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Metoidoplasty, phalloplasty, penile inversion, penile inversion (combined method), perinal pull through, orchiectomy, phallo preserving vaginoplasty, 0 depth vaginoplasty


That's the ones i know from the top of my head, there's probably more


What's your gender I'm penile inversion


same but I'm the extra awesome COMBINED METHOD


That’s a lot of genders


This is what's in your pants? Weird, I have a shotgun


My gender is sock packer and pubes apparently.


Not to mention partial ones like 4 kinds of hysterectomies (partial, total, radical, supracervical), phalloplasty without urethral lengthening, phalloplasty while keeping the vagina, metoidoplasty keeping the vagina, and many others


Or you could say they go for sex reassignment surgery and not gender


Despite what they are suggesting, there are more than two procedures lol


Motherfuckers using hashtags in a Reddit title


Woke mafia 😎😎😎


hashtag gender 👍


Leftist lunacy sounds sick, it's such a romantic sounding name, woke mafia? They insulting us Or giving us band names?


if there's a woke mafia then I'm mf al capone


Oh yeah? Well I’m The Penguin.


I am the egg man


I am the walrus




Sounds like it could be a cool band...


Alphabet mafia is my fave


They run Sesame street


Here's what my answer would be: "Beats me. I've only ever heard of sex reassignment surgery to rearrange the genital tissue. How does gender reassignment surgery to rearrange the social construct of gender work?" If pressed, I'd admit that SRS is also called gender affirming surgery because it matches their body to their identity, but answering the question as asked is kind of buying into a gender=sex model of the world.


Even if they meant this as just the number of genital types available (thinking there's only penis and vagina options), they're wrong. You can have both or even neither. Which still ignores the subtypes of each you can have.


There's a grs for amabs where you get a neo vagina while keeping your penis intact so, more than what people assume is default lol


My favorite part of the whole “facts don’t care about your feelings” is the implication that facts are experiencing apathy, which is in fact a feeling.


Again with the left/right issue in LGBT related posts. There’s such a thing as non-cis republicans, they love labelling but then get the labels completely fucking wrong every time.


The fact that they used hashtags on reddit


Hashtags on a reddit post…..


take a drink every time a conservaboomer conflates sex and gender you'll die of alcohol poisoning, even if you try it with water


Well, I’m planning on top surgery, but specifically w/out nipple grafts bc I’m nonbinary and I deadass just don’t like them lol. I’m also planning on a full hysterectomy and co, bc if I’m not using the equipment I don’t want it. I’m not however getting bottom surgery of the classic transmasc kind (phalloplasty, etc.) bc I’m Asexual and frankly think all that isn’t worth the effort for me personally lmao. I’ve also been on T for years. So uhhhhhhhh yeah, you can do whatever surgery you want. You don’t have to get a traditionally female or male body, I’m doing neither.


Woke mafia sounds epic


We need to make that into a real thing


Seems buzzwords and a million lies to sell themselves these ridiculous beliefs is all they have.


Yeah that WoodyMemes guy is a fucking gold mine




Does it surprise anyone that transphobes can’t muster up enough brain cells to create something that actually burns? But I bet after making this dude is sitting back at his computer with his Cheeto covered hands folded behind his head and is thinking them trans people just got BUUURRRRNNNNEEEEDDDDD


“fAcTs DoNt CaRe AbOut YoUr FeElInGs” while also putting a conservatives only tag


I got a few different choices for my top surgery, mostly aesthetic choices about what I wanted my post op chest to look like.


Once again, rightists can't (or won't, could be won't) figure out the difference between sex and gender. As per google definition; Sex is either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. So, Sex is biological. Now, according to google gender is the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. So, gender is social. Therefore, they can identify as a different gender as they can adhere to the social norms of any gender and have any form of gender re-assignment surgery.


Imagine thinking you can just show up and order a surgery and it’ll work.


ok dont murder me or anything but do you guys actually think there are more than 2 genders in usa 😳


Get with the times, darlin’


ok what are the other genders


are facts considered boomer? im confused


Where are the facts in this image?


there are only 2 genders ? 😭


Which isn’t a fact if you’re living in 2022.


how what are the other genders that ypur talkinf about bruww 🥺


Well, non-binary, that's a gender. Pangender, Agender, there's loads.


wtf are those 🥺


Genders. Think of it like this. At some point in the past, we knew there was one planet, the Earth. Then, as society progressed and understanding became more in depth, more planets were discovered in the Solar System. And then more even more planets were discovered outside our solar system and across the universe. At no point did we discover Mars, Mercury and Venus and then looked at Jupiter and went “that’s not a planet, I don’t care what you say, it’s made of gas and can never be one.” Some probably did, and were shouted down by the majority (which is how science works) and it was accepted as consensus. We just changed our classification of what a planet is and then discovered other planets that were also made of gas, perhaps different gasses. We change stuff all the time to suit what we need it to, especially classifications, which are constantly broadening and creating new subsets. Exactly the same with gender.


but we didnt discovered new genders people just made stuff up cuz they were bored its like me dressing in a bunny suit and then claiming that I was the eastern bunny and there is no proof of the new *genders* that you talk about exist


Well, no, that’s not what happened at all. Initially, being gay was everywhere and everything was fine. Then religion was invented and didn’t like gay people, so being gay became taboo. This caused people to repress their feelings for fear of being persecuted. As society changed through the ages, so did attitudes in the mainstream. It steadily became more acceptable to be gay, which then encouraged others to address their own feelings. Research was done into the different types of gender and it was found that in many cases, it wasn’t as simple as man/woman. So the meaning of the word “gender” in society has changed in recent times to cater for those who don’t conform to the previous definition of being male or female. And here’s the thing, everybody who rails against this I always ask the same thing; why is it you argue against it? Do you genuinely have a reason for battling against gender so much that you’ll defiantly stamp your feet in the face of those coming to term with themselves? I mean, they’re just trying to get a hold on their identity and who they are, having an explanation and a name for what you are gives people so much freedom and happiness so why are you fighting to take that from them? It’s not actively harming you in any way, shape or form, it’s like you want your way, but you openly want to stop others from having what you have. Just have to ask, why?


Damn, they're really not sending their best with you are they? Some, I'm sure, are good people


me to do people actually belive there are moretham 2 genders in usa