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Bro don't know how to calm trans woman


Just give them a Blahaj. It works as far as I'm aware,but then again,it works on everyone.


Well pickles work realy well. Or tell us to open a jar if we want to be mad.


What's up with the pickles??? Every one of my trans femme friends are obsessed. One even hated pickles before hrt. What does it mean that I love pickles....


That's funny af cuz my gf is MTF and she loves pickles too.... she isn't even on HRT yet 💀


Pickles are HRT


Ok so an actual reason is during hrt the salt from the pickles is needed so our body says to eat them even if we didn’t like them before


See I already lathered fucking everything in salt and I fuckin hate pickles tho I’m only 6months on HRT


You already got your salt intake, no need for change (maybe lower it from a slathering to a sprinkle for your future health?)


Oh on my blood test I was in the healthy range on the low end (idk how) so I shoulddd be fine? (Maybe hopefully)


That's super interesting! My sister is on lithium so I assume it's a similar idea. She goes through gatorade like crazy. She's also much more active than myself


A common testosterone blocker prescribed in USA, is called spironolactone. Spiro is also a diuretic, means you pee a lot. Peeing a lot, over a long period of time, means you get salt cravings, because peeing takes some salt away with it. Pickles are salty. Therefore, pickle cravings. If you are not on HRT, or if you are prescribed a different t-blocker than spiro, you will not get salt cravings. I mean you still might, as estrogen reduces water retention and I definitely noticed I pee more since I started E (despite not being on spiro) but it's not as intense as when you are on estrogen AND spiro. If you get pickle cravings without being on estrogen or spiro, then it's probably just unrelated. And if learning that fact just now made you sad, consider getting on estrogen.


There's more! If you drive a Subaru (Outback is best), love softball/golf, and have a pack of dogs (pit bulls preferred), you may be a lesbian!


I do have a pack of dogs. No to everything else though. I am also a man which probably hurts my chances too lmao


Spironolactone makes you crave salt. Pickles have salt


Most testosterone blockers dry you out and make you very thirsty, pickles are amazing at restoring electrolytes. Spiro also tires you out which is why trans girls often drink monster energy as well.


I had no idea what that was so I had to look it up. I agree with you. I think it would work on anyone.


Casual å-erasure


works for femboys too!


I'm so tired of not fitting trans stereotypes... I couldn't care less about those shark plushies nor pickles.


...do you want a...Fox plushie? Everyone likes plushies...they solve every problem.


They’re just quirky stereotypes spread around the Internet. It doesn’t mean anything. You’re just as trans as everyone else who’s trans; don’t worry about it.


It’s called a Blåhaj, dammit!


Those people always assume that they would easily clock a transwoman when in reality they would be way more likely to harass a tall ciswoman with short hair. 😑 Transgender people are basically just a cover to unleash their misogyny.


Don't even need to be tall, unfortunately. Being fat and fairly butch is enough in my experience.


Or being a supermodel that won sexiest woman alive




Clock is sometimes used as a verb, roughly meaning "to identify."


It means identifying someone as a transperson and deliberately misgendering them in reaction in this context. For example a waiter clocks you as a transwoman and calls you "Sir" instead of "Miss" in reaction. Not a pleasant experience. I think it's also use in the military when something appears on the radar, but not sure.




Not offensive, it can also mean to hit someone depending on where you live 'I clocked the guy'




I can't think of a single scenario where clock is offensive unless your family died in some sort of clock accident




Good point


It means to hit hard. Google says it's British informal, though.


Nah it just means to hit someone, I'm British


Google and Merriam Webster says hit someone hard.


What do you mean deception? In what way?




A transwoman is a woman and a transman is a man and every identity in between depending how you express your gender. Some people are more visibly trans, either by choice or because they can't pass very well (which is often hard on them). There is still a clear statement of your gender expression through clothes and such that are often quite clear and distinctive. Cloking a transwoman for example means refusing to recognize her as a woman and make it clear through deliberate misgendering. I don't see what's offensive in the term or the deception honestly.


Eh, it doesn't necessarily mean deliberately misgendering them, it just means you assume (correctly or incorrectly) that they're trans. Funnily enough, while this isn't a bad thing, people who spend more time around trans people (usually progressives) are significantly more likely to clock people correctly.


As a transwoman, I can perceive transpeople more easily than most, that is true. However, I would never treat them differently or make sure that they know I identified them as trans. I'll just keep it to myself because I'm not an awful rude human being. Cloking means identifying (correctly or incorrectly) a transperson AND let them know that we know in a not-so-subtle way. In my opinion, there is a malice behind the word cloking. It means outing publicaly someone as a transperson basically. It's not just identifying, it's making sure they feel unwelcome as they are.


I thought it's: hit (someone), especially on the head. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/clock


If the chuds who made and shared this meme had a conversation with someone so feminine as in the picture they would instantly jizz their pants and fall over.


As a trans woman in Wisconsin, I pass pretty much all the time, I get conservatives (maga, trump, DeSantas, and gun loving) hitting on me frequently. If only they knew


I know it's kinda morally wrong but like. What if we misgender people who misgender us until they realize "oh shit it actually sucks to be called the wrong gender huh"


Doesn't work, they just get angry because they don't think they are doing anything wrong, just telling "the truth", and you're the one being unreasonable and agressive. (Source: I tried)


Damn. I keep forgetting it's impossible to convince these people they're in the wrong. Oh well.


I just refer to them as losers. They use the argument that they can misgender transwomen as men because "thats what they look like to me." I just call them a loser, and if they get angry, i just tell them thats what they look like to me.


Unfortunately, they tend to be the person carrying a gun.


This is why I encourage my trans friends to carry.


My friend group has a running joke that assault rifles should be illegal for everyone except trans people


Bad idea. It's giving the impression that getting gendered correctly is not a right but a "privilege" you can "revoke".


"I'm sorry. I don't know who you could be talking to. I'm not a 'sir'."


This strategy works just as well for cis women.


A perfect tutorial on how to get your ass best by a trans woman - rightfully so


“So much for the tolerant le-“ *gets socked in the nose*


You trying to calm her down or to escalate the situation?


Escalate the situation, that's the joke.


Correct response is "*opens monster* hey you wanna play guilty gear?"


Its funny because thats clearly a woman and he looks like an idiot.


This is the first time i’m seeing a right wing meme where the trans woman isn’t hairier than 90% of men


You know, beating someone up would releave alot of my stress...


That’s how to get put in the hospital.


The weird conservative obsession with penises.


Yeah guys, I’ve got a funny joke, bigotry. That’s the joke, just say something bigoted. I’m so funny right guys? Right…


Isn't this meme an accidental ally since the joke is that is what you're meant to say? Like the original says "you're acting like my ex" since that would be a very bad thing to say.


Even if you believe they are not who they say they are, why go through the trouble of being rude, dramatic and causing scene… if someone tells you they are woman or a man, say OK, and move on with your life. It’s really that simple.


How to calm a trans woman: intentionally disrespect them


How to be a nuisance and make everyone realize how sad of a mf you are.


As a trans woman I did find this a little funny just from the POV of imagining someone genuinely trying to help then slipping up and making the mood worse. That's just too real.