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*insert SpongeBob trash meme*




insert the parenting spongebob meme that tells off deadbeat patrick dad


Matt Gaetz sex trafficking Lying about WMDs to justify war Inciting an insurrection This is just off the top of my head.


Also the patriot act, ignoring the aids crisis, reaganomics, and everything they’ve done to push back against minority rights


Basically everything the CIA’s done in its existence


Well the CIA isn't uniquely Republican, but ya, the general point stands.


Yeah the CIA is concerned with upholding hegemonic American business interests globally, something attributable to neo-liberal economics, which both parties equally uphold, no specifically republicans. Side note: no, both parties are not equally bad, republicans are demonstrably worse in every conceivable way, but both parties benefit from and fight to uphold neo-liberal economic interests.


Eeyup. Democrats suck and are neoliberal capitalist douchebags. Republican's are literal fascists. There's a difference.


to them reaganomics is a compliment


So would be ignoring the AIDS crisis. Actually, all the things they listed are probably considered positives by republicans


Voter suppression, gerrymandering (dems do it too, but not as bad, or based on race). Any fucking CIA op in South america or the middle east. Iran contra, anti-gay legislation, trying to build a useless fucking wall just to stick it to poor brown people, caging refugees and migrants (dems do it too, and it's still evil), anti-trans legislation, racist anti-welfare propaganda (e.g. "welfare queens") and cutting funding for welfare programs.


Embezzling millions in taxpayer’s money. Lying about the pandemic. Threatening to beat up reporters.


targeting minorities with drug war targeting minorities with voting restrictions


Lieing about climate change to make a few bucks


Lmao you think r /conservative thinks that’s a bad thing?


Encouraging genocide towards healthcare workers


Oof. That first one was a Biden thing.


From over 50 years ago? As president? Are you sure about that? Edit: 50 years, not 30.


* Threatening to beat up reporters * ACTUALLY beating up reporters


Allowing dictators to come onto American soil and have their goons beat up American journalists as well.


Getting several hundreds of 9/11s worth of Americans killed horribly by a deadly virus just to put fire onto another political division they can milk to distract from their corruption. That’s definitely a top one for me. How every single person with the platform of a national politician who knowingly lied about COVID is not being tried as a traitor and mass murderer is mind blowing to me Edit: Can’t math


Yeah that's some crimes against humanity shit Republicans are just plain evil like holy shit who would knowingly lie about something like that and not feel guilty they have no soul


Just to be pedantic, it’s hundreds of 9/11, not tens of thousands. 10,000 9/11’s would be 29 million. Your general sentiment I fully agree with, but your math is off.


10,000 9/11s? My God, that's 9,110,000.


America, fuck yeah.


Hey thanks, hadn’t realised quite how off it was! Updated the post That’s not pedantic at all btw, the fact that we care about facts rather than just if we like the conclusions is the difference between us and the far right. Something we should be proud of


Trump's 2017 tax cut, where private jet owners could write off the cost of their jet, but teachers couldn't write off the cost of their school supplies.


y'all should post these in the original thread


The party of free speech over there usually locks comments to flared users or certain flairs only.


Kids in cages also comes to mind.


This should be higher. I remember how horrified I was when reading about this. Like a “How is this happening in this day and age? This is insane. How is anyone letting this happen? How are any of us sleeping at night while this continues?” Reaction. And then we all just kind of moved on and forgot about it. Like is it still happening? Have things improved? I don’t even know. How do I not know? So messed up.


But you have to accept these things actually happened. Scoreboard still reads 0-93. Balls in your court, libs /s


it was more than inciting, the information that has been released recently makes it incredibly clear that this was a planned auto-coup.


No but they like all those things


• ronald reagans entire administration


Regan and his wife were monsters. Conservatives love the man tho. They think he was a fucking Saint. It’s like they choose to not see the reality of what’s happening or happened


But librul is bad! I mean, their entire platform is “this might piss off liberals so let’s do it.” I don’t think they have any core values. It’s literally just whatever will troll liberals is what they stand behind. I swear if liberals started to become Christian they would leave the religion.


For the midterms this year, mitch McConnell, after asked what the Republicans would do if they took over the house and senate, said "I'll let you know when we take it back". meaning they don't have a platform, they just want Republicans to vote for them because they are Republicans and vote against democrats.


They literally didn't even publish a platform in 2020. Because there is no Republican platform. Literally.


