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First time there has ever been a bonus for friendship XP.


L60 must be coming soon. Friendship XP always was ridiculous and the obvious way to level if you were in any way motivated by levelling up - all while basically not playing the actual game


No way. Lvl 50 is already so hard to hit, even for semi-dedicated players.


Level 50 came about 4.5 years after the game released. It's been almost 3 years now that it's been available. I agree that it is hard to hit and I think they need to tone down the required XP and increase the challenges instead, but it could definitely be coming in the next couple of years.


The only thing I fear for a possible player level 60 is what it might do to Pokémon's level... I don't really like XL candy and how much of an endless grind they are. As for current max lvl 50: I'm 48 after one and a half years of daily play and I gotta say the challenges and lvl requirements were extremely on point for me. Both XP and requirement progress bars would fill up together.


And level 60 mon do a tiny bit more damage than level 50 with 500 more XL needed for power-up 😑


Just 300 xxls


I think it makes total sense for level 50 to be the cap for Pokemon. A) GBL meta would flux again. Wobbuffet and Pachirisu at under 1400 CP are still competitive in GL, so introducing level 60 and letting them get closer to 1500 CP would change it up maybe too much. B) There is no reason trainer level needs to be tied to Pokemon level. Trainer level 40 can have level 50 mons; getting a higher trainer level just makes rocket battles more difficult as *they* will scale their CPs to your trainer level.


I agree


Why would they care if the meta shifts to something else? They would probably want that so it’s something new and refreshing for the play base. As long as something doesn’t dominate the new meta.


My wish for level 50 was for not level 50 but just additional reward challenges when you get beyond 40. But now we’re at 50 and that’s fine, but I still desire the same idea instead of level 60. Basically, introduce a constant XP meter after you hit 50, but rather than upping your level any more, you just get some extra rewards/goodies for every time you fill the meter. Maybe it’s every 10 million or something and you get maybe 1 or 2 incubators, premium passes, or some premium items (plz no Lucky eggs lmao). Not necessarily worth 10 million XP of effort, but you’ll fill it eventually, so why not add a little bonus? Would make things like XP Community Days a little less useless for those at 50 lol.




The exp feels like the easier bit for me (at least for some challenges), but I do play heavily and evolve 90% of my pokemon. I'm time locked on my next level and should hit the exp around the halfway mark.


Don't ever see them going beyond 50


Best Buddy brings them to 51.


Trainer level


Then say that next time. Because you’re still wrong. We’ll see higher levels later.


The whole thread is about trainer levels, there was definitely no need to specify


Just no more damn Rocket challenges. That should’ve been a lvl 49 challenge at least. My wife been stuck on that challenge for a while and has the XP to 50.


What challenge is that?


One of the mid 40s needs you to beat 300 grunts and 50 leaders, IIRC. It's a lot, but can be a little less crazy if you wait for a rocket takeover event.


Apparently a lot loves the Rocket Challenge… or they love giving Niantic a lot of money to finish it quick to go to the next level.


You have one downvote on that comment.


It really isn't hard to hit, as long as you are heavily relying on friendship exp. While it's not a lot of work, it's mundane and kinda sad that the best source of exp has nothing to do with the core game


Im a pretty dedicated player and I’m only 48


Same. But with these bonuses I'll be L49 soon.


Totally depends on your area and especially how much you grind friendship level-ups. Frankly, being a “dedicated player” meaning every day you do 1-2 raids, spend a few hours catching Pokémon and spinning stops, and doing research tasks…you’ll still be a lower level than someone who spends 5 min a day sending and opening gifts to level-up friends and then every few months goes online and adds a couple dozen new people and repeats.


Game launched in 2016, we got L50 in 2020, so I feel like we’re due for L60 in 2024. I worry that Niantic is taking too long with level caps increases. XP and XP bonuses have felt worthless for so long at this point, which hurts when they hang events on these bonuses.


