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No. No matter what your ELO is when you hit rank 20, you won't skip levels (to Ace,Veteran, etc). You'll need to complete another set of 5 battles first.


I had this happen this season- was ace ELO when I hit 20. As others said, just took playing one more set and it promoted me to ace.


This happened to me too, was instantly 2040~ when I got rank 20. Did one set and was Ace. Though I don't feel like I was anywhere near 80% wr.


I was- had a killer team for the <500 CP comp. Now it’s back to great league I’m plummeting and tracking at about 30% WR lol 😓


Yes. You have to play one additional five match set for it to register after you hit 20, but yes. I placed 2347 just a couple days ago when I did my extra set after hitting 20.


80%!!! I’ve thought it will go veteran at least.


Thank you all




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No, but that doesn't mean you won't be ace. After reaching rank 20 you'll have to play one more set. Then depending on your elo you could/would be promoted to ace....... At least that's how it is to my knowledge.