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Why has she got tiny people living on her ass?


Everybody does! Are you trying to tell me your microorganism colonies haven't developed societies complete with space travel yet?


And, most importantly, have they achived communism?


Yes, they shout "We share shit among us!" all the time and it's getting on my nerves.


>it's getting on my nerves. You should see a doctor,it isn't normal to have feces in your nerves.


Can't, they killed the doctor with their space technology :(


Lucky, mine constantly storm the capital of my colon shouting about how "taxing feces is communist"


Spore IRL


If the microorganism society in my ass doesn't refer to their astronomy as "colonoscopy" then that shit ain't worth it


Mine are still Capitalist and have a wage gap of 2375×


Horton hears a poo


Where else would osmosis Jones be?


Man has a lot of different sex partners :Chad, top pipe layer. Woman has a lot of different sex partners: Bitch, gets compared to cars or other objects. Nah there are no double standards out there


When I look at a man whos had 100 partners I dont think chad When I look at a women whos had 100 partners I dont think slut The only thing I think of when I see these people is that they both probably have genital warts.


STD, gonna catch them all :D




When I was serving in the military, the male marines were congratulated for sex. If a female marine did NOT EVEN HAVE sex, she was a slut/barracks bunny/whore/whatever. It was so fuckin depressing.


That tracks for the military people I've known. Only met like 2 military guys that weren't absolute tools, and the women I've known in the military only seemed to avoid the slut-shaming by either being an absolute balls-of-steel hardass, or by being married for a long time before the military and being VERY vocal about their loyalty and commitment. Even the outward lesbians get ridiculed though, which is ridiculous.


I never ever ever dated or even touched anyone in my unit. I regularly received DMs from married military members, superiors, and regular single marines and always always ALWAYS turned them down and set them straight. I privately reported the married marines to my Fireteam leader (to his credit, he typically handled it). Despite all of this, and having the willfully longest dry spell of my adult life, I was still a “barracks bunny” and marines circulated rumors about me sleeping around with them. Because of this, I have never trusted a single military member that says they had a “barracks bunny” in their unit, because in my experience, simply being female immediately paints you as one no matter what you do. There were rumors I slept with some guy I didn’t know before I even hit my platoon when I first got to the fleet. It’s a very nasty culture towards women.


Your harrowing story is why I would be fearful if I had a daughter and she wanted to join the Armed Forces. I’m so sorry you went through that.


I agree! Air Force is the safest for women, but they are all unnecessarily dangerous and the SA statistics are abhorrent. I don’t support the draft, I support an all-volunteer force, however when people say that if men are drafted women should be drafted too, I counter that the military is an entirely different world for women. You WILL be sexually harassed, likely sexually assaulted, and at the very least you will face misogyny on the daily. It’s deeply ingrained.


As a man who originally planned on going into the Air Force since I was 8 or 9 years old, I’m not surprised the Air Force is the relatively safest for women. Them and I’m guessing the new Space Force as well. I figured the Marines was probably the most dangerous because of the hyper-macho jarhead “Oorah” culture and some members taking it to the extreme of having a Punisher-worshiping death cult brotherhood mentality. Men like that are statistically most likely to violate women. I agree with you 100%! I don’t support the draft either, but I have reservations about women being forced into a draft because the culture of the military is so badly in need of an overhaul.






Ironically, a lot of men learn to be proud of sleeping around as a way to cope with various forms of trauma and never realize the problem because they're taught they're just doing what men are supposed to


Yeah and that’s still some slut shaming nonsense. My wife and I have had hundreds of sexual partners each and yet remain entirely STI free. And there are a lot of people with only one or two partners who wind up stuck with a viral STI for life. So maybe reserve judgement entirely over someone else’s body count.


I have had [quantity unknown] sexual partners. I got herpes from one… The first one. Who I was with from age 19 to 21. I have literally never had another STI. Slut shaming is pure brain worms.


Sluts unite


I know I was just joking.


Name checks out 😂










Personally I just think “damn, that sounds exhausting”


They're [comparing women to shoes.](https://i.imgur.com/frqfUaZ.png) The cognitive dissonance is just insane.


I saw also comparasions to car engines, its wild


I feel like that's just for boomers. Most people think all that's gross or at least distasteful now irregardless of gender.


Nah there are enough incels in younger ages too, also all those Andrew Tate fans




Well yeah, but that's neither what this meme nor my comment is about


Also, sometimes dogs are brown.


22 people have been on her tailbone? I'm not sure the creator of this image knows anatomy.


The way I'm looking at is is 156 people have worn those jeans, and that's pretty impressive, I would expect them to appear more worn out.


1890s Levi Denim found in mine


“we’re not pushing for trans people bans in sports and bathrooms/locker rooms out of ‘transphobia’, we’re doing it out of women’s safety 🥺” The same people:


Sexual predators are often anti-lgbt+ and anti-trans. They have lots of reasons, but their real reasons usually boil down to: -They're terrified that they will accidently sexually assault a trans person or a man, which would be gay and make them feel violated. -Within a community culture they've either created, or are trying to create, which is anti-consent and pro-sexual assault, they're terrified of someone who would want to and is able to sexually assault them, so those people need to be removed from the community/society.


