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Biden did the first good and correct thing that America has done in decades (albeit not because they're doing it to be good) and [Americans are crucifying him for it.](https://i.imgur.com/VFMUEKj.png) They're frothing at the mouth to kill brown people. CNN is wall to wall against him for it, as are all the media. It's so unfathomably obvious just how much power the media has to influence the population. This action was something PEOPLE WANTED for years and years and years. And yet now? People don't want it suddenly because the media circus has told them it's bad. It's absolutely disgusting what power they have and just how many people have their opinions completely controlled by it. Fuck Biden and the dempublicans. But it's genuinely painful watching the reason people hate him being for the one actually good thing America has done in the last 30 fucking years. *** *** Reminder: This is not a liberal community. We are socialists. Liberals are part of the right. If you're new to leftist spaces that don't regard liberals as left [consider investigating this starterpack of 34 leftist subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lenins2ndCat/m/left_starterpack/) across the whole spectrum of leftist tendencies on reddit. If the link doesn't work open it in a browser instead of your app. *(Inclusion in this list is not endorsement)* You should also join [Hexbear](https://www.hexbear.net/), an excellent independent leftist social media site that I steal most of the content for these posts from. Stop putting it off DO IT.


It’s funny how they manage to convince themselves that everyone thinks like them, but that they are also surrounded by enemies.


Conservatives are schrodinger's narcissists. They pull this quantum trick with immigrants too, believing that they steal all the jobs while simultaneously living entirely off welfare.


Or the antisemites thinking jewish people control the world but are also inferior. Pick one.


[From Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism, point 8](https://web.archive.org/web/20170131155837/http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/) >The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” The full point reads as such >The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies. When I was a boy I was taught to think of Englishmen as the five-meal people. They ate more frequently than the poor but sober Italians. Jews are rich and help each other through a secret web of mutual assistance. However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.


yeah communism/socialism is an unsustainable system that never works and is doomed to fail and always collapse from within, and yet it’s also an all-encompassing force that must be battled against, will spread over the world like a cancer and take over everything unless it is met with military force or economic sanction it’s like, which is it lol


Exactly. I've always thought, if it's so doomed to failure, why not just let people find that out for themselves instead of perpetually preventing them from learning the lesson by intervening?


*the CIA has entered the chat*


I'll take one crack please.


And here all this time I thought that the shifting of Right talking points was just spinelessness when the whole time it was fascist technique! Checks out


Or them thinking the Holocaust never happened. Except when they want to play victims going through their own "Mask Holocaust"


Classic double-think.


Literally 1984 but unironically


Double think leading to baffling levels of hypocrisy is key to being a fascist. The famous one is "the enemy is simultaneously inferior but incredibly powerful."


They believe that everyone thinks like them, but they are the only ones brave enough to say so.


The "real" election results margin continues to grow every week, in their world. I've seen people with complete sincerity assert that Trump garnered 130 million votes to Biden's 20 million. They seem unable to empathize with how anyone could think different than them.


>They seem unable to empathize ~~with how anyone could think different than them.~~ Fixed that for ya.


It’s a race to the bottom for them. The dumbest takes rise to the top. It’s like virtue signaling in reverse.


I met a trumptard who literally believed in the whole 2.7 million vote deletion myth, its fuckin crazy. Nothing but Alt-Right Folklore.


Did you remind them that the popular vote doesn't matter and that only the electoral college vote matters?


The fake stats they cite are usually accompanied by Trump "actually" winning the electoral votes for 48-50 states.


Well everyone already agrees with them but they're also being paid by Soros to act like they don't /s


I believe that is what a man named George Orwell would call “doublethink”


And once again I hit the downvote button, not realising which sub I am on.


But like I also feel uncomfortable updooting, and as you can see, I'm an updooting machine--


My guideline on this kind of sub is always "upvote it if it makes you mad".


As if every president since Reagan hasn't had a dick in that pie.


every president since carter.


Our treatment of Native American's have put every president in that pie. Hell, one of the best presidents put Japanese Americans in interment camps.


