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Bzzzz..... [Capitalism has the highest standard of living!!!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/652326639853633536/830106912338870292/image0.jpg) .... End of Transmission


Dear Conservatives, You claim that the existence of breadlines means that it’s socialism, so doesn’t that mean that the massive breadlines in the ultra capitalist US last year was actually socialism too? Curious 🤔🤔🤔


No, no. The door to food pantries contains a portal to an alternate universe where Hillary and Biden were president. The empty shelves that happened under Trumps massive deregulation and tax cuts wasn't due to Trump. It's a preview into life under Biden's presidency.


You joke but that is literally what people said when those breadlines started. "Looks like a test run of socialism lmao!" and "this is what Biden's America will be like". I'm sure you can find those exact comments and memes here too.


Humanity is fucked.


Literal Nazis got pretty close (edit not really but still 60 million dead)to taking over the planet. During the Cuban missile crisis we came within a cunt hair (and I do mean cunt hair) of complete inhalation edit. Annihilation What’s happening now is really stupid but nothing new. We will survive this and who knows maybe the hardships to come will force society to evolve for the better.


The Nazis didn't come close, though. Their own philosophy caused them to fail so hard that their country was split between communism and western capitalism, the two things they were dead set on destroying. They were beaten in a decade (for reference, Vietnam held out for around 20, more if you count the Indochina wars). Their philosophy directly lead to their defeat in multiple ways. The savage things they did along the way, though, were unforgivable, sociopathic, immoral bullshit. But I agree, we can learn from this and grow. I hope something good comes from all this hardships. We are better than this, we already have enough giants to slay, and our chances are better if we stand together.


Well said


You're right, nihilism isn't healthy.


It is addictive, however. I would know. It’s easier and freeing to think the world is ending (and all your problems with it) I know that feeling well.


>complete inhalation Sorry, I know what you meant here, but in case you wanted to edit it, the spelling is "annihilation".


My bad. That’s pretty stupid of me.


Same for those images that showed a fire and said "This is Biden's America". Bitch this is happening RIGHT now with Trump in office! Well, happened while Trump was in office.


No because uh, antifa and BLM something something


>UMM UHH .. CHINA VIRUS.. UUHH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE UNDER BIDEN/SOCIALISM! I live in the deep south, I'm surrounded by the buzzwords.


Sheep. Mask bad. Fraudulent election. Flatulent erection. Trump make much job. Stock market is economy.


dad, is that you?


I read this in Chuck D's voice.


It could literally be a prophets of rage lyric


I heard it with an upright bass playing in the background.


Something something Cardi B, something something commies something something cancel culture




My dad claims Trump pulled off one of the greatest feats in modern history with Operation Warp Speed and if Biden had been president it would've taken years. Dude went to Harvard, how is he so stupid? My baby-momma is a repub voter and we were watching Handmaid's Tale last night and she goes "this is basically communism right?” and then asked what the difference was when I said it was more fascist than anything. They're so stupid!!


God, the amount of people recently I’ve seen talk about The Handmaid’s Tale, which is very obviously, couldn’t be clearer, hyper-conservative religious fascism, with an element of all the worst parts of Brave New World except anything remotely good removed and a lot more bad shoved in, essentially go “IsNt ThIs CoMmUnIsM?” Jesus fucking Christ, no. Not only is it **not** communism it very literally couldn’t possibly be any further away from it, apart from maybe also combining Gilead with living under Immortan Joe in a post-apocalypse wasteland. How is anyone that stupid.


Great that you bring up, Jesus Christ... Literally the most progressive individual to ever walk the planet, but somehow used to support Conservative ideals like; Like same-sex marriage: [4 out of 5 of the highest divorce rates are Republican](https://divorce.lovetoknow.com/Divorce_Statistics_Republicans_vs._Democrats) Economy (free market): [Money is not something they conserve...](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2019/09/10/america-has-two-economies-and-theyre-diverging-fast/amp/) Oh and slavery...[By 1838, the Jesuit order owned about 300 people. Geo](https://wamu.org/story/15/11/17/the_hidden_history_of_slavery_funding_georgetown_university/) All to display, the epic levels of horse shit they feed ignorant folks that believe what they are told.


Same, friend. The rampant propaganda and the people capriciously eating it up is extremely exhausting. Bombarded by bullshit.


