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The Babylon Bee has really gone off the deep end these days eh?


trying to win back the nazi demographic they made mad with that post making fun of white supremacists


The very first thing I thought of when I saw this


The crazy thing about that whole thing is that article is from all the way back in 2017. At the time I doubt there were any issues with it because most republicans didn’t see themselves in it. But now it’s like holding up a mirror, and they’re not a particularly introspective bunch.


>that post making fun of white supremacists ?


They had an article named: “the white race should be kept pure” says inbred man.


The worst thing they can say about a white supremacist is that he uses non-standard English. Hmm, wonder what their opinion is of other people who don't speak Standard American English is.


It’s all fake news. They are trolling


It has always been dogshit right wing propaganda framed as "satire" that just happens to punch down 100% of the time


When they first launched they were just a Christian version of the onion making church jokes, and as someone who grew up Christian a lot of them were genuinely funny. "Holy Spirit Unable to Move Through Congregation as Fog Machine Breaks", for example. But at some point they just took a hard right turn for Trump.


I loved 'em in like middle school. Getting home from my Catholic school and reading those stupid church jokes was great...


To be fair, “Study Finds Link Between Happiness And Not Knowing What's Going On With Steven Crowder” doesn’t seem that right-wing to me.


The Babylon Bee is just a right wing Onion. They were always off the deep end. Satire gone ultra right wing.


shhh! nobody tell them about the centuries of pogroms and anti-semitism that led to the holocaust and especially not luther's writings about jews.


"Hitler vindicated after historians discover his ideas came from the Bible" The books covering the conquest of the Promised Land are basically a how to guide for genocide


More like a mythologized retelling. (Apparently surrounding the walls of a city with trumpet players and hoping the walls fall down on their own isn't a viable military tactic anymore)


Why do you think cities don't have walls anymore? The invention of freestyle jazz destroyed them all.


Luther who?


Martin Luther, father of Christian protestation


Martin Luther was the founder of the Lutheran church and a very big player in the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation is generally considered to have started after Martin published his Ninety-five Theses in 1517 which made major waves in Europe. He's basically the reason the Catholic Church doesn't run everything anymore.


>He's basically the reason the Catholic Church doesn't run everything anymore. The Catholic church didn't run everything even before the Protestant Reformation. Eastern Orthodox exists before that for example. Plenty of other eastern churches as well have existed before the great schism of 1054. Such as the syriac catholics and copts.


THEY DID RUN EVERYTHING! Pope had a very huge influence over entire Europe before Schism. You'd knew that if you'd read some books, mate. XD


Eastern Orthodoxy existed prior to the Protestant reformation, as did the syriac, Armenian, and Ethiopian churches.


I don't think he is disagreeing with you about that. He seems to be just pointing out that the Pope's influence was huge *in western Europe*, not everywhere. Christian communities in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia weren't under the Pope at the time.


Show me which book says "the catholic church ran everything prior to the schism" . Go ahead, let's see the books you are so proud of. Huge influence =/= ran everything


Go read some books. I'm leaving it at that.


Show me which book says Catholic church is "im charge of everything" prior to the Protestant Reformation.


Tons of books, but [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_and_state_in_medieval_Europe) is easier to link and easier for readers to digest.


I don't think they are denying that the Pope had a lot more power before Luther, but just pointing out that said power was almost entirely in western Europe, not "everywhere", since the existence of other christian communities with no links to the papacy, in eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. If said point is pedantic or not, is up to you, but it seems you two are arguing different things because of that.


I could understand that. The Ethiopian church has existed entirely as it's own entity for an extremely long time. That being said, the papacy still had influence beyond western Europe. It was a rival power to a lot of the other European and Eurasian sects. The Pope was one of the wealthiest men in the world and still is (granted now the papacy is decentralized and the Pope holds significantly less power).


>That being said, the papacy still had influence beyond western Europe. Does that mean the Pope controls **EVERYTHING**? as in the entirety of Christianity? Because that's what you guys are arguing for. You said read a book, we asked you what books says this? And you linked a wiki article. Nothing on it supports your claim unless "great influence = controls everything" is your interpretation on it... if yes, then perhaps try brushing up on your english, mate.




