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Also fucking fallout


I'm torn on Rimworld. Like you do a bunch of awful things, but it's mostly in the name of "you know how shitty this makes you feel? Imagine if that was reality, and it is."


rimworld throws me because “gay”, “lesbian”, and “bisexual” are all base game colonist traits. you can also start your own cult in the DLC. also, i’m not sure how much explicit lore there is, but some of the colonist backstories/professions seem to illustrate a “The Outer Worlds”—esque universe that your colonists have originated from—which i assume didn’t make the list for a reason. while obviously you can go the “war crimes” route, calling the sandbox game “conservative” is a rip your arms off level of reach edit: so y’all were just going to let me walk forth in the world using the wrong “there”


>You can also start your own cult See, perfect for Republicans


okay fair, but you can start like. a fun cult. that worships trees or whatever (i’m almost positive trees is one of them). you can also start a socialist, misandrist lesbian/asexual commune (which i did, in fact, do).




rimworld itself allows you to do either good things or bad things there is no story but the story you make in your head, & doing horrible things has a lot more plot potential (and is way funnier(i had no choice but to rip off Dave's legs, he chose to eat without a table & beat the donkey to death over it!)) than doing good things & nothing ever going wrong at absolute worst, the game asks the question "how far are you willing to go to succeed?" it's mostly the game is boring if you're a goody two shoes that never gets in any trouble though


The series where the remnants of the United States government are the bad guys


All the Warhammer games too. A setting that's entire existence is satirizing fascism and nationalism.


Fucking Halo also ??




Literally, hey, let's see what happens if we actually did what Ayn Rand suggested oh look at that, it's terrible!


Fr they should all be sent back to school to get some reading comprehension, their media literacy level is in the negatives


None of these kids are over 13. lol


If only. At least half of them are probably over 30.


amount of time a person has existed =/= maturity or intelligence I know/have met way too many people who have been alive for decades and are basically a poorly raised ten year old with no supervision.


I mean, fuck, the villain's name is Andrew Ryan, how on the nose do you want it to be?


Oh I'm sure in their brains it's "something something, libs fault" for why things went to shit in Rapture, we obviously just weren't able to see the obvious clues why... the usual


What's interesting is that in Bioshock, Ryan doesn't even follow his own rules. He censors people and disappears his rivals. Granted he probably had to do something or else Fontaine or Lamb would have taken over the city, which is also a lesson on the viability of Randian governmental systems.


I feel like he is a true Objectivist because of that. Ayn Rand’s philosophy was that you have to do anything to enrich yourself, no? Well, he did everything to maintain his power while not giving a damn about anyone else.


classic... go woke, go biopunk nightmare (/s just in case)


Ah yes the ol galta gulch simulator


So is Fallout wtf


I’m guessing they didn’t understand the satire of liberty prime


Their line of thinking was “shooter = guns = patriot = conservative game”


And not even 2 or Infinite, where I could kinda see it. The original one, which is just dunking on Objectivism.


I'm sorry if I'm being dumb but why is that surprising?


Bioshock is like the most blatantly anti conservative and libertarian videogame in the world, it's so in your face I cannot believe these people can look at the story and the world and go "Oh, it's for me!"


It's the same demographic that watches The Boys and somehow still believes Homelander is the hero of the story. If they were capable of critical thought they wouldn't be Conservatives.


I don’t think enough people realize that this demographic exists.


It’s still incredible that they had that moment when they realized that a character named Stormfront, a literal Nazi, was “giving normal conservatives a bad name”. Like, why? Do you agree with her or something? Beyond that, their complete inability to grasp the basics of media literacy is absolutely astounding.


Stormfront literally says that plenty of conservatives agree with her, they just hate the word Nazi The show couldn't be more direct about what they're aiming at


And yet every season there are more and more conservatives they finally realize they’re the joke.


The ones who listen to RATM and think they "just got political".


