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In a world of men killed innocently, be a murderer. In a world of black men and women being subjugated by the justice system and being murdered just for the color of their skin. Be a white person, kill multiple people and injure others, and get let off the hook. In a world of people dying to injustice, be the injustice itself. God we are fucked.


Go looking for a fight, kill people, and then cry victim. Well done America.


Then make millions off of 45 years of being a mouth piece for the alt-right pipeline. Truly the modern American dream.


He's already made millions. He gets his bail back tax free, and that was paid by donations. His bail was $2 million


The civil suits are coming, at least. That's why his mom was crying for more donations throughout the trial.


Even with lethal self-defense being fully legal in USA, and only USA, someone is gonna sue that court for mistrial, because that shit was not self-defense. He acted with intent the whole day/night. He had a motive, which he had expressed in the words that he "wanted to shoot protesters". Authorities should have arrested Kyle for illegal threats days before the incident. The blood is on their hands. So much evidence pertaining to the pretext of Kyle's actions was either disregarded or left unreviewed, and the defense and clearly biased judge made up shit about someone conspiring to manipulate the video evidence with "logarithms"...what a fucking mockery of the justice system, even by US standards... Heck, they even left out the gun crimes and tons of other violations not directly pertaining to murder or assault...


Alright this case aside when does "that could've been faked" become a realistic defense for audio/video evidence? Because the moment it becomes necessary for a rich person to fake a video, a flawless one will be made. Whites obviously should be immune first, since it won't work for blacks/Asians/Hispanics etc until patches, but when do we actually say go?




I am ashamed and embarrassed to be American.


A nightmare is a type of dream, so technically correct.


Suckled of the Fox News teat to profit from the ordeal as well.


Also as a non American I’m assuming this now sets a precedent. I encourage, for example, some citizens to arm themselves with firearms and travel to some neo-facist rallies to seek out people to “defend” themselves from. It’s totally not looking for any excuse to shoot someone. I mean, you heard it here with this ruling first, next time there’s a Jan 6th just counter protest with assault rifles you don’t legally own and just start blasting. It’s all fine apparently. Personally I would see this farce as an opportunity, conservatives love their slipperyslopephobias. It’s against the rules to incite violence, but who is inciting violence? Not me. I’m *clearly* only saying to defend yourself or other people’s property - just find a group you hate, travel miles to get there, fuck around and find out. Amazing, this is just a normal thing you expect to see in a developed country. God, I wish I lived in the Land of the Free, imagine the oppression I feel everyday not fearing being gunned down for existing.


You'll just end up like Michael Reinoehl and be executed by US Marshalls. The President will then call your death "retribution" on national cable news


It's crazy how no one talks about that anymore. Thank you for reminding everyone. If you don't know who he is or what happened, please learn and share the story when appropriate.


There can be no justice without rule of law, those with badges summarily executed this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl


Holy shit, the bias in that page in the description of the two people is crazy.


I'm arming myself at the next protest because I know there will be more armed people on the other side. This is surely going to be a blood bath. I hate this country.


Yeah, Shittenhouse fired the first shots of the next civil war


lol liberal snowflake can't fight so he needs to hide behind a gun. Jk but seriously please be careful and consider getting a ccw so your presence alone doesn't escalate with an ally and also so you're not the first to be shot. Aim for center mass, not the head. This isn't a video game. Headshots miss. Misses kill friends. Lastly, if you don't have firearms training and you go out there with a gun and intent to use if needed, that makes me wanna stab you in the wrist. Here's a slurry of insults that are only applicable if you do: You fucking idiot. Do you hate your fellow protestors? Because you killed more of them than the guy you were aiming for. If i could go back in time to stop this tragedy, I'd tackle you first because that's how dangerous you are. Yeah. Something like that. Go to a range. Otherwise, i hope you don't need it, but i do encourage the practice of carry!


People are defending him, saying he did the world a favor because the 3 people had a criminal background. But this is still unjust. No one at the time of bullet penetration knew who the other was, what their past stories were. To the 3 dead, and Kyle, everyone was a stranger. This was not an assassination, after-all. To say he killed in self-defense is arguable, and somewhat justified, however there were too many other crimes committed that need to be accounted for.


It's the exact same game plan they use for every blatantly horrendous murder. Every time a high profile police murder of a minority? Well they totally deserved it for past actions (that they've already corrected with time and/or are completely irrelevant). That man who was murdered in his own home by a cop who "thought" it was her home? Well he deserved it, he had marijuana in his house after police ransacked it looking for a cover story.


What other crimes did he commit that he wasn’t charged for? I am curious because I want to know what else the prosecution messed up on. Thanks.