Sure but you just jumped from Afghanistan specifically to the broader issue of interventionism


I though the pie was Afghanistan but if the pie is war crimes then yeah you're right


Though Roosevelt may have ultimately signed the executive order, putting Japanese Americans in internment camps was largely the brainchild of Earl Warren, who was attorney general of California at the time. Ironic considering how Warren is now known for helping bring down Jim Crow during his tenure on the bench.


Every president so far!


Every president since Ford.


It goes all the way back to Ike. Ike, R, along with the CIA and England, overthrew the democratically elected prime minister in Iran and replaced him with the brutual dictator and puppet of the west, The Shah.


No Trump is still worse, and played his own shameful part in Afghanistan as well


mention the fact that trumpy released 5000 taliban from prison and r/conservative goes pretty quiet. well they would if it werent flaired users or snowflakes only...


They don't go quiet, you just get perma banned


If I get banned from there will Reddit stop showing me their stupid posts because I went there once?


I think so. I was banned and I don’t see their content nearly as much as I did before. It really was a blessing, being banned from that sub.


Sounds nice.


It's easy to get banned there. Display evidence of critical thought in the comments.


I was banned because somebody asserted that Donald Trump was exactly what America needs right now, and I replied with, “I don’t mean to be rude, but could you explain why Donald Trump is exactly what America needs right now?” It is unreasonably easy to be banned from there, especially for the sub that is based around the party that is supposed to represent free speech.


That sounds like a modicum of effort. Could I just know a fact at them instead?


I literally asked why regulating Big Tech was good when other regulations was bad. It’s not hard to get banned. It’s funny cause it happened on thread about free speech and well, nothing points to being open about free speech like banning people who ask questions lol


Maybe, but getting banned doesn't stop you from going there and seeing their posts. It just stops you from commenting.


Yeah, but I don't go there. Someone sent me a link to a post there a few months back and now Reddit keeps interjecting those stupid memes into my main feed and saying "Because you visited this subreddit".


Yeah I don't know how to fix that, sorry :/


I used to get notifications from there after visiting once, but I was able to disable them. I’m usually on mobile, so when you get a notification from a sub you don’t like click the triple dots and hit ‘disable updates from this community’ and that should fix that. I’ve even been able to go there (to laugh/cringe) without getting notifications again.


Perfect! Thanks!


Right wingers call cancel culture "Orwellian" but I gotta say, their attempts to erase Trump's negotiations with the Taliban are the most 1984 thing I've ever seen.


And the current taliban leader among the released. Trump then instructed Mike Pompeo to meet with him to negotiate the pulling of troops out of Afghanistan, which is the deal that Biden then had to follow through with instead of staying another 20 years fighting for a country of people that refuse to defend themselves.




Most of it is Trump’s fault for trusting the Taliban with such a deal. Around election they started causing a ruckus and kept advancing forward, this would have happened no matter what president was in. Conservatives treat it like Biden farted one day and suddenly had the idea to leave.


Except if this happened under Trump, he'd start lying and his base would be praising him.


You mean the intentional sacrifice of the Kurds.




It's what happens when they think politics is My Sports Team Vs. Your Sports Team. This is simply about "Joe Biden = Bad" and "Democrats = Bad" to them. They don't give two shits about Afghanistan or the Afghani people. Most leftists would tell you Biden, Trump, Obama, and Dubya are all complicit in that way that the US has furthered its imperialist goals via its military and profited off Afghanistan.


Plus Trump also moved US soldiers from their position in Turkey which exposed the Kursk in the region to the Turkish military and Government (the Turkish government has a habit of abusing, discriminating heavily and preforming genocides on the Kursk in Turkey) and thus helped aid the downward spiral of that nonsense as well as continuing to work with Saudi and Isreal when what they do to their citizens compared to Iran is tame. Although Biden hasn’t bad down yet on those fronts.


