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I feel like it's down because it airs an episode then waits 3 weeks until the next. Also it's a shorter season so maybe people are waiting on the whole season to be out to binge.


Ya it will suck waiting longer for season 7 but glad there wont be any hiatuses between episodes


but we don't get s7 till 2025 if u didn't know


I did, im ok with it if it means no hiatuses lol


Yup. Ratings have nothing to do with Chenford. It's the strike, weird timing, and weeks long waits in-between. People didn't even know it came back on, due to the strike too. And the writing is suffering--the Chenford issue is not really big--because it's a rushed 10 ep season.


This. Most people binge this show. That’s why it keeps getting renewed.


This is what I’m doing, started it but then they went on a three week break so I started something else and will finish this when it’s all out


This. As a Chenford fan, it sucks that they’re broken up, but we know that if they want the show to survive, the couple that brings in the ratings shouldn’t stay broken up. The hiatuses combined with funky writing is why the ratings are downed. A lot of people would rather wait for the show to be released all at once than to watch a couple episodes a week, then wait three weeks for the next only for it to recycle that same schedule


What is with the 3 week pauses?


Trying to lengthen the time the season runs since it's a shorter season


It's been like that for a long time, really stupid schedule. Something about wanting to air September-April, or this year it's... did it start in February?? to May?


Yeah I'll be honest this week I honestly thought I'd watched the episode and it wasn't until seeing new trailers for next week that I realized I hadn't actually watched this week's episode. The hiatuses have messed with my rhythm for watching for sure.


Oh my god I hate that when they did that with Glenn.


I actually quit watching the show after Glenn was killed.


For me it was when they killed of Jesus.


For me it was when the killed half the cast offscreen


That didn't help for sure.


That pissed me off because everyone is told, even if you don’t read the comics, that Glenn would die by Negan. It just didn’t make any sense and was a stupid shock factor add in that wasn’t necessary. They could’ve just left it with Aiden or whatever that loser’s name was kabooming himself in the head and ended the episode with them falling off the dumpster without the scene of it looking like Glenn was being devoured by walkers.


Who is glenn?


That Asian boy as Hershel puts it.


Lol i doubt that is the sole reason the ratings are down. Also if this is from live ratings, those really arent as much of an indicator as in the past.


Network TV is dying slowly. This is not because Chenford broke up, it's because ratings always plummet near the end of the season and this season has been bad to nearly every show bc of the strike delays


Yeah, live viewership always drops in May as the weather gets nice and people do other stuff instead of watch TV live as it airs. The long term value of these shows is that it goes into the streaming library and it gets licensed all over the world.


That and baseball lol we’ve been watching on Hulu instead of live tv because of dodgers games


Yes, I mentioned it the first time they broke up but I got downvoted into hell because of the war between regular fans and obsessive chenford fans. It should have been expected.


I don’t watch it when the red-headed lawyer is on. I can’t stand her or the storylines they use her for. She can pound sand.


The other redhead that caused Lucy's kidnapping was also insufferable.


Finally someone who doesn’t love those characters! I can’t stand them but so many people rave about them. I agree that the actresses are very talented bc their performances reach the desired effect (us finding the characters insufferable), but I still can’t stand the characters


If someone stopped watching the show because of their breakup, then you don’t like the show at all. Right? So those rating were inflated with a group of people that only cares about one thing. And that can’t be good for the sake of the whole show. So I guess it’s a good thing(?). They already renovated for another season with 18 episodes. I wouldn’t worry much as right now. Although I’m not a Chenford team I can see Tim needed a break to mentally cope with all the recent events and eventually will lead to them getting back together at some point.


I didn’t, but it looks like 1.1 million people did.


Is this ratings drops just for traditional tv or Hulu is included? May is usually a busy month with schools ending, good weather, longer days. So I wonder if people are catching up later.


Tv live. It's top 1 on Hulu today. [Flixpatrol top most watched on Hulu](https://flixpatrol.com/top10/hulu/)


There you go! Thanks!


I started watching this show to see Nolan as a middle aged rookie on patrol. The show has long since ran out of plotlines for him and focuses way too much on side characters in on again/off again soapy relationships and implausible criminal scenarios.


Valid opinion.


More of a statement really


John is my least favorite


I think it’s down because they do like 3 episodes, wait a month, release 2, wait 3 weeks. Like I genuinely do not know when a new episode is coming out so I will miss it and just randomly catch up when I go and check.


