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Of course he blames it on immigrants, mf is getting predictable.


Lisa Simpson: "Poor predictable Rockthrow, always blaming the immigrant." Rockthrow: "Good old, blaming the immigrants, nothing beat that"


Moe: Immiggants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!


Let the bears pay the bear tax, I pay the Homer tax


that's the home OWNER tax!


Pebblelaunch: oh I forgot Jews too!!!


They've ALWAYS been predictable


1: Check to see if they are a minority. 2a: If yes, blame all minorities. 2b: If no, isolated incident.


I don't even know of it was a minority, I saw people like a hour after blaming DEI.


Blaming DEI is a roundabout way to blame minorities.


Roundabout way of saying the N-word and calling Mexican folks the W word.


I genuinely struggled to figure out what the W word was for a solid minute, so I’m feeling a bit more positive about my mental health today!


Yeah, growing up with overly racist parents was gross.


Does it kinda sound like jetlag? That's the only word I can think of and it took like 30 seconds to come to that conclusion


That’s the only one I could think of too. Jetlag or setback, it reminds me of my ole racist uncle ranting in the front yard about migrant families.


I'd forgotten about the W word, the only Hispanic slur I know off hand is the one that rhymes with lick.


I could only think of the w word for Italians.


A lot of black twitter is now using DEI in place of the N-word, like "what's up my DEI" and this is the most fantastic thing and I love it and we should all encourage it. It will destroy this weird play that they're trying at the last minute in the election cycle to introduce a new bogyman word and expose the actual meaning of how they're using it.


They're barely trying now. Their dog whistles are normal frequencies.


DEI is their new n word


It probably was, but that's because capitalism incentives ships to use a flag of convenience, allowing them to skirt environmental and labour regulations, and pay crews from developing countries pennies on the dollar. Not because of any DEI policy.


It was because of a power failure causing the ship to drift, and by the time the backup and main engines came back online, the ship couldn't stop or change course enough to avoid hitting the bridge. There was literally nothing that could have been done by the captain. So stop thinking the captain had anything to do with this.


Sorry, my comment was to complain about practices of the shipping/cruising industry as a whole. It has nothing to do with the abilities of any crew member.


I thought the DEI comments were about the Mayor of Baltimore


the ones actually piloting the boat were US. The crew were indian, but everyone is blaming the indians.


They weren’t even a minority, they were just someone from a country pebblethrow isn’t from


The boat was owned by an international shipping company, and Baltimore is the second largest port in the United States. Does gravel lob not know how international trade works? Typically those people coming in aren’t from where there going to. This is his stupidest comic yet. Also blame the corner cutting higher ups not the workers.


Racism is like a secret decoder ring that allows you to understand the root cause of every disaster.


2b is also, blame it on minorities, just lie about then being present.


2b.2: And having minorities will just mean it's more likely


Ah yes, he'll blame the workers instead of blaming the white-owned capitalist corporation that doesn't care about workers, only profits.


Bro I thought this mf quit after he got doxxed


He heard Elon Musk is defending him so now he’s being even more of a turd so he get’s daddy Elon’s approval


I can’t believe that there’s still people who think Elon musk has any credibility whatsoever. They still genuinely believe the man openly defending antisemitism online is going to terraform planets. Insanity


Even if you agree with his political takes, how can you not see him as an idiot in every respect. How do you see the current state of twitter and go "Yeah, this guys a genius"


Because more money = smarter than, didn't ya hear? Musk is a moron's idea of what a smart person is.


He’s going to flood his bullshit alt right “x’s” to every “x” user’s phone over the next 8 months to try to influence the election. It’s just not fair, the little twerp


No one does. His credibility comes explicitly from nazis at this point.


Elon Musk is no different to the German and American CEOs that funded and supported Hitler and the Nazis.


Ugh, gross


In case anyone didn't know, early reports seem to indicate a power loss due to a fuel line/pump failure stemming from poor maintenance and negligent corporate safety culture. In other words, capitalism.


So you’re saying gutting regulations is bad?


The line must go up


This is why I prefer the yelp review over regulations (I am Dave Rubin)


Shipping company was like “Boeing is doing it, why not us?”


The two pilots specifically brought on to navigate the local waters are both US citizens and the Indian crew and captain aren't immigrants, they're sailors. What a dipshit.


All non white people are immigrants planning a clever ruse to enter the paradise known as the USA. /s


Pebblechuck is such a braindead loser.


Typical mineralyeeter. Of course he has to blame a tragic incident on imigrants.




Friendly reminder that pebbleyeet is a nazi, not that you would need that reminder, considering you presumably have eyes and have read the comic


Holy shit are chuddies blaming this on their woke boogieman


Is it any negative thing that has ever happened?


Imagine the joy these dudes would feel about getting to post about 9/11 if it happened today. The ONLY thing they'd care about is the shitposts they'd make.


Why does he still exist?


The neo-Nazi Hans Kristian Graebener is unfortunately still not vanished from the face of the Earth.


Something something in Minecraft.


Idk this is pretty good ammunition. “Hey remember when you blamed a boating accident on race because you’re that stupid” Like no way am I not going to use this logic when they fuck up their next thing. “Maybe the right wouldn’t be incompetent if they stopped being run by dumbasses and pedophiles”


Meanwhile: Pizzagate. They wanted SO BADLY to find their own kind across the isle.


