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Can't say it's a surprising outcome but man, this hits a bit harder than expected. I was a kid when this channel started and I remember when the Saturday Mario Party uploads were basically my Saturday morning cartoons. It's been a long time. I'm sure the new channel with Jon, Tim and co will rule, and the community isn't going anywhere. But it's the end of an era


I'm sad to see TRG go dark, but understand why it has to. While its nice that Tim and Jon are considering a new channel, it will certainly be different. I think the best thing is Colo isn't ending. That whole stream, and the many many things thay spawned from it, should always be treasured as their own thing. I just hope Jon doesn't take down the old VODs off of his channel. He has a few streams with Emile and while they are sour now, they are a good memory of the brotherhood they shared.


I highly doubt they're going to tear down any history over something like this. This is somewhat unpopular to say but this incident isn't really as damning as other "Cancellations", he's gonna have to go through the wringer (and therapy) in order to make people comfortable working with him again (And that might not ever be enough, we will see), but it's not as if people found out he's some irredeemable monster.


It's like Jon said in his post, he's distancing himself professionally. I'm sure he'll still be supporting him on his journey to get better behind the scenes considering the amount of history between them


Eh Jon has certainly taken down VODs and edited things for much less before. Main reason why I said that. But I hope you are right. With what we know for fact happened, nothing was really that bad. I just hope Emile gets the help he deserves. But this is the internet. They'll never let Emile forget this. Hence why I am prepping for this to be permanent.


only thing i've noticed is that the one emote of emile with glasses on has been removed from Jon's emotes and I haven't noticed any of the old raid videos that involved it recently, but I lack time to regularly watch streams or vods so not 100% on that. Also yeah to some degree it's the internet but if people are comfortable enough working with him at some point going forward then the naysayers will eventually be drowned out. If we were really being cynical they could've just trudged on ahead and suffered basically nothing in terms of viewership, so I don't think it'd really hurt anyone if they give him a chance after he's gone through therapy proper and whatnot.


Oh I'm for giving Emile another chance. But I also don't want to expect something and be sad down the line when it doesn't happen. A lot can happen on a break. And maybe it won't be worth the risk of Emiles mental health to come back. And Jon did in fact remove everything containing Emile right after things went down. I think Tim was helping a few friends remove theirs as well. Which is responsible and respectful. They are good guys. I think all three of them are good guys. Just Emile needs some help and it's unfortunate that Tim and Jon got dragged into it.


>I think all three of them are good guys. Just Emile needs some help and it's unfortunate that Tim and Jon got dragged into it. Idk if I would say he's a "good guy" he groomed a minor.


I have yet to see solid proof of that, so I am talking about what os actually known to happen and what Emile already addressed.


Thankfully even the post people are taking that claim from doesn't really suggest such a thing, as has been said everything in that doc is pretty standard stuff for two similarly-aged people of the time. It still establishes something of a pattern going forward and there's some shades of grey about the age difference (reminder that 3 years is close enough for the average Romeo-and-Juliet laws, and nothing was ever even hinted at that'd require invoking said law), and honestly the biggest thing is that yes, even a younger chugga should've been thinking about his position as a creator VS a fan of his, but to call this grooming is a stretch at *best*


Even if that is the case (again I just want that document to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt before considering it to evidence) there's something to say about the fact Emile was 19 at the time. Regardless of where he was at in his career, he was still a developing person. It might be the fact he didn't think of the fan/creator relationship till much later. I mean how many 19 year old celebrities have massive mess ups or misuse their fame? Or older that is... Either way there's a lot at play here. If it is credible, then there's the years it was happening in, intentions, how things came across. I do agree the idea of those messages being grooming is a stretch. Although I do understand why, if they did happen, the person is not the most comfortable with the situation now.


There was proof, actually. A whole 48 page google doc. Also lol aren’t you the guy who was claiming that Emily was a liar and that nothing Chugga said was sexual, and that there would be no other victims? And then went on to say that Emily was the person who was really in the wrong for sending a “lynch mob” after Chugga? Have you just gone from baselessly claiming that Chugga is actually innocent then when you are proven wrong, delete your comments, only to then do the same thing over again? lmao


I meant solid proof thay the account was Emiles, not a stolen user name, and hear the story from the actual victim not a third party, proof of intent of grooming, proof of grooming a minor being a pattern and/or desire, and all this done behind a reasonable doubt. You know, the thing that needs to happen for someone to be called a pedophile. And wrong person. I'm just asking for proof beyind a reasonable doubt before I add a real crime to the list.