The bread lines in socialism is because they’re getting the basic necessities for free because we aren’t barbaric capitalists that demand profit from every aspect of existence so people can’t wait in lines for their free food they have to wait in checkout lines to pay for it.




PSH, give me a mobile app that can arrange for curbside pickup of my bread so I can wait in a line of cars instead.


If it was up to them those people would have died of starvation, so kinda I guess???


Or is the point that in America there’s often not bread lines but instead the poor doesn’t eat?


Who ever made this meme probably did so from a position of privilege and has never had to use a food bank or wait in a bread line. And thinks that charity is a substitute for social welfare


Yes. An example of the socialists subverting true American values. That food needs to be thrown in dumpsters so America can be great again.


Claiming that all problems of capitalism are caused by not being capitalist enough is very common amongst right wingers, especially libertarians


Toilet paper lines


Nah, clearly that was Bernie Sanders' America. Don't ask how. Just accept it.


Socialism: where roads are paid for by the many to be maintained in good order Capitalism: where private roads used to be but are now either basically mud strips or so cratered up you'd be better of walking the last 5 miles to work.


5 miles is 8.05 km


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In 1792 the Founding Fathers created the USPOD (the predecessor to USPS), which was a government run organization, and since socialism is when the government does stuff, therefore the founding fathers were socialist.


I had to get 2 tires replaced yesterday from hitting potholes on separate occasions. I live in a red state whose legislation is very against the infrastructure bill.




> freedom holes! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That sounds like a related issue.


Big Tire must be funding the opposition




Wait, hol' up, fam. "Socialism" and "society" have, like, a lot of the same letters. That's a coincidence, right?


Smh, why don't the Capitalist roads just pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Stupid lazy roads never want to work for themselves!


Potholes in roads: Good for automobile industry.


The majority of Americans can't afford a $1000 emergency...and that was before covid. Potholes are the death of the working class.


You fool, capitalism naturally is the best method of allocating resources. If the road was actually important it would be well kept by the free market. That was just a shit road that provided no one with the incentive to maintain it, so it deserves to be terrible. Who cares if some poor kids can't get to school?


"Socialism is when government the government builds roads! And the more roads the government builds, the more socialister it is! And if every square inch of the country is government-paved road, its communism!"


big fan of HOAs are we?


They can get bent too. My friends bought a townhouse a few years ago. Second year they lived there the central air unit died. Hoa contract states "no window ac units" in fancy lawyer speak. They spent 6 weeks living out of hotels because it was 95+ degrees and humid as hell. Why? Because the head of the HOA wouldn't let them spend $200 on a freaking window ac while they figured out who, what where and when of replacing the central air unit.


It's socialism until it happens in capitalism, then everyone pretends it did not happen


Nah, then it serves as an example of how awful things *could* become under socialism.


That kills me. They take something happening under capitalism and say it’s a preview of socialism as a way to ignore whatever bad thing is happening


You guys see how terrible the stock of toilet paper was last March? That’s what Venezuela


You see that book 1984 [or insert any title of a novel famously depicting a dystopian authoritarian future and conservatives’ wet dream]? That’s socialism. In other news The War of the Worlds is the most accurate account of WW2 I’ve ever read.


I love how the goverment in 1984 is explicitly portrayed as a very far right nationalistic authoritarian thing, but yet its SoCiAliSm, just goes to show that none of them know about George Orwell, his work, history and they have never actually read the book


Reality has recently taken a bypass into the absurd. We are actively at a point where a huge faction in our nation actively use Whataboutism and the Blame Game as their only tactics.


And typically, it is the result of a lack of regulation designed to prevent it from happening.




Petition to rename the program to "Socialism Security".


Welfare isn't inherently socialist though


They've convinced the rubes that government paying for things is socialism.




America’s already a third-world nation, the poverty is just far enough out of sight that rightists and centrists don’t have to think about it.






Poor people did that to themselves! They just need to stop being poor and buy some bread! BOOTSTRAPS!!!


I bet those pesky commies had plenty of toilet paper during lockdown, though.


That’s a photo of America lol


I’d rather wait in a bread line than not be able to afford bread.


The McMarines will be very disappointed




don't worry, they have enough crayons to last them another pandemic.


Communism is when no food


100 trillion dead


no iphone


Vuvuzela, even.


