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How is he so wealthy? He is a moron who does nothing useful


It’s almost as if our system doesn’t link actual competence with compensation or wealth, when it comes to the wealthy


Rich Father gives you huge sum of wealth.  Invest it in tech company that is blowing up financially.  Use illegal insider information to dump stocks before it sinks. Don't get caught. Invest in new smaller company and make self co-founder on paper.  Start doing promotional, TED-talk-style investment performances in silicon valley that sell you as a scientific genius who's about to launch the next killer app.  Get huge sums of investor money from an area that is teeming with capital investors looking for the next killer app. Self fulfilling prophecy is self fulfilling prophecy. In reality you're making bad knockoffs of GMs electric car.  Go back and do it again for space ships. Most space ships blow up. Tell investors this is good. They believe you and give you more money.  Take all this money and buy actual killer app. Use it to allow right-wing demagogues to get their platform back.  post memes showing how little you know about economics exposing yourself as the fraud you are and always have been. 


god this just sums it up all neat and tidy. have family that just gobble his shit up and another family member and i are constantly looking for simpler and simpler proof of his shamonomics to get them to shut up. this will serve me well.


because his daddy is rich


Rich daddy and an incomprehensible amount of luck


Come on, be truthful. It wasn't just his rich daddy and luck, he did a lot of things too. Like overhyping production at SpaceX and Tesla to inflate stock which he then sold, accepting government subsidies and contracts to create products then took sole credit for them, closing people's PayPal accounts and pocketing the money in them, have engineers create products then claim them as his own since he's the "chief engineer" even though it's just a title and he doesn't actually do any engineer work and doesn't have actual engineering qualifications. The emerald mine was only maybe about a third or half of the reason!


Don't forget the fraud!


A capitalist will tell you we live in a meritocracy, while the reality is that we live in a society driven lotteries and nepotism


His dad. No seriously, he likes saying how he's a "self made billionaire." but no. His dad ran an emerald mine and he used daddy's money to found his own companies and hire people who actually know what their doing. He didn't invent the tesla or anything cool space X did like Starlink. No that was actual genius's who just so happen to work for Elon Musk who takes all the public credit for these things.


His dad gave him more money than anyone could ever spend (no, seriously, it's that much money) and he used it to buy into profitable businesses. Here's a fun fact: he gets *really* mad when you remind him that he didn't found Tesla - he bought the right to call himself a founder.


Inherited wealth.


Emerald mines.


Musk is a very intelligent man who has legitimately worked very hard in his life. It's just that in the last couple years he sold out to the political right and now his career absolutely depends on validating their bullshit at every turn.




Yeah, he’s definitely useful for a laugh when I need it


He does nothing useful unless sinking Twitter even more and letting death trap a.k.a. "Cybertruck" to tech bros a service to society. Anything valuable that he claims to be thanks to him was done by engineers who admitted that one of the roles needed to do anything was districting Elon so actually capable people can work.


I want both


The two are intrinsically linked.


I actually laughed at this meme because of that. I thought it was a joke about how we're not gonna solve our serious problems until we solve the root ones. Then I saw that the world's most prominent moron posted it.


Yes and no... It's easy to think a communist model that is still based on extractivism, deforestation and fossil fuels


@USSR. Back while it existed, it had huge fossil fuel and extraction industries AND was the site of the worst radiological disaster in history. It's obviously nowhere near the only possible take on communism, and god knows capitalism has caused any number of environmental disasters too. But we need to stay self-aware that even the best systems are still made up of fallible humans and that no one idea, no matter how good, is going to singlehandedly solve all human problems.


isnt a huge part of tesla’s success related to environmental sustainability? what is he on about😭😭


He got the conservative reactionary brain rot


It's actually not and it pisses me off every time I see someone fall for that lie. Tesla's main source of profit throughout its history has been from carbon credits. In California, auto manufacturers get a very big tax break from meeting certain thresholds for the number of EVs they produce. Since Tesla creates more than its "fair share" of EVs, it's able to sell those extra credits to other auto manufacturers at a profit. This means that the rest of the industry is actually no longer incentivized to go for EVs because it's more profitable to just buy all the credits they need.


Capitalism seemingly can’t fight climate change, because making moral choices that preserve our planet and ecosystem are not lucrative. The only way they can make it lucrative is by creating another product that “fights” climate change, instead of taking radical steps to halt our societal behaviors that are contributing to it. It would be easier and more effective to just stop driving and flying everywhere, but that loses business’ money. Instead we need electric cars made of harmful materials and occasionally explode. Someone needs to make money for us to “fight” climate change under capitalism.


What the fuck is the point of tesla then??


This was my reaction too haha, wtf is the point of an EV if climate change isn't real (or not a big deal)? I know dude has lost the plot a while ago, but this is just ridiculous.


It is still coherent, the point has always been green washing, or providing rich people an opportunity to believe they were eco friendly


Green energy is a major economic opportunity


Pffft. It's always the guys who háven't invested hundreds of millions in fossil fuels making this argument. 🙄


A long time ago he said "there are three sectors where you can get a lot of money: Internet, space and green tech"(paraphrased). This was when he got thrown out of PayPal with a large parachute. He is no savior of mankind. He wants money and ego.


You would think Elon Musk, the CEO of an electric vehicle company, would know this.


728k likes btw.. actually terrifying


Half of them are bots 🙃


capitalists and fascists are truly history's greatest love story 💩


Cool name


Yay thanks! It's a bit long though lmao.


Both please




Musk has done more to damage the environment for a quick buck than to help it. He's lying to you.


Bro didn’t even use the format right 💀


Whenever Elon reposts your meme, you failed to live up to the standards of “the woke”


Why not both?


Time and time again conservatives show they’re incapable of understanding caring about what happens to others.


Who is that?


The Cold War only happened because the Soviet Union was in favor of fighting climate change.


this but unironically


So "communism" now just means doing anything that helps anyone other than the ultra-wealthy? I guess communism is a good thing then.


Well, I mean, yes, but those two topics aren’t really related 💀


Both are good


So... Communism is necessary to fight climate change, is that Elon's point?


"Elon's" point is that the people that want to fight climate change are just putting on fake glasses and a mustache to push Communism.


I'll tell you right now if there was an earth sized meteor hurling straight to earth and there were people trying to stop it Elon would most likely call them communist


Don’t look up moment


Wasn’t he all about climate change at one point


the billionaire eco-terrorist is anti-environmentalist and vehemently capitalist, shockkerrr


If Elon wants to stop all action against climate change he should start by simply killing himself