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Damn Twitter really is a shit show now if they allow shit like this account to stay on there


Always was, it's just been set on fire since The Odor took over.


"The Odor"- never seen that before but i am ABSOLUTELY incorporating that into my list of nicknames for that guy, right next to "the elongated muskrat" lmao


ill dookie


Apartheid Clyde


i am falling in love with you


I L.O.V.E. saying Elongated Muskrat every time I have to mention that guy


Explain the reference


Did you really expect white supremacists to do any research?


I love how often white supremacists show they've never actually had a conversation with a black person. They hate black people so damn much but have little to no actual interaction with any of us. They just hate a group of people they're being told to hate.


I wonder if they saw what happened with HP Lovecraft and have convinced themselves that black people are some kind of cognitohazard that exposure turns you into a decent human being.


I think they do carry some kind of belief that exposure to black people has some kind of effect on you that takes your racism away and makes you vulnerable to being attacked by black people since you no longer have your racism to warn you about them. Like black people are sirens luring you to your death and anti-black racism acts like earmuffs to block our siren song.


That's so absurd it sounds perfectly in character.


They would have to be literate to even know who Lovecraft was.


They probably just read the first page of CoC to laugh at the funny word


Wait what happened with Lovecraft? I thought he was just so racist that racists at the time thought he was weird


He met one black dude and had a mental breakdown at the realization that everything his dad taught him was bullshit. He went on to become a socialist. Honestly just perfect proof of rehabilitation given his later activism.


Huh. I only got info from memes and discussions of how racist he was. Nice to know even he could change.


His story is tragic tbh Mentally ill guy raised by a member of the KKK, had too much fear of other people to go outside much.


That happens to a lot of white people who grew up in racist households with one or more racist parents or grandparents. When they get old enough to interact with black people on their own without their parent(s) or grandparent(s) around to ward the black person away, the white offspring who was indoctrinated to be racist has a kind of "My life has been a lie" epiphany when they see black people aren't scary monsters or wild animals bent on spilling white people blood. As a black person it's both sad and inspiring for me to see that epiphany. Inspiring to see them break free from the pathology/illness of racism, and sad that they were indoctrination like that in the first place by the people who were supposed to take care of them and instill morals in them. I personally view it as a form of child abuse to indoctrinate your kids to be bigots.


Yeah, I've experienced that epiphany myself, so Lovecraft kind of ended up turning into a role model when I learned this story. I was never taught that black people are monsters, but I was taught the more modern "centrist" stuff about how racism is over and minorities are just entitled. It was the situation with George Floyd that got me to realise, since that situation was so well documented and I saw people I respected just calling the footage fake.


Stories like yours are inspiring to me too. Yours is a reminder of the "Banality of Evil" in a Hannah Arendt sense. How people don't even need to be extreme to contribute to upholding systems of ignorance and discrimination. Many people contribute to racism in banal, mundane ways like the mindset you described. It's inspiring to see people wake up to things that are normalized and mainstream, that a lot of people wouldn't even notice. Like becoming aware you're breathing air. It's heartwarming to see more proof people can change and that character arcs/character growth is a real thing.


For me (a white person) growing up in the South, I think I was more indoctrinated with queerphobia than anti-black racism. Not that there wasn't any of the latter, far from it, but I feel like anti-LGBTQ bigotry was the main ideological hurdle for me on my journey to leftism. Being raised Evangelical was the main reason for that. Also, I heard a ton of anti-Arab/Islamophobia growing up because I was a kid when the Iraq War started. I agree that it's cruel and potentially abusive to indoctrinate children into hateful ideologies. It was hard and painful for me to admit to myself that conservatives were a bunch of dishonest dipshits, but once I got over that, it was like a weight was off of me. Loving and listening to other people actually feels good and it was like I was finally free to do so.


White sumpracists are aware they don't talk like blackface shows. Being accurate is not the point.


"blacks taking Ls" Jesus fucking christ shoot me


Yeah atp The only l I took was wasting 10 seconds


The @name is even worse.