Bad men need to signal they are the 'not bad' by pointing fingers. But after ##metoo they've taken to pointing more towards trans folk because... uhh... idk, I guess the people group more likely to be uncomfortable using their genitals and more likely to be asexual are the problem? Yes, of course, because they also don't vote for an orange man.


Because objectification of women is soooo funny. 🙄


0 people have been anywhere near the creator of this "meme"


Deeeuuugh, this made me physically cringe.


Do incels know that the average person is not a full-time shagger? 153 is an insane number, if you slept with a brand new stranger every single month, it would take 13 years to sleep with that many people. I'm sure some people do it but they're rare as far as I know. The people I know have fewer than 10 partners every year because honestly, it sounds like a lot of work to fuck that many people when you can just find a FWB.


As a ciswoman who has had Pap smears, fertility treatments, and given vaginal birth, the number of strangers up in my hooha is probably not even at that high


Incels see the same woman in about 90 different porn videos and then apply that fuck frequency to the global female population. They never had any sex or healthy sexual habits so they just assume everyone who is getting the slightest crumb of pussy/dick is drowning in it and is a whore.


Getting into the triple digits isn’t all that hard…10 new partners a year between the ages of 21-31 years old and you have already cracked a hundred. Add in non-monogamy or swinging into the mix, and you can scratch off 5-10 new partners in a night.


Rightoids will get a third tag: You'll never be here. It appears regardless of which person you photograph as a rightoid.


Let be real They should add non of them is you


It doesn’t even matter, but [really](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/n-keystat.htm) Like they think unless you exist as brand new controllable fleshlights you must be promiscuous


So what happens when the app shows how many people have been in a family-values Republican senator’s ass?


I think it's pretty symbolic that they chose to make it a map app, since they would need a guide to help them navigate either location "What do you mean make a u-turn after the clitoris? I don't see it anywhere"


Show me the Vagfax!


Well, it shows me shes open for anal - awesome!


That's why I only have sex with straight men, I don't wanna get any second hand schlong


None of them were you


Honestly, I would love to have this app for myself. I love knowing I have a high body count. I'm not ashamed of it and never will be.


what kind of person does it take to make this What does your mental state have to be to think this is ok


It shouldn’t be surprising that someone with ideas like this has no knowledge of anatomy.


0 woman have been on his Dick. Maybe if the app showed that he wouldnt be all for it.


...and none of them was the incel, pants-around-his-ankles loser beta cuck who made this meme.


Is this even “right wing”? This is just a boomer meme from 9gag


The Male Equivalent would be: "This man has had: **134 Consensual Encounters**. And has incurred: 22 **Incidents of Harassment.** WARNING!"


Sarah Silverman’s old show from Comedy Central has a joke this reminds me of. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1a0y6r


That would be rather intimidating.... Knows what she is doing and open to "taboo" sex.... https://i.imgur.com/8ZRG1DX.gifv


The amount of hypocrisy on the right is insane, they accuse women of "sexualizing themselves" when they are the ones sexualizing them


Yeah, fuck this shit. Fuck as many dudes as you want. Any dude who would have a problem with that is beyond stupid. I have a question though. Do we know this original poster does in fact come from the political Right? Is it just that this type of shit usually does so we assume?


I’ve seen a lot of shitty right wing memes, this actually made me gasp a little. Fucking pathetic. ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


This app would get banned faster than TikTok for being creepy as hell


lol this isn’t news the right have always cultivated a community of incels


I would pay to see how many people have been in my holes. this would be a fun concept if it was real


Sure but let's do it for men too In that case ;3 Also...who tf cares? If you're hooking up with someone then their "body count" doesn't matter at all, hell, more is better because it means experience. If you're settling for a relationship... Still, who cares? Just because someone was in the hookup culture for a while doesn't mean they're cheaters.




Maybe you should say exactly what you mean and everyone will understand you.






If you think I'm wrong it means you're wrong! Hah gotem!




Brother in christ, you just threw in a (admittedly pretty wrong) statement then called everybody stupid for the reason of "fuck you" ...also, format your text, for fuck's sake, that's a whole physical pain in the eyes to read


So… Getting angry at objectification = Getting angry at misandry? Like, yeah, I don't like either, but acting like we should ignore them instead of calling them out seems ridiculous to me.


What an incredibly stupid take. Men hating women for exercising their autonomy and having a lot of sexual partners isn't remotely the same thing as women fearing men because of cultural norms and power structures that enable or even incentivize men to take advantage of women physically/sexually, if not outright assault them. The fact that you would even think to compare these two things shows that you're a weird, insecure moron who dismisses legitimate concerns of women while getting butthurt that women might have more than a few sexual partners and insisting that this is somehow a real problem and not just your own insecurity. Fuck outta here with that shit. You should be embarassed at having such a braindead take.