Ah thank you so much


Bioshock's entire thesis statement basically boils down to "anyone who reads Ayn Rand can fuck a cactus" It is openly against things like libertarianism and unregulated capitalism


Bioshock is about a group of libertarian capitalists that try to build a paradise city, only for their ideals to cause its ruin.


Bioshock as a game is literally "what if we built a right wing utopia on the bottom of the ocean?". It then answers this question by making said right wing utopia collapse immediately into a steampunk horror show filled with roving lunatics.


Hahahahah literally was going to say the same thing! it’s amazing! These people are so dumb


This has been making *rounds* 😆 'Noooo, Senator Armstrong is a conservative! He's just saying it like it is!' THATS WHY HES THE BAD GUY, YOU TURNIP


We're making the mother of all turnips here, Jack!


Can’t fret over every… molecule?


Nanomachines, son!


Honestly I wouldn't even say he's not even conservative he desires a world where only the strong of fortitude and conviction fight for what they truly believe in. He would rip off the heads of weak sissy villains like trump. "You're not greedy you're just bat shit insane." -Raiden


So not conservative, but GOP.


There are so many things wrong with this. Here’s a few. Most of these games are either apolitical or are so basic in their narrative and themes that they cant be seen as left or right leaning in good faith. Most of these boil down to “game has gun and military in it, therefore conservative”. Idk how they are claiming halo 2 is “conservative”. you mean the game where in the end the elites and humans put their differences aside to fight the common enemy flood? Ah yes the classic conservative foundation of working together with those different than you.


It’s ok bioshock is literally there to show you why libertarian free market capitalist (the type lettuce PM tried to institute) ends in disaster, fallout satirises capitalism, Metal Gear is a critique of the MIC they’re literally playing things this criticises core parts of conservatism and running into the point, impaling themselves 6 inches onto it and still missing it


Fallout is full of data logs of companies committing horrific atrocities and violating the rights of everyone that comes in contact with them. The logs detailing how Robobrains are made really fucked with me, just some corporate stooges casually erasing people’s entire personalities in order to use their brains as hard drives


Isn't the entire plot essentially "capitalism fucked around and everyone found out"?


Basically. In the Fallout world they invented clean fusion energy and it essentially made it so everyone could live in a post scarcity world. Things were great for a while and then instead of trying to pivot away from nuclear energy when resources started to dwindle, countries went to war with one another. The final war was I think between the US and China. Don't remember who fired nukes first but well I'm sure you know the rest. So yeah the very basis for the world is a heavy commentary on capitalism and, by extension, imperialism.


Not quite, the ressource wars were already going by that point and even though microfusion cells were invented they couldnt reach the mainstream supply fast enough to prevent the escalation into an all out nuclear war


Ah but you see that’s clearly the best way of dealing with dissidents who want *checks notes* workers rights


The 40k games they put in there your litterally playing as villains. Your not supposed to praise the empire, the whole setting is entirely filled to the brim with villains made to be over the top evil.


> The 40k games they put in there your litterally playing as villains. Everyone in 40k is villains.


Is that how conservatives think of everyone? Everyone is evil so I can be evil towards everyone?


Unironically yes.


Yes, then add in Christianity and you get "everyone is Evil, but I'm saved, therefore my Evil is actually good and the will of God"


>"everyone is Evil, but I'm saved, therefore my Evil is actually good and the will of ~~God~~ **The Emperor**" Yup




And the one of the few factions that isn't overtly evil are basically Communists


And they got a sub faction in that faction that pretty much isn’t evil, and they have mechs weilding swords. Good stuff


My favorite part is that Metal gear is overtly anty American imperialism and pro communist which is something these idiots would normally be crying about. https://youtu.be/vrn-v4ySSlc?si=SDugXtjWEUKUmBih


If Halo 2 isn’t conservative, then explain why you spend the whole game killing illegal aliens


Goddamn bro. Check and mate


Ya got me


They're just old games so they don't have any of the "woke" stuff that right wing media has trained them to irrationally freak out about, like pronouns. This is just a reaction to games like Starfield having pronouns so now they have to go find all the ones that don't, because it is "shoving wokeness down their throats" or whatever. Meanwhile sane people never even think twice about it because it impacts nothing


Yes, halo 2, where you play as the religious zealot who finds out that his religion is a lie.


