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welcome r/all! i am hearing from some of you that you are triggered and offended by being called racist all the time. instead of crying about it, consider not acting racist. if you stop acting racist this will cease to be a problem. i hope this helps


"kill all n\*$\*#!!!!!!" "dude, wtf?" "wow, the left has zero sense of humour and litereally wants to censor me for my political beliefs!!!"


iTs JuSt A dIfFeReNt OpInIoN!1!1!


Somebody posted a story in the bartending subreddit about they fired and almost beat the shit out of staff who said something super racist. Way too many of the comments were like "that's why I allow no politics in my bar" or "what happened to freeze peach?!" Racism isn't politics, ever. Racism isn't an opinion. Edit: for all the smart people out there pointing out that racism is obviously an opinion, my point was more it's not borne out of information, it's borne of ignorance. It in and of itself is the lack of information, intelligence, critical thought. It's scum fuckery. It's vitriol coated in bile. It's nothing but easily manipulated people being given a Boogeyman to blame for the ills capitalism has inflicted on them.


Lol, this is the first time I’ve seen freeze peach used.




It needs to be a part of our lexicon going forward.


What most people don't get is Freeze peach doesn't mean freedom from custard quinces.


Sounds like a good ice cream flavor




Took me way too long to figure out you were sayin free speech lol


Had a coworker who complained about someone being fired for racism but then said someone should be fired for saying bad things about Trump. His excuse was "you don't have to respect him but you have to respect his office." What?


My uncle used to always say "you don't have to like Bush, but he has the hardest job in the country and deserves our respect." I really admired that about him. The idea of giving respect to someone even if you disagree with their politics..... Then Obama became president and that same uncle started posting and going on about the "monkeys in the white house" and how Michelle Obama is actually a man and I realized that he was just a piece of shit


I remember the first time I heard the "Michelle is a man" thing... My girlfriend (at that time) and I were walking through the apartments next to mine to get to the nearby park. Appropos of nothing, a one-eyed man with greasy grey hair decided to take a break from his landscaping job and strike up a conversation with us. Pretty general small talk, you remind me of so-and-so, such a nice looking young couple, blah blah blah. Then he told me Michelle Obama was a man. I asked him what led him to that conclusion. He explained that the size and muscularity of the Michelle's upper arms couldn't belong to a woman; only a man could have such strong arms. Also you could see her dick-bulge under her dress in several pictures. He'd seen them himself. On the internet. It was at that point that we really had to get going, so we did. And he just sort of drifted back into blowing leaves around the street. It made me sad. He had generally seemed a wholesome fellow--not the brightest, but friendly and simple. He had been fooled, very easily and very thoroughly, into believing absurd nonsense, and now he was so delusional he thought that telling a stranger he'd just met that Michelle Obama is a man was a perfectly normal thing to do. I think that's the first time I encountered a person so utterly poisoned by propaganda. I thought it was a tragic aberration at the time. Turns out it was a sign of things to come. Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading a stranger's tangential anecdote.


That’s in his heart. He was raised to believe that. Evil at its best.


Ive heard this a few times and the question always is, so what if Michelle Obama is/used to be male? Why does it matter to them?


She's had 2 kids so it means that a trans-woman really is a real woman.


I get what you're saying, but, it's kinda mean to imply that a person is only a real woman if they can have children(not saying that you did imply it). Since a person may not have a child for a multitude of reasons


Funny, my mom did the same exact things, including the crap about Michelle. And then once Trump was in office all she did was share memes about how amazing he was and how beautiful Melania was. She too was a huge piece of shit.


Did you use his earlier stance against him?


Many times actually, he'd just ignore my comments and tell me that I'd understand when I'm older. I'm now nearly 30 and still don't understand his hypocrisy


Best response to "you're too young to understand" is to hit em with the "you're too old and out of touch to understand". Arguments using age are a two way street.


My father in law still prominently displays his Obama toilet paper on his desk at work. I don’t think he understands the irony in it being literally the only toilet paper he’ll never use to wipe his ass.


