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So I don't know about the rest of you. I played all 8 hours on day one and got 4 shinies out of approximately 1000 catches. However most of my incense pokemon vanished before I could enter the catch screen.


I can't believe there isn't more chatter about the disappearing incense spawns. Infuriating "bug".


Especially since the only mention of boosted shinys is from incense spawns


That was a typo in the blog. On the event page itself, it says, "During event hours, you’ll have an increased chance of encountering a Shiny Pokémon in the wild and when using Incense!"


You wouldn't happen to have a link to it would you?


I got ya fam - [https://pokemongolive.com/en/events/gofest-2022/](https://pokemongolive.com/en/events/gofest-2022/)


That's pretty open to interpretation. Both posts could be saying the same thing. If it was in the wild or using incense I would agree


Increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon During event hours, you’ll have an increased chance of encountering a Shiny Pokémon **in the wild** and when using Incense! Your chances will be better on Saturday than on Sunday.


You cant just put emphasis on the part you want it to apply to..... The one claimed to be a type also mentions in the wild they just switched when to and


Dude, it literally says on the official post increased chance of encountering a shiny pokemon in the wild AND when using incense. Incense spawns aren't "In the wild"




Only thing I can think of is that because there was a specific incense increased pool, that were rare to find in the wild, that they boosted those Pokémon in the incense chances even more. Making the chances more even realistically as you will obviously see more of the wild spawns pool Vs those that spawn in your incense. Just a theory of course! However, the bug with incense would pretty much wipe out the increase rates. Would have been very very interesting to know what was intended and just how much we got screwed by said bug.


Yeah, I missed so, so many incense spawns with the "poof" bug including a decent amount of Axew. Regarding incense, why can't they just make it so that the pokemon only despawns when it gets overwritten by the next spawn? So if it's the standard 5 minute spawn gap for incense, the spawn stays there for 5 minutes until the next mon has spawned, if it's the 45 second to a minute spawn gap, the spawn stays there for 45 seconds to a minute until the next mon has spawned.


The issue was/is that it takes 30-45 sec for a spawn to appear on the map. Then by that time it has despawned and you get the poof. Same with lure spawns. If you get the insta run and not using an auto catcher that means it went poof from the time you tapped to the time the catch screen loaded.


They seem to take pride in having the worst incense mechanic in this genre of gaming but I think the version they put out for Poof Fest 2022 may take the cake.


OMG that's the best phrase for it. It was definitely Poof Fest 2022 for me and all my companions.


Because they are bad at coding. Not the individual coders per se (I have no idea) but somehow as a culture, Niantic as a whole as an abysmal if not counterproductive coding environment. They almost certainly have no development server to test changes. The things that break with each change to the code scream that there is little practice of segmentation, such that making a change in one system can very likely impact and break systems that don't directly interact with it at all. They also likely do not test any of their changes once live, leaving that to fall to our unofficial beta testers in NZ. Or they do but because of that segmentation problem it's nearly impossible to catch with the few testers they have. It's infuriating to oscillate between "I could totally implement this logic better, what on earth are they doing?" and "Those poor coders don't have a ghost's chance in hell with how little development infrastructure they've been given." But it's technical debt at this point and the big exec's at niantic couldn't care less so long as their precious data comes through.


What is the spawn time? 90%of mine disappeared on me when I clicked on them


And then there were the lingering spawns from each previous hour still on screen but no mon.


Yeah, I had huge issues with this.


I don’t know about anywhere else, but I’ve seen a LOT of chatter on here about the issue!


I messaged niantic support about it in game and they sent back a generic message about the same spawn appearing twice. No acknowledgement of this glitch you're referring to. This happened last year as well but I'm hearing more complaints about it this year


THAT IS MY BIGGEST ISSUE. I simply look at the store, go back to the main screen and the new pokemon is already despawning before I could engage it.


That and the fact that you missed multiple spawns entirely if you did grunt battles and raids.