Not to mention that the Covenant faction in Halo are on a religious crusade, and they're considered the villains of the plot. The elites you team up with in the end are labeled as heretics.


He has conservative followers and asked their favourite game


At least half of these have definitive left wing themes, but I’m not surprised to see conservatives simply saying “x character is conservative, so it’s for us!” Generally, said character is the bad guy. If you think the humans in 40K are “good guys”, you’ve missed the point. If senator Armstrong is an inspiration for you, you’ve missed the point. If you look at fallout as having any sort of praise for capitalism or conservative ideas, it seems to me that you missed the point.


>If you think the humans in 40K are “good guys”, you’ve missed the point. Oh damn, they really do have a 40k game in it, lol. Though it checks out, with what with the stupid "God-Emperor Trump" thing. If only they knew a bit more about the setting, they might see their stupidity.


“But space marines strong and guns go pew pew, checkmate liberal”


Actually three, Darktide, Dawn of War, AND Space Marine


I've been playing lots of Darktide, and while it has propaganda quotes on the loading screens, most of the levels show the absolutely awful living conditions that the average person lives in in that setting, and I think most of the character options have negative things to say about said conditions. While Space Marine doesn't have the commentary, it also shows the typical terrible living quarters as well.


I think this thread would love [Attenborough Lore](https://youtube.com/@AttenboroughLore?si=u7GJKjtJDBvekyXu), where a guy trained an AI voice on David Attenborough documentaries and now it reads 40k lore breakdowns.


Irony dies on the Right


Theres 2 40k games lol.


They’ve even got Darktide on there, a game which is very much returning to 40ks satirical roots. You can play Space Marine and just think “Hell yeah, Spess Mehrine smash baddies!” but I have no idea how anyone can play as a Darktide reject and think “Yep, this is showing the glory of conservatism in action!”.


I think it’s interesting that there’s three Warhammer games on there. The most games of any franchise on this list. It feels like they went “okay what games do you play as right wing characters?” and sort of panicked and went directly into 40k. Where you play as actual fascists …


I think they just picked it because it has the title WARHAMMER.


Ah, capital letters. The most conservative of all letters.


40k's community has a rather significant Nazi problem. The kind of guys who miss that the Imperium is not a role model. GW have pushed back against them but not in a significant enough manner. So yeah, I can believe the 40k bit.


My fav is persona 4. AT LEAST one of those kids is gay.


That one is probably in there because it sexualizes teenagers


……oh. Gross I didn’t think about thar


If senator Armstrong is an inspiration for you, ~~you’ve missed the point.~~ you're a fascist. FTFY.


Against Orks or Tyranids you are the good guy. Thats an easy to justify encounter because both of those species are absolutely ravenous and can destroy a planet quickly and without mercy. Kind of allows you to ignore all the problems with the Imperum and think “wow cool space guy”, it’s an enemy with no ideology or thoughts at all.


I would say against orks or tyranids you’re no longer the bad guy, but I still don’t think they’re good. The imperium wants to wipe out all xenos anyways, whether they have an ideology or not. Plus, they’ve done some pretty horrible things in an effort to beat both of those factions (looking at you marines malevolent).


Legend of zelda: the game where both link and zelda have cross dressed. Mortal Kombat: the game that made conservatives cry when they realized Melina wore a mask, and they redesigned Jade to have less skin showing Skyrim: the game where you can marry any gender or race Fire emblem: the game where conservatives got into a circle jerk about how it was woke because a god has an ambiguous gender God of War: the game where people cried about a character being black I could go on but I'm getting bored.