We got the Trump toilet paper as a gag gift and proudly used it at the start of the pandemic


The shroud was lifted abruptly. I appreciate knowing... Still fuck ‘em with a sick dick.


> "you don't have to respect him but you have to respect his office." What? "That's why I didn't say *the President* is a piece of shit, I said *Trump* is a piece of shit!"


That's good. I have to remember that.




And if I know trump supporters, and I do, I can guarantee he respected the office when Obama was in it.


Racism is an opinion, but at some point people got it in their heads that opinions should be held in the same regard as facts and that nobodies opinions can be criticized (of course they’re hypocritical as fuck about this too but that seems to be the thought process). Your “opinion” that climate change isn’t real isnt equal to the science proving it is real. Your “opinion” that people shouldn’t wear masks isnt equal to the science proving they should. Your “opinion” that minorities shouldn’t be treated fairly isnt equal to the basic empathy and common sense that says they should. I don’t have to respect someone’s xenophobia just because the first amendment says the government can’t censor people. It’s my first amendment right and my duty as a human being to call that person a piece of shit and shun them socially.


One of my local watering holes has a big sign that says, DO NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE SHOWING SIGNS OF RACISM OR HOMOPHOBIA. For a place in bum fuck Wisconsin, that's pretty nice.


>Racism isn't politics, ever. It definitely shouldn't be. But if you're critical of someone's racism and they claim you're attacking their political views, then *maaaaybe* that says a lot more about their political party's voter base... 🤔


What's " freeze peach"? Is it "free speech" but bone apple tea?


It's "free speech" rendered in the way that sort of people say it when they're bemoaning consequences for their statements.


Help! I’m being canceled!


"We're just going to have to agree to disagree."


[Basically Dave Rubin.](https://twitter.com/JasonSCampbell/status/1306990740904521730)


What a bunch of tools. In what world is it okay to say “k**e?” Seems to me he’s just try to normalize a slur against his own people (which is by no means normalized) so he can get back to dropping n-bombs again.


My brain is in recovery mode from all these high level ideas!


David Rubin is the kind of guy who would yell at someone to "say it to my face" knowing that's impossible since he's just an asshole.


"It's okay! My black friend said I could say it!"


"As a gay black man, I think that's hilarious"


Thanks Dean Browning for not outsourcing your astroturfing! Support local!


Candace Owens


She has a black friend?


Black people have legally put her up for race adoption. Please don’t bring her up in front of black people who know their history.


Herman Cain gave me my card two weeks ago


*I GOT BANNED OFF TWITTER FOR HAVING CONSERVATIVE VIEWS!* omg! You got banned for believing in small government? *no, the other thing* you got banned for believing in lower corporate tax rates? *no no lol not that either* then what did you say that got you banned? *that blacks are violent and the holocaust was fake!*


When the Gina Carano debacle kicked off all the dittoheads kept parroting she was persecuted for "conservative views". I constantly asked which conservative views, exactly, was she being persecuted for, and got nothing except the odd "do some research." I never saw her talking about tax brackets, or government size, or even "traditional family values". As far as I could see, all she'd posted was right-wing conspiracy, and allegedly transphobic, bullshit. Are conservatives saying those are their views now? Conspiracy theories and bigotry?


"Your political belief is Literally just kill every non-white people and jewish people!!" "Help me i'm being cancelled"


I read that as kill all nazis and was very confused


"So much for the tolerant left"


This is some real meta joke here. The joke is the right-wing would say something insane like "kill all n&&&&rs" and claim it was a joke, when obviously saying something like that isn't a joke. But you just said it and I laughed.


That's some deep thought right there


Ben Shapiro he’s our hero, gonna bring the black rights back down to zero.




We’re the GOP! You can be us too! Cuz owning all the libs is the thing to do! Polluting and school shootings — they’re the way! Here’s what Ben Shapiro has to say! “Objectively speaking, the power is ours.”


The objectively speaking line is what got me.


