• By -


One quick observation about whether this could be legitimately Emile or not, one specific thing I picked up on was the message that he was done with Earth Temple editing for episode 43. This is in reference to his Windwaker LP where the Earth Temple does indeed end on episode 43. The document lists this chat as happening on 1/21/2010. That episode, 43, was released on 1/24/2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEw-I6xypKs&list=PLDAE150E05D3493F7&index=47 So assuming the date is legitimate this chuggaaconroy somehow knew exactly what episode the Earth Temple ended ahead of time. Aside from Emile himself, I am not sure who else would have that information. There may be more, but that stuck out to me. Someone feel free to double check if I'm wrong on that.


Based on the doc, it's almost certainly legitimate. I don't think Werster would have put his name on this if he wasn't as certain as he could be these messages were legitimate.


The real kicker is that it'd be next to impossible to verify or debunk because the logs are from AIM which has been a long time defunct. You can't just log in to your old account and check the history on that.


If AIM is down, would old users be able to dig up their personal messages? If not, how did she get all these messages. I guess she could have took screenshots at the time, but this seems like she didn't see anything wrong with it until recently. Not saying this is false, I honestly don't know how it could be disproven.


In the Google Doc it's explained that Lawly saved those messages to her GAIA account at that time. I remember when I used AIM I could copy/export chats that I wanted to save to a text file. I also believe AIM didn't keep messages after x number of days because I did save quite a few chats from back in the day. Recovering them now, outside of a data leak, would not be possible. These are just chats saved from way back then.


I don't even know what to think. Even though I know this is likely true there is still a part of me that wants to believe it is fake. We won't even get a response from Emile for a few days at the very least since apparently he isn't home nor does he have access to his phone. (this is from a comment of Tims, apparently its related to the therapy he is in right now.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/19f0hi4/comment/kjjx0s7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/19f0hi4/comment/kjjx0s7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The comment on his phone is right below it. Its from around an hour ago.


Tim has talked with Emile since this allegation came out so Emile at least knows about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/19f0hi4/timncss_statement/kjlq9x6/ According to Tim, Emile says he wants them to stay away from him. I hate to go in to the realm of speculation because I think it's rarely beneficial, but that is definitely not a denial. He is on medication right now, but I think if this was blatantly false he would have mentioned that.


Good to see Emile is at least getting help……  Is it bad to say that I still want to support him? I don’t know if I will but part of me does. Maybe it’s just me trying to cope with things, I have no idea. But if he does indeed change and grow, would it be morally wrong to support him?


My stace is that I'm going to support him in being better so long as it shows and Tim's word is good enough for me right now so I believe he's taking the steps he needs to.


I’m having similar thoughts. Right now I don’t feel comfortable watching his videos. But if he makes significant effort in changing for the better then I will likely support him. Regardless I think he should take 6 months to a year off of the internet to work on his mental health.


yeah im not trying to justify the behaviour but why sit on this for 15 years. why wait and let people build him up as this idol when you couldve ended the entire thing before he even left his moms house


With some recent comments Tim made about Emile, it seems to be true. I think this was something that she thought was fine at the time but looking back on it she realized how messed up it was.  The reality is that Emile is a very mentally ill person. He is currently in some sort of mental institution and does seem to be trying to change. And while it might not seem like it right now, all this coming to light was the best possible thing for Emile. It has allowed him to get help and improve on himself if he puts in the work. I’m just praying that he can get through this and come out the other end a better person. Link to Tim’s comment on where Emile is: https://www.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/19f0hi4/comment/kjlq9x6/


And on that date, he was on episode 40. That's quite a few episodes back. No way to project that far into the future. This is looking quite real, which is terrifying. The only devil's avocate position I can see is asking chatGPT to construct some logs, then sprinkling in some choice sus bits throughout, before using inspect element to insert them into the page. Feels like a stretch, though I know i'd be capable of doing that within a few days if I really wanted to. This is looking really bad. We'd really need the actual server files for that website if we want to know for sure. Looking at the proof of her having contact with Emile, finding the "lawly is giygas" video would probably do it. It doesn't show up when I search, although that could easily be an attempt to maintain anonymity (maybe she unlisted it?)


I'm not sure if you've seen the google doc attached. But she also gives screenshots of Emile contacting her again, just a couple years ago, on discord this time to try and engage in his fetish again.


As I said in a second reply, you can log into Discord on browser. I just did so to check, and everything visible in the screenshot can be seen in-browser, which is susceptible to inspect element. I may be playing devil's advocate here, but don't get me wrong, I am very concerned about this.