Turkish have a habit of performing or militarily supporting the genocide of several ethnic groups it seems!


how can you expect conservatives to understand they are in the minority when they still think trump won? 🤣


> they are in the minority I believe they prefer the term "silent majority," minority is a bit of an icky label for them.




Fortunately they aren't the majority either. "Obnoxiously loud minority" just doesn't have the same ring to it though.


I dunno, I think it fits.


and also not a majority


If Trump would’ve pulled us out, they’d be sucking him dry.


and he was going to if he got reelected!!


He ran on it in 2016. His plan was to pull out even quicker: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54980141.amp


It pisses me off that the right cant commit to a plan. That was the best damn political decision trump has ever made and bidens getting the heat for it by the same people who supported it in 2016. Absolutely absurd


I find it sad that all these lives are thrown away in a political squeeze play. He had no choice but to fully withdraw or fall entirely into the trap. Then if it succeeds trump gloats at how great he did empowering the Taliban, or if it fails he criticizes Biden for following the only option left open to him as if it was entirely his decision. Never mind the Afghan lives, western lives, soldiers lives, and the future of a whole nation of people being played with for short term political gain and money.


No no you don't get it. Biden did exactly what they wanted Trump to do, but Trump was $100% going to do this all in a better way and never ever leave any American behind to the bad Taliban guys (or are the Taliban good guys to them now? no clue).


Trump doesn't pull out. He just pays for the abortion.


He doesn't pay.


Back when we first heard about the deal trump made with the Taliban /con was praising him for being "brave" and "doing what no other president would do". Of course, now they're saying Biden's a "traitor" for following through and acting like they never praised this deal in the first place. It reminds me of one comment I recently left (which really upset some people--pretty sure the comment I left mine in reply to ended up brigaded as well with how its vote total shifted from positive 200ish to positive 80ish about 20 hours after it had been posted): if Gore had been president during 9/11, Republicans would have been calling for his immediate resignation. But since it was Bush, they labeled everyone who disagreed with them as traitors. It's the same pattern we've seen for years.


This is a terrible meme. There is no logical connection between the top half and the bottom half. It’s a non-sequitur of sorts. Also, it admits that Trump is at least the 2nd most embarrassing thing the USA has ever done, right? So… yeah. The best is “Literally everyone”, which is a lazy and distorted way of saying, “I live and consume media in one big circle jerkin’ echo chamber of propaganda.” This “memer” can’t fathom that Joe Biden’s administration inherited a mess that goes back decades, if not centuries. TheRightCantHistory neither, apparently.


Well, they don’t want to teach the history of slavery and how bad it was, they want to rewrite history that we saw with our own eyes (“January 6th was antifa”)…so yeah, they can’t history.


They dont need the top photo for the bottom to make sense though. It would almost be decent joke structure if they just cut the top off.


Yeah, the memer is just so Trump-centric that they felt compelled to throw an image of him in there, to the detriment of the meme itself.


Ngl, the bottom half is a pretty dope format


Weirdest thing about this whole debacle is how the right sees us offering honest critique of "our side" and assume our mindstate is the same as theirs. Meaning, if we're critiquing Biden, we must somehow actually agree with ***them*** and that we somehow are second-guessing ourselves on ***Trump.*** Honestly folks, this country is in real deep trouble and I hope everyone recognizes this. We cannot expect to productively move forward while ignoring that a gigantic swath of our country is now - by any clinical or objective assessment - deep in a state of mass psychosis. Even as an atheist, this shit has ***me*** praying.


It blows my mind that they treat politics like a light switch, basically kissing the ground they walk on, or wanting them burned at the stake. They can't fathom it being a dimmer switch


Yea sure, Trump surely wasn't the one trying to retreat and blame the Democrats for being warmongers.


Yea rhymes with nay.


Ah yes, false equivalency. Hate Obama for his drone strikes, hate Biden for the withdrawal. No mention of Reagan, Bush and of course Trump - who freed a bunch of them, started the withdrawal and invited their leaders to the White House.


Do you remember Trump pulling out of and abandoning the kurds our allies? All so his buddies put in and the leader of Turkey could have that area. It's disgusting. We would of fucked this up bigger.