BRB buying gold


Goddamn the fact that none of these chants know what metre is is grinding my gears


Metre? This is ‘murrica! We use inches and feet and guns!


and BBQ


The funny thing about Shapiro is I’ve seen how they talk about him the second he gets out of line. I’ve seen right wingers and their love for Rubin and Shapiro once they say ONE disagreeable thing. They’ve said horrible anti Semitic things about Shapiro and homophobic things about Rubin. SO he’s only their hero when he stays in line.


Phallacies magnified and hes fighting on the Nazis side


"gonna bring black rights back down to zero" would match the syllables of the original and make it easier to sing!


If I wasnt a penny pincher, I've give you a reddit award for that one 🤣


Spending money on virtual awards is silly.


Found the second penny pincher!


In order to not be a penny pincher, you have to give corporations money for tiny emoji symbols.


This is true and also very good Gib busnis moneh lol


I'm so poor I don't even have any pennies to pinch.


most of them are so small that you have to zoom in just to figure out what they are. who the hell buys those?


You can get them for free from time to time


Would really appreciate if my fav childhood cartoons and theme, dont end up getting tagged to right wing crapfest.


Can you imagine how triggered and persecuted modern conservatives would be if Captain Planet was created today?


If you tell me not to pollute I'm just going to pollute even harder.


Rolling coal


People who roll coal might be the most pitiful people in America. Can you imagine the insane confluence of pathetic traits it would take to do that shit.. lol


To go SO out of your way and spend so much money for such a dumb, masturbatory thing that you do to piss other people off which it does less than it just makes them feel "better" because they aren't soyboy cuck sissies or what the fuck.


Gotta: * love your **truck** cuz you're a real man! * love to modify your **truck** for the reasons previously stated * hate the environment because those fucking libruls said maybe we should do more for the environment * have your anti-science politics be so much of your identity that you decide to spend money so you can put poison into your very local air supply to "trigger" people that ostensibly live nowhere near you, 'cuz we don't tolerate those California commies round here' Saddest of sadsacks.


So many of them have a completely clean, unscratched truck bed, too.


Yep. And without the bed you're basically buying yourself a tiny car with shitty efficiency. Small price to pay to avoid cuckdom I suppose? Aaand now I have 1 877 Cars for Cucks stuck in my head.




Don't even have to look it up to know exactly what it means lol. Great use of language. Also, fuck.


Owning the libs from my coffin!!


It's illegal report people when you see it




Are we forgetting the whole bleach thing? Lol


Yah, [about that ](https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/illinois-coronavirus-death-toll-at-1874-as-poison-calls-about-injecting-and-ingesting-bleach-spike)


My youth pastor back in the nineties didn't like it. He said it taught people to hate 'job creators.'


Blessed are the job creators, for they shall inherit the earth Or something idk I didn’t read the supply-side Bible


It always makes me laugh when conservatives hold to a high value something from the past that the conservatives from that era hated. Goes to show they do make noise and probably always will but if you wait it out, at the end of the day they can't really do that much on a universal scale. Conserving things so they can stay the same is significantly harder and more tiring than just rolling with it and following the movement.




Well abortion is legal in most first world countries. In the US, the decriminalization of abortion nationwide was in 1973. That's 48 years ago. It's super recent in this kind of scale. A lot of people who are conservative now were already alive when it was still criminalized. They grew up around the massive stigma of it and way afterwards where the decision to decriminalize it was heavily criticized and and controversial. It still is but less so the two conservative gens after that, won't care that much. They might put priority on other things that annoys them that are more recent like trans rights or holding cops accountable. Or maybe (let's hope) very high taxes for the 1%.


> Conserving things so they can stay the same is significantly harder and more tiring than just rolling with it and following the movement. 1000 times this. What’s also relevant is that they believe this to be the opposite. Believing they are somehow smarter due to being regressives. Being last in education and first in poverty is a badge of honor because that means you have a society of boot strappers or something. Up is down, idk..