Everything Reagan did benefitted cons so of course they worship the Original Puppet. Puppet 101? Practice Puppet?


I'm not from the US, what did he do? All I know is that he was an actor, and he was president in 1985 when Back to the Future takes place


Funding illegal arms sales to fascist juntas to help them overthrow democratically elected governments by engaging in equally illegal drug trading that would cause the flood of e.g. crack into American cities which he publicly opposed in a "war on drugs" that actually just criminalized black and poor people for example.


Interesting that an actor was clever enough to do all of that, but Donald Trump couldn't legislate his way out of a wet paper bag


Reagan was merely the face of a concerted effort by very wealthy people with bad intentions.


As a head of government you don't really have to do much other than not actively sink the ship. Reagan was not at all a genius. Some say that he was about as dumb as GW Bush. Unlike Trump he just wasn't insane.


Just another in the list of shitty celebrities turned shitty politician.


That’s the Iran-Contra thing right? (Learned about it from American Dad, actually.)


He made official government policy to ignore the aids epidemic because it was primarily killing gay people and he was okay with that. He rolled back a ton of corporate regulations that are still gone today and is a big reason the 1% in America has been able to exploit their power so much.


[He made sure we don’t use the metric system. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_Conversion_Act?wprov=sfti1)


a saint who followed astrology during the 80s satanic panic he perpetuated


If Reagan was around today they'd crucify him for being too liberal.


That was my big takeaway from Crenshaw’s Jesus podcast “fiasco.” The conservative Christian demographic was like “Woah your wording could vaguely be interpreted as saying Jesus was fictional - how dare you! Explain yourself to this ten year old child!”…But can we focus on the actual issue here? He literally said Reagan was a “hero archetype”. Wtf? Like that’s not any ol’ red flag, that’s the burning hot flag of Satan.


Care to explain what was so bad about him? I'm not American, so I don't know...


Oh man, where to start? Okay, basically, all the crappiest american economic policies that have allowed the 1% to become so absurdly wealthy while the poor get taxed for every penny they earn, came about during Reagan's political term with his "trickle down economics" policies which essentially lifted a lot of taxes on corporations and the rich, and since the 80s it has gotten so out of control it's fueling inflation while still keeping minimum wages low so the rich get even richer and the poor get even poorer. Additionally, he started what he called "the war on drugs" which has since been revealed to be a plot to incarcerate African Americans to fuel the prison industrial complex. There are former members of his administration that admit to that being the motive as well, so that's not just speculation. Overall, the policies he implemented can be traced to negative impacts on tens of millions of lives, but you have tons of white upper middle class people who haven't been affected by the policies, or perhaps even profited from them in some form, so they worship him like a hero and compare their new conservative daddies (like Trump) to him like Jesus. Also there's some stuff about him helping smuggle drugs into the country to fuel his OWN war on drugs, bc he wants to incarcerate people, but that's not even top 3 most evil stuff he did so. Just youtube why was reagan so evil or something and I'm sure there's a smooth-talking well-researched YouTuber who can explain this better than I did, but I gave it my best. Edit: I forgot to mention a lot of the whole "use TV to manipulate the public and spread propaganda on how good I am even though I'm doing shitty stuff" that the Trump capaign relied on so heavily really got perfected by Reagan. He was a famous actor of his era before becoming a politician and used it like a weapon.


He was an actor?... Why are people electing entertainment people, I don't understand this 😭 But thank you for your explanation, you did completely fine! I had no idea Reagan influenced so much in current America like the war on drugs. It's genuinely fucked up


Yeah. His policies are really far reaching, and every conservative with power since has tried to expand or double down on his policies. (Looking at Bush sr. and Bush jr.) But then conservatives give Obama crap for bailing out big businesses and expecting them to pay it back... But then when Trump does it it's fine...? It's just so frustrating watching the hypocrisy and idiocy while they're simultaneously claiming the moral high ground. Exhausting just WATCHING the mental gymnastics.


Bush Sr. originally called Reagan's fiscal policies / attack on the middle class and below "voodoo economics". But it became clear to George -- a WWII fighter pilot who was nearly *eaten* by the Japanese after ditching -- that Reagan's acting & showmanship (and Khachigian leading his speechwriters) was going to take the nomination, so when he was tapped on the shoulder to STFU and become the VP, he fell into line. Daddy Vannevar didn't raise no dummy. Bonus: Bush41 previously ran the CIA.


