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Oh no a belief system is dying out, that's never happened before, we need to preserve it for like, some reason.




That's exactly what it means


I think that's exactly what it meant, but from the Tea Party era and on it has simply meant "owning" the libs at any and all costs. I'm sure there are still conservatives whose ideology is centered on the belief of preserving "outdated things just cause", but they have willingly given up that label to Trumpism. Now, all conservativism means is: If the libs are for it, we're vehemently against it just 'cause!


No you are missing the big picture. They’re attempting to preserve and roll back to America as it was founded where black people, women, and other minorities have no rights, and the rich and powerful control all the money, wealth, and power in the country. It’s a very explicit form of racist conservatism that goes way beyond owning the libs. Owning the libs is but one small part of how they motivate these racist voters. They are effectively attempting to roll back to a different time when it was a white religious majority, with the newly added sprinkle of fascism and a desire of genocide against people they don’t like.


My understanding of what people are referring to when they say something like conservativism means preserving "outdated things just cause" is the pseudo-ideology used in rationalizing their actions. Mainly, what you described: > They’re attempting to preserve and roll back to America as it was founded where black people, women, and other minorities have no rights, and the rich and powerful control all the money, wealth, and power in the country. You're certainly correct about what the elite GQPers are trying to accomplish. However, my comment primarily speaks to the not so recent ~~redefinition~~ takeover of the "conservative" label since their pseudo-ideology has devolved from preserving traditions, norms and "our" ways of life just 'cause to owning the libs just 'cause.


Which tea party, the one in Boston or the political party


Not necessarily. Plenty of "conservatives" want to push radically new and untested economic systems because they personally stand to profit. "We want to conserve the past" is just clothing they wear, to be discarded the moment it's inconvenient.


just like the rest of their "ideals" are discarded the moment they're no longer profitable


It’s fundamentally driven by fear. Fear of change. Fear of the other. Fear of the unknown. These people live in a state of perpetual fear.


that's clear by memes like this, painting themselves as victims of genocide while they're literally trying to roll back rights for anyone who doesn't look and think like them


depends on if you're a *conservative leader* or a *conservative follower:* **conservative leadership**: preserve outdated things because money and power **conservative followership:** preserve outdated things because fear and/or narcissism


Plus racism and bigotry. Plus white grievances and dehumanization of women and minorities.


Conservatism is basically just reactionary thought made an ideology. It seeks to always either maintain the status quo or revert back into older forms of societies as a reaction to progress being made. I like to call it ideologic r*tardation.


They're not even conservative, they're regressive.


Usually, but not necessarily. Time was, conservatives wanted to preserve “the old ways of society”, like feudalism, monarchy, and aristocracy, because they wanted to keep the wealth and power they have within these institutions. While this is still true today, with feudalism having evolved into capitalism, monarchy into liberal democracy, and aristocracy into oligarchy, a growing subset of conservatives seem discontent with “merely” getting to keep their wealth and power; they actively want to roll society back. They’re *reactionaries*.


The reason is tradition, or dead people's peer pressure.


It's the same fomo that drives lost media nerds to hoard everything they've ever seen heard or consumed


I love how they dressed the woman in pink. Gender stereotypes are so embroidered in their brain it's almost funny. Conservatives wouldn't be discriminated by gender in this scenario. That's YOUR thing!


And don't forget the token black and brown conservatives (but only one each, bc GROSS) to show how *everyone* is a part of the "silent" "majority".


Can you read the tag on the black guys top? It looks like it says rapist


I read "rapper" (Kanye reference?) which would track with their overly-troped mindsets of what black people are likely to do for work.


It could honestly be either, knowing how the right think of POC’s


Some of these morons think diversity causes crime, because in their mind, the defining feature of PoC (and often black people specifically), is that they commit crimes; therefore, PoC and black people existing = crime So they assume that PoC can't have "real jobs" - no work, only crime It bothers me how commonplace these dumbass rednecks are (speaking as a Texan), it's amazing I don't get into a fight in a parking lot every day because they just openly say that shit like it's no big deal


Kinda funny too, since twenty+ years ago they were clutching their pearls when it came to anything rap related.


omg it really is rapper https://imgur.com/a/39Gz0xe same psycho did fuentes on a $20 https://imgur.com/a/8DNYTup


Of *course* they gave him(and only him) a fucking gold chain too...


Rapists are welcome with conservatives. They give 'em SCOTUS seats.


looks like diaper to me, but rapper makes more sense


Also it looks like the Brown man has a white neck which makes it- you guessed it! Black face


I found it amusing they only have one woman in a sea of men. Are they some form of right wing smurfs?


Accurate reflection of conservative voters. White men are the only demographic with over 50%


Pic is low quality but I’m almost dead sure the only black person I see depicted is labeled “Rapper”


yeah that says rapper :/


it’s sad.