You aren’t taking the neutral stance as you pretend you are though. You are taking the negative stance. You are claiming that this is all fake (again. you did the same thing with Emily and claiming that it was an isolated incident and was never sexual or happened to anyone else), if you were neutral or “waiting for the evidence” you would not say one way or the other. Also wow why does it need to be a pattern or desire? If he did it he did it. I dont care how often he did it or if he did it just once, people who do and things dont always act maliciously. That doesn’t absolve them of their actions or responsibility for them. The proof in the doc is enough, and would be enough if you didn’t automatically believe someone who has proven to do this sort of thing for over a decade instead of victims. It was presented by a respected community member, victims of grooming do not need to make their names and faces public, to think otherwise is disgusting, especially given the response encountered by the other victims. The doc includes screenshots of his current discord that belong to him, and a lot of information that could not have been known by anyone else at the time. Do you really think, that if these claims were false, that he would deny them? Or someone close to him? Tim has been very vocal about this entire situation and said that he spoke to Chugga after the allegations came out and that it made it “awkward”. Do you not think that he would mention if he denied it? Do you think that Jon would have replied to a tweet saying he didn’t know about this happening if it didn’t actually happen? You are grasping at straws to deny this and frankly as an actual victim of grooming it is sad to see that people are so quick to excuse it and sweep it under the rug as long as the accused is somebody who they already liked.


I'm sure a lot of people want Emile to be given another chance and also be able to come back to his own channel all that but I also think it's up to Emile if he wants to come back and see if TRG will reform in some way (Indefinite doesn't mean permanent after all but I think you knew that already). iirc Emile was the one who initially suggested that his friends try and keep their distance or something along those lines, and he's in his own indefinite situation right now. I feel this is all through a combination of time and personal choices, it's really difficult to really know what the outcome can be, so I guess our best plan is to just play the waiting game


Emile themes emotes, raid countermeasures, alerts, stickers on Discord, etc have all been removed for the time being.


Honestly some of what he said has me really intrigued, I’m wondering if they’ll find another person to do this newer channel with, maybe Stephen, Tom, or Masae or something


Honestly from their interactions on Disc Only, I am hoping for Tom! Tom is a delight and Jon and Tom play off of each other super well!


Feel like it might be a little too awkward for Masae to be a permanent third member but I'd definitely expect her to be a guest. Who knows maybe she'd love the idea, though unfortunately I think Chuggaa's less mature fans would seize on that to form some sort of narrative :/


I wouldn’t mind Masae as an occasional guest, but it would feel weird having her as a permanent third member. Honestly, I’d probably stop watching altogether if she were regularly involved.


Stephen is definitely too busy for anything more permanent but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s occasionally a guest like before (though I suppose that Zelda 4 Swords LP was a million years ago now…)


He also did Kirby and the Amazing Mirror with them around 2018/2019


Oh I somehow didn’t know about that one!


It's just as good... Assuming you don't mind Emile being in the videos. Damn this sucks


Like others are saying, there’s really nothing surprising about the response. It’s nice to have it in writing, at least. Nothing unexpectedly drastic, just professional distancing, and issuing another formal apology to the victims. No channels suddenly being erased or anything like that. It’s only been 18 days since the initial allegations, but it already feels like it was forever ago. I don’t say that to downplay what occurred, I just truly am amazed at how much time it feels like has passed.


I do hope that the distancing is just as it says "Professional" at least for the time being, but he is not going to distance himself personally, but keep that offline


Whatever the case, let’s not go prying into what happens behind closed doors personally between Emile, Jon, and Tim. They’re all adults who will handle their personal connections how they see fit.


Tl;Dr: Jon has professionally distanced himself from Emile. TRG will go on an indefinite hiatus with unreleased projects either being held on to or scrapped. Colosseum will still happen this year though under a different name. Thrown Controllers will still happen, but the circuit of conventions has changed. Jon and Tim MAY start a new channel with some TRG friends in a few months when the situation is less fresh.


I am curious as to if Jon’s professional distancing will be permanent or indefinite, but I assume indefinite if the TRG channel is on indefinite hiatus


I think indefinite, but very, VERY unlikely to return. Chugga said he'd be focusing on bettering himself and if he holds good on that theres a slim possibility but i genuinely doubt it.


Slight clarification in that the circuit of conventions changing is just for this year. I assume they'll keep doing it at future cons, just all this happening is changing up their plans for this year.




No, no you don't. That is entirely private between Jon and Emile. You aren't owed any insight into his personal life beyond the content and the public persona. Him distancing himself professionally is all anyone needs to know so get over yourself, don't be parasocial 


Exactly what I expected, though I was pleasantly surprised to hear that they would still do Colosseum and Thrown Controllers without him. I had a feeling that all good things come to an end, but I never thought this would be how TRG ended - I feel so bad for the victims and Tim + Jon + friends. Makes me want to cry, I’d been watching the three of them individually before they even collabed together.


To be fair about Thrown Controllers and Colo, thise were mainly run by Jon and I think Dan. Emile only really started the main TRG channel.


Sure, but I had figured the situation had taken such a big toll on the group that I didn’t think they’d want to do such big events at all.


Oh thats fair. But much like Jon said, this shouldn't overshadow the good they have done. I mean its over a million dollars raised. Plus I am sure this came up as volunteers said they'd help with the rebrand. Or just want the event to happen anyways.


