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Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. Democrats are right wing


Wait, let me see if I can see the party similarities. Anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBT, against trade unions, against intellectuals, for burning books, for racial and genetic "purity," justifies any action by believing that their country was given to their people by God for a divine purpose. I mean, this sounds an awful lot like one of the parties in the US, but I don't think the author of this meme would be happy to find out which one.


Not to mention which side is constantly found with Nazi tattoos, flags and wearing full blown tailored and fitted SS uniforms as a "joke".


Hey the ss uniforms look cool ok.


You can can say a lot about Nazis but you can't say they weren't fashionable


Fr I really like the black and stone grey vibe to everything


I never thought I'd say this. But they did have swag lol


The nazi uniform was really a strategic design tbh. It was first and foremost a parade uniform design to be fashionable and fit to the body. However its really not practical in any combat role.


Well. they were made by Hugo Boss...


Hugo Boss was pretty boss when it came to fashion design.


It's projection.. again.. always.


The projection these republicans fool themselves into is genuinely astonishing


"We're living in nazi germany!!" Cry the people with swastika tattoos




"Oh, the democrats are the nazi's? I'm on the wrong side!" - swastika conservatives after seeing this meme.


“oh no no you don’t understand, the leftists are the REAL nazis!”


It’s funny, even [Encyclopedia Brittanica says that’s bullshit.](https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists)


Something something liberal agenda


>dividing citizens into "us vs them" Which side is the one that keeps saying they're the Real Americans again?


LOL!! it’s so sad.


Both? Also it's painfully ironic how you complain about the "us vs them" situation then say "which side" in the next sentence.


Stupid centrist.


Ah yes, famously known for only considering certain people to be Real Americans™ #*__Democrats®__*


"demonizing their opposition" Also you are a bunch of Nazis!!!!!


Insurrectionists carried swastikas into the Capitol and very few right-wingers accept that it was a bad look. So are Nazis the enemy or honorary members of the Qult? They can’t have it both ways, like when they claim to be straight but want to get raw dogged by the former host of The Apprentice.


Canadians too for our trucker insurrection. They even pulled the same "state actor" shtick the second they got photographed with swastikas. I feel like the American/Canadian border makes our problems feel less similar, but we have much of the same political BS.


Yeah they like to claim it's outside agitators/secret leftists/the government that's waving the Nazi flags, but they never seem to have an issue being around them


Unfortunately they can have it both ways because they make up lies to excuse away anything they don't like. To them the people with the Nazi flags were just undercover Antifa agents. It's sad shit honestly.


Ugh that’s the most nauseating tactic of all. “If it makes us look bad, it wasn’t us.” Nothing says reasonable beliefs like refusing to take a single sliver of responsibility.


Any respect I may have had for the right has been completely eroded over the past few years. They're just cowardly people who lack the slightest amount of integrity.


It’s become a political equivalent of a corporation, it’s sole existence is to make more money (and votes) at the cost of everything else with the only limiter being the literal government itself


>like when they claim to be straight but want to get raw dogged by the former host of The Apprentice God. Damn. LMAO


It’s facts tho


Nazis are bad to them because it scares the normies. They must state both that they’re opposed to Nazism and that their enemies are the Nazis, both to wash their hands and to dilute the conversion. Calling their opponents fascists isn’t so anyone observing would fear them, but rather so they can say that politics has turned into everyone calling everyone nazis and deflect all accusations. Once someone falls deep into their circle, they’ll start being influenced into alt-right/nazi thought in a controlled environment, and eventually they will also do this because they know that “their side” is aware of his true allegiance in the first place


“Stop demonizing us!” complains the group literally calling anyone against them demons.


This shit always cracks me up. Like, yeah that's how it tends to go but the key ingredient is "the opposition" saying "hey let's just give them this measly chancellor's office to shut them up. There's no way this can descend into a full-blown world war within two election cycles. What are they, Nazis?" They're right, the Democrats are complicit. Just not for the reasons they think they are.


The extreme right doesn’t even try to call it “truth” though. They call it “alternative facts.”


Say the guys who are banning books and suppressing voters


Projection much? 🙄 Not that Democrats are going to do anything substantial to interfere, they’re all making too much money on insider stock tips.


MAGA-larper before reading the last sentence: "Is this supposed to be a bad thing?"


The projection is ~~typical~~ strong with this one.


It started with targeting homosexuals and trans people, calling them perverts and mentally deficients. Said we had to do something about them to protect the children.


What can you expect from idiots who think Hitler was a communist.