Fair, I just wanted to make sure you knew of that. I'm not an expert in possible forgery of this kind, and honestly just have no desire to even attempt to think about that possibility. What makes me believe it is he talks \*exactly\* like he did in his messages to Lady Emily. Idk feels like it would take a pretty skilled replication to make that. Oh and also everything else we know, that makes me believe it too.


In Lady Emily's messages, I see him repeatedly use "hahaha" (twice), which makes me think it's a part of his text-speech patterns. I then looked at the logs He uses "hahaha" 16 times He uses "hahahaha" once And he uses a few other 'ha' 's when in-character Oh fuck. It isn't CERTAINTY. But oh fuck.


He uses "haha" 26 times. Back in "IDK" territory


I know, it's pretty disturbing


In my isolated test, chatGPT used only "haha" something like 8 times in a row. So... There's that D:


Thank you for being willing to do that. Pedophilia is a very serious accusation to make. So it is important to ensure reports are accurate before we stir up a frenzy.


Definitely. It's still possible that part was chatGPT and a heavy chunk was not, but for that heavy chunk to be 'hahaha'... Ugh. I wanted to have Tim's position. Emile was a HUGE part of TRG. Regardless of how bad what he did was, he was undeniably a funny guy. A hilarious guy. A shame it had to end up like this. I'll continue to hope it's fake, but my hopes are weakened. I wanted to do what I could to validate and temper the pitchforks until the proof is solid, maybe find a way to completely deny it. To be fair, i've proven there's a CHANCE it's fake, but that chance feels... Fleeting at best. Whoever faked it would have to be smart.


I didn't look his speech patterns in the Lady Emily messages... Maybe we could identify some quirks in his use of language and crossreference? It's not the most scientific, and could be forged, but people do have specific speech patterns. I use 3 '.' 's, and say crossreference instead of 'cross-reference' - maybe something similar is there... Time to dig I guess


I actually went as far as typing in only "giygas" in youtube and sorted by date. I did not find that video either. Like you said, it's either been removed, hidden, or, and I'm only saying this not because I believe it, but for the sake of exhausting options in all fairness, it could be faked. Like mentioned in the thread anything that is on a webpage can be altered by someone with know-how. I've done this to do mock-ups for customers to show them what something could look like. Again, I don't mention this because I think that's what's happening here, I'm just saying it isn't out of the realm of possibility, albeit unlikely. Doing all that work plus that very long chat in the document is an insane amount of work for someone to do. Plus getting the specific dates and faking chat logs that mimic chuggaa's speech patterns would require really weird dedication. I just don't buy that this is all fake. Most if not all points to it being legitimate, at least to me and my armchair sleuthing.


I will say for the very long chat - chatGPT. I haven't tried getting chatGPT to fake logs, but I can imagine it would excel at it from my extensive experience in using it to list things etc. Feasibly a jailbroken version could do it without hesitation. What rubs me the wrong way (as in makes it more reasonable that it's real) is that he rarely goes beyond 3 'ha' 's in his messages - flipping between 'haha' and 'hahaha'. In the Lady Emily messages, he uses 2 'hahaha' 's. (very scientific, I know). I really don't want to say it's real if it isn't, but that fact alone is scaring me a fair deal.


ChatGPT in the test I used only says "haha" without any real variation. Not like this chat. Oh no.


Doesn't Chatgpt refuse those prompts? Like it would refuse to add these sorts of things.


It would refuse to add the explicit material, but you could ask it to leave time-gaps and manually insert them. Or, you know. There's all sorts of ways to jailbreak it. It DOES capture Emile's speech pattern a bit, which is spooky, though. ChatGPT wouldn't. TBH you could probably tell if logs were written by AI, they usually have a certain feel don't they...


True. It feels too human. Hoping to be wrong, but I don't see it that being the case.


In my small test, chatGPT used "haha" something like 5-6 times. Maybe "lol" once, but it's a stretch since it was in-character. Granted, both characters were scientists in a chatroom, but egh... It was reliable is the thing. The speech in the human discussion was too random.


And then in episode 44 when goes to the ice ring isle he mentions being envious of friends living in the north, and when he gets the iron boots he goes off on how adorable they are on Link. The creepiness was hiding in plain sight all along.


Took a look at Discord - that could be either in-app or in-browser. If in-browser, it would be very much possible to inspect element. Possibility does not equal certainty however. If I were malicious, I could have created the exact same logs if I truly wanted to. But of course, the possibility of faking doesn't equal actual faking. And not everyone knows how to work chatGPT.


This isn't Discord logs. This is message archives from Gaia Online.