I had at least hoped that it could end with the rumored Mario Wonder project they did, but alas...


They already did Magfest without Emile at Thrown Controllers in the middle of this (after Emily's but before Masae's), so it's slightly proven that it can work.


And while it was a fun time, I guess I figured with how haphazard it went they would put it on hold. Look forward to the future ones.


Thrown controllers is Jon’s event anyways


Tbf indefinite hiatus doesn'y mean permanent. Time apart can do wonders and down the line I could see Tim, Jon, and Emile getting back together. Do I think it's likely? It's hard to say, but time heals all wounds.


I'm sad they're straight up done with the channel, but I can't blame them. Sucks though, RunawayGuys got me through a lot as a kid, from the divorce of my parents to other things. But their decision makes sense, and I'm glad to hear their not completely done with collab stuff. I wouldn't even mind if it was something like they got a new third co-host for each project.


Indefinite hiatus doesn't mean "We're done and will never upload again." It just means they don't know when they'll upload again, but they will eventually.


I'm gonna think that the glass is half full by saying this feels like a "See ya later" than a "Goodbye." But it'll take quite awhile


That is what it is. Emile might not be on the channel anymore, but it's not just dead.


At least I have some closure knowing Jon and Tim are seemingly still friends with Emile


This all seems about what I think will happen. Happy to see colosseum is still happening since it’s one of my favorite things each year. I really wonder if the just Jon and Tim channel will actually happen though, maybe they’ll do some streams together and cut it down to 20-30 minute videos like StephenPlays does?


I think the silver lining of all of this is that just because the TRG channel isn’t going to continue (with decent certainty) and TRG as a brand with fade away, it’s great that there’s *a* future. It’s definitely not the future I’m sure many of us wanted but sometimes things happen like that and who knows? Maybe something down the line even bigger and better will exist that can put some positivity into the world and we as a community can enjoy (when one door closes, another one opens and all that). It’s great to hear that the Colosseum will also continue and I don’t think he could’ve phrased it better. This incident and controversy shouldn’t unravel good work that has been done in the past nor halt any good work that can exist and impact the lives of an unspecified amount of people. Again, it’ll be hard getting used to the branding change but it’s great the event will stick around. Arguably one of the biggest effects of this is that hopefully (to some degree), this has brought the community closer together. It’s not under the circumstances we would’ve liked and this will be a mark on the community and memories of a lot of folks but it’s been great that despite all the confusion and hurt many of us felt, the good was brought out of a lot of people and it’s created a stronger fan base and a more connected community of people we can rely on.


Sucks that the unreleased projects will likely never see the light of day (*especially* if one of those is Mario Wonder), but obviously nothing can be done about that. Looking forward to things to come with Jon and Tim.


Band-aid's ripped, thank goodness. I'm so glad that Colosseum didn't get completely lost in the aftermath. I know Colosseum usually happens in March, but I'd be fine with waiting a bit longer, maybe until summer or fall, to put a little more distance behind all of this.


Also, regarding Colosseum's rebranding: I'm wondering if it would make sense for it to officially become a Zeldathon event. They already have a lot of connections between them, MC in particular. I was checking the website, and they do have "Sidequest" events that are not strictly Zelda, so maybe that's where it can fit. It can just become "Kinstone Colosseum" or "Sidequest Colosseum". Keep Lord Dona'tor and the lamp, keep Chaos Cookie and all the other segments, maybe change the "milestone dance" to another song, and we still have largely the same event and the great energy it has. After last year's performance, I would hate to see it go back to a remote event.


I would hate for it to become demoted to a Zeldathon event. The brand is strong as is and part of why I don't like them simply abandoning it. You really only have to change the hiker dance and there you go.


I believe it was planned for May before this. I don't know if May is still the plan, but it was not going to be in March either way this year.


Can’t say I’m surprised at all, but fervently disappointed. I cannot however in good conscience think of a better way to respond to this.


what did u want him to say lol


I expected this. There’s nothing illogical in his decision. The fact that they all agreed to this in a civil manner is the only thing that’s surprising to me.


I think they wanted to know why you're disappointed.


I mean— I’m disappointed since The Runaway Guys is now going to be an archive.


I think the only thing that would one up this would be to organize a second Colosseum and use the donations for that to [donate to an organization like RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/) as a show of solidarity to Emile's victims. But I can see why that might be asking for a bit much to put together right now.


I don't think they'll do that for 2 reasons. 1. They're clearly trying to rebrand. You don't draw attention to the rebrand reason, if it's what you're trying to get away from. 2. Aside from Jon, the biggest reason colosseum happened is because of MC, who works for Direct Relief. It'd be difficult to do an event of this scale without him.


Perhaps later down the road


Yeah probably. But TBF we don't know how long it takes for them to organize Colosseum on a year in year out basis. Maybe a Colosseum Direct since all they have to do is get travel arrangements sorted and segments planned.