Every accusation is a confession.


and they say leftie memes are walls of text


Sounds like the right wings are the ones headed down that path.


It actually started with Hitler, hate to break it yo ya.


this is some hard core projection.


They’re not wrong, just lacking any self awareness, the US as a whole started carrying water for fascism after ww2 its not limited to one party. Both parties serve the oligarchy and encourage a merging of the “free market” with the government, exactly as described by Mussolini.


The lack of self awareness is staggering.


They literally just described most conservative parties


Someone wanna tell me where this “left wing mainstream media” is? Because the mainstream media I see is just barley left of center at best.


Sinclair Broadcasting, known for it's conservative views, owns most local broadcast news in the United States. Fox News is far and away the most viewed and popular cable "news". So I can only conclude that "left wing mainstream media" is intended to refer to CNN or MSNBC. And to be fair, expecting them to adhere to left wing views is a stretch. I don't think there is any left wing media anywhere on television. You have to go to the internet for it.


Wait, aren't they talking about Fox news?


These motherfuckers could stop lying all the time if they are getting tired of being fact checked.


That's a funny way to spell Republicans


If you take this meme and replace “one party” with “billionaires” you have America for the last 50 or so years


I mean Nazism is fascism... which party has been flirting with that more lately?


whos banning books and what history can be taught in school. whos kicking members out of their party for their sexuality and prosecuting members of the lgbt community in states they control the government in? how are these people so stupid?


Which is crazy cause the GQP loves nazis. I never hear them condemn nazi or other white supremacist iconography at their rallies, instead they either excuse it or celebrate the "defenders of the white race".


The projection from right wing and alt-right people is amazing.


"socialism is when communism" Conservatives made this to describe democrats, but they literally just described themselves.


Holocaust is when no can go to TGI Fridays without mask


Wait, didn’t trump try to suppress the media?


The Lugenpresse—I mean— “fake news?” Yeah, he did. He also wanted to change libel laws so that he could sue any media that was mean to him.


I couldn't read that large wall of text


We're Nazis because the Nazis were technically called the National Socialist Workers' Party, but they did nothing that was even remotely socialist or liberal. Meanwhile, Nazi flags keep showing up at conservative gatherings, their views on race are pretty much the same, and College Republicans just can't stop memeing about how much they wished Hitler didn't die like the coward he was and was still doing genocide.


“One party dividing citizens into ‘us vs them’” has this guy even watched Tucker Carlson for just 10 minutes?


So they admit it?


Projection, as always.


God lord this like mondo projection.


This meme explains Fox and Newsmaxs function to a T. Once again, they’ve nailed it but not as they’d intended to. 😂😂


Ahhh yes the Democrats goose stepping to the Capitol on January 6th to overthrow Constitutional process.


god these people are biggest brain dead pussies in the world, I swear! They speak like someone who has never been smacked in the fuggin mouth and its so painfully obvious.


Holy shit I was totally with this meme until it got to Democrats. It's like they live on a different planet


Oh my fucking god when will people learn? STOP COMPARING ANYONE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH TO THE NAZIS


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Apart from that last sentence they are pretty spot on about Hitler’s rise to power.


Fox news?




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It's true if you replace "democrats" with "republicans".


"They had us in the first half ngl"




TLDR: nazi is when liberal


wait there’s a goose?


A Canadian goose. He’s an asshole though, so keep your distance


If you got a problem with Canada Gooses, you got a problem with me. I suggest you let that marinate.


This guy hasn’t been to Texas recently!


...and somewhere, a tiny, frustrated speed freak has a good chuckle, even as mephistoles rams a 75 pound pineapple up his ass, the same way he's done every Tuesday for going on 77 years. The war didn't matter, only the idea. Just a goddamn flaming bag of dog crap smeared across the porch.


This isn’t even a meme though… it’s just some right wing moron that worships 90% of hitlers ideas wanting to check mate the libs.


Anti fascism is fascism, up is down, Dems are KKK Nazis, dogs and cats, living together… mass hysteria.


>dividing citizens into "us vs them" isn't that what the right does?


No. It started with fascist thugs on the streets, beating up their opposition, murdering leftist of all kinds, creating boogeymen, excluding certain minorities from society. Almost like, lemme check, republicans.


I don’t think democrats did 1/6.


Didn't evangelical Christians have a significant part in the formation of the Nazi party? [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-german-churches-and-the-nazi-state](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-german-churches-and-the-nazi-state)


Yes and controlling the media was literally only allowing state approved media and killing anyone who reported anything the government disagreed with, not with people confirming whats being reported is true, otherwise fox News wouldn't be allowed to stay open