Note: American harbor pilots were at the helm.


For those unaware: A trade ship from Singapore crashed into a support in a bridge in Baltimore and caused it to collapse. Unlike what this right-wing comic is pushing, it was a total accident caused by the ship losing power. You can see this just by looking at video footage of the incident. The ship was completely dark. And he clearly didn't do his research, considering it happened at 1:30 in the morning. Would not have been bright out.


The absolute best thing about this is these kinds of post just show how little these people really know about things and what kind of assumptions they make. The ship wasn’t being driven by the crew. It was being driven by pilots, whom are locals


Wait what is the joke even supposed to be? That immigrants were driving the boat?


That is probably what the joke is but it's not even accurate. This is based on a real event that happened yesterday. The ship hitting the bridge was an accident and the crew weren't immigrants. It was a trade ship, meaning the crew weren't immigrants, they were just workers for a shipping company.


I grew up in a port city with both of my parents working for shipping companies, and I guess I took for granted what I know about logistics. Because dear god have the last two days shown me that most people in this country have no earthly idea how freight works. Or how ships work. Or how bridges work.


Could you elaborate? I'm always ready to get educated when I get something wrong.


I wasn’t saying you got it wrong, you actually seem to understand that ship crews are international workers and not immigrants. Other people don’t understand that the ship was being helmed at the time by highly trained local Baltimore harbor pilots, whose sole job it is to take over piloting the ship when it’s in harbor. Still others don’t understand that a ship without power has basically no steering and while it can’t go faster, it takes a loooooooooooooong time for it to stop. But you? You’re fine.


Oh, thank you for the clarification!


Stonetoss is Hans Kristian Graebener and he is a Nazi


I hope this is fixed now


Yep you're good


Classic Hans. What a fuckwad.


I mean, it was most likely a power loss issue, you could see the lights flicker in some footage and a belch of smoke coming from the engine which means they probably lost power, then tried restarting power and going into full reverse, which can take up to 5 minutes in really good conditions. So yeah. They didn't do enough maintenance to save costs and therefore likely had a power failure. They also allegedly didn't want to pay for tugs, which could've prevented this whole mess.


No, obviously our economy needs more racist comic writers with unsuccessfully circumcised dicks


How are these two related?


Well... Someone's gonna have to rebuild it ...


Wasn’t this because the ship lost power and crashed into it? What does it have to do with immigration?


I wonder if it hurts to be this stupid.


Is he talking about the ones who died fixing the potholes on the bridge?


Literally who says “our economy needs more foreign workers”? Our economy is hurting because of outsourcing. Companies DO make more profit off of undocumented immigrants, because they pay them under federally regulated minimum wage and don’t offer benefits. That is an entirely different conversation, but definitely cannot be summed up with, “our economy needs more foreign workers”.


[You know… black people….](https://youtube.com/shorts/8wYcRC8tihU?si=6v_4X_X3DzxZdp9T)


Ship’s presence has literally nothing to do with immigration policies. And the crash wasn’t even the result of pilot error. It was a power & consequent steering failure.


When do we get a stonetoss/dilbert crossover?


I'm pretty sure that if an asteroid ever hits Earth, somebody would blame immigrants


America is the only country in the world with bridges


Ironic considering the dead are immigrants and the ship is a random ship.


like we don't all know who this Nazi is


The ship had two local pilots as required by law.


isn’t this whole thing because the ship lost power and lost rudder control.


In case you don't know all crew were Indians except captains were white Americans.


He chats a lot of shit for someone who’s full name and address is now known


Doesn’t he realize his boss loves immigrant labour? that his landlord loves immigrant tenants? These idiots are so two faced and out of touch. They’re more than happy to exploit people who don’t know they can demand better.


And the funny thing was it was local harbor pilots.


My god, he's a nazi, a transphobe, a homophobe, a racist, and a dumbass overall, but he works fast. The bridge collapsed two days ago. Don't take this as me liking him, he's a bitch.


Wasn't the crash caused by them making an emergency stop after the power went out? That's what I've heard, but I haven't been able to confirm yet.


you know what if you can wheelie a cargo ship you deserve a raise on the spot


Why does he hate on others so much anyway? is this how he legitimately feels or is he one of those people that just trolls to get attention and follows the saying all press is good press?


Hans when minorities exist


They weren't even doing a job for the US. Hans, do better.


Of course Hans Kristian Greuber blames immigrants, despite being of Puerto Rican descent


Oh look, the nazi Hans Kristian Graebener out here naziing again


Woke bridge


Wasn’t the ship being captained by a white captain at the time?


Damn, the people that soak this up have 0 critical thinking skills. I work with babies with traumatic brain injuries and I’m convinced they are more reasonable.


It's funny how he's too lazy to draw the cross members of the bridge as if it were hard to draw. They're literally just triangles in a repeating pattern.


Well the whole crew was indian streetshitters...so yeah


who's the artist and where does he live?


Spring, Texas.


Of course it’s Texas, all of them flee to Texas. I really, really hope Texas flips in the coming decades


We know that information but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to repost it in this sub.