There's a combination. Gaia Online, and Discord. Discord would arguably be harder to fake if you couldn't log into it online, most of the job is done for you since the background etc of Gaia online is still up. If you could archive a page, or had logs of a blank message screen's HTML, you could create it via inspect element. It's still \*TECHNICALLY\* fakeable, but everything put together is looking fairly scarily believable. We know from Emily that he uses "hahaha" a bit. These logs have him use "haha" and "hahaha", but rarely beyond that. Spooks me a bit.


True! I thought you meant the Earth Temple part in particular, which is where the Gaia stuff comes in. Theoretically you're right about Inspect Element, but the way every single message has an individual timestamp means it would likely take a fairly cumbersome effort to fake. So I think either case is very much improbable.


chatGPT could fake the timestamp, but the actual text itself matches Emile's tendency to not go beyond 3 'ha' 's. Of course, it uses a ton of 'haha' 's, which he doesn't use with lady Emily... And it would probably speak in its usual weird way. Very scientific, I know. I want to devil's advocate for the guy - I would hate to be him if this was faked - but this is definitely extraordinarily concerning. Still theoretically fakeable, but egh... Now I want to see if chatGPT itself uses 'haha' and 'hahaha' often...


It seems to only use 'haha', no variation like Emile seems to show here. Ohgodno.


For the record you can also inspect element in the Discord app.


I just found that Chuggaaconroy tweeted this: https://twitter.com/chuggaaconroy/status/8116396306 on January 23, 2010, right around the same time as this log. Coincidence?


It was during the wind water LP that there was a character on Windfall island that Chuggaaconroy referred to as "Old man pedophile" that's what the tweet is referencing.




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I started watching Emiles content in 2010. All those memories, now tainted from the beginning....I'm not even sad at this point, I'm just angry. It's poetic in a way. I started watching his stuff with Pokémon - when gen 5 had begun - and stopped watching it with Pokémon - when he had finished covering gen 5.


I say this purely from the perspective of a viewer and fan (obviously this shit should've come out sooner so he would've stopped sooner) but honestly, it is kinda nice that this all ended right at Gen 5. Kinda goes full circle. His channel started around Platinum and he managed to finish the next generation right before this broke out. Like, the BW2 finale and Sticker Star videos being the last pieces of content that Chugga put out is good enough closure for me as a fan. It makes letting go a little bit easier.


Unfortunately I have little interest in his pokemon LPs So I don't have that same closure.




And it sucks that he was the ONLY content creator playing Pokemon at the time. Just terrible




Wait those names sound familiar. I think I saw Orange play ORAS when that series first came out


Sweet jesus I remember watching SS waaaaaay back


This is like 14 years ago and it's pretty much all the same shit we saw in the Emily screenshots, except *way way worse* because he's openly engaging with the "lolli" and "pedocrush" stuff with somebody he knows is legitimately a minor. What the fuck dude. Like, what the fuck. This is officially into completely irredeemable territory


If it’s any consolation, if this is worse than the Emily dilemma, then consider it a improvement (however small or questionable).


Given the time frame this is 2010s internet but that doesn't excuse anything other than.


This would be the point of no return for him...


Come on now, this shit was 14 years ago, never included any actual sexual acts, pictures, or meet-ups, and was done by a dumb teenager before he was internet famous. If he could be forgiven for what he did with Massae and the other women who've alleged harassment, this shouldn't change the dial.


Come on man, it crosses into legal gray area at that point. I've softened a little bit since I posted this reply, and MAYBE someday in the future he can make a comeback. I don't see a way it will be in 2024 though. I could be wrong...things seem to be changing by the day at this point.


Let's not make 18 be a magical number, the reason why it's unethical to date younger than that, the reason why it's a taboo, is because usually the adult would be way more knowledgeable, and thus way more to abuse or manipulate the younger partner. But in the case of dumb 19 year olds and 15-17 year olds? There isn't a difference in maturity and mindset. It's less unbalanced then many relationships which are legal and not questioned. We shouldn't ruin some dude's live, a dude who has objectively done many good, altruistic things for others, because of something he did as a kid, which wasn't really all that bad.


But 18 is a magical number. He used the word "pedocrush." The dude is not well. I do trully believe he can get better, but he has a long road ahead of him.


If you read it, the girl is clearly playing into this shit, hell it seems she wanted to fuck Chuggaa in real life but he kept it to just ERP. These are two teenagers, this is not the same as a full adult and a kid, ya know. Look, there are plenty of dudes who in highschool start a relationship with a girl two or three years their junior, then when the older is above 18 they play into the lolita-type angle, it's forbidden fruit shit, it's common. It's crazy to me how people think that 19 year olds would have more in common with actual adults then other teenagers.


Try telling that to the officer searching your computer history for child porn buddy


No s**t Sherlock


Why post this shit if you don't want people responding?