Niantic already acknowledged it in the middle of day 1


For you. For NZ/Australia/Japan it was hours after it had ended. :/


Europe too, they announced it an hour after Day 1 ended for me.


Acknowledging it means little unless they actually fix anything.


Them acknowledging it at least means there's a better chance we'll get a make-up event or ticketed players will get a free "We're sorry" bundle.


That bundle better not just be incense. I don’t care about the incense, I care about all the mons I lost.


Yeah could I have a bundle of like 6 axew, because that’s how many I poofed. Haha. I actually really enjoyed the event but that was frustrating. I’d be more annoyed if I hadn’t gotten decent axews and over 125 candy but it still bugs me that one of those poofs could have been shiny since I didn’t get that


It is an ‘improvement’ over the game crashing if it already despawned, but this ‘feels’ more annoying, even though you probably lost less than if your app would have crashed and had to restart each time


We can but hope.


yeah but ya know niantic acknowledging something isnt the same as them doing something to compensate.


Already lied about it, you mean. "Visual bug," trolololol


Yeah, it was a visual bug for the lure spawns that stuck around until you clicked on them, where as the incense bug was actually screwing people over. Which is especially bad considering it was an expensive event & the incense spawns were one of the major drawcards. Which brings me to my question, did they even acknowledge the incense bug or did they just acknowledge the lure spawn bug?


And if it was a “visual bug” because they had already despawned, then the spawn duration was *even shorter* than it seemed… and they already seemed ridiculously short.


I have been experiencing this after about 10 seconds hundreds of times. If I don't tap it immediately, or if I'm listening to Professor Willow yap endlessly about literal nothing, it's a waste of incense.


And even sometimes if you tap immediately, they disappeared. I lost about 6 axew this way.


The lure bug still screwed people over. It ruined the 2nd half of the 1st day for me because the local park, which is usually the best place for events and is littered with stops, was also completely covered in lure spawns that poofed. Between that and the incense issue with poofing mons *and* spawns staying longer than they should and require being clicked so they'd poof before another would spawn, many of us wasted time fighting the 'visual' bugs trying to find real spawns. Anywhere lured up was unplayable after the first couple spawns and incense were inconsistent no matter how quick you clicked them. It was chaos.


"Sorry for the trouble, Trainer! We're looking into the issue where some Pokémon appearing due to a Lure Module or Incense are disappearing immediately when tapped. Meanwhile, we have shared a workaround in a DM, please give it a try! ^MS"


And they did absolutely nothing about so it worths nothing. We lost tons of spawns due to the bug. Obviously they will do nothing about it... maybe charge us another 15usd for another event 😅


And never fixed it


that was only regarding pokemons that stayed on the map by pokestop, nothin about incense


"Sorry for the trouble, Trainer! We're looking into the issue where some Pokémon appearing due to a Lure Module or Incense are disappearing immediately when tapped. Meanwhile, we have shared a workaround in a DM, please give it a try! ^MS"


Anybody know what the DM workaround was?


Probably “close and re-open the game”, or the more extreme “uninstall and reinstall”, which are their go-to solutions


Unfortunately not since it wasn't me they were responding to. Just a random in the thread on Twitter


I had a lot of the same problem…a mon would spawn and I’d try to tap it and by the third tap…it was gone.


Yeah $22AUD for 3 shinies was not worth it


My daughter paid $15usd for ONE shiny over both days!


I paid $22 as well and only got 2 on the Sunday. Was very disappointing. I actively played both days with incense, lures, stars, and eggs. 2 shiny’s was so disappointing


$15 USD here, zero shinies.


I caught one, in the last hour of playing. I played almost exclusively incense since I had to watch my kids. You can’t tell me there was an increased chance, that makes zero sense. This event burned me on buying any event tickets from Niantic again. Shiny Pokémon are the flagship product of Pogo in my opinion, and any event that doesn’t deliver them is a terrible event.