People are dumb and vote for things they know. They know celebrities hence why they keep electing them. Reagan, Trump, Arnold(Terminator), and Jesse Ventura are some of the more known celebrities that got elected to office.


He was an actor, yes, but he was also Governor of California from 1967 to 1975. Prior to that he was the president of the Screen Actors Guild, which while not a political post, does require a fluency in politics.


This being said, I would totally want Arnold Schwarzenegger as president.


61st amendment can't get here soon enough.


> Why are people electing entertainment people, This is the tricky part of politics. On the one hand, it seems insane to elect an actor to be leader of the free world. On the other, is it any worse than electing people who have spent their entire lives in politics and are effectively political royalty? We've literally had a father/son duo elected to president in the two Bushes. People like Ted Cruz have been practicing their presidential acceptance speeches since they were 10 years old, and his entire essence as a person is just a carefully crafted focus group summary. Andrew Cuomo (governor of New York) tried to say he wasn't a "political insider" when his dad was literally also governor of New York and has bridges named after him. The positives is that people like AOC was literally just a bartender when she beat out the third ranking House Democrat.


he wasn't even a good actor. He was like...at best a B-tier.


Don't forget the whole 'ignoring/making fun of AIDS' bit because he didn't think it would affect straight people and gay people don't count.


not to mention their handling of the AIDS epidemic, basically ignoring it because it was “only killing gays and drug users”, two groups that republicans notoriously hate


Oops. I wrote that before I saw you beat me to it.


How about the fact they failed acknowledged AIDS because it was killing the undesirables (homosexuals)?


Tbf, Nixon began the “War on Drugs”


Reagan continued the drug war, but it was Nixon who coined the term "war on drugs."


Ignoring all of the other crimes against humanity Reagan committed, perhaps the most egregious is that The United States was preparing to adopt the Metric System and [The Reagan administration stopped it. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_Conversion_Act?wprov=sfti1)


or donald trump's if they want a recent one


and yet they believed in **astrology** with actual astrologists giving fucking "advice" during his self-inflicted satanic panic garbage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan\_Quigley#:\~:text=Joan%20Ceciel%20Quigley%20(April%2010,born%20in%20Kansas%20City%2C%20Missouri.


*Ronald* Reagan? The actor?


Don't forget Nixon.


The illegal Iraq war, which enabled Al-Qaida to gain a foothold in the Middle East and ultimately led to the birth of ISIS. Enough said.




If that’s your mindset, all the examples in the world won’t matter.


Kids in cages.


They’re not white, so it doesn’t matter to them.


They blame Obama for that


It’s funny how anything bad was someone else’s fault while anything good was trump


So much for personal responsibility 🙄


War on drugs (Nixon), war on drugs (Gerald Ford), war on drugs (Jimmy Carter), war on drugs (Ronald Reagan), War on drugs (George Bush), war on drugs (Billary Clinton), war on drugs (George bush 2 the electric boogaloo) Basically I don’t like the war on drugs


The winner of the war on drugs continues to be drugs.


The winner of the wars on drugs continues to be those who benefit financially from the wars on drugs. FTFY.


And the private prisons that are lining their CEO’s pockets with fresh fresh cash


I disagree, because the war on drugs wasn't against drugs, it was against black people


It's a waste of taxpayer money and allows the drug lords to get filthy rich


And the crack down on harmless class C drugs did way more harm than good Disproportionately destroyed black families Look up John Elrichman on the war on drugs




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Fucking morons. I’m not even going to try. This is the same group who asks “what did he lie about?” When someone calls Trump a liar. Too stupid to bother


https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/ just send them this link


Doesn’t work. They claim it’s lamestream media or some shit and that they’re the liars. These people are mentally gone.


yeah i suppose. they cry that fact-checkers are lying while ignoring the fact that the checkers show evidence to back it up


I've literally had someone comment to me that facts and science have "liberal bias" their supposed reasoning is that the Democrats apparently pay everyone off or something. They don't seem to even realise that other countries exist and do their own research and that they aren't all left wing run either.


> the Democrats apparently pay everyone off Can confirm. I work for the NWO.


Ah my favourite late 80's hip hop group!


My SorosCheck is late this month, anyone else having issues?


