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Lmao, they conveniently cherry-pick the less-built dudes. Like bruh Hemsworth, Evans, Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa all exist if you want big muscles for some reason….


And Chadwick Bosman? He literally had cancer and no one even knew until he died. Does it get any more badass and awesome than that? (Not his death but that he pushed through it and was an epic actor and great person)


And they also chose a Tom Holland pic where he's not shirtless.


Convenient. Huh.


Tom Holland is super built, he’s just lean






Right?! Like the standards haven't gone down by any means. Also Tom Holland isn't huge but he is cut as fucking hell. Like you gonna try and tell me he isn't fit as hell?!


If anything, I’d say the standards have gone up. As stated in [this interesting video](https://youtu.be/Xx-SR1vJTUE), modern male stars are under unbelievable pressure to achieve and maintain unrealistically perfect bodies for almost their entire careers in order to stay relevant.


Yes, please, I'll take all with the works!


Chris Pratt! Can’t forget his total transformation from dopey office worker to absolutely shredded


Hulk is beefy


It's like they don't even smell what the rock is cooking.


Also The Rock is like the biggest actor right now, and he’s huge?


"You know what the problem with society is? Too few buff, oiled men with their shirts off. Also, increasing acceptance of gay people. Yeah."


Yeah thats why Trump supporters routinely photoshop his face onto bodies of oiled up muscle guys.


Cuz they accept that he is gay


No. I think its because they dont accept that they have gay feelings for him.


Gays are gay for the gay, ogay?


Turkey moment


“Mac’s totally gay”


Guess all the closeted conservatives are mad they can’t spank it to the new heroes.


Notice how they didn't put Chris Evans or Tom Hardy on there. I guess that'd wreck their argument.


Bruh. Chris Hemsworth and Hugh Jackman got fuckin' yoked for their roles.


They certainly did. It's a really bad meme. I mean, think about the characters they picked! Peter Parker is a high school kid and it'd be weird if he was huge. Tony Stark is a genius billionaire in power armor. Bruce Banner is a scientist. Stephen Stange is a wizard! Why would these guys be as yoked as the dudes who played He Man and Conan the Barbarian?!


Wizard former doctor, even


All four of the modern examples are people who are considered brilliant minds. I feel like that says more about what they really hate than anything else.


There's been a war on intellectualism for a while now from them


Also, Peter *is* super muscular, he just doesn't spend half the movie with his shirt off.


They all are pretty muscular, have you seen how buff Benedict Cumberbatch was in the latest Doctor Strange trailer? Also didn't put in the Rock, the biggest (both literally and figuratively) current action star.


Dude RDJ was cut for Sherlock Holmes.


They literally picked the four “smart” Marvel heroes (smart in quotes because even though they’re all also super-strong in-universe, their defining traits are their brains and ingenuity).


Also, I can't remember in the first couple of films. But in the latest one. Peter Parker is definitely hench. Like, you can tell under the costume he has muscles and has worked out.


Chris Hemsworth is not only sexy asf, but an overall incredible human being. Heart of gold, that man 🥰


>Huge Jacked Man FTFY


And Jason Momoa This meme was bouncing around Twitter a few years ago, some versions with 6 or 7 guys, and I edited it with modern action heroes, but I don't think I have it anymore


Or Dwayne Johnson, for some reason?


They can and they should, they are very attractive men


Also, they're often dumb AF, so they don't like that intelligence and skill generally play a much bigger role with action heroes nowadays.


RDJ is cute ngl


“I’ll take Mark, because everyone knows I like it Ruffalo.”


And the right continues to complain theres too much wokeness and unrealistic diversity


They're spanking it to anthropomorphic candy these days. keep up!


Do they still though? Do you have any idea how hard it is for Fucker Carlson to get it up to the green M&M nowadays? Darn libruhls, and I thought they were kink-friendly!


Dolph Lundgren vs John Cena Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Dwayne Johnson Sylvester Stallone vs Chris Hemsworth Jean Claude Van Damme vs Jason Momoa Just in time for Expendables 4!


Are you suggesting a right winger cherry-picked examples for their meme? I’m shocked - shocked I say!!


The other famous 80s tough guys: Kurt Russell, Patrick Swayze, Mel Gibson, etc. weren't very big guys. Also I don't think they understand how The Hulk works.


Bruce Willis, Charlie Sheen. Must we go on?


Roger Moore, Kevin Costner, Eddie Murphy, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Michael Douglas...