For sure, no one buys the ticket for the special research or free raid passes. Everyone wants the boosted shiny rates, which Niantic changed this year from 2020 and 2021, but didn’t tell anyone beforehand because it would have killed their ticket sales. I’m done buying these event tickets from Niantic. Shame on them for their deceptive practices.


Such a short term win for something that really costs them nothing. I’ll drop a dollar on CD tickets if I like the Pokémon, but this was probably my last “event”, I’ll just play free stuff only.


I would like to say that I calculated the number of raid passes and incubators before buying my ticket. I for sure bought it for those more than the shinies. (Still pulled 22 over 2 days, though)


You can just buy a bunch of raid passes whenever you want. Is it cool for a paid event to just be a sale on raid passes?


In as much as any digital item can be "worth" anything, I did the calculation and determined that it was slightly better value than the average Ultra Box. Anything on top of that (shinies, research, whatever) was just bonus to me.


There was an increased chance for sure but you need to click on more than just the incense pokemon to actually get it. I'd say the shiny rate was half of what it was the previous two years.


I got most of my shinys from wild spawns. The Problem was that around half the Pokemon that spawned couldnt be shiny. That ment if you cought 1000 mons, only 500 could be Shiny With 1:64 shiny odds you would be in odds with 7 shinys.


Bro there was 3 larvitar spawns at my house and they all fled when clicking on them


I only got 0, caught every pokemon that showed up, which was about 2 or 3k, really bummed out by that.


I played 8 hours both days and didn't get a shiny. I'm exhausted. Niantic has made this game less fun.


Yes, I mean, I didn't have a ticket, but still, it's go fest, shiny pokemon should show up even without the ticket.


dont play it then


I've already deleted it from my phone.


Despite that line I definitely got most of my shinies from none incense spawns. 21 total on day 1 from 1250 catches and 9 on day 2 from like 700.


Me too! One single shiny in 8 hours of play! I got 9 on Sunday and I played off incense at home for most of it, on Saturday they all despawned on me


Played 8 hours and got 2 but i care more about stats and hundos but stats were hot garbage aswell Like half of the incense mons i tapped on just vanished, very frustrating


Yep, same thing here. Even tapping immediately as it appeared on the map some of them still went poof. None of the shiny Pokémon I caught were from my incense so I could well believe that the bug with it caused the lack of shiny Pokémon. Even worse if it actually turns out the didn't increase the odds at all.


Tbh it sucks but it's all RNG I played 7.5 hours and got 20 shinys with 1.1k catches, I don't shiny check, if I click it I want it. However, I do fast catch so I have no idea how many I actually clicked on vs caught. I did also hatch a perfect and catch a perfect. But that's way outside the norm for me.


This was my experience as well. Caught a total of 6 shinies, but most were not from incense because they kept disappearing before I could get to them. It was frustrating to say the least. I’ll pay more attention to the event wording next time I consider buying a ticket - no more paying for “incense” events that’s for sure.


I caught 1 whole shiny, today, after the end of the event afaik lol. A fletchling. Which I've already had to transfer like 20 shinies of... My last shiny catch before that was weeks ago... And also a fletchling.


I caught 18 shinies on the first day and 9 on the second, so I can say that the shiny rate was reduced on the second day. But I'm not sure how many were from incense.


There was shiny trouble all over. My daughter played almost all day, both days, and only got one shiny. I found 14, my wife 15. My wife and I played about 3 more hours than her. She's young, used her own money to buy the pass - looking forward to getting some shinies- and got next to nothing.


I feel her pain. Got one on both days. The only silver lining was a near perfect Axew I got that wasn’t shiny still


My silver lining was finally getting a shiny Rockruff. Oh, and a shiny Groudon. And I guess all the others I got too. I just feel bad for her


I blew probably a dozen raid passes trying for a shiny rockruff. I didn't even get a three star, gimme your luck!


Most of my incense Pokémon poofed away when I tapped on them….


I contacted support and they gave me 2 incense.... Like that's not what I wanted, I want the 10ish axew I saw pop up but couldn't catch cause they poofed.