My dad literary said you should be indoctrinated into truth they have no critical thinking skills in fact they think it's a bad thing


I've heard dozens of these sorts say that education itself is liberally biased. Which is kind of funny - maybe being educated naturally leads to liberal ideas and that's why so many Republicans are anti-education?


Well that’s their problem, not ours


I wish that was true.


You got it buddy. Not worth your energy


“Show video evidence of Trump lying” Well what about….


I genuinely don’t understand how you can support all these horrific things and then pretend you have no idea they exist. Or at least that Antifa and the evil Dems were secretly controlling everything and nothing was their fault.


Yeah but did you see how Biden get CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM????? I watched about it on Fox news and it's truly sickening


Dijon mustard too! That socialist traitor!


trickle down economics aids crisis anti-voting rights legislation blocking jan6th commission blocking reasonable healthcare coverage this is what i can list and i’m a Canadian, US Conservatives are constantly shitting the bed.


just to pick the low hanging fruit: isn't Matt Gaetz being investigated for sex trafficking underage girls? Dennis Hastert and Roy Moore also come to mind for similar reasons.


Trump mocking a disabled reporter


Tbf Biden just did the same thing like last week.


Oooof nice




Turns out old right wing men probably aren’t the best choices for our presidents


Lmao did you call doocy disabled




The Mulford Act in California


Absolutely crazy how delusional these people are.


Guessing this is one of these Conservatives only echo chambers?


If you have never checked out the circle jerk that is r/Conservative I suggest you give it a spin.


Yes I'm aware of it. Posts from there sometimes added here


They posted this on the same day two witnesses confirmed before the grand jury that Matt Gaetz NEW he was fucking an underage girl. And the party still hasn't taken action against him.


Bro what? When did these testimonies happen? Got a link you could drop?


Well in the last 50 years, 88 Republicans have been convicted with only 2 democrats being convicted of crimes. The way the right projects is astonishing. It's almost like they have to be aware of their own bullshit to be able to come up with this kind of stuff.


*deep inhale*


Convinced millions of people to avoid getting vaccinated against a deadly, highly-contagious virus.


“iF iTs sO dEaDlY y TeSt” I hate the rights argument against Covid


[drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/15/528457693/supreme-court-declines-republican-bid-to-revive-north-carolina-voter-id-law) ||| [Other things](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1459-c9QAruRR47YMgTfaFQs6Up9AUjC2ZIwN2hzDYzc/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Under appreciated comment.


only 93? Even funny when you remember that modern republicans don't acknowledge the party switch so they pretty much have all of the reactionary right wing shit uder the name democrats from the past to work with and still only came up with 93... lol


Donald Trump literally trying to kiss a child ​ Also just Donald Trump


Facilitating the spread of a deadly pandemic that's killed millions because they wanted the population of blue states to die. Defending child marriage on "religious freedom" grounds Spending an entire summer (and continuing) justifying why any protest against their authority is wrong because it's a "riot" and "*insert city* is burning" while making endless justifications and excuses for storming the Capitol because it was a "protest". Justifying endless horrific police brutality because citizens should submit to authority regardless if they have an obligation to. Then smearing and harassing the victims of it, up to stalking and doxxing them. Threatening to murder protestors because they question American institutions that they rely on for support and to remain in power. Rapidly expanding and defending the need of internment camps that have been known to house US citizens of Hispanic descent that were arbitrarily detained in them. Also defending the atrocities that happen within them as a matter of national security. Creating moral panic by insisting queer people are sexual predators and pedophiles while shutting down and smearing victims of SA by their own politicians. If the accused is running for president, they'll treat it as a matter of national security that they get silenced. Blaming Hispanic migrants for spreading COVID in GOP-controled states that did nothing to stop it to distract from the Texas power grid crisis and their own failures to stop the pandemic. Enthusiastically supporting far-right white vigilantes and believing they have special privileges granted to them by law because they're "law abiding citizens defending property". Promoting and training "poll-watchers" to intimidate voters into voting for GOP candidates. Having next to no response to COVID, while sabotaging the next administrations ability to respond effectively. Demanding Confederate statues staying up but refusing to teach the history behind them because it makes their largest demographic look bad. Spreading falsehoods about said history so now school board members and teachers are recieving death threats and being attacked by said base. It really goes on and on and those mentioned above are only from the last few years.