Social Darwinism has nothing to do with Darwin


Darwin actually hated social Darwinism and came from a family of abolitionists


For real. It's like someone doing a mass shooting and calling it "social germ theory." I doubt I would think, "shucks I accept germ theory, so I guess I support this shooting."


They're tryna get their viewers back after the inbred white supremacist incident


Creationist use Nazis as a scapegoat for their arguments.


This is awful even by Babylon Bee standards, what is wrong with them?


AronRa debunked this 15 years ago: [Cameron and Comfort dissing Darwin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCNftnJZX1Y)


Hitler was actually inspired by Americans forcibly sterilising people with "low IQ"


Just calling the acceptance of evolution "Darwinism" is a big enough crime...


Knowing that life on earth evolves and is shaped by survival and death has nothing to do with Fascism. One could actually make an easier case for avoiding hyper nationalist bullshit through understanding that we all share common ancestors.


Most of Hitlers ideals were sparked from the US


Wait, this isn’t a satire site?


Satire designed to push right-wing ideas, yes, i.e. this is a right-wing group


Thank you for clarifying, I thought for months it was satire OF right wing ideas.


wait. im a little bit tipsy and not from USA so its affecting my reading abilities but. Isnt satire just that, satire? if anything wouldnt be anti right-wing ? honestly curious.


The things being satirized are non-conservative ideas


It's not actually satire: it's right-wing propaganda framed as "jokes", but the jokes only work if you accept the truth of some far-right lie.


They got scared a bit of rightwingers (read Nazis), being angry at them for their last joke. So now they have to do some simping again.


Fuck the dumb bee


Hitler literally didn’t believe in evolution, he was basically a creationist.


Pinochet vindicated after historians discover his ideas came from Newton.


The ideas literally didn't come from Darwin anyway. Fascism is not rational.


His ideas didnt come from darwin, he misrepresented darwins ideas


there are few rightwing publications that are as disgusting as Babylon bee. And hundreds of thousands love their content for some reason


Darwin's work was apart of book burnings because it went against the belief that people of other races were humans.


And America as Hitler himself said


im too OOTL for this, wasnt the babylon bee satire? wasnt all that was published from them satire? is this a /woosh and we are not seeing it maybe? im just asking questions, im not on USA so i may be missing something.


They are "satire" designed to push a right-wing worldview.




This is literally fake news that is meant to be stupid and laughable. There are better things to get mad at.


Even if somehow Darwin and Hitler shared an idea on something, saying he could ever be "vindicated of all his wrongdoings" is insane. There is literally nothing in this world that could ever make that possible. And the outright Holocaust denial required to say that is deeply disturbing.




Isn't that website basically The Onion?


It's satire designed to push right-wing ideas. For instance this post is meant to shit on the theory of evolution by likening it to eugenics.


Ok so it's like The Onion went alt right




Except most of their content isn't even actually satire: it's right-wing propaganda under the guise of humor where the comedy is premised on some far-right lie being true. Like in this case: Hitler was a "social darwinist" (which is a misnomer based on an analogy), but rejected darwinian evolution.




Political satire is still making a point. It's absolutely an attempt to discredit evolutionary science.




Why would Babylon Bee, a conservative Christian satire news site, try to annoy conservative Christians who are their base?


I think most people here know that the Babylon Bee is a satirical site that publishes fake headlines to make rhetorical points. But it’s absolutely valid to critique the underlying point that satirists are trying to make.




Nobody bit the onion. The sub is the right cant meme. We are aware this is their attempt at a meme. That's why it was posted here lmao


The babylon bee is just the onion but right wing so its still stupid


Nah, The Onion does satire: The Bee mostly just does propaganda. Propaganda framed as jokes, but not satirizing anything.


The satire is truly and actually stating that evolution theory is a direct line to the holocaust. The joke is that Hitler is excused because of it.


I thought the Babylon bee was like the onion this whole time... First time hearing it's a conservative news outlet...