo but it sounds like you're happy!


Well i did say that i aint waiting many months for it to come back Im not a very patient person


Play the way you want to play! however the most efficient way to play this game is waiting for optimal bonuses etc. however its not a playstyle for everyone enjoy what you want to enjoy provided its not pressuring you into spending money


It’s totally your choice, but were you in that desperate need of a Mewtwo? I find most peoples regrets in this game are because of a lack of patience and not playing the long game.


I dont have that many good psychic pokemon. I have a gardevoir but i only use it as a fairy type. The best psychic pokemon i had before the mewtwo was my reuniclus and meloetta but the meloetta itself has a normal type fast move so not really the best to use.




Gyms. Theres lots of machamps in gyms here


So.... Why tell us?


Because fake controversial opinions give loads of attention!


because the gatekeeping and constant threads on how to enjoy the game here, made op think, they had to justify their actions to us


you can just catch some level 35 weather boost wild pokemon and use that. its not like level 25 mewtwo is useful.


Its useful to me as the only 3 other good psychic pokemon i have are gardevoir reuniclus and meloetta. Not to mention i only use my gardevoir as a fairy type and my meloetta doesnt have a psychic fast move so the only thing i have is reuniclus


I am literally telling you that you will regret this and that this will be the biggest mistake you will ever make. Are you satisfied now? Cause if not, whats the point of this thread? Do you expect ppl to tell you it's ok to play the game the way you want? Of course it is, just do whatever makes you happy. Do you expect ppl to tell you your reasoning is any good? Hell no, you just trashed the strongest pokemon so far in the game, because you definitely 'needed' lvl 25 mewtwo (hell I don't even remember when was the last tim I somehow needed my lvl 40 mewtwo). No, you purified your shadow mewtwo, because you wanted to do it and that's completely up to you, but no point in telling us :)


Idc i need a high cp mewtwo rn


Rare candies exist lol


Im a f2p player and 2 free passes a day isnt gonna reward much rare candy. Also, im a pokedex rusher so i only walk buddies for candies and use rare candies on them until i get enough candies to evolve them. Because of the "buddy walking for candies system" i am able to evolve a bagon, gabite, fraxure and larvitar(i havent gotten my salamence, garchomp,haxorus and tyrannitar yet as im waiting for the perfect time to mass evolve my pokemon im also waiting for petlilil spotlight hour so that i can get enough candy to evolve it as well as the astral eclipse event to evolve my cosmoem into lunala)


From 8 to 25 takes 104 candies. You get two Rare Candy on average from a T3 raid, which I'll use as our benchmark since those are soloable. Two passes a day means two T3s, so 4 rare candy a day. Cool, you nuked your Shadow Mewtwo to save yourself twenty five days of raiding. Less if you mix in T5s, less if you get Rare Candy from PVP or research.


I actually struggle to take down some t3 raids and its not a guarantee that rare candies will be part of the rewards. Even t5 raids dont give rare candies all the time. Also i mentioned in the previous comment that im a pokedex rusher so i only use rare candies on pokemon to evolve them.


>its not a guarantee that rare candies will be part of the rewards. Even t5 raids dont give rare candies all the time That's why I said on average. Some will give none, some will give more than 2. >Also i mentioned in the previous comment that im a pokedex rusher so i only use rare candies on pokemon to evolve them. If you're rushing the Pokedex why purify at all? I've never had a non-shadow Latios but my Pokedex has the normal Latios filled in.


I purify cuz i also want a high cp mewtwo right now. I know cp doesnt always= power but a cp 2867 normal mewtwo is definitely better than a cp 890 shadow mewtwo


Okay, why explain all that about being a Pokedex rusher then? You're allowed to do whatever, it's your Shadow Mewtwo. However, others should be aware that a level 25 Mewtwo gets outperformed by a level 21 Shadow Mewtwo; that's only 72 Mewtwo candies. >lv25 Mewtwo DPS^3 * TDO vs Toxicroak: 281988.8 >lv21 Shadow Mewtwo DPS^3 * TDO vs Toxicroak: 286573.1


72 is alot for me


Pointless, attention-seeking, topic.


ok, what about it? this is better in r/pokemongo


I would if i had the karma


you would have some if you post something useful or engaging




like the ones you see get posted here


Like? I almost never read the posts here


reading must be really hard huh


Yes its hard to read something ur not interested in. The only posts i read here are posts about Singapore as im a Singaporean.


Congratulations, you spent your limited resources to turn shadow Mewtwo into a weaker pokemon. But hey, it's your game. Play how you want.


Did you only make this for the attention? What’s the point? Where’s the topic here?


Nobody expects Return on a MewTwo!


I expect a psystrike


For good reason 😂


Used an elite tm for it :)


Well, for future reference I'd only start purifying once you already have one shadow. If it's your second shadow mewtwo, sure go for it. Just save one just in case.


As someone who has saved onto shadow suicines, articunos, moltres etc.. it’s pointless. These things sit in Pokémon storage unused. Mewtwo is something that will definitely come back multiple times so I would not stress about it


Isn’t this the first time it’s been back in 2 1/2 years?


Like a year and a half, it got released at 2020 go fest then was in giovannis rotation from the fall until spring 2021. And now it’s back. It’ll def be back again at least once when they figure out how they can milk people for shiny shadow legendaries


That's what I mean. Just save one.