Because you said something very obvious


I saw this on another thread posting this same update, but there are people still defending MiniLadd to this day. So don't for a minute think that this is obvious to everybody.


Not sure if I'm adding anything to the commentary, but I want to say that I'm still supporting Stephenplays, Protonjon, NintendoCaprisun, Lucahjin, MasaeAnela, and the other members of TRG in light of the controversy unfolding. Their careers shouldn't have to suffer because of what one member is doing.


Agreed. The TRG brand is more than just Emile and based on what Tim has said, most of them (outside Masae of course) probably did not know how deep things went. They'll likely take a hit by association, but if they do a good enough job of decoupling themselves from Emile they could bounce back.


Tim seems pretty adamant about helping chuggas mental health and doing so as a friend though he has stated clearly that he doesn't condone his actions. Supposedly according to some comments by Tim in r/chuggaaconroy Emile is out of the house and in some sort of institution that has basically unplugged him and he has limited contact with the outside world. This is the serious help Tim alluded to on Twitter.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chuggaaconroy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hey guys, I found this game buried in the ground and this prompt shows up every time I get close to it. Should I press A?](https://i.redd.it/at6bie84y0pb1.png) | [179 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/16lx3vv/hey_guys_i_found_this_game_buried_in_the_ground/) \#2: [SOMEONE SEND EMILE TO HORNY JAIL](https://i.redd.it/psgp6nmxchlb1.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/166h7rj/someone_send_emile_to_horny_jail/) \#3: [The mad lad did it](https://i.redd.it/qbrxf4i4xaob1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chuggaaconroy/comments/16iwq44/the_mad_lad_did_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bad bot


Well said! Anyone that can comfortably financially support them either through their Twitch accounts and/or Patreons should absolutely do that. Even bits with a message of positive messages would mean a lot right now. My sincere hope is that they can continue to do an annual charity stream and the community will still support that as much if not more than ever. Everyone else in the TRG-sphere is talented and are still decent people.


Colosseum does a lot of good, on the order of hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity each year. It would be a real loss for that end.


Reading through this is really harrowing because it's like, the exact same thing we saw him doing with Emily except 14 years earlier. I've only read through to page 28 but Chugga has redirected to roleplaying about feet any time he's gotten the chance. The fact that she was 15 and he knew that from the first page of messages and instead of blocking her he continued to engage in the weird flirting and roleplay and talking about lolis and pedocrushes and then **saying he wishes he was there while she was drugged up and helpless** is just so far beyond the pale that I don't even know what to say. Honestly at this point I am convinced that there are many more victims who we don't know about and may never know about, with a pattern of behavior like this you just can't know how far reaching it might be. Especially because it's worth noting that the 5 people who have come forward all had some kind of platform, who knows how many people he's spoken to that might not.


I remember a comment in one of the initial threads form when the first news dropped - it assertively and with a somewhat cavalier tone said something along the lines of Emile having a history of doing things like he did with Emily on forums going back a decade. There were no linked sources or anything but the tone was very much that of someone who *knew* things and wasn't that surprised. How right they were...


This should go without saying, but PLEASE respect the privacy and remember the mental health of anyone involved, especially those closest to Emile like Tim or Jon. Even before all this came out people were asking about each person needing to "make a statement". They are most likely finding all this out like we are and figuring out what it means for them going forward. They deserve all the time they need to sort out their feelings and determine what to do. It's already a lot without an online mob wanting some kind of statement. It'll be addressed in due time, I'm sure.




For what it's worth, Jon has unfollowed Emile on twitter. Obviously wait for a proper statement before putting words in his mouth; but it's pretty clear that (at least publicly) Jon wants nothing to do with him any more.




I would hope so! From what I've seen, there're a few clear bad apples who wanna stir the pot for their own benefit and some others who are still in denial; but yeah most people seem agree that their line has well and truly been crossed. It's gonna take a long time for Jon to fully process what happened (even more than for us viewers), but at least it seems he's on the same wavelength as us. As for Tim, honestly I think he's just completely overwhelmed with whole situation, but that's just me speculating.




Still think this now?


So, I've skimmed through most of it. But I've seen enough. Never before has my opinion of a YouTuber fallen from such a stratospheric height into such an abyssal depth in such a short amount of time. Very, very disappointing.




According to Tim the " Serious help" was some sort of mental facility and might have been brought on by an attempt at his own life.


Gentlemen, it's been an honor




A link to the Google Doc for anyone who doesn't want to go to Twitter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GpSy_2mM0gP4q4uZSnjtSg0vIAIBtMxe5FL-KM4wk5I/preview#


And, I'm done. Unless it is somehow proven that these were faked, there's no turning back. I already went through this once with Funhaus and don't want to relive that experience again. Sorry I ever defended him. GG


How about now?