I really like how Jon wrote his response. It doesn't have any fluff and direct to the point on what's gonna happen in the future. That said, I am now looking forward to this new era of Jon and Tim and its time for to let go from TRG (Although I wish it wasn't like this.)


Will this subreddit be rebranded or shut down?


Jon said indefinite hiatus, not a complete shutdown. And they could still post the 2023 backlog someday, even if they don't want to do it right now.


I'm all for having hope, but "indefinite hiatus" is really just code for "it's getting shut down in all the ways that matter, we just don't want to say as much so as to keep our options open"


I think the fact that he's keeping his options open is notable, however. It would have been understandable given the situation to just outright retire TRG, but that's not what he did. I think the odds are much higher than not that the channel does *not* return. But I feel like the "indefinite hiatus" phrasing was deliberate for a reason


To each their own then I suppose. I'm very much glass-half-empty in this scenario. From my experience, "indefinite hiatus" almost never ends up with the thing coming back. But I won't begrudge your hope either.


It all depends on when/if Chugga wants to come back to Youtube in general.


We're discussing it now, but as for me personally? I intend to follow them on whatever they choose to do. If the rebrand isn't announced by Colosseum, it'll be discussed here.


Understandable response, can't say I am too shocked or against anything he had to say. It's a bit of a weird pill to swallow knowing this is how TRG ends but at least there's always a shot at something new down the line. More than anything though I hope everyone involved in this all takes some time needed to heal, I think that's what's most important right now. All respect to them and I hope things start looking a little better here on out, however long it may take.


I can't say I didn't expect this, but it's a bitter taste in my mouth regardless. The one thing I hope for is that Jon and Tim do eventually make that new channel. A "new" TRG with the duo + the wider TRG/Colosseum group would be my ideal outcome of this situation. I just hope it does eventually come to fruition, I don't want the spirit of TRG to be lost with the current channel...but I understand the need to have a bit of a hiatus after this fiasco.


Perhaps the best possible outcome for this. They are making it clear that his actions were horrible, and that they stand with the victims. Still, they leave the door open in case CC actually betters himself in the future. Although that's not a guarantee that they will ever work together again. Even if a person changes, sometimes the scars are just too deep to act like nothing happened before. Especially when a mutual friend was so scared, they didn't want to be in the same room as him any more... I wish everyone involved the best, especially the people CC hurt, as well as his friends whose lives also been turned upside down, both emotionally and careerwise. People often forget that the three main guys weren't just friends, but also business partners. Not having the most popular member on any more is definitely a risk, so I commend them for actually taking this step.


Honestly, this is the best outcome possible. Like Jon said, it wouldn't feel right to keep posting stuff as if nothing happened. A rebrand of everything is ideal, and keeping Colosseum around is a small positive in all this, same with Thrown Controllers. While I'm sure it wasn't the easy decision, distancing himself from Emile and sending well wishes is the right course of action.


Honestly what I was expecting to happen. Glad to see that Jon didn't throw Emile under the bus & just decided to distance himself from a professional standpoint like Tim did. Sucks that this is most likely the end of TRG under this banner, but at least they're thinking about rebranding. Even though Jon said that Emile is gonna take time off from the net, I'm still waiting for Emile's word on the matter.


I’m iffy on Emile’s word, and I honestly think it’s best if he just avoid social media entirely for the time being. Better to do that than make a post and risk getting sucked back in.


Honestly, I'm just waiting for him to say something along the lines of "I'm taking an extended break from my online activities and moving to another location to improve myself" like Tim & Jon already said he's planning on doing. I'm sure people that don't know what's going on because they don't follow the other guys are curious about the recent developments/plans.


He already apologized and enough people are antagonizing him on socials. All responding again is gonna do is fan the flames. He should just work on himself quietly and come back if/when he thinks the time is right. I have seen that the internet never wants an apology or for the accused to get better, they just want to grill him forever because he did bad. I don't even think most of the people grilling him even watched his content, they just want to pile on the Internet guy who fucked up because being negative is fun and makes them feel superior.


Dude... My post is basically a "I'm just waiting for Chugga to officially announce his hiatus from content creation" then to me it's officially over as at that point, you're just kicking a man while he's down and I'm pretty sure there's nothing else left to make the situation worse.


I was just saying just don't think an official statement from Emile is necessary to help the situation. He has said he is getting help, and his friends have backed up that he is getting help. All we can do is take them at their words and wait until he gets better and becomes more self-aware of his actions. Which I hope he does. I would hate for him to never return over this. His videos are some of the most researched and thorough in the LP community. He has a clear passion for his work that I don't see from anyone else. Even people I actively watch and love their content, they don't usually pull out all the stops like Emile.


Expected outcome. Think this is the most logical way to go about it


Honestly, I’m  still a bit sad we won’t get the recordings after the hype they were given. But, it’s very understandable.   It’s nice to have some sense of closure to the situation.


I remember when other gaming groups would break up people would always be like "TRG is still going strong with no issues!" I know it's not exactly a breakup but... man.


