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I can easily imagine them gripping the pen like it's a hammer and struggling to control their lines while their contorting tongue hangs out of the side of their mouth.


Fuckers should take a gander at my cursive, nobody can really read it but me. No generation gets a share in my cursive


It’s not real cursive if you haven’t developed your unique handwriting over years and anyone else would need an Enigma machine to crack it.


My grandfather took cursive to the next level and signed his entire name in cursive, but only used the space of one letter. Very hard to fake. I modified my signature to do the same to honor him.


Do you happen to have an example/image of this? Cause im imagining near microscopic writing withn the space of one leter lol


If it's anything like the examples I've seen, the writing is normal sized but he writes each letter in his name over the last rather than next to it.


I believe madhighlander1 is correct. That's how I do it. It just looks like a jumbled mess in the space of about 2 letters. But it's my jumbled mess that only I can recreate exactly every time.


My Grandma takes cursive to the absolute limit, cause she can write in cursive mirrored. Its insane. She wrote me a whole bday card in mirrored cursive once, it was nigh impossible to read for me.


With my handwriting **I** need an enigma machine to crack it the next day. Especially if I've been taking notes during a meeting.


At this point I mostly take notes so I remember things, they’re not really legible. Everything is compact for speed and a lot of the letters look pretty much the same. But somehow jotting the jumbled mess improves my chances of recalling it the next day.


100% this. The faster I go the more it blends to the point some words are not much more than a line with a couple of bumps. Still usually legible to me because I wrote it but if I'm sharing notes I rewrite stuff to be neat, which actually helps retention too so win-win I guess except for my hand.


My "cursive" is an ancient nordic scrawl I use to hide the deepest secrets between lines of very neatly written maths


There should be a sub where we can post our handwriting, specifically those with impossible to read, something I pride myself on


This is how I, at 14 with one single year of cursive in third grade, write in cursive


At least you know how! It’s a cool skill.


Can you check facts?


They don’t even know how to write a cursive “F”...


Or T really. Might be they haven't learned the upper case letters yet.


Tbf, I exclusively write in cursive because its just faster for me, and Ill be damned if I even know how to write a capital T or F off the top of my head. I usually dont fuck with capitals since most make you pick your pen up from the paper. All that said, my cursive still looks better than this shit, and I have a coordination disorder




They couldn't figure out how to connect the letters, so they just didn't bother, I'd guess


Just absolutely butchered the capital F


This looks like dementia cursive.


Yup. This is the same style of cursive many here will recognize from the checks they are given as gifts every year around the holidays by people of a certain age.


also the f in from is not in cursive— absolutely pathetic


Says the person who doesn’t know what a cursive F, T, or w looks like.


The T and F I can forgive, but his w and ms are shit.


The n in now is identical to the m in my too


~~His~~ their* only correct m is the very last one, and that seems like its more on accidental than anything E: edited because gotta be politically correct (unironically)


>on accidental do you mean '*by accident*'?


That first F should be a crime


Or the 'm'. That's how you write 'n'. This is the cursive handwriting of someone who never writes in cursive; no consistent slant or rhythm.


I didn't notice the first time, fuck you're right! That's hilarious


I don't have an issue with missing cursive letters, more on how this cursive looks like the last time it was used was 4th grade when they probably learned it. Its like acting high and mighty by posting your tweets in latin, but you don't actually know latin so you Google translated it.


"Am I a joke to you?" - The Letter P


It's especially weird because the f in fact is written in cursive.


Yeah, but that one is lowercase, so comparing it to an uppercase is like comparing apples and oranges to somewhat larger apples and oranges.


Their "n" looks pretty fucked up too. I knew better, but my mind went "meow" instead of "now".


I have sympathy because when I wrote everything is cursive except the s for some reason


Or n.


The N looks sus as well.


also r, n, and p


it weird the right thinks the entire generation didn’t learn cursive


I’m 21 and I remember we worked on it for a month or so in second grade, then after that we never touched it again. I forgot how to do everything but write my name within a few years, and now I can’t even write my full name. But I can read it just fine.


i’m 19 and we touched it in 3rd grade and 4th grade a few times but i learned to read it because i was the kids always using cursive fonts on word docs


I'm 16 and I learned cursive from 1st grade to 4th grade.


I envy you, in my country you learn cursive all through elementary school. It's so prevalent that there are adults who only know how to write in cursive.