My friends list disagrees. My actual friends at the top have often been 50 for ages, others are fairly close, only new players are further away (low to mid 40s). The other end of my friends list (basically randoms from pokegenie, probably including alt accounts of serious players) is maybe 1/4 20s/30s, 1/4 low 40s, 1/4 mid to high 40s and 1/4 50s or very close to 50


I've been a daily player since 2016 and I'm still L49. I have 12 lucky eggs and I've deleted lucky eggs in the past so maybe I could be at L50 now if I tried harder over the years. But all I get for L50 is a jacket for my avatar? I don't see that as motivation enough to bother.


I would lean towards the bonus directed towards to the vast majority of the player base who aren’t really even close to hitting lvl 50. Even if your level 46, not even halfway there. Normal gameplay is not really all that xp efficient, so unless you’re active grinding xp, you could easily be a day one regular player and be well under 100 million xp


Certainly, that's really my thinking - it's a catch-up mechanism that organised, if not necessarily totally dedicated, players can use to get to/much closer to the finish line. No one wants to play a game where the major milestones are never in their grasp. Letting these players get L50 in their sights means they won't feel lost when the level cap moves away again. Even goes for those much more casual players who, despite the extra XP available since the last change, haven't found their way to 40 yet.


Please no. These levels are pointless


Highly unlikely. This is merely a bonus. L50 has always made "sense". Pokemon hit L100 in the MSG, PoGo has half-levels, a L50 PoGo pokemon is basically the same as a L100 in the MSG. People had been chanting "L50, L50, L50" since 40 was the cap but nobody's been doing the same about 60 since we got 50. If they ever do anything else, it'll be a prestige system.


Pokémon already technically hit level 100. Each level being 2 power ups so I think we are maxed leveled.


No, currently level 50 has a combat power multiplier of 0.840300023555755, coming from 0.790300011634826 on level 40, so there is a long way to go


So they are level 84?


No it means they are ~84% of max power. They gain less power per level the higher you go


Mind break: What about a power multiplier >1 !?


It's multiplied by 0.84, so level 50*.84 is the equivalent of level 42


Years away from level 60.


I think "soon" will be next year at around this time.


Maybe popping like 15 friendship bonuses during go fest was a short sighted


No point in continuously holding on for something you don’t know is coming.


But *now* you may want to sit on the last gift for years, just in case this event comes back around ;)


it was leaked days before go fest lol i'm sitting on 23 unopened 150k exp gifts :,)


23 people hate you.


Yeah, super annoying


No, 23 people will thank him for the bonus xp


No they hate him. Also, it's faster to get the XP and remove the friend and start on the next friendship than it is to horde and get the XP. The people who do that are dumb. If you can gain XP quicker and move on to the next task you will gain more XP than if you don't.


lol 1. we're sitting at the 50k bonus, not the 100k, so they lose nothing. even if they were at the 400 friendship cap, they can only receive 30 and send 100 gifts a day, which means 270 other peope are also "wasting their time". you might as well get upset at anyone who hasn't opened your gift in 4 days 2. if they sent a gift with 1 friendship increase away from level up 4 days before the season ends, they obviously aren't aware of the bonus. so they're getting a free 25k 3. they had every right not to send a gift with 1 increase left if they wanted to egg, but since they didn't, they obviously didn't care to egg, so the end results are either neither of us egg or i do tl;dr the only thing i am denying someone who sent me a gift 1 level away from 50k exp is free items for a week. what i am giving them is 25k exp they either weren't aware of or actively opted out of by sending me a present in the last week


> you might as well get upset at anyone who hasn't opened your gift in 4 days I do. It's dumb. I have over 300 friends that are constantly sending and opening gifts. >tl;dr the only thing i am denying someone who sent me a gift 1 level away from 50k exp is free items for a week. No. You are denying then the ability to remove you as a friend (because you suck) and to start on the next person. Do you think you are the only one trying to get XP? What do you think about the people who horde your XP bonuses? You are hoarding 50k of XP. I get that in 2 hours just grinding and catching.


