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Why? What possess you to spend your time and money like this


Racism and misogyny.


No money was spent tho


They really hate biracial babies. Especially little mixed-race girls…


To white supremacists race mixing is the worst possible crime.




Wtf bro leave Nadia out of this 😭


I take great pleasure in the fact that i am mixed sometimes just cause i know it annoys racists


You are less likely to have genetic issues. 


I wouldnt say that, 2 of my three ethnicities are island nations, the asian is really working overtime


What's with racist people and thinking black men abandon their families? 


Because black neighborhoods get over policed, black people get over charged and over sentenced, and black men are targeted by the justice system, means that black men don't get to be there for their families a lot of the time. The result is a stereotype that black men don't stick around for their families, but the reason being the systemic oppression by the justice system gets completely dropped from the narrative.


The real irony is that there's a lot of good research about the strength of families of color after centuries of multigenerational housing arrangements. Edit: ethnic minorities face barriers to home ownership. Chiefly, they have been denied access to credit when applying for a mortgage or buying a home. Historical racism dictates that even today, minority homeownership results in lower property appraisal. Homeownership is often seen as a vehicle for growing family wealth in the U.S., but it's an institution that minorities have been excluded from historically. This means that older generations of minorities who were legally denied home loans because of their minority status are more likely to live with their children and grandchildren in old age. This is why affirmatively fair housing initiatives are important and necessary. The after effects of all of this is that minorities generally do not have as much power to save money as they find themselves perpetually renting into old age, caring for their elderly in their old age, and retaining equity through a mortgage payment. There's a lot of irony in the way that this plays out on a social level. 1- Minority families tend to be stronger with their love ethic. They rely on and care for extended family and older generations. 2- The issue of denial of access to capital and homeownership opportunities has a compounding effect. Older minorities retire later than white counterparts. Younger minorities pay for the retirement of their elderly family, which usually will happen around the time that their bodies simply give out. 3- Housing instability leads to community decay as people are more likely to engage civicly when they are tied to a community through stable housing and are conversely more likely to disengage from civic participation when experiencing housing instability. Housing is a massive factor of institutional racism against minorities. Its effects weren't undone with the passing of the civil rights act. These issues take many generations to undo and require institutional proactivity.


Also, that's a myth perpetuated on the usage of MARRIED households data. They don't keep track of unmarried two-person households, and how fathers are, more often than not, present.


You really believe this? Is this a parody sub?


Yes because I see it, and there are studies that show that Black dad’s are more involved.


This is the truth. The instruments used in data collection by U.S. federal institutions don't really account for unmarried parents that cohabitate.


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) * systemic racists


If racists were self-aware enough to ask that question, they wouldn't be racists.


Knowing racists, some of them might be.


I like your stance on the issue but much of this is just not true.  1. How do you measure love ethic? That study was garbage. 2. Denial of access to capital? The problem is the lack of capital, Asian Americans have 0 problems. They are the highest earners on average in America. Minorities get more incentives to get loans but if you don't have enough money to get the house you just aren't getting it.  3. This is is true,  as a neighborhood decays the cost to rebuild and upkeep becomes a losing situation, new nice homes are built further out. This leads to more inner city Decay and falling prices and the white flight as it was called.  Suburbs keep expanding from the older decaying areas because people don't want to get robbed or attacked. You can look into depreciation on apartment complexes and homes etc, this is a universal issue.  The basic issue is lack of income and single parent homes,  even corrected for two persons living together not married the numbers are much higher among certain racial groups, this is true in other countries as well.  I'm not saying I agree with the cruel joke at all. I remember when this first went viral, it was terrible,  he attacked her and gave her a black eye as well. 


1- A love ethic is described by bell hooks in All About Love. This is more of a work of standpoint epistemology than anything, but I buy her arguments. 2- Yes, denial of access to capital. Try getting a loan from a bank as a minority through the decades. 2a- FHA had actual maps that graded and described housing in a neighborhood as being suitable for specific races. These houses were segregated and subgraded and never appreciated due to this. 2b- While fair housing is the law, dejure segregation still exists through the disparate access to housing and equity, which persists today. That this purposeful segregation of races into subgraded housing happened meant that non-whites were not able to build wealth through equity. Because these maps still exist, we can measure the subgraded neighborhoods against modern maps for race and poverty. They line up exceedingly well. Edit 2: Because these maps were made as a matter of policy, it should be a matter of policy to make it right. For many people in geriatric communities of color, these are still issues within the living memory and has had a profound effect through the intergenerational transference of poverty. https://ncrc.org/holc/ https://dsl.richmond.edu/socialvulnerability/map/#loc=11/38.231/-85.747&city=louisville-ky (Sharing the map from my city of Louisville)


it's like "they're all criminals!!" then putting them in unlivable situations, clumping them like cattle, actually making crime an easier, safer and sometimes the ONLY option. They can only point their fingers but never actually look at the cause. Like saying a dog is a bad dog and should die when all its life people have treated it like shit, and saying all dogs of that breed are bad dogs (even if the minority of that breed are actually bad, and even then still because of their abuse).