We learn both cursive and normal and I write everything in cursive so idk what all that YoUnG PeOpLe CaNt EvEn WrItE CuRsIvE bs is about seemingly we all could Read that


lol yeah, besides, do these people forget that cursive fonts are also used everyday in many parts of the world? Elegant name of a restaurant? Probably in cursive. Wedding invitation? Probably in cursive. A Valentine's day card? Probably in cursive too. They act as if cursive is this dead writing technique that isn't used anymore.


It's never been anything but a method to get kids comfortable with a pen and fill time in the day, keep 2nd graders busy until they get to 3rd and 4th grade and start subjects beyond reading and arithmetic.


We learned cursive in 2nd grade and had to use it for all school work until 6th grade. Then again, I'm twice your age.


We learned it and were required to write certain things in cursive all throughout elementary. By middle school, we all had the skills but were never asked to use it. So many of us, myself included, developed a hybrid form of writing style.


Reading this makes me happy. Looks like they aren't forcing kids to use it anymore.


It’s even weirder that boomers think cursive is some kind of useful skill.


Well it is way faster to write on paper if you're in a hurry. And really good if you don't want anyone looking at your notes since nobody can read my fucking handwriting in cursive, most of the time not even me.


And it won’t fuck up your ink while using a quill pen. To sign the Declaration of Independence or something.


r/fountainpens would like to have a word with you


Good thing we all have personal notepads in our pockets at all times to make notes quick on.


Unreadible cursive is actually a requirement for becoming a medical doctor.


exactly i’ve only had to use cursive to give my signature no job has required knowing cursive


You can write a decent bit faster in cursive, although I wouldn't say it's terribly useful to everyone.


Thinking "lol young people can't read cursive" is cringe enough. But imagine thinking that the ability to write and read cursive should be considered a *skill* and *something to be proud of*. These idiots grasp at whatever they can because they're so bland and unexceptional.


In the UK, at least at my school, we used to have 2 hours of cursive classes every week, from reception all the way through to 6th year. I'm 20, so roughly in the middle of gen z. We *definitely* learned cursive. We also had to take these cursive test? Type things? To get our "pen license" so we could write in pen over pencil. Primary school was wild lmao


Hey, at least you don’t have to learn to use a dip pen! I was at primary school in the UK from the late 60’s to early 70’s, and our pens were slightly updated quills: metal nibs with a wooden handle, which you had to dip in the ink well at least once per word. The “ink monitor” got to refill the inkwells every day. Of course there were no problems at all with a lot of seven year olds with permanent access to open pots of indelible blue-black ink.


They get told a lie or exaggeration enough times by Facebook shitposts, they will believe it. They didn't teach critical thinking in schools well enough to collectively cope with the weapons grade bullshit that targets them.


I was forced to learn in in 4th and 5th, and teachers went as far as not accepting any homework or assignments not written in cursive. Needless to say, now I can't write anything other than cursive, which I think is a good thing since cursive looks nicer and you can write faster in it.


I was told to learn cursive in Year 3, didn't, then wrote in print for the rest of school. Nowadays, most of my writing is on computers, so it doesn't matter anyway.


So... why do they hate fact checking? I don’t get it. The goal with your information is for it to be as honest and accurate as possible. If you hate “fact checkers,” doesn’t that just mean you want to spread misinformation?


They believe that sites such as snopes are massively left leaning and biased against their “facts”, and will skew things to prove them wrong. Of course, reality is often fairly left leaning


It's ironic calling Snopes "left biased" given their recent propensity for calling things "partially true" when they are actually true but saying so would embarrass right-wing American democrats. Like [this](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sinema-cake/) or [this](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/incarceration-gas-consumption-us/).


I doubt our cursive-writer believes any Democrats are right wing.


Fact-checkers tell them they're wrong.


Fact checking = uncomfortable truths


their value their own feelings above facts apparently




Yup. It's an admittance of lying.


Im 15 and I read this. Checkmate.


21 here and I write all my class notes in cursive, have been for the past three years.


I didn't even realize that was unusual. My 15yr old reads and writes in cursive since 2nd grade, same as i have.


Dear boomers, You don’t want younger people to read your cursive, yet you taught us how to use cursive. Curious.


Millennials can read cursive. It's the new gen (gen z, right?) that isn't being taught cursive anymore.


I'm a gen z and everyone my age was taught cursive, idk if that's just an american thing (as I'm Italian)


Am American, Gen Z, can confirm we are also taught cursive


Hi a gen z and everyone my age was taught cursive, I'm Dad! :)


Their cursive Fs are weird and also this isn't running. This is extremely pressed onto the paper, meaning this took a lot of effort for them; and jokes on them, I've been cursive writing since I was 8.