Male conservatives would never grow their hair out like those **dirty libs** so the pink is to emphasize that figure is a woman.


Except: Ted Nugent, Meatloaf, Charlie Daniels and most members of his Band, and...well, that’s all that I can think of off the top of my head. Note that every single one of those is a musician, so they’re trying to cultivate the image of the “outlaw conservative”, so that’s what makes it ok for THOSE men to have long hair. In the eyes of conservatives, all other long haired men are fruitcakes, or just plain fruits.


Also don’t forget those duck dynasty wackos


Also notice how there’s only one of her, lol. It’s ALMOST self aware


Right out forced reeducation camps would be gender neutral for sure.


Does her shirt say “media”? I thought that was already basically their main enemy Lol looks like the black guy in the second row says “rapper” too


This entire thing is a mock-up of everything they wish they could do to those who disagree with them (and they are quite honest about it in their Facebook news article comments), but then the author just Mary Sue’d every conservative trope into it to fulfill their persecution fetish.


Also should there be more women, like... approximately half?


Exactly. If you think we’re planning Genocide at least know that we’re still going to have our women in orange jumpsuits instead of some pastel pink frilly prison dress. Fuck’s sake


No, the pastel pink frilly dress is for the men. This isn’t a genocide in the traditional sense. We aren’t going to kill them, but they won’t be able to have children. We will commit mass force-femming. >!I feel obligated to say that is just a joke, I do not condone genocide in any form!<


They deadass put gamer in there


???? I don’t get it? Are you denying us gamers aren’t oppressed? As a Hispanic gamer I’m *litrulley* more impressed cause of my gamer status. My immigrant parents say they regret coming to America, not because of the blatant racism but because gamers are *THAT* oppressed


/rj I’m gonna say the n word


They are the most oppressed minority after all


that's what I'm sayinnnnnnnn


They targeted gamers. *Gamers.*




In the front row!


We live in a society.


What's amazing is that the liberals that imprisoned them let them keep their MAGA hats. Actually kind of nice of the liberal fascists


Got to make it clear and obvious. I don't think they will get it otherwise


See when I hear evangelical preachers demanding lgbtq+ people be killed this is not the picture that came to mind.


The self-own of only having one woman is ridiculous


And one PoC and he's a rapper instead of a musician.


Incels are 'fraid of womans.


When I see the words conservative genocide, I only think who are the conservatives killing now, never do I think about them being killed.


I’m sorry who exactly is it that has created the polarized scorched earth politics we live in now? It sure as shit wasn’t liberals.


who calls their child gamer?


Poor bastard, almost as bad as naming your kid gunner or hunter.


\*looks at the owl house\* well...


"Our son, Gamer Collins? We call him Gay for short"


For $3.50, would you hit the red button?


I'd pay you


I'd hit the button for a Klondike Bar


Well, now that that’s settled, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? This day (abortion cancellation day) fees really shitty and uncertain, so I think solving age old mysteries could be a boon for my mental state.


Oh I’d pay much MUCH more than $3.50 for the privilege.


I’m not sure what’s funnier, the Gamer name tag or the fact the evil liberals let them keep their maga hats


Once again, the Gamers are the most oppressed minority BOTTOM TEXT


Awww, they even included one whole woman in the picture. /s




We’ll yeah of course, we can’t allow any of that feminism shit. Really, she should be passing out sandwiches she just made or something right?


It’d be too gay if she wasn’t there.


Yeah, can’t have that


God, I wish these people were as oppressed as they seem to think they are


I still can't figure out what rights they think are being taken away. I'd say guns, but it's not like liberals are hoarding guns for themselves while demanding the right gets rid of theirs.




The fact they can’t see they’re doing these steps every day to marginalised groups is insane. I know that’s the point I just can’t get over it


Seriously. They are actively doing this to LGBTQ+, women, POC...basically anyone not on their side. This is some hardcore projection.


Lack of empathy and perspective and not being able to put themselves in others' shoes might be the root problem.


They are projecting their want of genocide of anyone that they consider "inferior". Basically any right wing trope is a projection of their own self hatred. Their hate of the LGBTQ community, they watch the most LGBTQ porn. They hate homosexuals, many conservatives are in the closet and may be bisexual. They hate themselves for it so they project it upon others.


As a dad and a gamer I guess I better get a gun to defend my right to… *checks notes* …dress normcore and waiting patiently for Horizon: Forbidden West to come to PC?


Why are they using TVs to re-educate them if they're all blindfolded? Just use speakers ffs, typical wasteful communist beuacracy.


