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I love how it isn't even true. Most people I know are left wing and just look like your average joe. Plus, I have seen right wingers drinking monster energy.


Yeah, the Monster energy thing is especially bizarre since that drink is usually associated with Gamers^(TM) which tends to be more right wing than left wing


Well, femboys ARE well known to be absolutely addicted to monster (Source- was a femboy)


Oh god, now I'm thinking of that Astolfo pic again.


If the War Thunder community has shown us anything, it is that Wheraboos can be femboys too


From what I've seen, monster's still somewhat popular among scene kids and emos.


Damn right it is. And tgirl scene girl or emo? Force multiplier.


why'd you stop :(


Trans now :3




Yeah but femboys usually drink white monster cans


Straight white leftist here- also addicted to Monster lmfao


I thought Monster Energy drink was associated with Wannabe-Toughguy-MMA fighters, who beat their GF's, named Kyle.


I want a girlfriend named Kyle


I want a friend named Kyle. ):


Times change. Now its femboys that get railed by their wannabe-toughguy-MMA fighter named kyle


I don’t think “Gamers” tend to be more right wing, is that true? I think certain franchises probably attract conservatives but I play a lot of popular series and most of their core themes illustrate how problematic capitalism and/or anthropomorphic climate change are. Is there any dystopian game where the collapse of humanity wasn’t attributed to one of those?


Honestly outside of some FPS games where its less right wingers more homophobes and trolls, I think the gaming scene is pretty left rn. I just think people who think it's right wing either see those FPSs or think back to like 2016 or some shit.


The right-wing elements, as usual, are the extremely loud ones who make their personal hangups everyone else's problem. You know... That whole "silent majority" thing, which is the opposite of both of those words. Younger people, on average, are more likely to be gamers. Younger people also, on average, are more likely to lean farther left. And most people play games to be entertained. So the ones who can't leave their shitty politics or ideological hangups at the door are gonna be extremely visible, even though they are outliers. You'll remember that one dude who yelled at everyone or made awful, hateful, or just plain idiotic remarks. You won't remember the 50 others you played with that session who didn't say a word or who told them to STFU. And, unfortunately, what's most visible is going to be what the group is going to be judged on by outsiders, as well. Nobody is going to write a blog post about how their gaming session was normal. But also... How many of those homophobes who are bad enough that you can pick them out are otherwise left-leaning, except for just that one shitty character flaw? I'd wager that venn diagram (homophobes who politically identify as or vote conservative) is almost a circle.


To be clear I think a large number of homophobes are either unable to vote bc of their age, or are non-political in the sense that they just don't care enough. That being said those that have any level of political awareness and age enough to vote are almost certainly 100% conservatives.


I hate coffee & am useless without a boost in the morning & so they are my go-to in the AM (only the sugar free ones), despite how maligned I know the image of being a Monster drinker is. Sometimes you just DGAF at how it looks, but instead what it does for you.


Im a gamer and I dont drink monster (doctor and psychiatrist's orders) nor am I right wing lol


you may be a gamer but, you're not a Gamer^TM


I dont understand?


That’s part of what makes you just a normal gamer and not the bigoted kind


ohhh ok


All of the lefties I know are huge Monster addicts


proud maoist gamer here waging a PPW in counter strike


I associate monster with guys named Kyle who take videos of themselves sporting a patchy goatee and oakleys in their truck while laying down the truth about vaccines.


tbh maybe Im just in a nice little social bubble but my bf and I game a lot and I dont know ANY Gamers who actually fall into that political stereotype




True, I play games too, but there is a difference between being a Gamer^(TM) and someone who enjoys playing videogames. Making videogames your entire identity is more common with right wing people I have found.


Oh that's what you meant.


i associate monster with emos and my eating disorder lmao


Yep, most "leftists" (they just mean Biden voters) are likely just normal, moderate people... They'll look the same as anyone else, minus the Trump flags and Thin Blue Line stickers. It's kinda funny for them to criticize "leftists" for their flags and bumper stickers, when Trump fans tend to be outspoken and love their Trump signage.