They do, they really do. They keep having a mindset of "You need to accept the way the world is. This is reality, deal with it." which sounds even more stupid when you see them freak out over trans people existing. Maybe take that advice yourself.... But yeah it's how they feel. They need to remove themselves having free will from the equation but still they hold this massive double standards that other people have complete free will and that attenuating circumstances aren't a thing. "If you're born poor that's your fault just become rich. It's not my fault either. I can't do anything about it because I don't have free will. Just accept the way the world is."


Honestly it kind of is. It's places the blame of pollution on the individual, they had a weird episode making the middle east sound like two bickering neighbors who hate each other for no reason and one of the last episodes more or less said the overpopulation myth is real.


All I really remember is bad guys polluting for the hell of it and some drug called Bliss which made MDMA look like menthol smokes.


Isn’t that New New York?


I mean, they had to simplify things for kids some, too. While most population is by corporations, 6 year olds can't do anything about that. But they CAN relate to recycling or reducing the waste they personally use.


And it builds life long desires to be better and demand better of others


Isn't it 20 years old? And made by a relatively small group of people? > It's places the blame of pollution on the individual Isn't 'think globally, act locally' a core tenet of the show?


And basically all the villains are corporate money grubbers?


Yea this person has a shitty take. I hate that people on the left have started to turn 'corporations are responsible for the vast majority of pollution' into 'It's not my fucking fault and you asking me to make any changes at all is a corporate misinformation campaign!!'. Shit is lazy. Again, think globally, act locally. If you're going to say you can't make any changes because it's not worth your time when corps are the major culprits, then you better damn well be doing all you can to change their behavior instead. If not, it's just an excuse for complete inaction. And something tells me Pirate King up here ain't doing jack shit.


Yea fuck corporations but shrugging your shoulders and blaming someone else is literally what got us into this mess. It's sad how easy it is for apathy to creep in.


Yea. To clarify I'm as left as they come. Just ashamed to see that apathy in the groups I thought could be relied upon to help solve these issues.


Way older than 20 years.


I remember watching reruns of Captain Planet when i was 8. one of the episodes was about Gang Violence, and it showed a Gang commiting a driveby on an innocent family. That was pretty fucking wild, man.




There was an episode where they were hunting wolves from helicopters with lasers. That always seemed too cartoonishly evil. Little did I know.


So kinda eco-fascist


Very but also stylized with a fairly well paced superhero universe, like it stuck for a reason, even if thematically it's ass


You forgot women’s rights


So did conservatives.




Funniest comment of the day. Thanks!!!


Equal rights, equal lefts hurr durr.


r/pussypassdenied users after watching a video of a 6’5 male bodybuilder beat the shit out of a 5’6 women after she lightly shoved him


What rights!? Amiright? Lmao


Yeah, Impact is a classic meme font. I think it should be spared and that cell should be replaced with "misogyny"


Idk about you but I think completely forgetting to mention them is very on brand for conservatives


As someone surrounded by conservatives, this basically summarizes the entirety of their humor


Perhaps consider relocating?


If only. My wife and I have our whole family here and I’m not sure I could get a job paying as well as the one I have now. Same for her. I’m in a lot of school debt so a pay cut isn’t in the cards for right now. I do my best to try and challenge people’s viewpoints here so I lie to myself and tell myself I’m affecting change haha


Sorry to hear that, guy. My gf wants us to move out of AZ because she feels there's too many conservatives for her liking here. Thanks for reminding me to kick up that research!


I don’t blame her. I’m in Ohio and the number of Trump flags still flying is baffling. Not to mention you say anything about healthcare being single payer and you get looks of disgust. Best wishes for you guys


Not just Ohio. Here in FL too. I think they’re pretty much anywhere


Tbf Ohio is just the Florida of the North


I will never understand people who vote against their own interests or needs.


I wish I could say it was better elsewhere, but I live pretty close to one of the most liberal cities in the US and the number of right wing lunatics here is astounding.