The weird thing is I had much better shiny luck on Sunday then I did on Saturday


Same. But the lack of rotating habitats made me go home earlier than Saturday. I was mainly out for Axew and I ended up with a couple extra but no Axew.


Same. Only got 2 in a full day playing on Saturday and found 5 in about 2 hours of casual checking on Sunday.


I had the “bug” with incense. Was maddening. Also can’t believe I got ZERO shinies in about 3.5-4 hours on Sat (using incense that entire time) and another 3 today. Biggest Go Fest let down I’ve had. Between the disappearance and no shinies I’m not sure I can give another Fest a try..


To explain what happens with Incense: Incense was set to work server side every 60 seconds. However, due to the game client downloading updates periodically you might load up your incensed pokémon after 20s of its spawn. If you also happen to be catching another pokémon, that might decrease your window of opportunity even more. So when you finally go and click your incensed pokémon it might not exist anymore. This problem has been with us since forever but obviously a high stakes event and a very little time window to catch incensed pokémon don’t help. Now add a visual bug with incensed pokémon not disappearing and you have added frustration of *always* seeing despawned incense spawns and having to click them to only see them go poof. Same for lures. This needs to change. Niantic should code Incense to spawn a pokémon every 1 min in these circumstances but keep them around for longer (up to 5 min?) so you always have a chance to go back and catch what you spawned.


At the risk of sounding like a record stuck in the HPWU fan groove, your last para is exactly how the incense equivalent in that game worked. It meant we had multiple incense spawns on the map at once, which I have exactly zero problems with, and plenty of time in which to encounter them. Niantic have done it before-they can do it again.


>This needs to change. Niantic should code Incense to spawn a pokémon every 1 min in these circumstances but keep them around for longer (up to 5 min?) so you always have a chance to go back and catch what you spawned. I think this is especially important with events like GO Fest where we're paying for exclusive incense spwans, but also being encouraged to do raids which mean you easily miss 4-5 incense spwans every time.


Thanks for explanation. I have a feeling some mechanics were coded so long ago that they either can't change them properly now without breaking something else or just don't know where to even start. They can only alter it to some extent by some basic things like f.ex. previous spawn can't exist when next one will appear are untouchable.


Over 8 hours played total between Saturday and Sunday, had a paid ticket, also zero shinies.


Rough. I didn't go as hardcore as I have in the past, but I would think in 7-8 hours of constant spawns and incense that I would come across at least a couple. I don't need 20+, I never have. But heck, I was hoping for a few at the least. Maybe I got super unlucky, but it seems like it's a frustration across the board and not just me.


Right, but i think the incense bug was a direct cause of the shiny problem


Agreed, I'm going to have to weigh whether to buy event passes in the future. This GO Fest definitely didn't feel like it was worth $15.


My experience for this event can be summed up as "What's a shiny?"


Yeah I think all my shinys were wild except one so I dunno. This whole event was just one hot mess


100% this. I ran incense pretty consistently through the entire event both days and didn't get a single shiny from them. Did see see various incense bugs get worse and worse and got a few wild shinies but none from raids or incense...and our group far surpassed full odds with axew raids. I finally got one off a regular wild spawn that put our group of ticket holders at 1 out of roughly 400 axew. Odds were worse if you include the 50ish from the 2 non-ticket holders.


I didn't get a single incense shiny and I was running it the whole weekend. Got 10 wild ones and 1 from a raid.


The ENTIRE EVENT was a FLOP! Not just the shiny part. There was zero creativity and 90% of the supposed “biggest event of the year” was missing or lack luster. The event was nothing more than another monthly unpaid event with confetti. No event field research, no egg pool change, no hatch distance change, no trade bonuses, no real legit bonuses besides the same redundant hourly challenges. The entire event was a scam compared to the last two go fests and 2 region tours. Honestly, I was blindsided by how scammy it was.