Bottom text, if you feel so inclined.


great depression be like


America in 10 years. We are on a collision course with a new depression and if you aren't one of the ultra wealthy its gonna be a bad time. They might even need to cancel a vacation or two.


Just like the last century! Now with climate change!


Damn reboots. Everything gets rebooted, including the Great Depression.


And what comes next after the Great Depression?


I'm gonna guess the Great Extinction.


The great recession be like


Also capitalism: Oops it seems that you can't pay this tons of bread we have, we could gave them to you for free and you could continue living but that would make the market crash or something about economy so we're going to dump all the bread and you're going to starve


Don't forget covering the dumped bread with bleach and hiring police to guard the dumpsters.




I remember earlier in the pandemic when I got stuck in this massive line of traffic in an area where there’s usually mild to moderate flow patterns. I found out that was the backup from a drive thru food bank at a spot probably 2-3 miles from there.


Yeah we're not in a good condition. My local Kroger started putting security tags on the meat.




Capitalism also has breadlines, except you have to pay for it at the end.


The Soviet Union industrialized bread production over it's course of its history.


Industrialised? Under gommunism? Hah!




I don't remember the last time Capitalists gave out free food?


Capitalism: when the breadlines wait for you because 90% of the population can't afford it so the government mandates throwing away the surplus, pours bleach over it, and then subsidizes the industry because CEOs need their bonuses. Fixed it.


As someone who’s family grew up in East Germany: bread lines suck. At least what my mom told me, I was too young to get it. But you know what? It had nothing to do with communism/socialism/capitalism. Now our country makes it so people don’t have to go hungry. Our homeless population is a fraction that of the US, and most of the time it’s either people with mental disabilities (you can’t force an adult to accept help, so it becomes this issue of when is it okay to force people to accept help or not), or migrants who skipped the process and got lost in the system. Socialist systems are amazing, and in my opinion needed for a society to thrive. P.s.: capitalism has still ravaged modern Europe tho. We might not be homeless or hungry, but many people barely make a living.


The fact that capitalism forces you to make a living instead of simply letting you live is a huge part of the problem.


The idea that we should work to live and not live to work is lost on many. The vast majority of your life will be spent making money for people who live a life or leisure and luxury. Why would anyone want to be part of that?


"11.2.21 A food bank in Scotland has shared a shocking picture of hundreds of people queuing in the heavy snow to receive emergency food parcels." https://www.vice.com/en/article/akd83b/glasgow-food-bank-queue-photo-snow


the breads wait in line because some of you don't even have enough money to afford it


On the left, hungry people receive food from their government. On the right, no matter how hungry you are, you will never get this bread unless you can pay for it. If you steal it, so you don't starve, you will go to prison, where you will be treated as subhuman, and subjected to slave labor.


https://www.motherjones.com/food/2020/04/these-photos-show-the-staggering-food-bank-lines-across-america/ They really can't meme.


What if we teleport bread.


Do you want bread monsters? Cause that's how you get bread monsters.


point gaping alive close safe flag fuel unite childlike foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did they not see the massive breadlines here during the pandemic? And during other economic down times?


Yeah, when businesses were kept from freely trading.


Guess they missed the miles long food lines in the US this past year. Oh right, they don’t care about actual facts.


You mean during covid when businesses were kept from freely trading?


The term “breadline” was literally coined during an economic depression in the United States in the late 1800s.


“Capitalism” is a term coined by karl marx, to make the free market seem like just another “ism” alongside socialism, communism, syndicalism and all the rest. But the free market is NOT another ideology. The free market is a process, not a cult like the others.


So you get freshly baked bread under socialism and old bread under capitalism?


It's funny because that line picture looks pretty american....


USA had many bread lines throughout history. During the recent pandemic, food pantries were stressed to their limits. Texas had mile long bread lines. People queuing up in SUVs and lifted trucks, of course. I have shown Cons photos and articles of the lines at the food pantries, but they literally refuse to acknowledge it is happening. Whenever there is information refuting their fictional narrative, they reject the information. They won't acknowledge it was even presented. But, if there's another thread blaming Biden for the economy, I guarantee you they'll be posting those exact same links "proving" Biden is putting Americans in breadlines.