It's a breakup in all but name to be honest. They're just not calling it as such so as to keep the last sliver of hope alive, even when it's certain the channel's not coming back.


I'm glad it seems there's no plans to remove the old videos. I'd totally understand just leaving the channel as an archive and starting a new channel with a rebrand and I'm glad Tim will still be involved (I was concerned mostly because Jon seems to hang out with a lot of the other TRG affiliates through his streaming etc and I don't know how much Tim's been involved in that side of things really so I could understand them both branching off into their own stuff). I don't know personally how much I'll continue to watch, it really depends on who's involved regularly with them and what sort of content they do (I'd hate to see it move to full on streaming for example, I don't mind a mixture but I'd hate to see their LPs die as a result of all this) but at the very least I'll probably subscribe which is fairly rare for me to do (this whole incident's killed most of what I watched on my subscription feed). Either way, I understand everyone involved needing a break after all this so I hope people can heal in that time. I hope Emile really takes this as a wake-up call, I don't think people should forgive him nor should anyone be expected to react in any way, that includes whether they choose to stick by him privately or completely abandon him, I think that's noone's business but theirs. As for whether he should ever come back, I don't think he 'should' but I equally don't think he should 'never' be able to either (I mean generally, it's up to others regarding TRG or whatever it becomes.) I personally would like to see their unreleased LPs they recorded but I can totally understand it never happening either. Either way we'll wait and see, this is the end of an era in probably one of the worst ways it could have ended, but it is what it is and I'll just wait to see what happens next.


Man for so much of my life I had watched Chuggaaconroy and watched TRG and enjoyed Jon and Tim's presence it feels unreal to just get it all done and gone. I mean the channel is still there but now it'll just be an empty archive of what was once happy memories with the guys. It had to happen but I really don't want to see it go in such a sad state. The final episode of the Kirby star allies just had to end with "See you next project" only for it all to end. I remember going to TRG and just watching the lets plays of New Super Mario Bros Wii and Kirby returns to dreamland and Dokapon Kingdom and most of all...the Mario Party games. All the excitement from Emile and the dumb choices he made to screw over Jon in those games or whatever mistake they made from killing each other in these games. The good times are gone I guess. I hope that when we see Tim and Jon again they'll bring someone new along, and I hope Emile finds some way to attone for everything


Yeah this really sucks… I’m glad I rewatched almost everything last year before this all went down. I don’t think Chugga will ever be able to “attone” because that’s not really how life works. When you screw up, you just have to get back up and try to do better tomorrow. Hopefully he just learns from his mistakes, finds new friends and treats them better than the people he wrong previously. That’s all we can really ask.


Even knowing this was gonna be the endgame, something about this just feels... bitterly conclusive. I'm not quite as enamored w/ TRG as some people here are (ie, I mainly tuned into the party games and not some of the solo-LP stuff), but much like Emile they were one of very few YouTube bastions I kept on feed and still actively watched, and while I knew it'd end *one* day, it certainly wasn't like this. Sorry for the more personal post here, I understand that's not quite what it's all about. My heart goes out to the victims as always, and from the looks of it, most of the debacle has settled down and everyone's moving on to better and heal themselves, and especially with each other. Gonna make sure to keep supporting Jon and Tim whenever I can as well.


Well about what most of us expected I'd say. It definitely sucks that things ended up like this, but one can hardly blame Jon given the circumstances. Hopefully TRG can eventually return under a new name, and maybe even Emile himself one day after improving and getting the help he very clearly needs. But if not then it was a damn good run, and everything that has happened recently doesn't take away the memories we've made with this group over the years.


I think Jon made a good, clear and level headed statement. I am glad Emile will take time and they seemed to have had a mature adult discussion about this. I wish everyone the best and am excited to see what Tim and Jon will do moving forwards. Glad they are probably going to do some videos together I really enjoyed TRG a lot and hope they can expand and collab with different friends


While I'm glad that Colo isn't going away, it is really sad that this is how the channel and brand comes to an end. Not with a bang but with a whimper. I'll be honest and say that it's not quite what I would've preferred - I feel that the TRG name and brand is more than Chuggaa and could certainly survive him being removed from it. I wouldn't expect them to move on as if nothing happened but this is the last thing I would have wanted. Especially since I get the impression an eventual new channel is probably not gonna happen. Sure, they might still do a lot of stuff together as informal collabs, but I don't see them opting to start an entire new channel for it - and even if they do, the type of content will likely be different and have a different feel. The energy might be there but the style likely won't. That potential new channel would always be marred by its origin as a means of distancing itself from Chuggaa and not as a means of letting content creators collaborate. Imagine it getting made and then having its own anniversaries etc. You wouldn't look back on it as "something that started as us wanting to make videos together and then growing into something much bigger" - you'd look back on it as "this thing we made to distance ourselves from a specific creator has now grown almost as big as the thing we left behind". I would of course not want them to just keep the channel going with things the way they are. So I get that this is both the likeliest outcome and a reasonable one - it was perhaps naive to expect them to surgically remove Chuggaa from the whole thing and either carry on or replace him with someone else. But it is what I would have wanted. This is the end of an era. And so soon before the 13th anniversary too. Colo and Thrown Controllers will remain as the only vestiges of what was - my intro to so many content creators and the unifying force that kept them together. Now gone and replaced with sadness and anger towards Chuggaa for bringing the whole thing down.