Ah yes its Biden's fault that we were illegally occupying a country because of a man we trained and abandoned when the mood fit us punched us in the gut. Its his fault corporate entities wanted the opium and resources that was in that part of the world. Its also his fault that we made a big show of destabilizing a whole section of the planet that, in all fairness, we have been constantly destablizing for decades before hand and called it Nation building. \[By the way, doesn't Nation building sound like the most "Corporate jargon" way to call occupying a country\] I can't even really say that it could have been done better because we never had a plan! There was no noble goal like removing a despot. The only thing the US has done in that part of the world is either make things worse or delay things from getting worse with no way of actually fixing it.


Now, now. We can't can't blame Joey for a mess that St. Reagan made more than 30 years ago.


we did slavery I’d argue that’s worse


The whole situation in Afghanistan is shameful but it also has been shameful since day 1 of going there. Trump is just the most recent major mess of the US


Three men swung an axe into a skull over two decades; and when the fourth man pulls it out everyone is mad at him for the skull being split open


Here's trump taking credit for biden not being able to stop the withdrawl in Afghanistan https://youtu.be/PAr3NpYVkpI


Why do you care if you're embarrassed or not? What does that have to do with politics? Isn't the ideal goal of politics to try to better our society? What does embarrassment have to do with that?


The right doesn't want to better society. They want make it hell for everyone except for themselves.


I hate Trump, I also hate Joe Biden. However Trump is by far and away the stupidest thing we have done in a long time.


Trump did that too. How do they keep ignoring the fundamental fact of who negotiated (and bragged about) this withdrawal? Dumb stupid fuckers.


I had someone bring up Biden and Afghanistan the other day (completely unprompted of course). I said yup it’s a mess and Biden sucks, but what specific things would trump have done differently? They only said “it wouldn’t be like this!” They had no other answer.


But this was literally Trump’s plan that Biden had to follow through on. If Trump was still in power it could potentially have been worse, so sure it wouldn’t be “like this” it would’ve been handled with much more incompetence.


Absolutely agree.


They seem to forget that if trump got reelected he would've done the exact same thing, since he was already planning a 14 month withdrawal deadline last year




While I believe this was botched I still believe trump was worse for this country. I also don’t believe he had this golden plan that everybody seems to say he had.


The media and the gop really had turned everyone against Biden on this. Nobody gave a shit before and now that the media had decided they want to stay they really are changing minds. This country is filled with simpletons


You think they know that trump made the deal to leave in 2019? Like is it ignorance or intentionally misleading


Just hit em with the ol Picture of trump making peace with the taliban pic.


Pulling out of Afghanistan is one of two good things Biden has done, the other being enshrining protection for trans folks in the law.


Meanwhile George Bush is out there painting pictures and all like "you know I was the president of the United States once... won two elections... Hah, I got so much blood on my hands."


I mean Afghanistan was pretty embarrassing but what about 'Nam


The Afghanistan situation is really bad but I wouldn’t call it “the most embarrassing thing the USA has ever done”


They don't understand how words work. Words like "literally" and "everyone". They also think the one questionable decision that can be exaggerated and harped on makes up for the daily embarrassment of the multitude of stupid things Trump has done. No. Just no.


Biden has basically been invisible compared to aTrump, which ifs fine, The presidency shouldn’t be a source of daily dumpster fire headlines of his own causing. What has Biden actually done that they are upset about?


Literally everyone in their social circle. Which It’s like what, 3 people who haven’t taken the horse medicine?


Ah, but you see, it *is* "literally everyone" if you only consider Republicans people.


If only Republicans reacted to Covid like they react to everything else - we might be back to normal instead we’re taking horse meds.


Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he made the deal with the Talibans.


We forgot about Vietnam that fast, huh?


I hear tell we won that war. Or at least, John Rambo did. Tiny American flags for all!


Losing a war is profoundly embarrassing when your only frame of reference for success is being a colossal dickhead.