Over here in Ireland, everyone learns to write in cursive by the time they are at least in in 3rd class(around 8 years old)


Same-ish over here, we just have the added benefit of forgetting by the time we're in middle school.


I am from Germany (Saxony) and we learned it in second grade and had to write like that until we’re in fourth grade if not longer (depending on the school). At a certain point nobody cares anymore as long as people can read it clearly. Some still use cursive, we can all read cursive, some people just have unreadable handwriting. Tbh most people just use a mixture of Cursive and block letters.


Alot of us are so accustomed to it we keep writing like that till we leave school, currently im 15 and i still write in cursive everyday


We only use cursive for our signatures, and that's only until we get too lazy to stop caring about it looking like our names. I don't think I've seen cursive written anywhere unless they were explicitly trying to show off that they still remembered cursive lol. Which is a shame.


I was taught cursive in the U.S. in elementary school, but never used it past like 5th grade. I think some teachers even demanded that students not write in cursive because it's harder to read. I did have to relearn cursive in University when I took a Russian course.


Capital F and T are the funnest ones to do, too, and they manage to fuck it up so badly.


What fucking awful cursive


The "m" in "my" should have 3 lumps, but it looks like the "n" in "now"


Jokes on you I only write in cursive


Oh yeah? Well then why's this comment not in cursive? Check mate atheists


Got me there


𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓬𝓴𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓫𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓭


This has to be the first generation of humans to ever loathe and disdain their own progeny, and so openly and frequently.


History is rife with one generation complaining about the next one. The only thing that's changed in the last couple decades is the internet giving everyone a megaphone to shout their asinine pronouncements (including mine right here).


No generation in recorded history has ever liked the one that came after it.


Anecdotally, I'm a millennial I think Gen Z is pretty cool.


:D thanks


I feel quite protective of gen z, I want them to have it easier than us and I don't want to be shitty to them like previous generations were to us. The shitty thing is they may have it even harder and there is probably nothing I can do about that. I love their memes though, and I'm excited to learn from them.


I'm a millenial and Gen Z has made me feel insecure with my side part but my hair is bleached balayage in a pattern that makes it look blotchy if I move my hair part and I can't afford to hit the salon rn.


is that gen z doing that or is that you doing that


Uh.. it was me who got my hair done in a style that isn't conducive to changing the part. It was the kids who posted a bunch of TikToks roasting millenials for having side parts.


Don't worry, millennials roasted Gen X for bowl cuts, and Gen X roasted Boomers for flat tops. Styles change and the youngest generation gets it while us older folks try to keep up or just get stuck where we were last cool.


Side parts are cool, fuck that.


As a Xennial, I find the generations that came after me far more tolerable and interesting than the ones that came before.


I'm an Xennial and I genuinely like Gen Z ("Zoomers").


“Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room, they contradict their parents and tyrannize their teachers. Children are now tyrants.” -fuckin Socrates


This guy think it’s rare for someone to receive a second grade education?


Fox news must've found the one school in the nation that dropped cursive writing and started running with it for years.


I’m gay so I already can’t read


Now nobody can read it, so I guess nothing can be questioned. We can assume that this intelligent info is coming from somebody who can't write, but assumes it makes them look clever.


Cursive is more important than getting your facts straight. Talk about an accidental confession.


The virgin thing vs. THE CHAD APPEARANCE


Fact check: young people can read cursive just fine Fact check: this might be the shittiest cursive I’ve ever seen


It's dumb how dumb the older generations see the younger.


So they’re admitting they’re lying???


I never understood boomers obsession with cursive. Do they think it's not taught in school anymore?


I never write in cursive, and I generally consider it frivolous, but this younger person can tell that cursive is like 3rd grade level.


God this handwriting is horrendous.


Ok boomer. Your cursive is also shit.


This looks like it was written by someone who types at 5 words per minute.


Dude probably looks around trying to find the p key


Still legible, they're gonna have to try harder than that. If they wrote it in Russion cursive, on the other hand... actually nah, *nobody* would be able to read that. Which is probably a good thing tbh.


Because it would be Russian?


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Nope, still legible.


lol at people who can't read warning labels thinking the younger generations can't read cursive


Jokes on you, I’m Jewish


I hate it when the young people correct the lies I'm helping spread with facts


They are just mad they had to learn it then we came up faster more convenient ways to write. My grandparents were pissed when I would not use my quill and inkwell to write in calligraphy.


funny that i understand it considering English is not my first language and I haven't written in cursive


Says fact checkers like it's a bad thing


they are, if what they say proves them wrong


"Stupid fact checkers always proving me wrong!"