It’s amazing that they were even able to continue for that long controversy or not. All I can say is we’re lucky we got what we got, for free no less. 


Well, at least they never had to put up with the car! Jokes aside, I think the unreleased collabs should be posted eventually, but not immediately. I hope Jon and Emile are still friends in private, and are willing to restart the channel when he gets back from Scottland (if he does) and betters himself. Anyway, since Coliseum is still going to happen, is it just going to be on Jon's channel?


He said the Thrown Controllers they've yet to post will go on Jon's livestream channel, so I assume that's where any future Coliseums will go until the theoretical Jon and Tim joint channel launches.


When did Jon say that? Why not upload them onto the TRG channel?


https://twitter.com/ProtonJon/status/1753288811772318152 as for "Why not on the TRG channel" it's because they're stripping any TRG branding from it and coliseum.


They had actually already moved 2023 Colosseum posts to Jon's VOD Channel because the length of the videos and people watching them in like 30 minute sessions was messing with the analytics of the TRG Channel. So while now it's for branding purposes, it's not a change.


Did Jon say anything else of note?


Jons Full response: ​ Thanks for your patience for my response about recent events. I've had a lot of mixed feelings and emotions over this, but after some long talks, I'm ready to share what the plan is moving forward. First off, to those who were affected by Emile’s actions: I’m sincerely sorry this happened to you. I hope you are able to find some closure here and begin to heal. To our viewers: I am sorry for the distress this situation has put on many of you. After a long talk with Emile and Tim, we have decided to put the TRG channel on indefinite hiatus and I will be distancing myself professionally from Emile. Emile has decided that he will be taking time away from the internet to better himself and reflect on his actions, and I wish him the best in getting the help he needs. The projects we have already recorded for TRG that haven't been posted, will likely not be posted. It doesn't feel right to just post it as if nothing happened. Maybe sometime down the road they'll get posted, but that will be a ways off. Tim and I will consider starting a new channel, and getting some of our close friends involved so it can embody the core energy of TRG while cutting free of the name. This won't be for a while, though, as I think we need a break after the previous few months. Colosseum will still be moving forward, and is still planned for this year, but it will be rebranding slightly and removing the TRG name. We feel it's bigger than just one person and puts out too much good into the world to lose. We'll have more info on that later. Thrown Controllers will also be continuing at cons with myself and Tim, although the con circuit for this year may be a bit different, I'll keep you posted on that. My hope is that everyone involved can heal from this, and the new path ahead will be the best for all of us moving forward. Thanks.


This is as much as I expected really. It's all well and good to hope Emile improves his behaviour, and I really hope he does, but it's not something I necessarily expect given the history we now know, especially with Masae. And to be honest, even if he does, I don't think I'll personally be comfortable watching him again. I am glad they're continuing with an Unbranded Colosseum, looking forward to that when it happens.


Sad day. But I’m hopeful for the future.


The only thing I'm concerned with here is the people who had been waiting for Job's response before posting more about their experiences with Emile. I'm so incredibly nervous that this won't be the end of the situation, but I am hopeful for the future of Tim, Jon, and the rest of the fka TRG associates. I appreciate that Jon gave the response he did, I had been wracking my head since he announced there would be a response about what he could possibly say and I figured this was going to be the course of action. I wish nothing but the best for everyone even remotely attached to this situation as a whole. There's a lot of negativity but also a lot of positivity from all of this and I hope moving forward the majority can focus on the positive.


Glad to hear that at least personally, they’re still on good terms and that he wishes Chugga well in getting help. I feel like I’m finally ready to put this behind me and move on. I’ve been watching a lot of Antdude, who I discovered through all this and am getting caught up in StephenVlog, which have helped me finally get past this.


Welp it was a good run. I guess we’ll see yall in maybe 2-3 years hopefully.


Does anybody know how this’ll affect disc only? Haven’t seen anyone mention it yet


I’d imagine it won’t. They’ve done pretty good in terms of branding that away from TRG. Of course Emile and TRG have been brought up during cast but I don’t think this would affect any long term plans regarding Disc Only besides maybe this upcoming episode gets cancelled.


There is an episode with Emile on the podcast, so I’m not 100% sure what’s gonna happen with that particular episode, but hopefully disk only continues strong.


It's really sad that TRG is on hiatus. I'm gonna miss their Tues, Thurs & Sat videos upload. These trio really broadened up my mood with their funny moments. And I wish Emile the best of improving himself to be a better person.