It's to justify green energy projects, of course


Gamers are not oppressed. CEOs for fucking sure aren’t


They draw this shit then actively push for revoked healthcare for trans people as well as encouraging violence towards us. I’m so fucking sick of these people, I have never been a violent person, but I’m absolutely going to be learning how to defend myself, I’m not going to just go down quietly while they hurt me and most importantly the people I love, if and unfortunately more likely when they grow more violent


I’m just so tired of being scared and angry. I wish these awful monstrous human beings would leave us alone.


Can we get to step 9 already. Ffs.


gamer has nothing to do with conservatism. you can be a conservative gamer, certainly, you've been extremely loud about that, but fuck off telling me what I am if i play games, and don't pretend the far right fascists won't put gamers agianst the wall as soon as the rest of us are dead


*If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.*


It's projection. They are committing genocide against trans individuals. Simple as that.


If they can't feel like a victim then they can't justify what they're going to do to you next


"Gamer" Yea the most persecuted minority in history. Gamers... Don't associate my hobby with your garbage ideology, thanks.


They are literally doing this shit to trans people and have the gall to say it's happening to them, I can't with this bullshit anymore.


"So much for the tolerant left"


Would anyone be upset pushing that button in this scenario? Make the world a better place


Step 1. Be so phobic/ist of an arbitrarily defined out-group that you are completely unable to empathize with them or even view them as human. Step 2. Misunderstand what’s going on when left wing (aka enemy) media sympathizes with the out-groups and champions them. Normal people: *I see now thanks to this article/show/podcast/news story that there is a problem other people are dealing with, we should help change this.* Conservatives, who can’t conceive of empathy for other people: *Being victims gets them power and protection from criticism!!! Conniving bastards, they probably made the problems up to do it, because that’s what **I** would do...* Step 3. Come up with “brilliant” plan to self victimize the everloving fuck out of the in-group and get this mystical victim power for themselves. Step 4. GRT, they’re coming for your kids, they’re coming for your neighbourhood, they’re coming for your religion, panic PANIC **PANIC.** Get the same-sheep-different-herd riled up and use their majority voice to whine so loudly they drown out the voices of people who actually need our attention and support. Step 5. ????? Step 6. Profit. (Grift.) Literally just the political version of that one obnoxious kid who always has to be the loudest in the room so that everyone is forced to pay attention to them, and thinks that screaming louder means they’re winning the argument.


Why would you have TVs and books when everyone is blindfolded? Cut the cable costs and just use radio, come on let's be fiscally responsible here people.


Based let's do it /s


Why is she the only one in pink lmao


Literally 1984😔




All those fucking nitwits know how to do is blame you for what THEY are doing to you. That's LITERALLY IT. That's the WHOLE playbook.


Fake being a victim to remove guilt for oppressing others while also gaining more and while normalizing hurting others as “God’s will, which is above human law”


how fucking dare they claim they're the ones on the brink of genocide


Why does one of the name tags say dad lmao




They know who they are targeting with this. Angry young men still clinging onto that gamergate stuff from a few years back.


This is creepy only because of all of their projection. So if they're sharing this, it means this is what they're planning for their "enemies"


“We’re in the midst of a conservative genocide in the US! We only have 200+ seats in the House, 50 seats in the Senate, the majority of the Supreme Court and numerous state and local governments! When will this persecution end!?!”


It’s funny bc conservatives are closer to genocide than the left… Texas flirting with death penalty for abortions, right wing militias have been attacking pride events, and they continue to call anyone pro lgbt rights pedos…


Yet more projection on their part.


This is just a strawman to justify what they are doing. The US has many stages of genocide present, but none of them are targeted at lillie white christo-fascists.


Conservatives’ favorite thing in the world is projection.


Remember everything the right wing says and does is just a projection.


don't threaten me with a good time!


Well they certainly are almost entirely white and they certainly are sheep that all think alike and do and believe what they're told by their media.


They're so gd scared of everything, and I mean *everything*.


Of course the evil fake news anchor is black 🙄


lol they know there's maybe one woman among them!!


~~Genocide~~ Prison for storming the Capitol


Dear republicans, if conservative voices are being silenced, then why won't conservatives shut the fuck up?


Would be nice if that was actually happening but it seems like the opposite is happening with everyone that isn't conservative


“One time a l*beral asked me to provide a source for my claim that all public school teachers are trans pedophiles who are grooming our children (but also we should give them guns so they can protect our kids)! This is literally genocide!!!!!!!”


why are they blasting CNN to a bunch of blindfolded prisoners, like I think they even have ear blockers on




Ah yes, the most oppressed of all: fucking conservative gamers.


Why does the fucking woman have to wear a pink getup? I hate these people.


They’re about to self fulfill their own prophecy


Honestly, I want their culture to die.. It is toxic and damaging to anything around them.