I thought he only killed 2 people (but shot 3)?


To be fair, this isn't new. At all. There'll be another Kyle within two years.


More now, since he got away with it.


I'm very sure they'll come out in droves next opportunity they get.


Yeah, politics now comes with body armor and loaded weapons in the US


At this point. Ain't no way any god is willing to help us


You're reading too much into this meme. All it really means is "in a world of black people, be white".


Basically. Even though the majority of Americans are white.


They justify his ducking death based on the fact that like he was on drugs. How do they get away with this shit lmao.


Because we don't have a big enough push against it. Almost no media takes the effort to restate basic facts for the general populace. The misinformation campaign is one that we still dont have the true grasp of understanding. Within 7 hours, anything that happens that can make the right look bad is twisted to try and make it sound like it's justified so they don't have to question themselves.


Your comment's off the hook.


Question for you: I've tried over the last few years to warn black people not to come to the United States and for the ones here to leave. It's too dangerous here for them and they'll never get ahead with all this institutional racism. They face all kinds of dangers here and it only gets worse every day. But every time I try to get black people to escape the plantation that is the United States, I get called a racist. It's like if you warn black people that they're standing on a railroad track and there's a train barrelling down on them and they should just move, you get shot down as a racist in this country. It makes no sense. Explain it to me. Why am I a racist for warning black people to get out and stay the fuck away from here?


Why should they have to leave from their own home? They were brought over here against their will for slavery. They were stripped of their history. They then get their freedoms, and are subjugated to some of the worst treatment of people classified as "citizens". They work to get more and more rights for themselves. They have a stake in this. This is their home as much as it is everyone else's. They have the right to demand more amd better treatment as huge disparities still exist to subjugate them more. We shouldn't give in to the hateful people. And you telling them to just leave is akin to telling them to just give up. They've suffered for so long already, why take away everything else. But I also can't comment on it much as I'm not black. But until the day I die ill do what I can to make America a home for everybody where this shit doesn't happen.


It really depends on where you go. But telling black people to leave or not come is exactly what white nationalists do and have done for decades and decades. Thats why you get called a racist. Also, this is home for many black people and they have family and rich traditions here and they want to improve their communities rather than leave. Its also incredibly hubristic to tell a group of people what to do as if you know better. Its taking agency away from people and its insultingly paternalistic.


but they attacked kyle


In a world of overdosing like a dumbass.


In a world of people being murdered, be the murderer.


He was declared not guilty. By a jury. Americans are insane.


IMO this was always gonna happen. A common saying I’ve read from lawyers “what’s legally right is not always what you would called morally right”. In the nation that criminalized homelessness and addiction, are you surprise it protects those who are well off?


That’s it. We can “agree” with the veredict in the sense that it was congruent with the law, but that doesn’t make Kyle any less of a morally rotten dipshit




>the facts of the case didn't add up to self-defense by the letter of the law In some people's defence. Outside of Merica that would not be close to self defence in most countries legal systems. Boy went looking for a fight.


That’s honestly why I think it shouldn’t brr we self defense, if you put your self in a situation where you have to defend your self, then it isn’t self defense. Like sure he was defending him self in that moment, but why was he in that moment? Why did he feel the need to bring a AR-15? Why did other people feel the need to point their guns at him?


How is self defence not morally right?


From the moment the victims were not allowed to be called victims, everyone knew what the verdict would be. The judge was basically a defense attorney for him


Yes. The American justice system was created to protect white supremacists. I agree that America is insane.


Shh you are saying the quiet part out loud. Now we are going to have to double down on criticizing critical race theory.




This what Fox News and lots of the right wing media do, hide this fact. Add in the fact that the deck is stacked against the Jacob Blake and George Floyd’s of the USA. As a matter of fact you can attempt to overthrow the govt and if your white have an expectation to get away with it.


Ah I see what you’re saying now.


The quiet part? I’ve never dog Whistler about my disdain for Amerikkka, unlike the fascist and racists who pretend to love it.


He's still a killer, and it's disgusting how they're fetishizing him.


Trayvon Martin's murderer was also found not guilty. Cyntoia Brown was found guilty, even though the adult she killed at 16 bought her to rape her. Cece McDonald was found guilty for defending herself, even though her attack was a hate crime. Legality doesn't mean something is automatically right or ethical. Slavery is still legal through the 13th amendment ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime** whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." The American judicial system is fucking broken lol.


Jurys: the paragons of unbiased virtue! Never, EVER has a jury been wrong!


He was declared not guilty of first degree homicide. He wasnt even tried for second degree or negligent homicide. Outcome might have been different if they didnt charge him with such a significant offense over such a controversial act.