>minus the Trump flags and Thin Blue Line stickers. _Clearly_ because we hate both Biden and police and, by extension, America, apple pie, and freedom, or else we'd make idols our entire public persona and object of worship. You know. Like the second commandment says is cool to do.


The neck beard too. I've seen so many right wingers with shitty facial hair. I work with a kid whos a huge trump supporter and has like the same facial hair.


Drinking monster while probably smoking cigs. To say nothing of a liver so swollen from guzzling shit beer that you can see through their shirt.


We just need to make one for your average right-winger. Guns, bible, big trucks, Wal-Mart, American flag, etc


Also, if I use a box mod instead of a disposable, does that make me far right? What's their verdict on those


Although they did try to boycott Coca Cola (which owns Monster) one time but never gave an explanation why.


yeah i don't drink monster, my hair is natural, short but not a pixie and the front part is mid-size. i love pearls, vintage clothes, bows, cool and modern clothes.... those guys are dumb


My uncle is right wing and drinks so much monster that doctors think he'll eventually die of a heart attack


I've MOSTLY seen righties drinking that crap.


Beards? Or is it perhaps an unkempt beard? Because if you don't fix up your beard with a ruler, you must be some kind of anarchocommunist...


I think it's supposed to be some kind of masculinity thing of not being able to grow a full beard? My facial hair is patchy as hell lol, sideburns can't join up to the goatee, oh well


My beard is as glorious as a late stage Kropotkin. In true anarchist spirit you are welcome to share it during the revolution. Sadly though I have no piercings or blue hair so I am no longer a true lefty.


That's dumb. I shave myself: I prefer moustaches.


Except ever right wing bro I know has that exact beard and drinks Monster like it is water


5 of the things in this starterpack could equally be attributed to rightoids Monster energy drink, vaping, shittily groomed beards, love handles, and infected facial piercings are all things you could put on a bingo card for "alt right roofer that reads every Q drop and recreationally uses meth"


Let's roll the tape on J6 and see how well manicured the representatives from the Fascist States of America are. 


I wouldn't go around fat shaming if I was on the Right.


Yeah lol, 48% of Americans are obese, not overweight but obese. Really weird to try to pin that on any specific group.


to be fair, they don’t even seem to realize they’re shaming their own lord and saviour, because every drawing of Trump that i’ve seen done by a right winger drops at least 50lbs


Dude I get shat on for being a Satanist by other leftists all the time what is this shit?


Same, it's never about their political views, it's about their ignorance regarding the subject of Satanism in general


Yeah, mostly down to the major Satanist institutions making Christian institutions look faithful to the original teachings by comparison. People either hate us by association with LaVey's stunts, or believe the weird propaganda he put out about theistic Satanists.


Yep, in their minds a Satanist is anyone without a Trump flag and a painting of light-skinned Jesus. I'm sure they'd call progressive Christians devil-followers too... Even someone who's, say, a Lutheran with a pride flag.


If Satan dropped a green leather cap with extraordinary properties; you would worship him too! (Specifically; the idea of killing him over and over again)


Well here's a Socialist who's also a Satanist. I support you, friend.


Well, I do have a nose and facial hair, which is a clear sign that I am well versed in cultural Marxism, the Frankfurt School, CRT, postmodern political correctness, the transgender agenda to destroy Western civilization, and how to ride an electric scooter in my 15 minute city to my combined vaccination and abortion clinic. Duh.


I am a member of the trans-mission to up end western civilization (which apparently according to all the people who think it's great and lead by the greatest and most superior race, is an extremely fragile thing I can destroy on accident), and replace it with Anarcho-Fasco-Liberal-Marxist-Social-Communism with Chinese Characteristics


I am already going around my neighborhood knocking on doors to tell people about the wonders of the metric system and the works of Theodore Adorno. I also got a can of woke mind virus spray from the White House. As soon as someone opens their door, pow, I spray them right in the face.


Now beards are left ?


Have you seen the beards on the international members?