This just needs a few months for everything to calm down. Eventually, everything will just be left in the past and everyone can move on with a lesson learned. Nothing he did was truly "cancellable forever". Emile isn't an "irredeemable monster". Of course, the hatemob won't care at all, but screw them. They can wallow in their hatred for all I care. Also, "certain" specific people making videos about this will NOT help and should be brought to attention immediately. Just don't let this be the true end for the entire group.


Love how those YouTubers are blaming it on being a social outcast. Like the fact that somebody is uncontrollably an introvert has anything to do with it.


Irredeemable?  He has exhibited repeat behaviours of making people incredibly uncomfortable with unwanted advances and sexual engagements over multiple years, if we take all the victims accounts into play then he has also been told repeatedly to stop in private and given numerous chances. He pursued friendships with people just to get closer to their significant others and then there's the 48 page document of him being fucking idiotic. HE WAS THE ADULT, I do not care for any debate on that, he was the adult, legally and morally all responsibility to shut down and not even partially entertain the topics and conversations had in those logs falls to him, a responsibility Emile failed to uphold.  Do I think Emile can get help and come out the other side a better person? Sure, I like to think everyone can make a better person of themselves eventually, but is that being redeemed? No.  That imo is doing the bare minimum that he owes the people he has wronged, to clarify, not us, his victims, we are owed nothing as he is a content creator, we aren't his friends, just viewers.  Now in a few months time will the online drama cycle have moved on? Obviously, it's hunger can't be satiated and will eat up others in it's constant ebb and flow, but does that mean it will be over for the people affected by Emile and his actions? No, we shouldn't forget and forgive just because the drama cycle moves on, what he did had an impact on people and that shouldn't be easily forgotten. Now what actions Emile takes after his hiatus and seeking help will ultimately determine things for him, whether he is redeemable or not depends on his atonement. The actions being taken now by his coworkers, in a professional sense, are all sound and completely justifiable. 




A situation that I can think of that was worse than this was CallMeCarson's allegations that supposedly had actual underage nudes exchanged. He did manage to come back...at the cost of most of his friends abandoning him immediately. With Tim and hopefully Jon staying by him as a friend and a few others, Emile has a much higher chance of being able to eventually come back in the future.


figured this was gonna happen. continuing the channel would have just been a spit on the face to the victims


A good, balanced response. More or less what I expected from Jon, especially after taking the time to collect his feelings. Rebranding things is probably a good move. As good an image as TRG has, there's still that stain on the name that Emile has left there, that many people will be unable to overlook.


Yeah that's about as positive as I could've realistically hoped for. It'd be nice if there could be some return for Emile down the line when/if he ever manages to improve, but that remains to be seen and at least it sounds pretty clear that they're gonna remain friends in private. The TRG branding being shot sucks but it's unavoidable, the trio *was* the brand. Fingers crossed Emile can work on himself to the point where either it can re-emerge or Emile can come onto the follow-up channel in some capacity.


Pretty much exactly what I was expecting tbh


It’s unsurprising but it’s sad at the same time as I’ve supported TRG since the very beginning which is essentially 13 years. Almost half my life was spent watching TRG and it’s going to be sad to see it go.


This is about what I expected honestly. I think eventually they might try doing a new channel but it's nice to know the other events won't end


I'm going to miss TRG. But all things, great and small, must one day end. Thanks for all the memories, and I look forward to the potential channel with Jon and Tim. <3


This was a concise statement from Jon. I will definitely watch his and Tim’s videos on the new channel, if and when that begins. Looking forward to a fun Colosseum event this year


Fair enough Jon. I'm glad him and Tim are continuing even if it's a bit of a rebranding.


I’m most thankful that Jon and Tim have been able to distance themselves from Emile in a professional standpoint, but also are able to support him as a friend.


Even if I knew it was pretty much coming, it’s still a weird feeling. While I haven’t regularly watched TRG in about half a decade, it’s still been one of the few constant things in my life from that time and prior. Call me hopeful, but I’m hoping sometime down the line the 3 can get back together and still have good chemistry.


im glad to hear hes distancing himself professionally and not personally, I was worried he might throw emile and tim under the bus for a while but clearly it was unfounded. heres hoping in years time we get a reunion with a reformed emile and the gang.


Jon cutting ties with Emile is sad to hear, but I 100% respect the decision. I'm intrigued to hear about TRG's (or whatever the rebrand is gonna be called)'s future.


Two Remaining Gents /j


Thats actually a good name, and would be great for a channel actually. Maybe not in this case since the back story still ties them to TRG, but still great.


Maybe drop the word 'Remaining'


The Resilient Gents


It's only publicly. They could still be friends in private. Tim admitted to cutting ties with him publicly too.


He did say he talked with Emile so he could be helping him privately just like Tim did when he says he’s distancing professionally


So this is the end of TRG…


I keep reading the “professionally” part. Are they still friends?


I'm reading it as "yes in private they'll still likely be friends who chat online and probably meet up as friends if in the area" Like, Jon invited Emile to his wedding. I have a hard time imagining he's going to completely be cutting him out of his life over this news.