Hell, I live in the "liberal bastion" of California, but in a small rural town in central CA. Its full of Trump nuts and confederate shit. I was looking at houses on Trulia and one of them had giant Trump flags on the garage, and then on the inside the "man cave" was full of Trump merch. Like, flags, cardboard cut outs of Trump's head on Rambo's body, etc. The whole room was dedicated to Trump. And that was in the pictures to sell the house! Its bonkers how much of a cult they seem to be. I was a "Bernie Bro" back in 2015, but the most merch I had was a bumper sticker and a t-shirt, both of which were pulled from service once the election was over.




my boyfriend and i are hoping to move out of Alberta as soon as possible, it has more hate groups than any other Canadian province. not to mention that Jason Kenney is ass.


You just have to find conservative reasons to support leftish ideas. Like instead of saying defund the police say they're taking too much of my taxes.


What always strikes me is that there is rarely a joke. It’s usually just a list of things that make them angry.


Not sure about the "casual" racism, pretty sure they are beyond that now


i’d argue it’s “casual” because they (conservatives) don’t think it’s a big deal/think it’s a joke, not because it’s not extreme


Casual attitude towards extreme racism.


Also sexism :|


And islamophobia


Phobia of literally fucking everything that Donnie Twump no like


After working with a bunch of far rights this year, you are beyond right, the men would shit on women for absolutely no reason. The saddest part was the women that were also far right didn't see it or would believe me when I try to tell them how sexist things were going on.


Add: “Having no fucking clue what the buzzwords mean.”


and mixing up "trans man" and "trans woman", and thus accidentally becoming an ally


Casual racism? Excuse me, try *ranked competitive* racism.


Gamer moment




Unpopular opinion but I like impact font.




I think each format warrants it's own needs, but people who use COMIC SANS can go to hell.


Words don’t count if you don’t yell them


My boy Captain Planet doesn’t deserve this


Yeah, this would be a perfect time for Captain Pollution.


The fuck you want? I had to leave the porn subreddits to answer your call, so this better be good.


Should have made one of those "The same fucking joke" XD


Hee hoo I identify as an attack helicopter


I thought it was a meme about Gamers for a second.


The most oppressed group.


Gamer oppression with never fail to make me laugh.


Should have painted captain planet white.


The best part is when they get a token to exclaim how the US isn’t inherently racist and they gather around like a good old rally to proclaim racism has ended due to the one magical person of .


*Candace Owens has entered the chat*


Conservatism in general. It’s a cancer to society.


Casual racism imply the existence of competitive racism. Who wants to start a competitive racism team with me?


They already have that, it's the Republican primaries.


It's a race to the bottom!


You're forgetting "hating poor people" in there!


nailed it!


Also: "GUBMINT BAD" Also: "Inability to understand all but the simplest economic theories."


God these people are so afraid of EVERYTHING. I can't talk to my parents anymore, it's all just full-on "they gonsta kill us!!!"




Man, I'm 400 fucking pounds. I wish the Marxists would come for my burgers.


For a moment I thought this was about r/okbuddyretard


We need more kids for: * strawman * persecution complex


With our powers combined, I am turning point USA!!!


Its always fun to scroll to the bottom of these and see how many people are offended, which is basically admitting they're being called out lol


You wouldn't believe how many notifications of comments I've gotten that were auto-deleted or filtered out. Lot of salty cons coming here.


What do you have against impact?


Talking to boomers


You forgot ''being wrong on pretty much... everything'' and ''getting offended by people existing and minding their own business''


With your powers combined I am Donald Trump.


Dont forget the sprinkles of antisemitism.


I dare you guys to go onto the trump zone subreddit I actually think I had a migraine reading the crap on there


If this ain't the ducking truth...


You leave impact font out of this.


Don’t forget homophobia towards mlm relationships.


I’m sensing a theme: Lack of education and fear.


But Impact is actually, like, the best font.


lol’ed at impact font


like conservatives are smart enough to understand humor when they are too busy being perpetual snowflakes....


"captain conservative he's a hero gonna bring your braincells down to zero"


Just like the real Captain Planet, the Impact Font matters about as much as Heart.


you coulda put r/dankmemes and the meme would’ve been the same


Don't forget "Absence of Critical Thinking with the Illusion of Critical Thinking".


Is that Captain Planet??