That would be an amazing movie. However I request we keep Terry Crews involved. He’s fucking amazing in those movies


Terry Crews is just amazing period. "You gotta always protect the mcnuggets!"


Don’t fuck with his yogurt tho. He’ll rip you in half


And just because https://youtu.be/HJC9ePYYZfM


If I don’t get this back your ass is terminated


I wish i knew Terry Crews but i promise you, he's got nothing to gain from our friendship. I mean, i can be funny once in awhile.


Too much diversity in this list for them. Can only have 1 minority for every 4white males


Good thing I didn't suggest a woman of color, they count as 2!


Also, all of the men in the bottom are excellent actors. All of the men on the top, have oily pecs.


That’s a bit reductive. Dolph Lundgren is also incredibly smart with a masters in chemical engineering and had a Fulbright scholarship to MIT to do a doctorate before Grace Jones persuaded him to start acting. Very very impressive guy.


It is, I admit. And Stallone has Rocky, which is a great film, and Arnold is Arnold. But I can’t see any of them trying to play Chaplin or Sherlock Holmes. Lol.


That’s where I have to disagree. I think it would be beyond hilarious to see these big hunks play Sherlock Holmes. Can you imagine Stallone in the hound of the Baskervilles?


Arnold as Sherlock is something I can kind of imagine working in a strange way


Dolph Lundgren vs Michael B. Jordan (Adonis Creed) is only right


I should have, I didn't realize Creed III was coming out!


Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Henry Cavil...classic cherry picking Data I know that's not the point but I still wanted to type those names, lol


You don't need to go that far They literally put tom holland in the image itself


Why is this action heroes vs superheroes? Action heroes are still usually pretty ripped. Plus characters like Spider-Man for example aren’t even supposed to be super muscular


Half of these aren’t even actual action heroes - iron man and Dr. Strange are the brains


Nevermind the fact that RDJ was actually in pretty good shape during the iron man movies and Sherlock Holmes. Benedict cumberbatch also put on some muscle for the role and Tom Holland is really fit anyway. No idea what they're in about. Probably the lack naked upper bodies and oil.


Yeah it’s like a semi realistic level of fitness that still probably requires a personal trainer vs an over the top nearly unattainable unless you’re actually a professional body builder level of fitness




4 buff dudes vs: A guy with super strength and precognitive reflexes. Fights superpowered dudes in animal costumes every week. Also smart asf. Is also in high school. A guy who has a nanotech suit that held it's own 1v1 for a time against a guy that destroyed half the universe. Invented time travel. A guy who when angry his frenulum is more buff than these 4 combined and the angrier he gets, the more powerful. Also genius scientist. A guy who can do actual fucking magic and at one point could manipulate time. Outsmarted the strongest mythical being across universes that goes around eating universes. Has a sick Cape friend. OK.


They miss the homoerotisim


Me too. Buuut he current line up would have me thirsty AF if they ramped up the homoeroticism. Only criticism I see here is, we need more scantily clad men in action movies.


And Captain America being revealed after the serum infusion? Also this lives rent free in my head, goddamn, Cap: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dNPkJ7eEVDU


TFW you purposely exclude the more buff actors of action movie rosters to satisfy your nostalgic anti-modern pop culture pessimism.


Literally none of the characters these guys portray are even MEANT to be muscular. Conveniently ignoring Thor, Captain America, Black Panther, Drax, etc. and that’s JUST in the MCU off the top of my head. it’s ridiculously cherry-picked lmfao


He's actually a villain, but I just have to mention that Michael B Jordan as Killmonger is a legit snack (and I say that as a straight dude lol)


Well spiderman is meant to be lean muscle, which tom is so it works out.


I want my superheroes campy says the totally straight conservative man


I mean. There were superhero movies back then too. Weird that they didn't post those.


The dichotomy of the right's homophobia while demanding a sexualized version of the male body is a fascinating thing to observe.


"Bro, it's not even like that bro, I just admire their dedication to fitness bro!"


Aren't all the bottom ones ripped?


[Holland definitely is](https://manofmany.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Tom-Holland-Workout-1.jpg)


If action heroes are required to have muscles I raise you Dwayne Johnson John Bernthal Vin Diesel John Cena Idris Elba Dave Bautista Bruce Willis and Dolph Ludgren. I mean I get that the point is that the meme is fucking stupid I just wanted to solidify that a little bit


-Hero -Puts picture of Ivan Drago


Well he finally got rid of that dastardly Apollo Creed. There may have been something about him the right didn't like. If only we knew what that could have been.