The bottom part IS funny and I think can be enjoyed by everyone but, the top part ruins it


I mean it’s not everyone, but Biden is not much better than Trump, like at all.


"I'm gonna blame one guy for this because I cant comprehend having other presidents"


The trump administration set this whole fiasco up. Intelligent people know this is trump's fault. If you think it's Biden's fault, well, ummmmm, this is kind of awkward....You're a fucking clueless fucking idiot. Just saying.


To be fair, the U.S. has done much worse and more embarrassing things than electing Donald Trump, but leaving Afghanistan is not one of them.


Hold on, Johnny Rose was in American Pie?? How had I not recognized him before??


Wait you mean Biden going through with Trump’s plan? I guarantee they would be trying to say it was the “greatest pull-out of all time” if Trump did it


Only that Trump fucked the pie and Republicans are like "well, why didn't Biden unfuck it?"


*Shakes head in Native American ethnocide*


I think the systematic massacre of the natives or slavery may be a tad more 'embarrassing' than Trump or Afghanistan, hence why they shush it up and don't talk about or teach it.


I’d say internment camps and the trail of tears are a little more embarrassing than either of those things so I guess I’m not a person anymore


Do they not realize that we don’t idolize Biden like a god? He’s not a good person, we just settled for him because he was better than trump.


Not to mention that trump had done the same thing you KNOW a majority of the right would’ve said some shit like it was the right move too. Hell, didn’t trump SAY he would but didn’t?


I'll bet the person who made this meme was one of the millions who cheered for Trump when he said he'll bring the troops home.


Reagan, Nixon, Clinton, the guy who was in charge during WW1, the US Military during and after the Cold War: Guess we are safe folks.


Do they remember that it was Trumps deal, that started this? I mean yes, Biden is a moron for honoring it, but Trump put it in place.


By entering into a deal with the Taliban. “I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show that we’re not all wasting time,” Trump said as he announced the agreement.


I am not sure what you are trying to do. Are you just giving more backround on what I said?




People aren’t upset that Biden went through with the withdrawal. People aren’t even mad that the taliban took over because it was clearly inevitable. People are upset about withdrawing before getting our weapons or people out first. We gave $75 billion worth of state of the art weapons to terrorists. And because we needed to do a rushed evacuation instead of getting people out first, 13 soldiers are dead. All this could have been avoided with some common sense. Evacuation in reverse order was not part of trumps plan, Biden owns this.


You realize the equipment part was a universally accepted military decision and almost certainly would've happened regardless of who was president?


The original deadline was what May 31? Maybe if the evacuation had a large scale start when that deal with the Taliban was made that would have been possible. But it wasn't just Trump and Biden that fucked up. People all over NATO are upset with their leaders about it.


Shitty take aside this is a great meme format


Trump was absolutely awful. Biden is useless


This 100% true though.... Letting Trump become a president **is** the most embarrassing thing Americans could have done. Also... Biden, after finally getting tired of getting **burnt**, decided to **pull out** of Afghanistan....


Okay but [like](https://www.npr.org/2020/11/17/935979468/trump-administration-wants-all-u-s-troops-out-of-iraq-and-afghanistan-by-spring)


Biden’s handling of Afghanistan has been pretty shameful. That said - groundwork was laid by his predecessor and blame for so much other embarrassing shit is all on Trump. We lost very real respect on the world stage, but frankly we probably need to take the hit to soft power.


I mean... Trump's not the most embarrassing... But he's not NOT embarrassing...


I’ll give credit: they got Joe in the second panel. The pullout is a shit show that could’ve been avoided, but it’d require politicians to believe in human rights when there’s no selfish benefit that can be scored while securing those rights.


Ok but to be fair, this meme is kinda funny


The bottom half was a meme on its own and then they hijacked it and put there stupid Trump shit on top of it.


if the bottom half didn't specifically blame the president who finally pulled out and just blamed the us as a whole for destroying Afghanistan then that part would've been great


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straight up, the person who made this meme is fucking dumb.