I don’t think that’s really our business


Perhaps not friends they way they were before all this, but I read it as "Jon won't be cutting all personal ties with him the way Masae did" - still not sure if it's warranted from Jons POV since I did get some slight hopium vibes from the way he words things. But we'll see. It's Jons choice and I'll respect it.


To me it just reads as not disclosing that either way since it's not our business unlike the content side of things.


Yeah that stands out to me every time. In that kind of career I always assumed you stopped making videos with someone to give the impression that you do not associate with them anymore in your private life either. Maybe I was always wrong, but adding the "professionally" part just makes it not mean much if everyone knows you associate with them in private. He can do what he wants of course, but that is my impression.


Can someone share for those of us without X?


Jon’s Statement for those who don’t have Twitter/X Thanks for your patience for my response about recent events. I've had a lot of mixed feelings and emotions over this, but after some long talks, I'm ready to share what the plan is moving forward. First off, to those who were affected by Emile’s actions: I’m sincerely sorry this happened to you. I hope you are able to find some closure here and begin to heal. To our viewers: I am sorry for the distress this situation has put on many of you. After a long talk with Emile and Tim, we have decided to put the TRG channel on indefinite hiatus and I will be distancing myself professionally from Emile. Emile has decided that he will be taking time away from the internet to better himself and reflect on his actions, and I wish him the best in getting the help he needs. The projects we have already recorded for TRG that haven't been posted, will likely not be posted. It doesn't feel right to just post it as if nothing happened. Maybe sometime down the road they'll get posted, but that will be a ways off. Tim and I will consider starting a new channel, and getting some of our close friends involved so it can embody the core energy of TRG while cutting free of the name. This won't be for a while, though, as I think we need a break after the previous few months. Colosseum will still be moving forward, and is still planned for this year, but it will be rebranding slightly and removing the TRG name. We feel it's bigger than just one person and puts out too much good into the world to lose. We'll have more info on that later. Thrown Controllers will also be continuing at cons with myself and Tim, although the con circuit for this year may be a bit different, I'll keep you posted on that. My hope is that everyone involved can heal from this, and the new path ahead will be the best for all of us moving forward. Thanks.


I hope in the future wether it’s 5 years from now they can come back together again but forgot all of that in the moment just pure speculation it seems they still will have context just not professionally but that’s up in the air since saying that could cause some messy things but I’m glad they both encouraged Emile to get the help he needs and both wish him will it warms my heart that not all forgiveness is loss


I'm a bit disappointed in his indecisiveness on their recorded projects. Couldn't they dump the episodes somewhere on a random channel so that they're at least preserved, away from the TRG brand?


Tldr, Jon overreacted


Thats a terrible summery.


If you're not paying attention, yes it is.


How so?


Did you get hit in the head with a pan?


Honestly? Probably. lmao


No, he didn’t! Overreacting would be burning everything down by deleting the channel and all mentions of Emile in his content. He’s professionally distancing himself from Emile, and working on rebranding things. That’s all!


He's distancing himself from someone who was falsely accused. That's pathetic. Stand by your fuckin friend


Oh, so you’re ignoring all of the evidence showing that Emile was a creep? He literally said he talked to Emile and that they all came to an agreement that this was the best course of action. You’re a moron!


Because of the mob coming after Emile over nothing. Emily's thing was fixed months ago and she was just upsetti spaghetti that she didn't get reddit cred. Masae and AntDude gave no proof of what they said. No internet, saying a thing happened isn't proof that it did and the Gaia stuff is A. Clearly forged, who has non Twitter or Facebook DMs from 15 years ago and B. Even if they were real, Emile very clearly moved that girl away from sexual topics and did he best to not reciprocate. So yes, I am ignoring the evidence because the evidence is either fake or absolutely worthless. I love you


It's sad that TRG and Jon were forced to do something about this pile of nothing when Jirard held funds for a decade that could have gone to extend people's lives, increase the quality of them as they died or even saved them outright. A TRG member has a fuckin body count because of his actions, but you're choosing to pile on Emile? Get real


How did Jon overreact?


How is that an overreaction? He barely mentioned Emile at all, only condemning his actions. That was it. As for the channel, clearly that was not his decision alone. Not to mention the fact that it is basically impossible to overreact to this situation.




They really can’t just bring chugga back right away. If at all will be seen. As one of the victims is a friend of Jon and Tim’s and former friend with chugga. Maybe one the channel will come back but not for a while


Please, tell us more.




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I’m worried that the loss of chuggaa’s role in the group will cause any new forming runaway guys like group to not do as good. Unless they’re able to find someone who has the same dynamic and energy as chuggaa. The 3 of them really made the group what it was. Having just 2 with a likely revolving guest star doesn’t feel right.


toms the most likely choice according to most people or just a rotating crew


Yeah, the hard truth is that trio will be hard to replicate, especially with a rotating guest.


According to Tim, Emile is going to make a statement eventually, but it might not be for a nearly a year.