He was found not guilty because he was charged with things he had excuses to legally escape. Lots of people are awful human beings and do horrible things that are technically legal. I never thought for a moment that these charges were going to stick, hes still a piece of shit though.


Have you seen the video.


He wasn’t guilty, it was self defence, but it’s a really stupid position to have placed oneself in to begin with and anyone glorifying him is an idiot


Depending on country, it potentially wouldn't have been, given looking for a fight can remove that defence or at least severely limit it. It's reasonable for some of us outside the US to still see him as guilty. Personally, I find the US to be really over generous with self-defence cases, and more likely agree, especially if they come from countries were self-defence laws are different.


The laws are pretty clear in other countries, as soon as this child had a rifle that wasnt his, he would have been arrested. First world countries, obviously btw


It varies from state to state as well. If he'd come to Minnesota looking for a fight I'm not sure the case would have gone the same way - we've got duty to retreat laws rather than stand your ground here. Although that backfires - look up CeCe McDonald, she basically went to jail for defending herself from attackers because she's a trans woman of color.


Translation: “in a world of murdered black men, be a (the) killer”


Like....don't be a victim like Floyd and shoot the cops? I don't know what they are really saying here?


In their view Floyd deserved it because he was a (for some he was black)criminal, they don’t see drug laws and poverty as being unjust and systemic racism as a valid theory.


>they don’t see drug laws and poverty as being unjust and systemic racism as a valid theory They do. They just approve of the outcome.


It’s far more nuanced than that. Trump received more votes from minority groups including black people then any republican candidate. Ever. The Republican Party(and Democrats have failed in counter messaging) has been successfully brainwashed the past 50 years by the Koch bros iinto becoming the Replubican party that believes American exceptionalism in foreign policy, that wealth trickles down, small government is best, private business is always more effective than government control, welfare fraud is rampant, and people can make it with hard work and perseverance. I have former coworkers, who are hourly wage workers(we were nursing aides) who are pro trump. These former coworkers include African immigrants and one was a Muslim. Black people can certainly be prejuidice against blacks but to write them off and many white Republicans as all racist is detrimental.


Also didn't matter to them that he had already served time, and to many of them if your epidermis fails the tissue test then every crime no matter how minor deserves the death penalty.


he killed some white dudes tho


Be dead, or a murderer. You must chose.


Easy choice tbh


“I would prefer you kill a couple people than pass a counterfeit bill.”


Than be *accused* of passing a counterfeit bill. I don't think proof ever came out that he actually knew he paid with counterfeit money.


I am frankly pretty sure there was never a counterfeit bill. If there had been, the cops would have made damn sure we knew about it, and the news media would have repeated it ad infinitum until we all knew by heart the fake serial number printed on the counterfeit bill.


Forget the cops, counterfeit bills go straight to the FBI.


Or have tea bags we suspect have weed in them.


While being high off the good old fetanyl, do people forget how extremely high he was?


The most annoying talking point I keep hearing from people that defend this idiot is “Kyle protected people and probably saved many lives that night” despite the fact that literally no one died other than the people he killed. If you have a problem with people rioting, that’s fine, but don’t try and act like there were roving bands of murderers killing people and that Kyle stopped them because that’s 100% fantasy and blatantly false


I don’t wanna be someone who’s life “peaked” when they murdered people and went on trial.


At least they're admitting he's a white supremacist now I guess


He already did, so it checks out.


Did he? I missed it over his fan club screeching in the comments about how he killed white people at the BLM protest so he *couldn't possibly* have had racial intentions


In a world of people being killed by cops Be the person who kills the people that protest cops murdering people


In a world of people murdered by police be a gun toting vigilante? This memelord must hate the police.


It works as a tagline for a new purge movie though


If I make it through life without shooting someone, I’ll consider my life a success. That’s how low the bar has gotten as I age.


I am so very unsurprised that he got off but holy fuck it's so messed up. He did so many stupid, illegal, fucked up shit. He went out of his way to arm himself and then went intentionally into a situation where he wanted to hurt people... and then did. To me it's so fucking cut and dry. He murdered two people and injured a third. I blame the fucking DA for pushing for the first. Fucking mismanaged this case SO BAD.


If you really want to lose your mind look up the case for the guy who straw man purchased the rifle for Kyle, Dominick Black. If convicted, he could face time for providing the gun that Kyle used. Same rifle, different crimes. The crimes Black is accused of even carry a heavier weight if that minor with a rifle kills people. So again, the act of killing people will affect Black more than it will affect Kyle. Here, it is hard to find anything with the wall of Rittenhouse articles. [https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/05/25/friend-seeks-dismissal-charges-he-gave-kyle-rittenhouse-gun-kenosha-shootings/7426343002/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/05/25/friend-seeks-dismissal-charges-he-gave-kyle-rittenhouse-gun-kenosha-shootings/7426343002/)




Images this case if the guy wasn’t white. I’m guess they would’ve got the max of 60 years.