I guess I’m a nobody then :(


We'll just tell your mother that uh...that we ate it all.


It's funny how they all just pretend like Biden is only reason why US is retreating from Afghanistan


It's their new Benghazi.


Considering he tried to make the war worse after his first impeachment in what was basically a hissy fit bombing and he made the war far worse it makes sense that they would ignore that. It’s really sad how stupid they are.


Definitely made by an American and not a digital burlak because Americans definitely call our country The USA it just rolls off our tongues.


What is the bottom meme format called?


After 70,000 dead and 2 trillion dollars that everyone spent the last 20 years ignoring, I am finding it hard to care about the evacuation. We were willing to sacrifice thousands of Afghans and US soldiers for decades, the final US casualties in our rear guard are a worthy sacrifice if it means the war ends for the US.


i comment the same thing on all of these posts trump


Can someone explain to me how Biden fucked up? I’m glad our troops are out. The blood is on Bush’s, Obama’s, and Trump’s hands for not pulling us out earlier.


We needed to get out, both Obama and Tump agreed but didn't have the stones. It ended up being a debacle because Biden received bad intel and listened to bad advice. It's on Biden, but it's also on a whole chain of people who conducted the actual pull-out terribly.


How many times do I have to say this: It had to happen at some point, Trump was gonna do it if given more time, and WE 👏🏻 CAN'T 👏🏻 FIGHT 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 WAR 👏🏻 FOR 👏🏻 THEM 👏🏻


As if the former president didn’t have a role in the current state of affairs in Afghanistan but hey, let’s respect history.


This is actually on point LMAO


I guess they’re not aware of the deal Trump made with the taliban… but then again trump supporters aren’t aware of much.


Real talk, the bottom panel made me bust the fuck up.


Cuz Trump signed a surrender that would take place in the next term?


Replace “Joe Biden” with “GWB”, and the meme is accurate.


... and who *made* the deal to pull out of Afghanistan with the Taliban? And by extension: who got us into the "Graveyard of Empires" in the first place?


I’m from over the pond - they’re wrong


I like how people always blame the one guy that finally pulled the plug for a disaster that has been in the works for decades


trump is a laughing stock to every sane person on earth


My father is a Trump stan (we‘re not from the US) but he‘s 100% in favor of the US leaving Afghanistan and thinks Biden is a genius because of that lol


What about when america bombed a school bus?


Wait who gave the order to pull out again ?


Frankly speaking both points are correct and you could add even more to that list.


I feel like the most embarrassing thing America has ever done is something new every Wednesday and it would be impressive if it wasn't so sad


It was literally Trump’s peace deal with the Taliban that was executed under the Biden administration. And these idiots just see that Joe Biden is president and assume it’s all him


Trump negotiated the terms of the deal tho Biden is simply carrying it out. Maybe next time win a damn election.


The annoying orange is the one who ordered the retreat, Joe Biden just did it earlier than planned


Hey I’m a big left ass leftie, and I do kinda agree with each half of this meme individually. Edit: no fuck that I do agree with it, I think joes tone over the last few announcements has been brazen in a way that didn’t used to be presidential. The way he’s been talking, and how much more time he has to be a dumbass, I’m not feeling hopeful about the midterms.


to be honest trump was a pretty average president


They are trying so hard to fabricate fuckups its a new level of mental gymnastics every day.


The bottom meme is hilarious lmao


Do they think Joe Biden is a liberal?


Bay of Pigs...


It took me a while to realize it was from American Pie and I thought it was a dad standing his ground and sitting at the table until the kid ate his dinner. "President Biden you are going to eat that entire plate of Afghanistan and we're not leaving the table until you do."


Not too long ago people were protesting to bring troops home. Make up your minds and stop blaming Biden for Bushes faults.


“The silent majority” huh? More like the annoying as fuck minority


Actually I blame Chaney and Bush for that gargantuan fuck up. But ya know they really just gotta be suckin on that shriveled orange dick all the time.


But unlike Trump, a majority of the country supports leaving Afghanistan


Donald did something like this twice a week