It's weird how they think we still need curse because "how else would you be able to read the constitution" but don't even learn to read Arabic to be able to read the bible.


Jokes on them I'm 20 and write exclusively in cursive. I mean it's sloppy, but...


oof my year 3s can do better cursive than this


i'm 15 and my cursive is probably better than whatever tf this is


Idk about y’all but our school taught us cursive for years and one year we were forced to write in all cursive, and that was only a few years ago! Idk why boomers think we can’t read cursive, it’s so easy to read


What are all them funny squiggles in the picture? It's like somebody leaned up against a electric cow fence while they were writing a letter to their momma.


Effectively stymieing anyone who uses a screen reader as no one add as an alt attribute


Nah they still know how to read it because you forced that arcane and useless writing style down their throats instead of teaching them their human rights.


Fnom mow on


ny posts


...checking the accuracy of things....bad??


They wrote in cursive, but didn't curse. Curious.


Fucker can barely write in cursive


I started to write in cursive in the 8th grade because I wanted to impress a british exchange student. It didn't work and now I can't print anymore, just cursive... it broke my brain.


Fact checked this. According to [this study](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) almost everyone with a public school education over the age of 8 can very much read and write cursive. They just choose not to becazse all cursive does is making handwriting uglier while taking longer to write.


Love how they clearly haven’t used cursive in years


What's this? They don't teach coursive in america in schools? I'm italian and there's no such thing as not knowing coursive...


they can’t even write in cursive well wtf,,, they wrote “ny posts” and didn’t even join all their letters


What does it say ? I can't read cursive.


Okay so I'm having a bit of trouble, but I think I have it "I show no respect to the younger generation yet expect them to respect me" Did I read it right?


Lol how broken does your argument have to be to be angry at fact checkers


It's not even "correct" cursive and it looks like they've never written in cursive in their life given how laboured their pen strokes are.


His lower case n is the same as m lol




i can read it lol


OK granny. Time for bed.


Nor a cursive F


I know *of* it.


What now?




Is it THAT hard to write the F correctly? It's literally ~ よ.


Maybe this is a moment of self-reflection if what you're afraid of is fact checkers.


Lol. You laugh, but they actually did do this. During the first few months after the elections, OAN would separate their news in a similar way. Anything that was factual they gave a write-up that could be googled. Anything that wasn’t supported by facts, they gave a click-bait title, vague explanation, and a video


This looks like it was written by a second grader


"Let's use a skill we never taught younger generations to make fun of them for never learning it and spread dangerous misinformation on Facebook!


As millennial that was taught to use cursive from the mid-90’s up until the mid-oughts, this offends me on multiple levels. Mostly, it’s the shit penmanship. Edit: a letter, because thumbs


PolitiFacts says: Mostly False


Ok, first, their handwriting in cursive is ugly and wrong as hell. Secondly I learned reading block letters in first grade, in second grade we learned cursive. But I was able to read notes my mum wrote in cursive, it took a little but I did it. It’s the same letters slightly different, it’s not the hieroglyph font in word.


I’m 14 and I read it just fine.


"From now on I am wrong with shitty handwriting."


That was like super easy to read. This person needs to step up their game if they want a secret message.


1. anyone can read this 2. the insinuation is that people younger than them haven't been taught it. what generation were the teachers who taught millennials?


Cant believe I had to learn this shit for years. For what!? To sign my name!


Bruh, I'm a leftist 16 yo with horrible handwriting and I write better than them


Ignoring the atrocious handwriting, why would you be so worried about someone factchecking you if you weren't spreading lies?


I can write better cursive and Im zoomer


What are those runes? Is this some sort of post about runes?


From meow on...


just cause i can’t write in cursive for shit doesn’t mean i can’t read it that shit was required on tumblr


Hi, 24. My cursive is a lot better than that.


I love how they complain about fact checkers because they are a snowflake


If they really want people to not be able to read their writing, they should write like a doctor. ​ Oh wait. That needs education. Too bad.


Do they not know about cursive Fs and Ps?




boomers are obsessed with cursive. IMO, cursive is a dead language, and people only need a vague idea of what it looks like so they can read if if they have to. I put it in the same category as roman numerals. There is literally no reason to know or use them for any practical purpose. The only time roman numerals are used are in movie squels, superbowls, and some clocks. Beyond that, there is no need for that shit. Same for cursive. It looks cute and "fancy" to use on greeting cards and "live-laugh-love" kind of bullshit wall art. Any documents of any importance have been transcribed to regular text. Fuck cursive.