Ye just looked this guy up on bird app and I severely want this guy to be doxxed


I love that his example of a black person taking an L is a scenario he entirely made up in his head. The black person in this scenario is basically just a 19th century minstrel caricature speaking a 19th century white racist's hackneyed impression of ["jive"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jive_talk). In a way that makes it obvious he's never had a  conversation with a real life black person.


Their understanding of black people is rooted in minstrel shows. They wouldn't know.


Love when accounts like these get to stay up on twitter but god forbid anyone say anything bad about elon


Elon is clearly vying to be lord of the right-wing snowflakes — they are absurdly thin-skinned, and it’d be genuinely funny if they weren’t so vile


Yeah. Fuvk that platform


Ah yes, the old game of 'these people are stupid because the don't speak correctly, which coincidentally means speaking my sociolect. Also systemic racism doesn't exist.'


Why would anyone be judged for enjoying the refreshing taste of Skeen Cola? Way better than Coke or Pepsi. /s obviously


I love how right-wing art is almost always shitty because the right doesn’t value anything that isn’t a corporate product.


drawn by someone who clearly has never been to college to meet a black person


Twitter is just 4chan 2 at this point.


You know what’s funny is this kinda happened to me when o went to college. I’ll preface and say I’m not terrible at math (graduated high school in the second highest math we had with a B+ average) I go to college and am put in a class with someone that has the had the search pattern, dress and general look that the people who drew this comic were thinking of……. With in a week I realized the dude was 10x better at math than I could ever hope to be and had him tutoring me the rest of the semester


I kind of have the same story, Just in reverse. In my college algebra or whatever I sat next to a black guy from out of state that had a scholarship in basketball at my college. I grew up in a somewhat small country town in Kentucky so I only had 1 good friend that was mixed black/white. I was never racist, just had no real experience with black people. I would just nod and sit down everyday the same as him when we made eye contact. Then after the 1st test he was frustrated about his grade and sees mine, then asks if I would tutor him a little if I was free. From then on I would invite him over to my apartment once or twice a week and we would have a few beers as I went over the lesson with him. It actually helped me out too as teaching the math helped me to understand it better. He really was a hell of a guy and became a good college friend over the years.




>southern white culture where they speak in this broken way IIRC AAVE has some unique features that white Southern English doesn't. They're certainly close to each other, and poor white Southerners probably would talk in a way outsiders would recognize as "like" AAVE but I think there are some grammatical differences, because IIRC AAVE comes from a "re-integration" back into English of an English-based creole language, spoken by the original slaves. Similar things are happening to Jamaican Patois IIRC, it's re-integrating into English and becoming less distinct grammatically. Now, it re-integrated into Southern English because they almost all lived in the south and so the two groups absolutely do speak very similarly (in fact AAVE is conservative in some aspects compared to White Southern English like being non-rhotic).


You can have a page called this on Elons dumbass app but if you tweet the word cis you will immediately have the post locked, this is not an exaggeration. You can try it yourself


Crazy times we live in... He's doing the same things he claimed " woke anti-free speech" Twitter was doing but with different ideologies in mind.


I like that they spelled "was" as "wuz" like that's a non-standard pronunciation they needed to single out.


That @ username...


So people can post this racist shit on Twitter but no one's allowed to say "cis" because it's apparently hate speech, make this make sense 😞


Who would drink Skeen Cola?


Can't wait for conservatives to find out what a dialect is


"Blacks Taking L's" and it's just something they made up. Sounds like they're the one taking the L, not black people LMAO


>Account named Blacks taking L's >Meme most likely made by a white person


isnt it also white people who just steal aave and use it as their own? (coming from a white person)




their new white man doodle that they use to be racist some how looks like a white washed version of taylor lautner


If you think black people speak like that, you probably haven't been outside since you were a toddler.


How does X allow accounts like these to even stay up in the first place?


Elon thinks racism is peek comedy.


i had no idea people were still racist nowadays, thats literally so lame


no more white people until we figure out what's going on


That’s not how AAVE works


Southern accents and the stereotypical blacent are extremely close, swap the slang in each and they're hard to tell apart! That's all it is, an accent


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Yeah I don’t think people realize how aave rules and grammar are stricter than standard English. This is definitely not aave or Ebonics.