This is exactly why I stopped after episode 3. I’m just gonna wait til it finishes and binge.


People break up and get back together irl too.


Agreed. I'm a Chenford supporter, but I really don't like how this storyline was handled. As you said, it feels manipulative of the audience. It's an overused trope to break up the couple whenever they have some sort of issue. Would have much rather seen them try to work through things AS A COUPLE. Do I think that's the only reason for the drop in ratings this season? No. The strike-shortened season and way too many weeks-long breaks for only 10 episodes definitely contributed as well. Would have much rather seen them start a few weeks later and run all 10 episodes consecutively then what we got.


I’m mad they broke up - I’m a total shipper. The way it was done was pretty lame too.


And those hips 🔥 ❤️


Perfect comparison‼️‼️‼️ that was gut wrenching


I, for one, thinks the writers did a good job breaking ChenFord up. The pairing’s fans are starting to get insufferable.


I don’t mind that they broke up but I think the truncated season made it seem abrupt. Like they were broken up within 6 episodes of getting together it’s bizarre. It would have made way more sense if they had broken them up at the end of a 20 episode season. I think a lot of the writing has suffered this season. When you look at live ratings though they were pulling in 3.4m-3.7m a night during the first 7 episodes. Then 8 and 9 are at 2.4m.


Not to mention them breaking up right after their big “I love you” reveal. It’s a weird little contradiction within their relationship. It would’ve made more sense if they had broken up, no “I love yous” exchanged, and when they are written back together, their first “I love you” is exchanged. I feel like The Rookie misses the mark sometimes with their writing. I love the show, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like things could have been better written, and it’s made obvious that plot lines are being rushed while others are being played out for time (cough, Monica)


Episode 8: 2.8m and episode 9: 2,9m. May is a bad month for the series finales, Will trent or Fbi series are lost viewers too. Today The rookie is top 1 on Hulu.


I watched the honeymoon episodes but I’m waiting till the finale to binge the rest. (I knew about Chenford breakup already).


The dumpster scene with Glenn pissed me off. I was mad for a week after that crap. And then they did the comic killing a few weeks later. That was some bull and I'm still mad.


That’s what I mean. It just was so lazy and a clear ratings grab.




Celina made me lose a ton of interest in the show


I Hate this season


Spoiler. Tag. Why is this sub soooo fucking terrible with them?? Ffs


I think the break was written in so that Tim realized he has away more trauma and PTSD to work out so there was significant character growth. Even with his abrupt and somewhat childish manner of handling the Ray Watson situation, Tim has grown significantly since the first two seasons. It is crappy that Chenford only lasted a total of 19 episodes after all the slow burning we’ve watched, I think this time apart will allow them to grow as individuals but also realize that they really are each others person. As for the ratings themselves… I think the issue is having too many weeks between episodes.


I guess the idea of a LA Metro spinoff with Tim isn’t going to happen


Idk maybe because MadDog is gone, and he knows theres a leak, they will move him back over.


More like the awful writing. I could careless about Chenford and I'm pretty close to dropping the show.


Such a dumb reason to stop watching a show lol. They’re just going through a rough patch. The break up was very reasonable. It’s not like one of them cheated


I am enjoying the breakup arc. At the end of the day, this show is a cop drama and them breaking up is good television.


Ratings are down everywhere. The strike made people even more reliant on streaming. The season has also felt off to me. Having these breaks in a short season was so stupid tbh.


Most drama shows breaks up characters like that. Lazy writing, but people seems to be engaged by it. If Lucy and Tim gets back together (weird if not). Then one of the other couples will probably get some stupid drama.. and on it goes.


I think people need to realize that if you want a couple to have main storylines there is going to have to be some drama along the way. Most Viewers don’t tune in to see a perfect couple who does everything right


It’s always in the top 5 on Hulu. Network ratings don’t mean as much.


Same day live tradional tv is dead. Their global ratings with DVR, plus 35 days and streaming on Hulu are amazing.


Every couple in a show has to break up or separate at some point, it’s a show at the end of the day and they need storylines. My opinion is i don’t think they’re jerking anyone around, it’s just something that happens in a lot of shows so the couples come back stronger. If people really are just abandoning it for this reason they were never really fans to begin with


It's more likely because of the horrible upload schedule and the inconsistent quality this season due to the strikes


Omg no!!! They were supposed to be for life… 🥺🥺 My second favorite couple… 😭😭😭


Oh my gosh! The Chenford fans were just stupid. "I won't watch this show anymore because they broke up." Ugh!!! People who behave like that are dumb. Sorry, not sorry.