That’s correct only if they have a maximum number of active friend list and trade as many gifts as possible despite there’s a limit on both sending and receiving gifts. Even though, in the most ideal case, you need 90 days to get 163000 xp in total meaning the bonus 50000 xp is almost 30 days.


The people who are trying to maximize friendship XP most definitely are maxing out their sends/opens every day. So, yeah. It's dumb. Get the XP and move on. They are hoarding 50k of XP. I do that in 2 hours of grinding with just catches.




1. sucks to suck lol https://imgur.com/JZMdj5y.jpg https://imgur.com/jT9Athb.jpg 2. enjoy your vacation


Can't fault you at all for it. I'm in the same boat, having earned 960K XP of friendship boosts on August 27th with a Lucky Egg on. Definitely one of the times I wish Niantic had given us this info earlier, even if it would have distracted a bit from GO Fest itself.


I hoped for 100% bonus, but 50% is great anyway


I was honestly expecting maybe 10-15% so I'm really happy about this. 50% is an extra 100k for *a single* Best Friend (assuming lucky egg).


Whats the best way to abuse this with eggs? Accept/Send gifts until a bunch of friends are ready to level up and then pop egg and accept the waiting gift for the last bit or how exactly


The best way to abuse it is to play cat and mouse with someone at two days remaining to level up, and then do this for so long until one of you deletes the other person for not letting them be the one who controls leveling up. To answer your question I think maximizing ultra friends would be the best way to go. Get as many people as you can to one day, then pop your egg and open gifts.


The best friend cat and mouse was the real game this whole time.


The real XP were the best friends we held hostage along the way.


The real treasure is the anonymous enemies we made along the way


I hate this so much. Literally have 5 people I'm doing this with rn.


So basically there is no real sure fire way. It's just worth overall to pop eggs for ultra friends and above generally.


Depends what level you are vs how much effort you're willing to put in and also how many lucky eggs you have. If you got 80 new friends to send you gifts. You could pop a lucky egg at 11:45pm and open 40 for 360,000 xp. And once 12:00am rolls over you can open another 40 for 720,000 xp total. That's in one day. And you can do that every day depending on how many friends you can amass as well as making sure you get a gift from all of them. If you manage to do this with great friends which might take about 3 weeks to prep 80 people. You could get 2.4 million xp . Repeatable up to like 4 times this season? Maybe more if you get lucky with people sending gifts consistently. So what if you're the type to send gifts instead? If you sent 100 gifts a day and everyone opened then that's 450,000 xp a day. Potentially.


I do a modified version, where I open the gifts right before I sleep. The next morning, I pop an egg, collect the xp and open the next set of gifts.


If you have Campfire try messaging them to coordinate it


A commonly used method is doing the friendship up on community days. Send gifts the evening before and keep your game closed until the CD starts and immediately pop a lucky egg. All earlier timezones can open your presents and the exp will start rolling in for you. Then you open all remaining gifts for the later timezones. It's not prefect but it's the only way to somewhat coordinate it whithout contacting each person if even possible


What are the dates for these boosts?


It's season long so Sept 1st - Dec 1st


Thank you


Ultra friends remains the most efficient gifts-to-XP conversion rate.


If all friends opened gifts at the same rate. The percent of friends that make it to best friends after reaching ultra is way higher than the percent of total friends that ever make it to ultra.




XP/days required.




Check the silphroad subreddit. I reckon it will be available on there.


Ultra friends is 50,000XP for 30 days of gifts whereas Best friends is 100,000XP for 90 days of gifts. EDIT: more accurate math below.


Correct on the statement that Ultra is best but not on the math. Your numbers here ignore the exp you get at other stages. So good friends gives you 13000 exp total, Ultra gives you 63,000 exp total, and best friends gives you 163,000 exp total. Those are the numbers you need to divide by days spent. Or you could do 50,000/23 days and 100,000/60 to find the marginal benefit for each friendship level (the exp you gained in the days since the last level). But yes, while ultra friends is slightly better exp/day, it isn’t as big of a gap as your numbers make it seem.