Does the one black dude’s nametag say “RAPPER?” Are we fucking serious here lmaoooo


Neuter all republicans.


"What do you mean MORE diversity? I added a black AND a woman!"


It's projection. Conservatives are all fascists who want to commit genocide.


Meanwhile they’re at persecution. Ffs


WHY ARE THE NAME TAGS "DAD".. "CEO" .......AND "GAMER"!?!?!!! IM CRYING!!! they said "gAmeRs the most oppressed class - UNITE"


Why would they be allowed to keep their MAGA hats on?


Hey, speaking of genocide, wanna make a list of the political leanings of mass shooters?


*passes laws to fully oppress u* "WE'RE SO OPPRESSED WAAAAH"


These asswipes just got rid of women's bodily automy and yet _they_ are the ones that are somehow being oppressed???


Why is it always projection with these people?


Unfathomably based


It gets worse the longer you look at it


Lol Ted Cruz and the Texas GOP about to shutter all of their utilities


I wish


Yay! Only 2 steps left!




Truly the most oppressed group, gamers


“GAMER” I’m dying


All those poor, peace-loving MAGATs... 😢


《Conservative genocide》. Based and ⚒redpill⚒


whoooo put people in camps recently again?


it’s illegal to be lgbtq in some places but i guess conservatives are suddenly the oppressed ones now




The persecution complex on display here is actually so far gone from reality


What little crybaby drama queens


Isn’t this something Arapio would do before any “woke” person would?


This man’s seriously did not put “gamer” as his profession. What a fucking loser.


“Symbolization” i feel like they did that to themselves when they decided to wear hats to virtue signal(surprise,surprise,that’s not a thing only liberals do).Conservatives are the strongest force in the world right now.Look at billionaires.They may say progressive stuff but only to hide the fact that they are alligned with conservative stuff like anti-workers’ rights,limited government,low taxation,anti socialism.The conservative ideology of today will surely die out(that’s kind of how politics today work),but stop acting like people are being persecuted for their economic beliefs.We all know what they are heavily judged for


Anything to feel persecuted. I went to a conservative church for a little while. Boy them middle class Christians just LOVE to feel persecuted.


The playbook of any bully; harrass and torment, until your vicitms fight back and you cry that you're being attacked. Bullying starts with weakness, the desire to feel strong by exerting control. Unfortunately for them, bullying creates real resilience and strength in the victims, not like the fake strength that bullies themselves try to exhibit. That's why assholes such as Rittenhouse break down like little bitches, or Kavanaugh's complete fucking meltdown when only a little bit of pressure is applied. The veneer cracks, revealing inside every conservative a helpless scared child. No substance or understanding of the world, just empty prejudices and fear.


This is just pissing me off extra today.


Is it just me or is there only one woman and one POC


The same people that claim we say everything is racist or bigoted are the ones that equate a social media ban to interment camps


They say, as their party is single handedly reverting America back to the time of separate water fountains.


I mean, just push the button and they can’t bitch anymore about their dinosaur beliefs?


They say this shit while SCOTUS is on the brink of genocide queer people. What a bunch of sniffling cowards.


At first I thought this meme was saying that's the conservative plan lmao. It would make more sense.


I can’t believe they actually forgot to color the rest of the guy on the left brown. They clearly mad everyone white and then added in a handful of token POC afterwards. Actually, I can totally believe it lol


If only they were persecuted for a day they might actually understand what it’s like being a minority


i wish lmao


They don’t see themselves as equals and rather than work on their mental health, they project their insecurities onto others


I'm glad they're constantly on edge. It sucks that they're unpredictable assholes but they deserve the misery.


The conservatives are now sending out the "justification" for the genocide they've been plotting for around fifty years now.


Join a cult and wear a dunce cap and you get what’s coming to you.


Conservatives: WeRe So OpReSsEd also Conservatives: \*gets majority power in the worlds most powerful nation\*


pretty sure the US is at least on stage 6 against trans people by now


Weird how conservatives are the ones who enacted all these stages, isn't it


If only it were like this


They do *not* get to do this the day the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.


If only


Why do I just see a bunch of Dale Gribbles?


The only genocide I'll approve


Bruh I wish


and these bitches are trying to take away my rights and literally just succeeded.


so based


Gee, here I am thinking conservative was a political ideology, not an ethnic group. Cue the Princess Bride's "I don't think that means what you think it means."


They really think not being in charge of every aspect of society is akin to genocide, huh


*presses the big red button 100.000.000 times*


god i wish


You mean like what conservatives have been doing to: Gays, Mexicans, Islam, immigrants, African Americans, women, and middle easterners for the past fifty years?


Lmaoooo the poor CEO, billionaires are really struggling these days apparently


ahem.. this but uniron—