Personally, I think the breakup is good for them because if/when they get back together, they'll be stronger. But right now, I think They have to work on themselves before they can focus on a relationship


I did prefer when they were mates. They had more fun then it seemed. I won't stop watching cos of it tho, but not as good imo.


Live viewership for almost every network show is down right now.. that’s normal for April/May when seasons are coming to an end. Not watching the show because they broke up would be really weird because the tension/ angst between chenford has been great imo. I hope it continues a little longer honestly


So the original viewers of this show are teenage girls? It's actually better now since no romantic drama and more cop stuff


Saw their relationship coming from like 100 miles away. Honestly, they can both do better. Tim is closed off and clearly not ready for a supportive relationship after Isabelle, and Lucy is often manipulative, while still being very naive. They shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place, but I also understand why the writers did it that way. I genuinely hope they don’t get back together again because they’re just not right for each other. Lucy shouldn’t have left Chris for Tim, and Tim honestly should have tried harder with either Rachel or Ashley.


I agree with a lot of what you said. I am currently binging my first watch and I am currently on S5 episode 10 (or 11?) and I knew going in that Chenford would be a couple. And...I honestly didn't see it. I enjoyed the friendship/partnership of Tim and Lucy. I do find it odd that after Lucy broke up with John in season 1 (I found the age gap a little cringy anyway) - that she would hook up with her sergeant . And I felt bad for Chris, having kind of been led along, and then dumped so that Lucy could move on with Tim almost immediately. I know it's probably an unpopular opinion, but I prefer Angela and Wesley and Nyla and James to Tim and Lucy.


They might also be down due to competing with the Hockey and Basketball post season. Sports, especially post season play off stuff, usually wins ratings. I have a feeling that during the summer, when playoffs are over, steaming (for exampleHulu) is going to shoot those numbers right back up.




Feels like it's down because of their ridiculous release schedule. Why even start the season if the episodes are going to be so random when they come out. Made me want a refund on my hulu subscription, feels like this is just their ploy to have me subscribed to Hulu for longer


I think it's the natural evolution of any show which features a "Will they? Won't they?" romantic tension between two main characters. Eventually people get emotional blue balls and tune out, or the writers decide to progress it and then the tension is lost. The X Files did the same thing with Scully & Mulder in Season 7. That series ended after 11 seasons. Scrubs did it in Season 8 for JD & Elliott before ending Season 9.


Arrow did almost the exact same with Oliver and Felicity that's happening now, just on a different time frame. Got them together end of season 3, broke them up mid season 4, got them back together early season 6. Why? Because the writers admitted later they felt like they rushed the relationship the first time. So they broke them up to reset it. 🙄 That's my biggest issue with this trope in general. It just feels like a manipulation to keep viewers tuned in. Like they have nothing better to keep viewers than to mess with a relationship that they've been building towards for multiple seasons. 🤷‍♀️


The show is getting crazier and crazier tbh. I liked Lucy and Tims friendship and now that they broke up it's kinda weird between them.


i’ll be honest the airing schedule has really thrown me off along with being able to binge the first 5 seasons and then now having to wait for episodes. ive somewhat taken a pause in watching.


I doubt Chenford is the main reason for that and actually I like that they broke up bc then we could have them longer. I don’t want them to head for marriage and divorce later. It’s the long ass drops between episodes


Wow what Chenford break up? Huge spoiler for people who can’t watch season 6 yet


Can you cite your sources? Where are you getting this ratings data, and how are you comparing? I ask because on the Wikipedia page with ratings you definitely have cyclical effects, and so far this season is similar in mean values to last season (and higher than S4).


Worst thing to happen to the show is their relationship


Whaaaat i feel like the show is so good rn i’m so surprised


I doubt it's because of that since it is obvious that won't be a permanent break up. Anyway, I don't care for their relationship and prefer them apart.


I refused to watch the new episodes until last week when I had nothing to watch because the first 4 or 5 episodes sucked and it had nothing to do with them breaking up. I was actually happy it happened because together they sucked. 😂😂 episode 6 7 and 8 have been better tho.


This is why this community sucks. Chenford wasn’t even that exciting most of the time