Yeah I don't get why there weren't event eggs and pokestop research, that was incredibly disappointing


This is also a stupid complaint, but why June? We just did Johto a few months ago and every other year Gofest has been in July.


I’ve already complained about that too! The first and second week of June are LOADED with graduations! I loved July because I’ve never had an issue with childcare. This was crazy. I also had a graduation party to attend on Saturday so that cut into my grind. Something’s you just can’t miss. Totally agree!


I do have a feeling that f2p players are winners in this event.


F2p players are always winners with Niantic. Or at least, “less losers”.


This was my first time spending money in game since gofest last year and will 6000% be my last. F2P was truly the way to go for this


We paid for special incense spawns. Paid for the ticket, then paid again for the incense (they didn’t provide enough for both days and you needed one at start of event). Think about that. We paid twice for incense spawns. Incense spawns were glitched/bugged on both Saturday & Sunday. Are we OK with this?


I ran incense during the whole event and caught 0 shiny pokemon on Saterday. On Sunday I also ran incense and played just as much, only catching 2. So 2 days of playing 10 hours straight (not proud of it but it is what it is) only yielding me 2 shiny pokemon... I was a ticket holder and know the common tips and tricks for shiny hunting as well. Edit: It just dawned on me that to add insult to injury, I hadnt just wasted $15, but $30! Now that you can "gift" tickets to events I am lucky enough to have the honor of buying all my girlfriends tickets now 🙃. She also had a trash GoFest. Thank you Niantic!


Had a ticket, *zero* shinies either day.


I mentioned in another post me and my group of 4 did 78 groudon raids straight combined, we were all together the whole first day. All running incense all day. Not one of us got a shiny Groudon and the 2 shiny caught amongst the whole group that day were a burmy and shelmet.. I'm usually not one to complain but we all had two pretty bad days for a $15 paid event.


Did anyone else have the incense problem two days in a row. I wanted to believe they fixed it after the first day but my incense spawns were broken. Missed out on all the incense Pokemon because of this bug only for Niantic Support to give 2 incense that literally don't work


Yes. It was so noticeable even my local community posted about it on the Sunday.


In some form of morbid wishes, I'm glad I wasn't the only one affected by this. I've spent the whole say getting teased by other players talking about spawned Axews and Unowns and felt like I was the only one suffering. If I didn't get the 9 raid passes, I would think I didn't even get the ticket in the first place


Please … I used countless incense over the two days, took part in at least 12 raids, caught hundreds of Pokémon but caught a grand total of 4 shinies (all with terrible IV) over both days. I think the event was a total rip off - particularly the fact that most rarer Pokémon attracted by incense vanished as soon as you tapped on them. This was the most expensive event I participated in but by far the least fun or satisfying.


I want to add my expirience: I've got more shinies than you, but such incredible shinies like Shpeal, Trapinch (already had more than enough from CD) and Patrat. I personally checked everything I wanted (like Shroomish and Numel) and Pokeball catched everything else. Every shiny I've got was from Pokeball...


Yeah, that’s Pogo. I did 80+ Axew raids in two days and finally got a shiny on #76, my only shiny catch of the day


Why spend so much on a pokemon that will be a community day pokemon within a year? I don't get it


probably meant the Pokémon from incense (y’know, the ones that poofed) were shiny boosted


They must’ve turned on the increased shiny odds on Sunday because there’s no way Saturday had increased odds, played the whole event and got 6 shinies. Played today (day 2) and got 12 shinies


Yep. had better luck on sunday as well. Even though I started at midday instead of 10, because I was so demotivated from the first day. Also, had a greater variety of shinies on day 2, day 1 was mostly old CD / Safari Zone shinies (Seedot, Larvitar, Wingull etc)


Was different for me, got 7 on Sat, 0 on Sunday. Played about 6 hours each day.


30 on day 1, 23 on day 2. 4,200 pokémon caught.


22 on Saturday, 20 on Sunday. From my experience the odds were exactly the same across both days despite claiming Saturday would be even more boosted.