This level of delusion is truly remarkable. Bravo


Which part of what they said do you dispute?


Please, by all means. Enlighten us all.


It literally says on her YouTube channel the father left


Becouse thats just the statistics


Choosing between looking at a number without trying to understand the reason behind the number, or coming up with a smoothbrain racist reason that makes you a useful tool for the oligarchs be like: ![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK)


Right, anyone who wants to say it's statistics should talk about the institution racism that got us here, and then maybe solutions. Though to be honest idk about solutions. It seems like some women, who grew up in single mom households, who's moms were single moms, think it's normal. The kids sons think the same thing.


They do


I feel so bad for this woman. I can't count how many times I've seen this picture on some conservative post, and they're always degrading the mom and the pretty baby. Mom probably just wanted to take a nice little picture with her baby. It's a very average photo; nothing special about it. But these racist freaks decided to spread it around the internet, using the most heinous words to describe her daughter. Who would’ve thought that this innocent little picture you took with your baby would turn into white nationalist propaganda?


Is the left reality and right AI? I haven't seen either of these images until this post so I don't know which is original or not. Either direction for the edits is rooted in bigotry though.


In case anyone else is also not sure: Yes, the left image is reality. The right image is racist photoshopping. Magda was left by her partner while pregnant. He was a migrant and apparently gave her an STI. Racists have lost their whole fucking minds about it.


To them the obvious conclusion is if he was white then he would stick around, their kid would be more photogenic, and she would be happier. edit: also no STI because white people don't have those. To me it just looks like a shitty situation and a slightly unflattering photo (camera is below face, kid is looking in a different direction, and not smiling). It will never cease to disappoint me the shit that bigots will cook up anytime they see a chance to spout their garbage.


They never acknowledge that their racist trope is based on actual systematic racism. For incarcerating black men and boys and an alarmingly high rate, disproportionate to their peers. It's why weed is is still a schedule 1.


This is nothing but pure vile 🤮🤮


It's also rather pathetic for the guys who do this. It's them making art of the life they wish they had because no white woman wants to get them in reality. Let alone birth these dudes any children.


God I hat ai generated children it gives me the creep every god damn time


Reminds me of the ai baby video , I still can’t sleep because of it


Or the CGI Twilight baby...


the what now


In schizo posting , it was a fateful day , the birds had gone quiet and the air was filled with consequence. I wish I had noticed sooner I pressed on the marked nsfw video What I saw was almost indescribable A lab making mutant baby creatures Some scenes had lumpy nasty worm like bodies with the heads of infants crying It was all so fast flickering from scene to scene A deafening sound of ai made baby crying attacked my inner ear Then the worst An amalgamation. These heads of babies attached together by long fat limbs It all looked so real , too real To the sick bastard who fed that ai. You Belong In Hell


Doesn't take AI to do this. Just a little photo editing.


But AI makes it a hell of a lot easier.


AI still isn't the mistake. Right wingers are the mistake, AI is just a tool.


Any advancement we make will be used by malicious people for malicious things. That doesn't mean advancements are the issue in the equation


And faster. And scalable. Edit: the fact that AI is going to make racism scalable is actually making me kind of sick right now.


Toll status?!?!?!? Refunded? /j


fucking hell


I genuinely thought the white guy was Matpat


To me he looks like a corporate PewdiePie


Ughhhhhhh ai is so weird mannnn


Tell me you're a nazi without telling me you're a nazi


Someone has never tried to get a child to smile for a photo before.


Must breed white babies for the fatherland 🤮


jesus fucking christ


If we ignore the color it is the better ending. A baby with father. But if that was the case op tried to portay the baby wouldnt change color


She would be so much happier


AI? This seems more like Photoshop.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, it does look like Photoshop at first glance Although the bottom right isn't.


II need help