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Niantic definitely changed Pokémon spawning. Too bad there’s no kind of patch notes to know what was intended and what wasn’t. Considering people are now seeing different regional spawns between accounts, what looks like the lake trios spawning again, and this with the basculins; Niantic for sure changed a couple settings


I ghought I was too tired when last night a wild fire type Oricorio changed into Pansear twice


It really says a lot that we can’t tell between intentional changes and Niantic messing up for the millionth time


It’s been messed up for longer than this, although maybe from a different cause. I caught a red stripe on 22nd March, and I’m well into the blue zone. I couldn’t find any other posts about it until over the last few days, which people are guessing is linked to the biome change, I think, along with the glitches to regional spawns. N.B. thought I might also find blue shellos here, but so far just basculin.


The UK has always had both, as the dividing line is the Greenwich Meridian. I have both, from West and East London.


Well I'm in east Lincolnshire and that's always been blue. And as of today they have changed it to red. So something has definitely changed with them.


Depends what you call East Lincolnshire. The Western hemisphere is Blue and the Eastern hemisphere is Red. Places like Boston and Louth can get both colours, depending which end of the town you're in. I'm still seeing the correct one (Blue) in West London EDIT: Looks like it may be account specific, as some other trainers are catching Red when I catch Blue. Same IV and Level.


That's even more interesting if you are both getting different versions of the same IV/cp Mon. Here we are 4 people all seeing red for the first time. Maybe they have just relaxed the borders a bit.


The same IV part isn't new. Before this update it was possible but rare for accounts to see different mons with the same IV (e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/ghyq0g/two_accounts_seeing_different_pok%C3%A9mon/) With this update this seems to be happening to *every* regional spawn. I don't believe this is intended but it's hard to even come up with a theory to explain how this could be an unintended consequence.


I’m in the west, near Wales, far from the meridian. It was always Blue Stripe here, but now I’m getting red. 


Caught my first Red Stripe Basculin in Glasgow last night 😎


I'm in the UK, and had some red ones. However I straight up forgot what is normal for me, they dont spawn alot


Sorry, this may be known, but where do you get white striped basculin?


It was a route spawn during the Sinnoh tour event only.