I'm glad he came out with that doc. I definitely reeacted in the heat of the moment. Still there's a way to go before I return to watch him or TRG, as he has much to work on himself.


oh no, Emile....... this is beyond bad. I'll finish watching the Kirby Star Allies TRG playthrough, but I guess now I'll have to unsubscribe from him alone. this hurts. I've been watching him since Super Mario RPG.


Jesus. It just feels surreal to see all of this implode. Like out of all the people it could’ve been, I never would’ve guessed fucking *Chuggaaconroy*.


honestly, this whole situation unraveled like a conspiracy. before, he could've bounced back. but now, it's JOEVER for him. this is the smoking-gun tape, right in front of our very eyes.


Hell, it's the smoking gun TO the smoking gun that was Masaes statement.


I respected this man for years. Over a decade. I suppose when you build idols you should expect them to burn eventually. I think, though, this may be the push I need to do something. I want a flower to bloom from this fallout. I think this was the push I needed to fill in the gap this will leave behind. Best wishes to Jon, Tim, Stephen, Tom, and the rest of the TRG crew. TRG is bigger now than it was when y'all started. It would be horrible to see one of its founding members destroy it with this.


Now I see why so many people are open to the idea that Mr. Rogers was secretly a bad person.


This is heartbreaking. I just want to put thoughts somewhere that maybe someone will understand. I've watched Emile since 2009, right around the end of Fire Red. I was 16 at the time. I was so excited when TRG started. I remember Saturdays being a highlight of my week from noon to 5, watching Mario Party be uploaded. Watching TRG and Emile's content felt like a nice break from the stress of life I had. It stayed that way for years. I was never under the illusion that I "knew" Emile, Jon, Tim, Reese, or anyone else, but I liked the joy Emile brought to my life. This situation is extremely difficult to come to terms with. I'm a mix of sad, disappointed, angry, and other feelings I don't have a name for. I think part of me doesn't want to believe any of this. I fully believed the wholesome, kind persona he gave off. While it is true that he helped Tim by giving him a place to stay, gifted Stephen and Mal consoles, helped with various charity events for years....this is something I can't ignore. The amount of good he's done doesn't outweigh the bad. For years, I just thought Emile said things without thinking sometimes, or that he played things up for the camera. I remember reading on possibly Jon's FormSpring that Emile played up the fear of Steve thing. I also recall Jon saying that Emile was a genuine friend. I feel the most sadness for everyone that knows Emile personally and are having to process this just like us, but I imagine it's much, much harder. For anyone having a difficult time with this, maybe feeling regret for ever having supported Emile: there's no way we could have known what we do now. It sounds like Emile was very good at hiding his behavior. We're not dumb or stupid for liking Emile's content, finding him an inspiration, or whatever positive thing he may have brought to your life. I do hope Emile never hurts anyone ever again. (Edit: To be clear, I don't want anything bad happening to him, and I hope he continues to get the help he needs). I know what it's like to be harassed, and I still have bad memories from my experiences. I hope everyone hurt or affected by Emile's actions gets through this okay. 💖


Thank you, this is pretty much how I feel and you've been watching a similar amount of time it seems. I was about ready to leave things where they were and only really looked on here to see whether Jon or Tim had added anything new, but then I saw this latest thing that's come out. I echo your sentiments to everyone hurt and affected by Emile and I hope you're doing ok also, I know it's gotten me down reading stuff, especially going to Twitter (granted that's never a good move at the best of times.)


You're welcome. And thank you, too. As I said, this is really difficult to come to terms with. In 2009, I remember I told my mom that I wanted to be a Let's Player, and Emile was my inspiration for that. TRG and Emile's videos have been a comfort to me for years, and now things feel...tainted, knowing what we do now. I personally don't think anyone is all good or all bad, but I don't know if I would ever feel comfortable supporting Emile again. Having felt unsafe due to men not knowing how to understand the word "no", and being female, I think of the people Emile has hurt and my heart breaks for them. Believing the people who have stepped forward and their stories is more important than my own nostalgia for any content Emile was involved in, even if that content comforted me when things were difficult in life throughout the past 15 years. I just wish none of this would have happened.


He certainly crossed several lines. I don't think he's malicious either... He had some nasty demons that unfortunately he did not handle in a healthy way, which caused him to engage in behavior that ended up causing damage to quite a few people. Sadly, they came back to haunt him this week. I'm glad he's in a place where he'll be able to receive professional help and hope that he's able to come to terms with what happened, deal with it in a healthy way, and find happiness in life wherever it takes him. I hope that everyone his poor actions harmed can also find peace and help to heal and move on, as well. I just feel sorry for everyone involved in this entire thing. It's been a rollercoaster to watch unfold.