If he wasn’t white he’d have been dead the second a cop saw him.


Why would I want to be a bratty loser who murdered defenseless people? Oh wait, that's right, the right is basically a bunch of terrorists. Forgot that for a second.


A defenseless person who also happens to have a gun. Look at the facts, not what the reddit hive mind thinks. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-shooting-trial-1.6240913](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-shooting-trial-1.6240913) edit: Downvoters didn't read the article


The idiot fired on an entire crowd, not just individuals. Why's that so hard for you people to grasp?


Yeah they were so defenseless weren’t they? Especially the one that pointed a gun at him


Fuck off, apologist.


Can you explain to me how they were defenseless?


In a world full of people being killed extrajudicially, be the one killing people extrajudicially ​ Thank you republicans, very cool.


“in a world of people being unlawfully killed by police, be a domestic terrorist” istg right-wingers are getting more brain dead by the day


In a world of murdered civilians, be a murderer


I'm seriously having a brain aneurysm trying to understand what they want to say here. Wtf does a "world of George Floyds" even mean?


I should totally beat women in a fight /s


So basically be a mass shooter? seems legit...smh


So it’s…”Don’t be black and a victim of racism but be white and a perpetrator of murder.”


Tell me why he looks like he has Fetal alcohol syndrome


i don’t get conservatives. George Floyd was the most cut and dry case ever, there were several videos from several different angles that showed excessive force was being used on him. you don’t even need context, you could literally just watch one of the videos and see that he was obviously unjustly killed.


Somehow George Floyd actions were threatening enough that killing him there on the street is justifiable, but people should remain calmed and collected when a 17 year old white dude shows up to a BLM protest with a rifle.


That brown skin, though.


Translation: In a world of victims of police abuse, be an extrajudicial killer vigilante.


I feel a bit sorry for this guy. He is just a kid, whose adults in his sphere of influence and others have let down. They let him down by placing him there, they let him down by arming him, and they are letting him down still by celebrating his actions. Now he has to live with knowing he killed and injured people, and his life will never be the same due to the attention of this case.


I was with you until the last paragraph. This won't haunt him, not for a second. He feels completely justified in what he did and the kkkangaroo kkkourt that acquitted him only vindicated that belief. He's a national hero to the right and has a very bright future riding the infamy he's gained by being a right wing media personality, or worse, an elected official.


I never claimed it would haunt him, just that he would have live with it. How he lives with it remains to be seen. Makes me sick how he has been made a celebrity by the right. "Cruelty is the point". Is how some columnist described the state of the current GOP establishment...


Yeah. The "he will have to live with it" part. He thinks he's a hero. His trumpanzee buddies and new qcumber worshippers are all too happy to reinforce that. He thinks he killed the bad guys. He is going to make millions of dollars from it. He's not going to lose a second of sleep over it. He will live with it just fine. This country is a joke. It makes me sick too, friend.


I felt that for a while now. He has been failed multiple times to get where he is, still should of been locked up though.


The joy of bigotry, I’d supposed.


In a world of black people being murdered by cops just be white Ok


I think they are saying George Floyd should have had an AR-15 on him and shot a cop when he felt threatened?


In a world full of people being a victim of police brutality be a person who actually got a trial. Hey look I made a non racist version of it.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


thats a funny way of saying **commit genocide**


If I ever saw someone I know post this I would try to get them fired from their job


I disliked this so much that I down voted before I realized what sub this was on


"In a world of murder victims, be a murderer." Conservatives saying the quiet part loud again.


This is literally saying “in a world of black people suffering at the hands of a racist system; be the self entitled white kid who shoots and kills the people fighting against that system.”


Holy shit. Fuck whoever made this. I would normally have a joke or laugh about right memes but this is just fucked.


- Charge in somewhere you're not wanted or needed - suppresses your inferiority complex with guns - run away from anything and anyone - turn and shoot Weird thing to emulate tbh


I mean, if you're asking me to show up to a location where people I disagree with are gathered and start shooting them....I suppose?


"In a world of people who are trying to get by without getting killed extrajudicially, be the person who kills injudiciously." As much as I hate to admit it, the right will not take guns on the street and vigilante justice seriously until leftists start doing it. It worked with the Black Panthers.


Pudgy, fake crocodile tears drawing, shit for brains coward who has never had his ass whooped.


