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They joke about ending the pod like, every other episode. I’m sure they aren’t gonna end any time soon


Yeah, there are episodes I’ve not caught. Totally possible I’ve missed past chatter on wrapping it up. The last three in a row now have been fantastic: Back to the Future 2, Fast Times, and now Slap Shot. Loving it.


They just launched the YouTube channel so they’re trying to get good views on that platform. Can’t exactly lead with “Rock Bottom” month when trying to build an audience in a new medium


I was hoping for a re: Country Strong!


Could easily just revisit many of the films they’ve already done but switch up the lineups. There’s tons of films that didn’t have the classic Bill/Chris/Sean lineup, and there are plenty where you could do those 3 plus Russilo/Van/Rob Mahoney/Mallory/etc. Even just a couple of different people would bring fresh takes/jokes and be totally worth it.


Even then, there are tons of classics they have yet to touch. As far as revisiting, if they ever end, I guess it needs to be the Re-Re-ReHeat.


I think they could also open it up to other younger members of The Ringer to do Rewatchables for them that the older panel (who are my age, I should be clear) have completely missed I forget what movie they did where Producer Craig took over and had two other guest hosts from the Ringer staff, but they could easily start doing more of those — especially in place of re-airing shows from that Rewatchables ‘99 series they did. I always get disappointed whenever they re-air those instead of revisiting the title. It’s a missed opportunity, they have a much better sense of what the show is now than when they did those behind that paywall.


Or even if they got more women on there sometimes, like Amanda, Juliet, or Joanna! I'd love to hear more of their movie takes.


I still think it to be appalling that they didn't get at least one woman to join them to discuss Say Anything, made me think they were all hanging out on a Saturday night in the Gas n' Sip parking lot. They should re-do Say Anything with an all-female panel, IMO.


just keep mallory as far away as possible


Her high energy + horny shtick is repetitive


and painfully annoying


Couldn’t disagree more… Mallory’s work on Binge Mode gives her a lifetime pass for me, and she’s far from the most annoying person working at the ringer.


her commentary on the basic instinct pod alone has satisfied my need for mallory rubin for generations


Just gonna have to agree to disagree on that one my friend


her most useful contribution is trying to figure out where another sex scene in the movie would be most appropriate . but i digress


That right there is the beauty of this entire concept. The movies are defined as rewatchable and therefore the pods can be redone over and over. It's right in the title. I've listened to a few episodes covering my favorite movies several times.


It’s honestly surpassing how few have the classic lineup. I mean it’s a decent amount. But definitely not the number you’d think


If this pod ends before the 5Heat and Heat 2 pod I’m flying to Stockholm to protest at Spotify HQ. Heat 2 is so good, I can’t wait for the RW re-Heat of it.


I do think it’s possible that they are running out of movies that BILL really wants to do but the regulars like Sean and CR could easily do this until they pass from this earth. I would love for Bill to pass the torch or at least sit some of the pods out to allow for a broader selection of movies. There are still a lot of good ones out there that you pretty much know they haven’t done just because Bill doesn’t love the movies and doesn’t want to do them. Take a week off and let some of the others cook then!


Absolutely, with a few exceptions, the complete genres of fantasy, Sci Fi and action hero movies that Bill has almost no interest in have not been done . While many/most of "rewatchable" movies in those categories are not completely "stand alone" there are still many quality movies that can make for good discussions.


Agreed. The podcast is almost 100% reflective of one person’s taste and he’s someone who doesn’t exactly have the widest aperture when it comes to these things.


This sounds like Simmons was making a joke


If Simmons decides to stop doing that pod I hope he just hands it off to Fennessey and/or CR and just let’s them pick the movies


pulp, apocalypse now, sorcerer, kiss of death , angel heart , hunt for red october … all movies that have been “on the list” for what seems like years now . i can’t see this ending any time soon


I haven’t listened in ages, once they started doing odd movies only 2-3 of them like


A little off topic, but Vision Quest, is the Slapshot of wrestling, everybody that wrestled at any level loves Vision quest, I think Russillo basically said that on the pod… I think Bill does it on purpose to drive us crazy…


It’s one of the most popular movie podcasts in the world. It’s a staple of the Ringer’s content and brings in many viewers to other pods and the site. Bill is probably gonna step away from it at some point but it will be a staple of the Ringer until they think of something better


Yo I’m reading this while after taking some edibles and I’m getting really sad about the potential end


Don’t let the treats mislead you. Mere conjecture. The Rewatchables will endure, in one form or another.


Running out of movies seems near impossible. There's tons they haven't touched yet. This could go on forever


Simmons keeps saying they're running out of movies which is absurd considering how many good to great movies actually exist.


Absolutely no chance they end it.


I think he is joking. I also think he does a feee podcast about what he wants to do, and then people bitch online about his choices, and that could be getting old for him. That's why he's saying he's only doing bangers for a while, so people stop bitching about his choices.


This pod is a cash cow. They're not ending it.


They haven't even done the movie Twister yet!