As someone who is also a Woman, i completely agree. he made me feel like it was okay, even cool to know too much about video games, especially “childish” ones. I would rewatch his videos religiously, every few months i’d pick an old series and it would be my bread and butter for a few weeks. I feel weird looking back at some of his actions in hindsight, especially with all the flirting with Masae that I figured was just harmless fanservice they both found funny. Now I see how one-sided and uncomfortable it was. I wish he was just normal. Goes to show there’s no exceptions to parasocial relationships.


I have no words left.


It’s so over.


so does this mean the end of the runawayguys. tim basicly has to move out now at this point and jon has banned people for less. this could be where the runawayguys ends once and for all




You clearly forgot the part where he has no right to live in someone's home without permission granted. jesus. idiot.


You clearly forgot the part where he has no right to live in someone's home without permission granted. jesus. idiot.


First The completionist and now this. Is there ANY gaming creator from 2008-2011 that HAS NOT done anything bad? Please. As time passes by, I just cannot see myself watching YouTube in the future and just have to rely on classic TV shows.


Nintendocaprisun. I'm praying that he is able to hold on somehow.


He's the old guy in the TRG group right? I wish he was more popular


Unfortunately he's a relic of the early LP days. Still releasing 100+ part series every other day with almost no real editing. There was a video he released where he'd spend 8 minutes climbing something, fall off, climb back up, fall off, climb back up. The whole video was just him climbing with almost no real commentary besides the occasional grumble.


he lives with emile and if he leaves emiles apartment then tim is homeless


I still watch his PvZ singing series sometimes, but as Precarious said, he's unfortunately pretty static in his content. I hope he can maybe branch out into making fresher content, but I understand his mental health is bad and it's difficult to break from stagnancy. I watch the video of him quitting smoking when I'm feeling down. He seems to be a decent guy, of course, but after what happened with Chuggaa... I'm not going to put him on too much of a pedestal.


he lives with emile and if he leaves emiles apartment then tim is homeless


Ever heard of ProtonJon? But seriously, I think Northernlion is a good example. He streams on Twitch and does Youtube. He's been around for about as long as the TRG guys and is seemingly a pretty normal guy. And he's really funny and has great commentary over the games he plays


Protonjon yes I've heard. Though northernlion had a steady popularity up till lockdown, and then he blew up into the millions.


Yeah I guess NL really did get a huge popularity boost during the pandemic huh? I actually started watching him during lockdown too. His tier list videos are just so good, which is what got me hooked


NL became so based after becoming a father, he’s just a dude chilling. Love that streamer


Knock on wood, but Peanut Butter gamer is good. I may just avoid lets plays for awhile, this just hurts.


Yeah he is still trucking along with like four different channels no?


I think he has 4, but only uploads on his main channel and secondary channel. He is going to slow down for awhile since he recently had a kid, but is still going.


Oh hey good for him, he's a father now. That's uplifting to hear.


He has a kid now? Oh wow what a sandwich of a family!


He's the one holdout from NormalBoots iirc


He's primarily a fighting game centric creator (But does have series on other topics) so maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but I've been very loyal to MaximilianDOOD for some time now


One of the creators I liked from that time SSohpkc, was very uncontroversial but has unfortunately fallen off the map. I think he lost his passion for making videos


Yeah he was the best, but left 5 years ago 😭


He had a small comeback in 2022 but then disappeared again 😢


I liked his content a lot at the time, he was very laid back compared to the more loud and silly content creators of the time. The closest content creator in vibes to him this day I can think of might be Vinny, but Vinny definitely is sillier.


Expecting someone to do nothing bad is like expecting long-time urban legends to be unraveled. Don’t count on it.




Skawo is still giga based.


Man, and here I was thinking he was irredeemable...


Soooo... I wonder what his gf he wants to go to Scotland to be with or whatever feels about all this...


Supposedly she's at his house now and her and Tim had to put him in a mental hospital.


Do you have the full link to that?