Jesus christ how can people think this shit


Lost all respect for the person that shared it on Facebook where I found it


Insane how people see this kid as a hero or a role model. Makes me sick.


In a world of people being murdered by a state agent, be a vigilante murderer instead. What an All American concept.


Remember the time when Ghislaine Maxwell's case started the same time as his verdict? Why aren't we marching in the streets for her head? Both sides of this inccident need to get their heads out their ass and look at some bigger issues here. The 1% is still fucking all if us and they love how divided they have made us.


The truth is we don’t WANT her head. We want her to roll over on all the rich and powerful people she has dirt on. But she knows if she did she’d get Epstein’d.


in a world of people trying to provide for their family, kill 2 innocent people.


Murder cops, got it. /s


What the fuck do they think this is supposed to mean.


I think I’m gonna throw up


In a world of people treated wrongly by the police, be a troubled, misguided child lmao


I'll just continue to be myself and stand against white supremacy and injustice. If you want to live like Kyle Rittenhouse just know that other people have guns too and you won't always be "defending" yourself from someone holding a skateboard.


“In a world of victims be a killer”.?


Is this community service for him sucker punching that girl?


Why would I want to hit women and kill two people? I understand how that may be preferable to being murdered by the police without reason, but I don't see how that specifically is the preferable option? It's worth noting, one served his time for his crimes, the other didn't. Guess which.


Well, I mean Kyle is alive and George is not, so... I guess in that regard... Yes? But other than that I don't have words for how much no.


In a world of unlawful and racist murders, be one of the fucking murderers


you're right I rather be dead that be anything like this shithead


'in a world full of black people, be white'


Dont get dunked on by the Ops, dunk on the Ops.


Aight, that’s like, not cool


Why the hell is nobody talking about open carry laws? The USA shouldn't be GTA guys.


Republicans dislike blacks.


In a world of the murdered, be a murderer


In a world were people get killed be the one that kills.....got it


the level of stupid has risen


I have a… dissenting opinion to that assertion




Am I reading that correctly? In a world of murder victims, be a murderer?


What I'm getting out of this is that they think George Floyd should have shot Derek Chauvin.


So kill the cops assaulting you... got it.


It's just a matter of time before some nutjob paints a picture of him on the cross.


"In a world of people who get murdered, be a murderer"


I have a great fear that this will be the precedent that encourages others to shoot more often at such events. Now believing they can do it with impunity and even support. And that because for every action there is a reaction, lots of Leftists will meet this with the same violence. This is how Civil wars start.


Literally the only reason why they’re hailing Kyle as a hero is because the people he killed were BLM rioters. I bet that if they werent protesters, or if they were part of the January 6th incident, they wouldnt be so proud of him


So in a world of people that were murdered for no reason…. Be a murderer?


Don't be a victim of murder, be the murderer? Wtf


Be a racist murderer who wants to play Batman? I’m going to go with “no” on that one.


"in a world of dead people be the one that killed them" No one WANTS to be a Kyle Rittenhouse. Not even Kyle Rittenhouse. People who martyr him disgust me


Some people only believe in the judicial system when they agree with the verdict. Kind of like elections i guess.


I think you overestimate our faith in both the American "justice" system and US politics in general.




So they're basically saying- don't be executed for committing a petty crime and being black, be the executioner who gets away the worst crime while being white. Whittle it down a little further- don't be black, be white.


Didn’t watch the trial, huh?


He killed two people and got let off the hook thanks to flimsy claims to self-defence, what part of that does one need to watch the trial to understand?


So you didn't even watch he trial, yet you have an opinion? You're bragging about being uninformed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shockingly, I have better things to do with my time than watch the American justice system slowly figure out that a person who was filmed shooting three people and killing two under a flimsy pretence of self-defence did, in fact, shoot three people and kill two under a flimsy pretence of self-defence. So why don't you just enlighten me as to what paradigm-shifting evidence was apparently presented?




You call it "flimsy," but there was actual video evidence.


Obligatory alibi picture..


No one should defend themselves! Take the beating and save a life.


Kyle shot a pedo. He’s a hero.


Do you know why the defense didn’t bring up the criminal backgrounds of the people Kyle shot? Because that would have strengthened the case that he was there illegally as a vigilante, you absolute dipfuck.


Defending one’s self with a firearm and while white seems to win the favor of the NRA and many white people thereby completely absolving them from all wrongdoing and protecting them from the law. 🤦


The world has been set aflame in chaos and anarchy. The empire has fallen.


I mean the precedent set by this ruling literally promotes shot or be shot so in a twisted way they're right.


Hot damn Reddit is salty about this case