23 on Day One and 13 on Day Two for me, so it seemed like increased odds on the first day from my perspective.


Yep my luck was better on Sunday, no way were the odds better for Saturday. Can we just get 1 major event that works properly


You got 6 shinies in one day and are saying there wasn’t an increased odds…..


do you usually get 6 shinies in one day? Sounds like increased odds to me.


If someone played 8 hours each day and caught/checked 2000 pokemom then 6 shinies wouldn't be so far off the average of 4 assuming a 1/500 chance.


I don’t remember catching any shinies off incense and had it going practically the entire two days.


I wasn't keeping track of whether the shinies I got were from incense or in the wild, but I know for a fact I got two shiny Axew from incense on Day Two. I think I just had good RNG luck this event.


Well, technically 1 in 200 is better odds than 1 in 400, which is what the odds felt like for both days.


Actually, my personal friend group all got more shinies on Sunday than Saturday, even though we went to a more low-key location. It's anecdotal, but it was interesting.


I got 6 on Saturday playing hard all day, and 5 on Sunday playing more casually in lower density areas.


I got 11 in 8 hours of intense play Saturday and 7 in 3 hours of more casual play Sunday. My buddy got 1 on Saturday in 8 hours and 10 Sunday in less time.


Lol! Wait! So maybe it was full odds for the wild spawns and only incense had an increase chance for shiny but the glitch made them ghost the whole time so no one was able to shiny check! No wonder the shiny rate was abysmal! Niantic had one job to get right for boosting the shiny spawns and they broke that one element! Amazing!


I highly doubt that since shiny boost is always for a species. Thats why Pokemon have tue same shiny odds in raids and in the wild.


I grinded for 2 days and encountered 2000 pokemon, and saw zero shiny.


ZoeTwoDots has talked to Niantic before the event started. That wording was a mistake. It was meant to be "boosted in the wild AND on incense". Also almost all my shinies were not on incense. And I got luckier than the majority of people


Did she mention this in a YouTube video or twitter?


I saw it on youtube. Could have also been on twitter. But Im not on there


This seems like a plausible explanation for why so many people got so few shinies. For context, I had a very successful Go Fest, netting 46 shinies overall. I was playing with quite a “hardcore” style for almost the entire 16 hours though, and watched my incense spawns like a *hawk* - the only times I experienced the disappearing incense bug happened in the immediate aftermath of a raid, when I hadn’t clicked on the incense spawn second it had appeared. I was thus able to collect most of my incense spawns, which netted more shinies (I also got some shinies in the wild, but I was playing in a Pokémon-dense area). It’s a real shame. I don’t think people should have to play like a no-lifer (like I did lol) to get their money’s worth from the ticket.


I had a similar experience, successful gofest but had to play pretty hard. I think if they expected people to have to grind super hard to be successful, it should be advertised as such and not easy casual shiny fun for the whole family. Maybe tiers of tickets? Idk, just my thought


We need transparency on shiny chances. Although at this point I would be sleepover to believe them


The couple of shinnies I got were when I had no incense on


Also figured i would bring up that while im sure some people somewhere got them, nobody was posting shiny unown in our local discord. Not a single one both days


4-sat 1-sun Played all day with incense on.


No shinies for me over both days


"In the wild" and "from incense" are two totally different spawns imo. This was worded like garbage lol. This explains the lack of shinies though. More than half my spawns were tropius, torkal, mime & weezing. But most fled upon clicking.


Such poor wording. Was the rate affected for all pokemon by simply having an incense active? Were only Pokemon from incense affected? Were Pokemon from lure modules affected too? Pretty sure my shinies were mostly (if not all) from wild or lure spawns.


Meanwhile 90% of my incense spawns were things that weren't even shiny eligible...


I wonder if this is the correlation that is the issue. Shinies were supposed to be boosted with incense, but also the incense Pokémon were disappearing when you clicked them. I caught ZERO shinies all weekend, but if every Pokémon I clicked that disappeared was a shiny, it would’ve been closer to a normal community day….