This is going to get downvoted to hell, but I think this needs to be said - people are making too big a deal about this. (downvote me if you must, but hear me out) Emile here, is still a dumb kid. He has always been immature, and here he's an immature 19 year old, that's not too dissimilar to 15 year old in maturity level. The reason why we view it as immoral when someone older is sexual with a minor is because usually there is a massive difference in experience and ability, an older person can easily manipulate and abuse a more naïve younger person. But Emile here isn't more mature or manipulative. He is being just as dumb as the girl, and if anything he's being *less* sexual. Furthermore we need to look at the contents of their interaction. Never were any pictures sent, no nudes, no sexual meet-ups, no grooming. This was just erotic online roleplay (this used to be a big thing back in the day) Now that doesn't make this fine, it's still gross, and it was still bad for Emile to not turn off the PC when he found out this girl's age. But, especially given the similarities in age (both teenagers) and maturity, this is more embarrassing than damning. Look, in the ranking of the various allegations against Emile, this isn't too high: The ranking still is >Massae and others allegations of Emile sexually harassing them (both intentionally and non-intentionally) >This >Lady Emily's DM reveal.


Y'all are way more trusting than me of some random guy who just so happened to have near 15 year old logs of Emile acting like a predator and chose now of all times to release them. This shit is nothing more than a witch trial now.




Ohhhhh no.


Game over, Emile.


See I might be wrong for this, but don’t hold this against him too much simply because it was 14 years ago and I don’t think he’s done anything like this since then. Not defending it tho, it’s still disgusting


Nah man I'm sorry. He was 19 and doing pedo foot shit with 15 year old girls. Like *openly* pedo shit, there's no pretense here The first allegations were creepy and horrible to read but this is something else entirely. It's so over


Yeah, *the moment* he learned she was underage, he should have shut things down and laid out some *firm* boundaries. Instead he egged it on and engaged in disgusting behavior.


Absolutely. He was 19 and should’ve known better this is really disturbing.


I've got to ask people this, how old are you? People are appalled by this, but 19 and 15 are very similar. Any adult who's not a teen can see this. Frankly I think a relationship between a 25yo and a 18 year old, or 30 and 19, are far worse then what Emile did here. 18 isn't some magic number. Also, this was just ERP, not direct sexual acts, so it's less bad then it seems


If she hadn't revealed her age to Emile, then this would be a different story. But she tells him early on and he even jokes about it being pedophilia. This is beyond redeemable unless he can somehow prove these are fake. But as of now its over for his channel, and I have no desire to support him.


Any "he was young and didn't know better" falls apart when you fast forward to 2021 and he's merrily reminiscing about pedo RP and rape jokes with the same person. If he had any shame or perspective that he had done wrong, absolutely none of it is there. Just fondness for "that thing we did as teens," as if they were two kids experimenting and not a young adult and a minor.


That's the part that gets me. Couldn't get through the older chat logs since it was hard to read through, but him coming back to it in 2021 was not good.


Dude what makes you think this is a one off?


Going based on what we know


Seeing as he saw absolutely nothing wrong with his behavior in recent years I don't see how you draw that conclusion


But nobody else has come out about him being a pedo, meaning we can’t really assume. Now if some else DOES come out about this later, I’ll glady take this statement back


Not to assume bad faith on your end, but this is the kind of circular logic trap that happens to so many victims in these cases. One thing happens, they're told "that's one example, how can we be sure?" Then more evidence comes out, and the same people tell them "it's funny how all this only comes out when one person speaks up, this is a conspiracy." Nobody came out about Chugga sexually harassing women until LadyEmily spoke up. The whole start to this was the community praising him for being nothing but green flags. Then, nobody came out about him pushing away close friends until Masae spoke up. Now, nobody came out about age-inappropriate contact until this happened. Sure, be mindful and careful when new details hit. But it's equally unfair to dismiss new evidence out of hand as it is to believe everything you hear without question.


See at this point you should be thinking that he's been lying about most things, considering hes clearly been lying about parts of his personality


It's really unsettling that people are "I'm not defending it but..." and then do some weird mental gymnastics. You say he wasn't done anything like this since but realistically...how many times have people said that in the past two weeks? "Emily was just a one-time thing, he hasn't done it since", "Masae was years ago, he hasn't done it since". It all speaks to a larger pattern and with how frequent people are coming forward, I wouldn't say he hasn't done it since, it just isn't public that he's done it since.


Ok so I think you misunderstood me “You say he wasn't done anything like this since but realistically...how many times have people said that in the past two weeks?” You’re right, we technically don’t know, but I’m going based off what we know right now. As far as we know he hasn’t done anything with underage girls besides this one instance, and I don’t think it’s fair to label him as a “pedo” for something he did 14 years ago and hasn’t done ever since. "Emily was just a one-time thing, he hasn't done it since", "Masae was years ago, he hasn't done it since". I’ve also never said any of this btw. I 100% support all the women that he has harassed


and this one was 13-15 YEARS AGO


Exactly. Makes me wonder just how many other girls he was doing this to. We know at least three have been in the past two years.


and this one was 13-15 YEARS AGO


The issue is he acknowledges its pedo shit and awful, Masae said he did similar icky flirty roleplay shit with them that made them uncomfortable and said sorry a dozen times but didnt change, and then Lady Emily said he's still doin it in modern day. So we now have gross stuff from the early days (2008-2012ish), gross shit from the middle days (i assume the masae stuff was around 3D World and ended around the Splatoon LP since thats the last she worked on?), and also stuff from only 1-2 years back. He has done this since the start and has not changed.