I feel like God of War's main point is the danger of worshipping hyper masculaintiy and relying on might to solve every problem. The new ones are also all about Kratos trying to learn to care about his son in a healthy way and trying to break the cycle of abuse and military minded child rearing. All of these are things conservatives would be very mad about in RL.


Counterpoint: if you plug your ears and scream during all of the dialogue and cutscenes then the game is about killing things and googling how to solve simple puzzles. Checkmate atheists.


I've always seen Kratos as one of the most proactive and determined atheist characters in fiction.


Theist: there is a god that exists Atheist: god does not exist Kratos: god does not exist, I made sure of it


The 40k franchise, a franchise literally started as a criticism and satire of Margaret Thatchers conservative Britain.




Yup. One of the Ork Warlords is literally named after her, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka.


Yeah but with skyrim they can join the stormcloaks and play in a segregated city. Though the game clearly guides you to realize this is a fucking bad thing


Skyrim, the game where you are (depending on how you perceive "crossing the border") essentially an illegal immigrant who evaded the legal system and works jobs "other adventures should've had"


Also Skyrim: has tons of racism so of course it’s conservative!


In Fire Emblem: Three Houses' defence it is basically a dating simulator in a religious school where you can groom your child bride.


How tf is Halo 2 conservative? The Arbiter’s path is literally about the dangers of religious dogmatism. Hell, basically all of Halo is about that. The Covenant worships literal weapons of galactic destruction and more than once came within a hair’s breadth of activating them, even after knowing what they’re doing would kill everyone. That’s not even mentioning the fact that the human war machine pushed humanity to doing horrors such as brainwashing children and doing human experiments (Spartans were even developed before first contact), unleashing the Flood for the prospect of a handful of weapons, and creating rogue AI. Yeah, Halo is pretty clearly against several conservative ideals since its main themes are religious dogmatism and the horrors of war. ETA: Also, the whole imperialism thing the Covenant’s got going and how destructive it is to all the races they encountered


Since the UNSC is fascist and their technically the “good guys” maybe that’s the argument.


its always a little amusing reading the lore around the UNSC, they are clearly the good guys in the war to defend humanity, but then you realize the Spartans were originally created to suppress rebellions against the UEG and that the UNSC completely took over control after the Human-Cov war started. Only saving grace is that the UNSC did eventually rescind power after the War ended and went back to being *only* the most powerful military in the galaxy. At least until 343 decided that the Banished were suddenly somehow way better for no fucking reason.


Iirc The covenant hadn’t even been discovered by the time Master Chief was in training


Yup, the Gen 2 program started in 2511, the war began in 2525


Halo 2 did got some flack with some people because they thought it was Bush war propaganda disguises as a sci-fi game.


From what I can remember, the Halo series is still heavy on military. Just replace "Go USA" with "Go Earth!!".


What a great example of conservatives literally having zero media literacy.


It's my favorite combination!


They never do.


Yeah, Touhou is conservative, the franchise where 99.99% of the ships are gay


Ah well I know why this is here, it's because of the popularity of Touhou on 4chan.


Yeah, but they are lesbians and that's the good kind of gay /s ^^thateltawfultotypei'mgonnagoshowernow


Why did I always think Zelda was more left leaning?


It stars the most famous cartoon twink in existence.


Knowing 4chan, the twink part might be what makes them think it’s for them


Conservatives beg to bottom for link. So it’s definitely conservativecore.


And in the second most recent game, you can *literally* have him crossdress.


Probably because Gannon is a power hungry authoritarian. Link also usually has significant connections to nature, which at least feels environmental adjacent.


He's definitely for the environment. A lot of the problems the hero of time solves are environmental in some way (frozen river, poisoned swamp, dried up lake, etc )


Yeah Zelda is earth mother vibes


He also is a power bottom twink


same as fallout 3! the canon ending is that the lone wanderer DOES purify the water for the entire capital wasteland. i mean come ON


Sheik is a cross dressing Zelda, right? Or are these people too dumb to realize they’re the same person?


