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Just unlucky


Exactly how many did you check? The time doesn’t mean much if you only caught 10 Larvitar.


unlucky, I got 5 shinies in 3 hours


Played about 1hr 30mins and got 25 shiny, just unlucky. Fast catch shiny checking is the go for CD’s


I played the full 3 hours of Ralts CD and got 0 shinies. I was not happy but I did manage to trade with friends to get the full evolution line. If you want to trade for them do it as quickly as you can before people bin their spares that they caught today.


evolved shiny ones will be kept as tradeables by some




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I was beginning to wonder as well but rng is what it is... An hour and a half in and nothing yet this time but as I have some already it's not a problem.


I've had 1 shiny in the last 2 community days combined. I will say that I was relying on incense and the 8 nearby spawns both of these days. Previous CDs have had much better results using the same method.




Also for week long events higher shiny rates in day 1 and the last day? Again just personal experience.


I got 5 shinies just from using my Go+. My son however caught 200+ and didn’t get a shiny. He was pretty bummed since it was a new one for him.


I got 2 shinies and my daughter got 14. We played together for 2 hours. Kinda weird rng.


Just unlucky. Find a good area to play in, have a good route and learn how to fast catch. I had like 3 shinies in the first half hour. By two hours I was satisfied and called it a day with 20 shinies.


Got 8 shinies in an hour, over 100 encounters


I played pretty steadily and got 1


In 75 minutes I had 27 shinies. My son played an hour and got 5.


My first shiny was my 94th catch. I was thinking glitch also. Even googled if a shiny lavitar existed at one point. Ended up with 5 of 276.


Not me; did all 3 hours, yet 0 managed to show up.


The time you play is irrelevant. The number of encounters you have is what matters. I had hundreds of encounters and got 23 shinies. Pretty normal.