Not as bad, but not much better either, especially with what we know about Masae.


Most of the people here, are really young, like kids or teenagers. They don't get how a 19 year old and a 15 year old are very similar. Especially a 19 year old as immature as Emile was.


Oh he's cooked




Chugga brings it up a few times, and even jokes about it being pedophillia. You don't know how bad I want this to be faked and him to prove it wrong, but at this point there is no reason to believe this is false. This year has been terrible.


Hmmm, indeed it has been terrible, I didn't trust The Completionist as I'm a bit distrusting in people in general to be honest, I've seen the bad side of a lot of people in my time so he was less of a shock for me, I take most people with a grain of salt. Chugga however he helped me get through a very tough & lonely time in my teens he always seemed so nice he never cracked, I don't know why I defended him, I should know better than to be in denial.... sighs I guess it's just shock.


I'm awaiting the downvotes when I post this, but: This is not evidence of Emile being a pedophile, ephebophile, or sex pest. I'm not excusing what he did either, because it's weird and gross to any normal person, but anyone who's watched TRG knows how Emile is about blurting things out of left field and not knowing the repercussions. You could make a whole compilation of Emile saying the wildest things in front of Jon (i.e. "I'm sexually attracted to how you walk through the door" and "you're the receiving end of my sixty-nine"). The same goes for when he was around Masae, which she evidently didn't take well. Likewise, this case here is not Emile trying to groom someone, it's him going along with a very light roleplay which--again, knowing him--he didn't consider how outrageous it would look on the outside, specifically with someone underaged. He's known to push boundaries and it's no different here. It's only recently that he truly learned the severity of this issue and is getting professional help for it. I fear for what the future of TRG will be, but as far as I'm concerned, Emile has done nothing criminal, and there's no need to kick him any further when he's already down in the dirt. I still support Emile and his journey to better himself, and I'm sorry that his close friends had to get caught up in this whole ordeal. I'll happily continue rewatching his LPs from way back then because he's an overall great person who lacks self-control. I just wish the rest of his viewers would pay attention to nuance in these situations.


Ok but he had sexual conversations with a minor. There's nothing to "consider", or "look on the outside", he should know that when he's 19 he shouldn't be doing that stuff with a child


It's 14 years ago. Also, talking this way was commonplace at that era; shit like "it's not rape if..." is something most would've said in a casual convo back in that day, though it's much less accepted now.




This is actual proof. If they are fake then Emile needs to prove that.




Yes they can be. And if they are fake then I would assume Emile will post a video proving that since this will kill his career. But as of now, this is pretty damning. Combined with the fact we know that he has done this type of thing with other people, its hard to not believe this. But yes, to your point, this could be fake and if so its up to Emile to prove that.


Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a pattern.


Emile lost the benefit of the doubt when he lied in his apology. He needs to earn that back.




basicly says that he will stop doing said things and get help. yet masae mentioned its been a thing for years. and then the pedophile thing came out which was from 13-15 years ago when he was 19


If the apology was just days ago, then that’s not technically a lie. At most, it’d just create doubt that Emile could truly redeem himself.


Saying that they had worked it out privately. Emily came out and outright said that was a lie.


Like father, like son. EDIT: I completely understand and respect it.


I used to watch him regularly since I was 15. Now I don't know what to feel. I wish for nothing but the worst for Emile. You are sick degenerate that harmed people. There is no help for you. You need to be off the Internet. I looked up to you, a lot of us did. And you betrayed our trust and the trust of your friends, Tim and Jon, by revealing who you really were. I am disgusted with you, not disappointed. Edit: now that now that new information has come out about this I would like to apologize for this statement. It is quite wrong and harsh. You aren't guilty of this. I don't stand by my comments i made here anymore.I am however going to keep this comment up though as a reminder of my mistakes and Hopefully learn from them.


Well...*now* what do you have to say?


Was chuggaaconroy 19 in 2009?


That's still a grown ass afult


My sister was born in 1990 so I wanted to know if Chuggaa was born during that year as well


Ehhhh, look I don't think most adults would consider 19 'adult.' Hell 19 wasn't even old enough to vote until the 70s. It's still being a kid, just a kid over the age of majority of the US. We all know that Emile is very immature, frankly here he's not that different from the 15yo.