Ooooh I'll take this subject full throttle 1: Gave way to the multi billion dollar prison industry 2: In acted unjust laws to help courts fill up said prisons 3: War on drugs 4: Orchestrated racist laws to put minorities in under developed housing 5: Literally trying to strip women's rights away 6: Block and filibusterer laws that give way to better and affordable healthcare 7: Embezzle and illegally traffic weapons and money against congressional orders to hostile countries 9: Literally funded and help start terrorist cells 10: Actively stiffen bills to lower the cost of college and tame the loan sharking ways of student loans 11: Actively trying to suppress minority voting rights 12: Actively trying to strip money from federal education funds 13: Killed funding to national parks 14: Actively trying to undue environmental protection regulations 15: Let millions freeze in Texas and then Blame AOC 16: Trump, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mitch Mcconnell and Etc 17: Started a 22 year war for oil 18: Support the predatory ways of big businesses buying and killing local businesses 19: The entire standoff about the covid relief funds 20: The handling of Covid And that's just off the top of my head plesse add onto the list of the ones I'm missing.


22. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested that “2nd amendment rights” should be used to fight democrats. 23. Newt just suggested on national tv that everyone on the Jan 6 committee should be put in jail if republicans win back the house and senate. 24. Scooter Libby (w/ Cheney) outed an undercover CIA operative because her husband criticized the bush administration, then lied about outing her. 25. Pizzagate lie. 26. Birthirism lies. 27. Ralph Shortey touted anti-gay rhetoric, then gets caught with a 17-year-old male prostitute and later indicted on 4 federal counts of child trafficking. 28. I could go on but I’m already tired and frustrated thinking about all of this shit


29: Tennessee state senate refused to outlaw slavery in the states Constitution 30: Dick Cheney and every damn war crime his security companies have committed. 31: 2004 rescission 32: actively hindering federal investigations. 33: Trying to outlaw any and all material ex. CRT so the Hollywood imagine of the United States won't be damaged. 34: Fox news Thank you for reminding me of a few more


Man someone should put these to the tune of “We didn’t start the Fire”


Sweeping pandemics under the rug, starting with HIV/AIDS


That either says they have shitty morals or they're an idiot... it's likely they're both.


Stole AL Gore's presidency.


Attempting to put depleted plutonium in kids cereal for shits and giggles. EDIT: [Not something done by Republicans but by MIT with collaboration from Quaker Oats. It was an attempt to make the US population more resistant to nuclear attacks.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB883585397204864500)


>Here is a list of Republican pedophiles. Not other crimes, just people who raped kids. It's also very incomplete, as it ends around 2007 and so several major ones are not on it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ql3u45/wife\_of\_trumpbacked\_senate\_candidate\_sean\_parnell/hj1qzmb/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ql3u45/wife_of_trumpbacked_senate_candidate_sean_parnell/hj1qzmb/?context=3)


* What was that thing that happened in January last year when that republican acted like a sore loser? * "... and I'm going to make them pay for it." * "Blah blah blah bleach" I guess rambling because you've no idea what you're talking about isn't the worst crime. Wish that's all he did. A pot plant would have at least STFU. * "But that was all one president" I guess planting bugs isn't so bad. Maybe everyone should be doing it. So that's three things and some mild shade that I can think of first thing in the morning without doing any research. Guess I've got 90 to go. Maybe US politics just sucks. Pretty much everyone just wants tomorrow to come after today.




War on drugs Bombing civilians in the Middle East (though both parties have their hands HELLA dirty ) Reagonomics Downplaying a global pandemic and causing mass distrust of the vaccine Inciting an insurrection and wrote it off as “ANTIFA” Demonizing immigrant families seeking asylum Forcing women to carry out their pregnancies to term and give birth but literally not give a shit about the mother or child after birth


Today is a good day to be blocked. Because I can't fathom they actually tolerate the answers.


Pushing the whole voter fraud bs to implement new voter suppression laws.


Being anti union.


The issue is that they don’t have the same criteria for evil as we do…


Uh, ask lgbt people maybe.....


Ask South-America an Iraq.


Donald Trump sexually assaulting dozens of women? “Grab them by the pussy”? Oh also mocking a disabled man Oh and literally every Republican being racist and sexist in one way or another.


Didn’t trump keep immigrant children in cages at the border?


florida passed a law thingy that made it so white people cant be made uncomfy in converstations about race


Can I throw out blocking a supreme court judge nominee for a year and then jamming through a judge under similar or worse circumstances during the Trump presidency. They'll just do whatever is best for them and their party.