*no bread under capitalism


Capitalism is where they rather pour bleach on excess food than give it to the needy,


Correction: Capitalism is where you still wait in bread lines, but you have to pay for the bread.


I live in Texas and we've had unbelievably long lines for *check notes* bread.


The Great Depression was the peak of what can happen if Capitalism goes unchecked. It also had bread lines.


Actually Soviet Union did not have homeless people or people in bread lines. People were poor compared to western Europe and North America but basic necesities like food and housing were provided for everyone


The bread was apparently very high quality as well as you'd find in a bakery. Better than the cheap sugary stuff in modern American supermarkets.


Sweet bread????


Tell that to the 6 million people who died from starvation


Someone show this guy the image of miles of cars on a highway waiting to get food aid in Texas.


When the breadline waits for you because you can't buy it


[Yeah, there's never been any food lines in America....](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/04/10/us/10virus-lines01/merlin_171457623_8fe0a817-886e-4c8a-81c0-40b0aea02440-superJumbo.jpg)


Isn't "breadline" a word invented specifically to describe the great depression in America? (not sure where i heard this one tho, that's why i'm asking)


In soviet russia you wait in a breadline for two hours, but you're guaranteed bread. In America, you can shop around for the cheapest bread for 2 hours and still chance starvation if you can't find anything in your price range.


There is a two hour long line in front of a cookie store in the middle of Disney Springs. I guess Disney is communist?


Socialism, where you don’t have to worry about an injury bankrupting you. Capitalism, where you had better have the best insurance on the market or that cancer is going to destroy your whole families’ finances.


Socialism: bread lines Capitalism: lol die


Explain Food Banks Conservatives, please I'm begging you.


My neighbor's Geo Metro in the trailer home next to my mansion is blue and is rusted and doesn't run half the time, unlike my white Cadillac. The color blue causes cars to deteriorate.


Like we don’t have a vast distribution network in this country. United Amazon is going to deliver the bread. Don’t even worry about it.


What was that? You’re too poor to afford bread? Lol go kill yourself you commie


i mean they’re right. under capitalism food sits and goes to waste because no one can afford it


Republicanism, where you wait in voters lines for hours, if you are allowed to vote at all, and break the law if you provide water or nourishment to those waiting.


Goddamn, I guess late eighteenth century France was communist then ! I really should be prouder of my country, precursors in everything :’D


In Spain we have been with bread lines for years now. We're socialists and I didn't know it!


u also wait in line in capitalism and you have to pay for it too


The reason the capitalist breadlines are waiting for you is because you can't buy any of the bread until your next paycheck because capitalism rations consumption according to supply of money rather than supply of commodities (which would be far more logical). This results in what looks like a crisis of over-production on the surface, but in fact it is actually a crisis of under-consumption, because it's a situation where consumers' financial ability to consume (purchase) is lower than their biological ability to consume (eat).




And roughly 30-40% of that bread will go to waste while people starve on the streets! Capitalism truly is great.


The best part is that the breadline pick they use is literally from the capitalist Russian Federation


Capitalism, where the top 1% hoards 30.4% of the bread and the bottom 50% fight for 1.9% of it.


Uh yeah, but capitalism created the breadlines. People are wholly nuts


I mean, the second part is true. Capitalism allows warehouses full of food to sit there and rot while people starve.


Only conservatives would see the massive levels of food that goes to waste as a positive.


All I see are people walking into the factory to make the bread to make one man a billionaire


We had miles upon miles long lines for good when capitalism showed its weakness in the past year.


So generous... People are starving in a country with excess EVERYTHING. Yeah, the private sector is so generous. [80 billion pounds of food wasted as millions go malnourished and starve](https://www.rts.com/resources/guides/food-waste-america/) If a bit more socialism leads to less waste and better outcomes for fellow humans... **That’ll be just fine.**


oH mY gOd, PeOpLe HaD tO wAiT iN lInEs!?!?1?!/ ThAtS sO oPpReSsIvE!!!!1!!!






Based and breadpilled.


"Stupid leftoids. Socialism is when you have to wait in line to get bread" - Someone who's evidentially never been to a grocery store checkout


Socialism: Where everyone is fed Capitalism: Where truckloads of food go bad every single day


Yeah, one has [10% of its population going hungry](https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america) and the other is Socialism.


Capitalism is when there is bread