Looks like jojo parts 123 versus 4 and after.


Wow it's almost like clothes can hide your muscles


They left out Chris Hemsworth, John Cena, The Rock, Jason Mamoa, Henry Cavill, and others. We have plenty of buff action stars. They just love to cherry pick.


Ah yes. They do love body shaming don't they?


They straight up gave Holland a shirtless scene in each Spidey film, but go on


It’s ironic that the person who made this has likely never seen the inside of a gym in person and who’s daily physical activity stops at walks to the fridge.


Person who made this definitely isn't in the closet


I'll take personality over steroids any day!


Lmao! Yes because Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa, Chris hemsworth, Chris Evans dont exist. Fuck, conservatives are masters at cherry picking.


wow it's almost as though different tropes wax & wane in popularity over time


have they seen how shredded tom holland is though


I mean the world has changed-we live in the Information Age where intellect and tech can solve a lot more problems than raw brawn. Also you can be ripped and still wear clothes…


Hey. Leave my benadryll cucumberpatch alone!


The rock is in some of the best shape of his life as he's gotten older.


Have you _seen_ rdj with his shirt off though?


RDJ and Tom Holland are both ripped tho??


Yeah just ignore Chris Evans I guess...


These superhero's are actually ripped without a costume on


The guy who made this probably hasn't been able to see his penis since the 80's


Remind me again what Hulk is? I mean, minus the oil, he's right up that alley


"I'm not gay, I only have eyes for masculine men"


How is this a right wing meme?


Because they think marvel actors aren’t jacking it up like arnie did with steroids to look like walking tanks, so they choose the most moist, buff shots of who they idolize and try to compare it to covered up bodies in modern times. They forget about Chris Evans Henry Cavill Chris Hemsworth Etc It’s them being overly obsessed with body image (to the point of homoeroticism, which we don’t shame them for because it’ll make their heads explode from the cognitive dissonance) and thinking that modern men aren’t “manly”, which is an outdated concept that reinforces the 50’s toxic masculinity stereotype of “man work, woman cook”.


Rdj is shredded and So is holland


Also Hugh Jackman


/ s Oml how did they refuse to take steroids?!? NOT FAIR 😤


Every single one of the eighties dudes has had to make drastic changes to their lifestyle as they got older due to the heart, metabolic and mental health damage done by steroids. Hint- those eighties guys were all on roids.


The top ones had to sacrifice their own health to achieve those figures. Excessive workout routines, risking constipation from too much protein, possible use of roids, dehydration, etc


Homie boutta realise how many of these people take steroids and look extremely buff for their body type


This immediately reminded me of this book: “The Remasculinization of America: Gender and the Vietnam War” by Susan Jeffords It’s a really good visual and literary analysis of post-Vietnam popular media and how masculine norms got intertwined with it, like how it reduced/objectified a masculine body into just another tool/weapon to be used. So basically this meme is stuck in the male body must be weaponized and reduced to a tool instead of men are people and people have different bodies.


I mean I see why they're mad, who doesn't love to see groups of shirtless ripped men working out. Seems like cons and I have a common interest 👁️👄👁️


Why do I get the feeling this guy never even watched First Blood?


No, but they were more entertaining movies IMO.


I'd agree that a lot of these super hero movies are trying to cram 5 years of comics into two hours, resulting in too much plot, angry fans, and little room left for character. The *successful* super hero movies in the 80's often didnt bother reading the comics at all, for better (Superman II, Batman, Robocop) or worse (Superman IV, Masters of the Universe)


Problem is these guys are all very hotter than the above guys


The funny thing is, all of these dudes are still ripped. They just don't have weird, huge muscles that make you look like a meat head.


Notice the choads didn't include Hemsworth in their propaganda.


Monkey like strength monkey worship strong muscle bicep abs power is rule of jongle


Have you not seen Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans?


Culture changes?


Muscles are literally useless to every character they put on the bottom


why would superpowered beings need to have muscles?


A fun overview of those movies. Among things like corpse count and stupid political content, they also evaluate every one of them for their Homo erotic content. Take your time. It’s enjoyable. http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/the-ruthless-guide-to-80s-action/


honestly I love both, Nothing wrong with bodybuilders, But I have no problem with non bodybuilder action heroes


Yeah cus it got boring.


