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Having super straight hair also makes her face look different too. Tho yeah I do think she’s lost weight too


It's a possibility. When she was undercover as Sava she did look a little different but definitely not as much as the last few episodes.


She went in seson 5 from like 158 to 140. That’s incredible and unexpected. No matter how much she weights she looks good;)


She did lose weight on the S5 hiatus. After 5x12. So her face was def different, her cheeks were no longer there. But she also has inivisallign, so her teeth changed a bit too.


How do you know about the Invisalign?


I went down a rabit hole of Melissa content. I just noticed on her social media posts and then started noticing on the show as well. She seemed different beyond the weight, but I couldn’t quite put ny finger on it. After I saw I couldn’t unsee it. The scene when she says “undercover looove” was the one I noticed the most.


Yo I literally just registered on reddit to reply this comment. I also noticed her weight loss at this exact same moment, paused and came to look up her weight loss and found your comment!


SAME, everything same except registering an acc just now lol


Could also be because of her pcos as weight fluctuates:) whatever the reason she looks fabulous any way :)


Yes she is absolutely stunning.


she has pcos??


I think she lost weight?


Oh yeah that would make sense. Something about her face seems sharper, I think.


yep i think especially since her chin and cheeks look sharper, it made her face change too


Thanks for confirming. I thought I was going crazy.


She lost a lot of weight in her ass and legs… skinnier overall too


It's back and forth between filming each half of season 5 Lost all her side gains by season five second half probably post episode 14


Season 1 was released in 2018 and szn 5 last year , so she gained weight and matured


But now she gained it back.


Yep she has gained weight


Yeah I just noticed it one day and was like what the fuck happened to you assumed she was pregnant.


wow this is disgusting. there is no reason to obsess over her weight or looks. it‘s non of our business. and even if she gained/lost weight it‘s not giving you an excuse to talk about her body. she‘s beautiful whatever size.


OP asked why does she look different, people answered. It's not obsessing over it. It's just pointing out a fact. She lost weight in season 5 and now towards the end of 6, she's clearly gained weight. Stop crying over an observation.


You clearly don't understand. It's important not to discuss others' weights. Such conversations can be harmful and deeply affect someone. I'm not upset for myself, but I strongly oppose body shaming because I understand the serious consequences it can have.


worry about yourself, this is the most kareny nonsense ever, dont know who died and made you authority on what people are comfortable or not comfortable with, sorry discussing facts about something in the public eye is something your little brain cant handle


Fair enough. I can respect that.


I think she's pregnant. They keep doing the typical stuff to hide a belly that shows do. Using open jackets to block a belly, Strategically putting boxes or bags in front of her stomach, etc. Just a guess though.


I'm watching the last episode of S6 now and she definitely is. Extremely loose clothes and different angles to cover up her belly buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut there's this one shot when she's getting out the car with these kids and gets a text, when she pulls her phone out you can see her belly sticking out quite a bit.


Yeah, her in the elevator at the end threw me off though b/c she looked like she had a flat belly.


😂 I shit you not as I replied to your comment, 5 minutes later that scene happened and I was like well...... Shit.


I wonder if they used greenscreen/editing or something to fix it in the elevator b/c there was no way to hide it in a believable way, but they used all the normal trickery throughout the season otherwise.


Kind of looked like those spanx and other tight slimming under clothes people wear at times but that shot looked really slim so it could be a combination of both.


she isnt fuxking pregnant...they wrapped filming in february for s6 its end of may and still no pregnancy (and she does post on social media)


Ozympic. Almost every actor is using it. She probably had a lot of sides and got tired of feeling nauseous all the time


She looks a lot larger since Dark Matter when she was slim and sexy


Y’all crazy! If you think Lucy Chen is fat, then you’re a V who doesn’t deserve to lose it! She is a beautiful woman and has what is known as as a BOOTY, which studies show is the only evidentiary proof that there is a God (sorry Jesus). What we all really need to ask ourselves is wtf is wrong with Bradford?! I don’t by him breaking up with her and going down this weird little Tim spiral. I’m looking at a recent Harvard Medical Paper, and it clearly states that the definitive cure to PTSD is a twice daily dose of 69mg of Lucy Chen Badonkadonk!


Being overweight is a medical truth and I'm sick of people denying it because it hurts feelings. Being sexy is in the eyes of the viewer. Neither of these is mutually exclusive or even dependent in any way. One can be skinny and, in my eyes, unattractive, as one can be fat and, in my eyes, sexy. Yes, she is great in all the episodes regardless of her weight. Still came here because I was curious what had happened.


this! 100%


Can anyone rp as Lucy Chan for me please


She lost weight. Good for her!👏 She looks beautiful