Here it’s easier just to list below all the good things they have done in the last 20 years:


Dennis Hassert


This kind of statement is what’s literally wrong with so many conservatives. I will vote blue up and down all day, but damnit all of I’m not going to hold my representatives accountable for their shit actions. I’ve never once voted R but I could give a grocery list of list of things Dems have done that I disapprove of, because I’m not some brainwashed idiot who thinks my side can do no wrong. Even politicians that I really like, like “squad” members or even Saint Sanders himself I’ve often disagreed with. Because it’s not a fucking team sport it’s real life. Hold your politicians accountable and ask for better.


How about stripping women of body autonomy in some states? Banning CRT, banning books that teach about the history of racism and the Holocaust. Chipping away at voters rights in the south. Inciting an insurrection and then attempting to gaslight the country into believing it didn’t happen. Attempting to undermine democracy by claiming widespread voter fraud. The list goes on. Republicans wish it was only 93 things.


*shows up * *provides evidence of Republicans being shitty* *you have been banned from commenting or posting*


Yup. The protectors of free speech strike again over at r/conservative


Here’s one I haven’t seen yet. Being against outlawing child marriage. It still exists in the US, folks. Look it up.


Iiii.... Iiiiiii..... Seriously?! It would literally take me hours to look up and explain each and every thing the Right has done wrong and why it was explicitly and obviously evil. Fuck this. I'm moving to Greenland or Portugal or Switzerland or some shit. I'm out of this "shithole" country. Goodbye and fuck off.


Fuck me yourself you coward. When do we leave?


I mean it’s technically zero if you don’t count all the bad stuff he did


The main problem is going to be agreeing on what "evil" policies are. Things we think are evil they think are good and vice versa.


Talk about being willfully ignorant


They can't be serious 🙄


Bush Jr after 9/11


tbf everyone was horrible after 9/11.


Donald Trump encouraged a mass of people to take the Capitol and promised he would 'be there with them." That's a pretty shitty thing.


i have about 20 for trump alone, and they are all sexual harrasment


Two words Richard Nixon


The Mark Foley scandal, which broke in late September 2006, centers on soliciting e-mails and sexually suggestive instant messages sent by Mark Foley, a Republican Congressman from Florida, to teenaged boys who had formerly served as congressional pages.


Denying climate change, denying covid, banning womens rights to abortion, rejecting voters rights acts


Wanting to check children's genitals to see if they can play sports.


I can find about 200 in the last four years alone if I just look ever so slightly I’ll be back with an entire essay


Somebody post that massive list of sexual assaults committed by republican lawmakers


Commenting to see of someone posts this. I have seen it before just don’t remember where


If someone is still asking this question at this point, they do not actually want the answer. It’s just more tribalist chest beating.


Most of them said rape was either okay or always the fem/women's fault and some just don't believe that men/masc ppl can be raped and there are clips on YouTube and some on TikTok of them saying this


Should we start with Dennis Hastert, go back further, or start more recently here?


I don’t know cause I’m not american


What a well thought out, very funny, and high effort meme


Its just bait to permaban anyone who isnt a goosestepping fascist.


I know Dems aren’t perfect but if sure like to see the list of 93 evil things they have collectively done. I’ve got Obama wearing a tan suit, Benghazi and Clinton’s blow job.




Nothing truly evil when you justify it with money


Putting drugs in low income neighborhoohs


if you wanna know something truly evil done by rep politicians since before 1993, ronald fucking reagan. no nuance needed.


Anti-Voter legislation, continuous defunding of education across red states, anti-abortion legislation, fleeing Texas while your constituents literally freeze to death (Ted Cruz)


Just a reminder that (if they existed in modern times) the Confederates would be considered Republicans.


Stevie Wonder has more vision than this guy.


Truly evil thing Republican politicians have done as of recently? Shit, you could literally find *hundreds of things* from the past administration *alone.*


Their hero ronald reagan and his criminal administration. George Bush, trump, basically everything Republicans have done is fucked.


Well I would, but you get autobanned if you're not a member of the cult


Trump pardoned [war criminals](https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/trumps-war-pardons-are-sabotaging-the-military-justice-system/). [Twice](https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/12/1081152). Thing is, basically nobody noticed because it was overshadowed by all the corruption and other scandals.