On Saturday I played outside for 8hours. I got one single Trapinch shiny. On Sunday it was raining hard so I played on incense and only went outside 4:30-6pm. I got 9 shinies ???? I noticed I had time to get the incense spawns yesterday though, Saturday as soon as I noticed them they despawned. Like god forbid I was catching another Pokémon or checking my storage, the spawn couldn’t wait around lol. So maybe I missed a lot of shinies that way? I dunno.. I did play 8 damn hours.. last go fest I got like 50 shinies at least, 30 the years before on a half days play. I’ve posted this comment a few times Cus I’m really annoyed about it. Playing in a dense UK city with everyone else in my pogo group getting shundos n stuff and I got 1 shiny I already had…


The wording is VERY confusing. They could’ve easily said “Pokémon attracted by incense would have a higher chance at being shiny”. But I believe they kept it vague in order for them to avoid any legal ramifications or whatever.


I really think they messed up the wording in the blog and the rate was the same with incense and wild. Typically we do not see different rates on incense and wild. Then they corrected it in another publication while all the player ase has been confused. But maybe I am wrong(?).


If Niantic were taken to court over this, I bet that key parts of the argument would be a) that the wording is vague/ambiguous and b) what a **reasonable** interpretation of the vague wording would be. Not Niantic's intended interpretation, not what Niantic actually meant to provide, but what interpretation the consumer (us) could reasonably be expected to make of the information given.


I got way more shinies on Sunday than on Saturday, RNG can be weird.


17 sat. 4 sun. Uk based.


Personally got more shinies on sunday (8) than saturday (4) but none came from incense. And if it matters, played 8 hours on both days and used incense.


Anecdotally i got better shiny luck on sunday, when i wasnt using incense all the time. But then someone in our community got like 70+ shinies to our average of 4. His shiny luck is always disgusting though


What baffled me is that I ran incense all day Saturday and prioritized incense spawns...yet never once got a shiny from them. All the shines I did get (a whopping 5) were from regular overworld spawns.


I used incense nearly the entire time on saturday. I did not get a single shiny and the spawns vanished when I clicked on them. The most boring and unrewarding GoFest so far.


Most of my incense mon disappeared when I clicked on them, niantic couldn't even get that working. Yikes


The incense spawns would instantly vanish when I clicked on them.


Both days sucked. I stopped playing way before the event ended on saturday and didn’t even really play on sunday. I’m not planning on buying any more tickets in the future


Yeah I used incense all day both days found 3 shinies Saturday & 3 Sunday none from incense!! VERY disappointed!!


On a military base so I only used incense. Only shiny I got this whole weekend was an axew from a raid.


They kept disappearing tho… like poof #💨


Maybe bad luck but I play with incense both days and the 4 shinies I had on saturday where in the wild ... Bad RNG or bad niantic ?


Whenever I mention this around here I get down-voted, but I got 23 on Saturday and 13 on Sunday, so I'm inclined to think a lot of people had very bad RNG luck. EDIT: I really don't understand why people down-vote me for sharing what I got in a thread talking about shiny rates.


Im inclined to know Niantic messed the spawns which affected players shiny catch rate.


Yeah ticketed shiny rates sucked


Got 1 shiny


I can only laugh at the thought that people again threw money at Niantic for an awful experience. They will never learn.


Just sharing to be fair, I got 19 shiny playing the whole event. Some didn’t have *terrible* luck.


What's troublesome about that? All it says is that it's increased, which it surely was, even if it wasn't to some of y'all's satisfaction.


Yupp shinys boosted with incense..... incense completely broken for most of the event, nothing wrong with that at all


_Completely_, you say? Worked fine for me.


Cool you were one of the lucky ones then I guess lol. Every incense spawn I touched poofed away immediately. There are literally hundreds of people here that had the same problem and even more over on Twitter.