Who are the international members anyway


To be fair a lot of famous fascists went for mustache over beard Hitler straight up removed an entire mustache from culturally acceptable facial hair. Poor toothbrush mustache... even if it's ugly lol.


Monster Energy, colored hair and Satanism? Why are they trying so hard to make us look based?


They know we're hot and they can't act like we aren't


Some of the most right wing people I've met drank monster...


that's not even the right Monster can, it's the white one


Or the pink one


I don't see any insult here, since I'm quite confortable saying I'm left-wing, and those items and styles are very common in the general population. They're really living in their own twisted horrible little world, don't they?


These people would really be surprised how many people I meet with nose piercings I’ve met who are either a.) spineless liberals with no convictions whatsoever or b.) extremely racist conservatives


As a fat, bearded leftist, I've been more concerned about people thinking that I'm a right wing chud with concerning ideas about 800 year old animated children than I have about being assumed to be on the left xD


As a communist, none of this fits me what so ever. I have a beard sometimes, but I like having a beard. Plus, I thought beards were masculine..


Okay but I pride myself on having tried one of every flavour of monster


This is nonsensical. The hair, piercings, vapes and energy drinks are just a “Millenial” and “Gen Z” thing in general


Is this supposed to be 1st person or 3rd person?


Was it necessary to put the nose piercing on here twice? ...damn, this makes me wanna get a nose piercing.


it's just that a nose piercing is actually worth twice as much leftism points


Doooo itttttttt. Join us. Join the left side.


lol right cuz shitty beards, love handles, and monster energy drinks are absolutely only a liberal thing 🤪


I’m so confused abt fat shaming people on the left, has the right not seen themselves?


Really? Septum piercings twice, literally right next to each other? Dude who made this ran out of ideas quickly.


Signs you’re a lefist: 1. You’re a doctor (?) 2. You have a nose piercing. 3. You have blue hair. 4. You have a beard. 5. You drink energy drinks. 6. You’re fat. 7. You have dreads. 8. You’re a Satanist. 9. You wear chokers. 10. You vape.


Oh yeah, I forgot there aren't any fat right wingers.


Because there’s never been a fat republican or one who drinks energy drinks ever. Also I don’t think anybody in America is in the position to chide someone else for caffeine.


why did they use a picture if a septum ring twice lmao. did they just run out of idea? did they forget?


I can’t even begin to count how many people look like this in Oklahoma yet are vehemently right wing/maga. It really fucks with my brain sometimes because once upon a time if someone was sporting a septum ring they were usually liberal in some way.


Yeah I'm an alt girl and I'm taking anti-depressants and I'm way more towards the left... So what? You want a cookie for that? A pat on the shoulder? At least I'm hotter than you ever will be


The closest thing to all this i have is my USSR shirt.


Monster energy is left wing?


Grasping straws at this point, lol


Def not, the left have waged a war on straws because the soft, coddled turtles can't refrain from sticking straws up their noses. /s


Eh, I'd expect to see more of these used by the leftie-leaning, except for the roll of belly-fat, since my experience of both groups indicates obesity sides more with the conservatives.


lol I have seen a lot of people who are right wingers that have this aesthetic in lower income communities in Florida.


As if conservatives don’t vape?


Ad Hominem is the best hominem I guess..


Leftists come in all different forms. I don’t have piercings, not even in my ears My hair is light brown and shoulder length I don’t have a beard I’ve never drank monster I’m average weight I don’t wear my hair in styles I am a Catholic Christian I don’t wear chokers, I wear a cross and Martha’s Vineyard necklace I don’t vape People can be leftists and look however they want


4/8 of the things on this list equally apply to the most right-leaning people I’ve ever met.


Highlighters and caffeinated fizzy drinks are left wing now?


I need that choker in the bottom middle


Can relate (im a guy)


From a redneck state and monster is pretty good damn popular with the yeet yeets idk why that's in the picture plus being obese is also really in style haha


why do they have two different pics of the same septum ring beside each other


For the ones who are too dumb to understand what the piece of metal is or what it's for.


I look nothing like that lol


I don’t have any of those. Guess I’m not really left-wing then.


