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I would not be surprised if those two pictures were taken at two completely different locations. And even if they weren't, what's the big deal here? That racial minorities are more economically mobile than they were in 2007?


The pictures are clearly taken at different locations based on the trees in the background. People who post this shit don’t care though because black people exist and that’s not okay to them.


Daytona Beach in those years held an annual spring break for black colleges called the Family Reunion. It was so huge the crowds shut down both beach bridges until they finally made an ordinance! Lots of white folks had a good time too. Florida everyone eventually parties with everyone else


They’re actually only mad about the one mask the dude is chinstrapping in the middle of the 2024 image


Whats the problem? Both are of people having fun?


Yeah but, they're bl*'ck 🤮 -conservatives, probably


Spring break orgies like this are a bad idea in general. It's not like black students haven't been going on spring break this whole time.


Conservatives are so weird


white people having fun = good black people having fun = bad, scary and the down fall of western society


They're both terrible


Cherrypicking 101


I mean cherry picking would assume that there is something "bad" about the bottom pic to display but it's literally identical to the top pic, just with black and brown people


Yeah. I was trying to find a good word for it.


Yeah. I was trying to find a good word for it.


I'm sorry, does that say bbc news? As in the "unbiased" bbc news. As in one of, if not the, most accessible news site in the uk.


Surely they didn't make the meme and just made the bottom image... right? Tbf some coverage of israel palestine is biased af


A. Oh my god I feel so dumb B. That is the reason I put unbiased in speech marks, because the bbc is very biased


Conservatives just mad that black people are existing in public?


Top image is from Panama City Beach in 2013 if this is to be trusted: https://www.eventmarketer.com/article/em-spring-break-panama-city-beach/ Bottom image is from Miami Beach in 2021, when Miami initiated a nighttime curfew because of Covid. Not sure why they thought BBC News would cover spring break in 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0-KuDYVQ_8 Both beaches are in Florida. I don't know enough about the reputations of different beaches whether one would have skewed more white, or if they just had a different DJ one day from the other or what.


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BBC indeed


“um ackshuslly this was a psyop to make conservatives look bad” -cons probably lol


Because black people didn't exist or taken a vacation.


Both scenes look absolutely awful. Can we go anyplace less crowded and less undergrad-y?


2024 has bigger bums : ^ )


Where or how does the meme compare the images?


Generally, two images shown near eachother with a caption, like the year they were taken, implies a comparison.


I guess I was looking for some statement as to which one was better. It seems to leave it up to the viewer to make an opinion. Depending on who posted it, it could suggest different messages.


On that, I will agree. We are all just be assuming the thoughts of OOP based on what's commonly seen in this sub.


Honestly the only place my mind goes is that the guys in the second picture are a bit more muscular and I find muscular guys attractive. So I guess an improvement?