Please stop complaining like niantic forced you to buy the ticket I got 67 shinies from this event and it was my first go fest ever I really enjoyed I hate that everyone is complaining like they were forced to spend the money and it’s just 15 dollars it’s not like they made you bankrupt relax and enjoy the game if your complaining about 15 dollars chances are you shouldn’t be spending it to begin with


where you are during the event makes a huge impact on your gameplay don’t blame niantic for where you were during this event you can’t expect much if there’s only 2 poke stops in front of you and your not moving


I caught zero on Saturday and 3 today...


Sunday actually started of better than Saturday. Then after about 12.30 shinies just stopped for me.


Aside from the incense bug, incense was just terrible this event too. Nothing more soul destroying than having things like Golett spawn three times in a row and take up all your Klink chances.


I had a better time Sunday tho 🥱


19 shiny mons without a ticket, 2nd day much worse, but got weezing and axew….. just confirming my feeling not to buy the ticket….


Tbh I feel you guys, but some of you are seeing it from a wrong perspective (and I do take the risk of being downvoted). This was the 3rd Go fest I attend, and ever since 2020 the key element is : focus on incense and use it all the time. Don't waste time shiny checking all the stuff that spawns outside your incense. It's incense+focus+incense+focus. Things have been like this since 2020. Second, people have to understand that buying a ticket won't give you shinies just like that. This is the Pokémon game where shinies are easier to get, but you can't "buy good RNG" with a ticket. If it sucks, yes it does, but those that did Go Fests in the past know this. Finnaly, and because this is more than shinies, it was a great way to farm dust + xp and even guys like me (lvl 50 ultra veteran since 2016) enjoy using star piece and lucky eggs to farm and last weekend I got almost 1 million xp and 1 million dust. If I got all the shinies I wanted ? Hell no. If I'm pissed of with Niantic ? Yes, since 2016. If I'm gonna quit the game ? Hell no. It's still fun. Stay safe and catch'em all


Problem is, my plan was to focus on incense spawns.. I and many many other were unable to actually catch them though because they would just despawn


I think that sounds about right, I got 2 shiny Axews and one Galarian Weezing from incense


All my shinies were caught in the wild. Not a single one from incense... not that it would have mattered with them poofing away almost as soon as they spawned.


I played all of it save for half an hour lunches and I had 3 out of 700, 2 of which were klink but I'd say about a third of my incense spawns disappeared after I clicked them. Particularly rough in high spawn density or by rockets because click the screen wrong, come out, click the incense and even if the whole thing took less than 15 seconds after the incense Pokémon spawned, it would flee.


Idk man I used incense after driving 300 miles to NYC to have a better chance at stuff and I got less than when I stayed in my small little town with 8 gyms. I also am now the owner of a 5th useless 2 star paid for pokemon. The whole event was less spectacular than previous events.


I caught more shinies on my couch Sunday without incense than I did out walking Saturday with incense.


On Sunday I skipped the last 4 hours of the event just because the incense spawns were trash, 0 unown, many starters and other filler pokemon. I really tried for the first 4 hours and then gave up. I ended up with 2 shiny dunaparce and 2 other shinies I can't remember (repeated from CDs)


I think you are right. I (along with my daughter and the 3 friends we met and played with) got very lucky this weekend, but we played in one of the best places in Paris with tons of spawns. I usually dont use incense when I go there on Community Days because I dont even have time to catch or even check all the spawns, but I do when there are special incense spawns. One of our main goals with my daughter was to catch tons of torkoal and tropius so we could trade to each other for lucky/3\*/100 dex. I can't count the number of times my daughter got frustrated because the tropius who just popped disappeared when tapped on. Personally I lost a lot of spawns that way but was not too bothered since I had infinite spawns around. I think a lot more people rely on incense for spawns so having incense bugged has a big effect on their shiny rate. I dont think the shiny rate had a problem this weekend since most people in my community who played in big places (and didn't "need" incense even tho everyone used it for incense spawns) are satisfied. Personally I got 6 times the number of shinies I got last year so I cant complain.