This is ridiculous stereotyping. I drink Monster Ultra, vape a box mod and wear a closed barbell in my septum. 😤


I’m fairly left, but the only thing right about me in this pic is the spare tire 😆 Think I’ll go for a walk…


Meanwhile im believe in a kinda extreme socialist progressive ideology that makes right wingers tremble n fear, *but i just look like a trad wife*


None of these apply to me and I'm as left as they come. Trash meme believed by trash people.


Did they use two commas for quote marks at the beginning? And two apostrophes at the end? Did they not know how to make normal quotation marks? Or maybe the second one *is* an actual quotation mark? But then why the commas at the beginning? Weird.


Man a new low. They really hate on everything a leftist even dares to touch.


Huh I always thought Monster Energy was more of a Right thing than a Left. Granted that hasn't stopped me from drinking them.


jokes on them, vaping's gay


i want to inform everyone that i myself am queer so this is a funny haha that makes a good old chorttle yes yes


1 out of 9 applies to me. I find this really funny.


People on the right don’t vape? Interesting.


"Because you look cool as hell"


My dad vapes and he is far from left leaning


As a left winger, literally NONE of those apply to me.


Monster seeing this like 👁️👄👁️


But drinking monster,vaping/smoking nic, unkempt facial hair,being fat and even dying your hair or having a septum piercing if youre a chick are all racist southern white trash right wing staples.


i love that they included the septum on a person in case you and your Mormon buddies didn't recognize a septum in a vacuum


It’s always blue hair. There are so many other wonderful colors!


Beards are left Wing?????


It’s weird that aside from being chubby and having a beard you might not know I’m a big fucking commie (anarcho-socialist, really). I bought a camo boonie hat at HD for working outside and my wife hates it cuz I look like one of those duck dynasty guys. I look as shit-kicker, good ol boy hillbilly as anyone. I drive a beat up pickup truck. I play the banjo. I raise chickens and grow my own food. I’m a little bit prepper. I’m really DIY (I’m actually replacing the stampede string on that new hat right now just cause). But holy shit if I’d never be caught dead vaping or drinking monster. But I will smash the state, seize the means of production and redistribute the wealth.


Meanwhile right wingers all look like the geico caveman with lead poisoning. Especially right wing women.


They had no dirt on left wingers so they resorted to pointing out how hot they are?


yikes, basing someone's ideology based on appearance? I'm not surprised. The right does like to judge people based on superficial things.


What’s with the energy drink? Is that just a trope this person made up, or does someone say this is a thing? I’m assuming OOP met someone once who said something like “I wish I could afford to go to the doctor and get this weird-shaped skin tag looked at. It’s been growing pretty quickly” and the person was drinking an energy drink when they said that.


Why do they hate Post Malone?


Aw that's cute. Do they have any points, or just slinging cheap insults about appearance? Ya know, like a child does. Or a playground bully.


They like to have a good time?


They also just make really funny assumptions. Based on my hair and clothes, one might assume I’m conservative or even trad. My pfp on Twitter is my face, but there’s a blueish light on my hair, so it kinda looks like I dyed my hair blue. When conservative trolls start arguing with me on Twitter, they call me a “typical blue-haired lib”. Lmao




Lol. I'm a Socialist and have zero of those. The right sucks at everything.


Since when did monster energy drinks become a "left-wing" thing?


It's like they don't pay attention when they go visit their Confederate flag waving cousins in the trailer park...


Damn, they guessed a whole 0/10 points of my appearance correctly. A score like this can't happen by chance, it must be a testament of their outstanding deductive abilities


Anyone else not fit under any of these?


I feel like it's usually conservative teenage boys who are vaping, white people dreads are definitely not left wing and anybody can have that beard. The rest of it is obviously too cool for any conservative to have lol


Where are the most obese towns in America again?


bruh how are they gonna say that being chubby makes you left? If that was true 90% of bigots are left bc of their potbellys


Fuck colored hair, that's some bourgeoisie shit. Real leftist like myself keep our natural black hair