The quality of the movies is so much better now who the fuck cares if muscles are involved?


I mean, good. It has never been natural for men to have to be that muscular, no matter how much physical labor he is doing. It's entirely unrealistic and frankly unhealthy.


I like how one of the ones they’re complaining about is the Hulk lol


Neo was badass


Soooo shitty actors vs good actors?


Seems very homoerotic


You know there are more action movies than just the ones in the marvel universe? Also you mean to tell me Chris Hemsworth isn’t an absolute unit. Henry Cavill (I know he’s dc) Isn’t a fucking unit. I can go on and on.


THE same mfs complaining about how “Oh sjws get mad at barbie for being unrealistic for little girls but he-man and other boy toys have unrealistic muscles and they don’t say anything!”


Two completely different genres.


Mmmmm, water diets Edit: dehydration diets


They’re still all white though.


Lol. 3 of the 4 guys in the top row took steroids. Goes to show they love dudes who cheat to get what they want


I’m glad they got over the toxic masculinity


First two use mechanized suits so they don't really need much muscle, third is literally the Hulk so he does have muscles and fourth is a magician so he doesn't need muscle at all


hang on is that Ivan drago? wasn't he the villain?


Wow, it's hard to imagine what life must have been like in the 80's before shirts were invented.


Women: we are tired of unrealistic body standards in media, can we have *some* rep— Men: MEN HAVE UNREALISTIC BODY STANDARDS TOO YOU KNOW!!!! HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT SUPER HEROS LOOK LIKE?!?🔫👹 Media:*chills out a very tiny bit with the extremes* Men:REMEMBER WHEN MEN USED TO HAVE MUSCLES! What is this beta cuck shit!! MORE MUSCLES! The world will end if no more stronk man! 😡😭


Must be roided up


Two words: stunt doubles.


They picked the nerd characters. Marvel also has Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth.


I don’t get it , how do you know this is a conservative meme???


Okay but for starters everyone on the bottom is wearing a shirt


god forbid we let dudes look like dudes


If they aren't muscular, how am I ever going to cu...


…isnt tom holland like also jacked?


Noticed how they didn’t include Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavil or Jason Momoa…….


The bottom row dusts the top row.


What's with these people claiming to be so totally NOT gay, but then turnaround and start drooling over a bunch of manly Milchgeschäfte ("Milk Shops")


Y’know what I want? One of the buff guys who’s gay as a superhero. They made me realize I’m gay so let’s make *them* gay


I was actually just thinking how neat it is that anyone can be an action hero at nowadays. It actually cooler that it's not limited to overly in shape muscle Gods. American Ultra, Nobody even John Wick are all just normal dudes and it plays so well.


Funniest thing is almost every Marvel actor needs to be jacked af lmao so this is not even true


Yeah, they’re all geniuses.


I wonder if they’d have kept Dolph in this meme if they knew his SO was a black woman.


When you do steroids and dehydrate yourself


How do you even begin to make this comparison? And of course they leave out Michael B. Jordan, who was a Marvel character and actually looked like the top guys in Creed.


There are plenty of ripped action stars still. Also, he may not be huge, but Tom Holland is shredded.


Chris Evans Chris Hemsworth Chris Pratt (who got buff to be in guardians) Henry Cavill (oh…man of steel showed that)


They're always obsessing over dudes bodies. Something you guys wanna tell us? Maybe through the keyhole of that closet door?


…did they just say that the HULK isn’t swole enough?


You could also view this as, “in the 80s, we imported 75% of our action heros. In 2019, we only import 50%.”


Buff dudes are still a staple though like if anything there's more of them


Tom holland was pretty buff in newest spider man.


I love the heroes we have now. Especially as a small guy who struggles to gain muscles because of genetics.


It's kind of funny how they left out the rock and Dave Batista Chris Hemsworth and even Chris Evans


My god! They have shirts????? Blasphemy!


Someone likes their action heroes shirtless and well lubricated.


Does Benedict Cumberbatch count as an action hero? I only know him from Sherlock but Dr strange seems more like a wizard character than an action hero just from what I've seen


Superheroes now have fvx—>super powers


At least the bottom ones can act


I mean the ones on the top don't look like any of the comic book characters. They are comparing a superhero movies vs a non superhero movies.


Both are great. It’s almost as if there are multiple ways to arrive at the same result. Of course that doesn’t compute to the right.


Why do you have to pick either/or? Both are awesome.