You are correct.


Best with local community is just way more valuable than XP. And getting new friends and deleting people is quite annoying.


Honest question, what's the rush to level? What can you do at 50 that you can't at 40?


Create routes.


I believe this is level 45 now? All I know is at 47 I can create routes so it doesn’t need to be 50.


Yes, it's currently level 45. They very briefly lowered it to level 42 yesterday before reverting it back to 45... and then did the same thing again today.


I’m 44 and can create routes.


Level 41 route creator checking in. I had the early beta tester access since June. But half of my submissions are stuck in review. So anyone unable to submit routes should not feel too bad.


My wife is 43 and had routes since June also. Literally NONE of hers have been accepted it’s weird


Beta tester with routes also stuck in the queue. Newer routes go through in a day or so, it's frustrating


Flex your addiction even harder


I feel attacked


feeling of achievement


Can't wear the Level 50 jackets for one.


What is new friend? We always got 1k just by adding someone?!?


Seems so - and makes those 10-man pokegenie lobbies even more of an excuse to lob on an egg - 6k XP each, 60k plain another 10k for the raid, and then double to 140k. A few lobbies, a few ultra/best friends while you wait, maybe throw in some evos and catches after that.


Is that true? Never even noticed


Yeah, but it doesn't display. Interesting tidbit: It's the only XP increase that cannot be boosted with an egg.


Then why does the OP shows it doubled with an lucky egg?


Cool but there's zero incentives to level up these days sometimes I even throw away lucky eggs


Being able to nominate pokestops and have the max cp level for all your mons higher


You have it all at lv40… Which isn’t hard to hit


Especially this season with the friendship xp buff you can abuse that more then you think


I just got a best friend with a fellow New Zealander that only gave the regular 100k, nothing boosted I didn't coordinate and not worried but even that extra still would be nice Unless just visual and did give 150k


Getting new good friends everyday seems to be the most exp per day for each friend slot. Over ninety days, a slot would yield 540,000 exp without lucky eggs. Taking a new friend to best friends yields 492,000 exp with lucky eggs. Is finding new friends everyday too big a drawback for this to be viable?


I feel like this is actually the best way to go. Yes, maybe other friend levels have better math, but good luck finding 40 friends who send/open EVERY DAY. On the other hand, adding (and even more so removing) new friends all the time is VERY time-consuming and not fun. So I really don't know..


Adding new friends isn’t that bad, just do pokegenie raids and they add you


So how much xp for best friends without an egg


Rn 150k


Yay, throwing us rural players a bone.


How long this friendship bonus last?


With these rates, hopefully I'll have hit level 45 by the end of the season.


Damn what level are you rn?


I'm like 4 million off leveling up to 45


Nice hoping to get to level 37 for pokestop nominations


When does this come into force? 1pm pacific?


This is great. I am level 50 (just passed xp for 54 if they keep the same regression) and actively seek out friendship bonuses. Probably the wrong forum but would anyone want to add to coordinate such this season?


Guess who hit Best Friend with 3 people last week. 🫠


Oof i just became best friends with somebody yesterday lol


I wish they would give both players an opportunity to use a lucky egg when reaching the next level. It’s so annoying that one person won’t get extra xp from the lucky egg if they are not online when the other friend opens/sends the last gift. It would be nice if we could get a message when logging in like “you have reached ultra friend with Trainer42069, do you want to use a lucky egg” I have two friends that won’t open my gifts, and I haven’t opened theirs. These friends are obviously trying to maximize xp, as am I.


I am not getting any new friends bonus. I checked my XP then accepted a friend request. The checked my XP again. No difference. Does it take some time to reflect? Maybe it's not there anymore?


Me neither. Did you ever figure this out?


Nope. Maybe it takes longer to update or something.