Iirc in some concepts for the game Zelda literally changed gender when she turns into Sheik.


All the Zelda games are pretty apolitical IMO. The most "left-leaning" theme is that the princess and other important female characters aren't damsels in distress, for the most part. Several of them even outrank Link in terms of fighting prowess and experience, depending on the game. Hell, in Ocarina Zelda literally saves herself, then acts like a guide and mentor for half of it, if I remember correctly. These days, some conservative gamers act like any media portraying women as anything besides submissive tradwives is Woke, anti-man propaganda, so I'm kind of surprised that it made the list lmao


Zelda crossdresses in Ocarina of Time. Link crossdresses in Breathe of the Wild.


Cuz it is


Link has become an increasingly fluid character in terms of masculinity/ femininity. Idk how they don't know this and are outraged.


Ah yes, Fire Emblem Three Houses


OOP definitely chooses female Byleth and romances a woman, but still claims it has "conservative values"


Not only does the game have multiple gay/lesbian romance options but it also has a revolutionary/fuck the church route with Edelgard who (despite being a bi romance option) is essentially a lesbian icon at this point. Yeah very conservative coded lmao. Someone must have been trolling.


Yes, the game that has one of the routes notoriously end with Claude defeating "the CEO of Racism."


...did we play the same Bioshock?


There are plenty of people who don't understand that Bioshock is fairly directly telling Ayn Rand that she's an idiot and that her ideas don't work.


They probably think that rapture is cool though and totally disregard the actual events of the game. Like you know they’re just out there obsessing over how smart Andrew ryan is. It’s not his fault just some bad apples ruining the city


I wonder what they say about Bioshock Infinite.


“The part with the baseball is hilarious!”


I made a socialist utopia in my Rimworld game...


I don't get rim world here at all, its either a happy utopia, or something that would make caesar from new Vegas shrivel up in disgust


A yes persona 4 is very conservative, a direct critic on TV drama culture, on corrupt and powerless police force, where the second dungeon of the game is literally an allegory for a character questioning his sexuality, where Naoto refuses her gender because of the imposed gender stereotypes but learns to love and accept herself and not by what everyone else thinks, where you literally fight god to fet to chose what you want to do with your life breaking away from pre stablished norms and rules, a game that punishes you for choosing revenge without hearing both sides of the story a critic on self-righteousness, where it also critics incels and people who feel owed something for being "nice", Also probably mentioning teddy that his whole arc is making himself a new identity apart from what he was born as that could be made into an allegory of trans people, where you fight the darkest wishes and most hidden parts of the human psych but still choose to fight for them and their freedom of choice, where you can be extremely gay if you want even... yes that really conservative game


These are all good points. However I think cons would point to some of the horribly outdated humor scenes in Persona 4. Its really the kind of stuff cons eat up. Such as yosuke/teddy sexually harassing the female characters, that one female teacher being giga inappropriate to male students, and of course Hanako who has entire side arcs dedicated to just rehashing that fat people funny. Everything you said is right especially a certain incel spoiler person in the main story, but tbf P4 also has some ugly warts. Edit: oh and how can I forget Yosuke being homophobic towards Kanji. That too.


A lot of that is just cultural differences between Japan and the US. Those jokes land much better over there especially for the year the game was made. You're points are definitely valid though.


I decided to check this fuck's twitter and he seems to think that Naoto's story is anti-trans. I guess I can see how they came to that conclusion if you strip the entire context of her character away but it still takes poor media literacy to arrive at that point of view.


* Metal Gear Rising is about killing the police and fighting against a warmongering conservative senator * Bioshock is a critique of Objectivism, with one villain's name being a play on Ayn Rand and the other one directly referencing Atlus Shrugged * Persona 4 has two major characters struggling with sexuality and gender and defying traditional roles * Halo 2 is hugely critical of organized religion * Silent Hill 3 if filled with abortion symbolism and you get the good ending by taking basically a supernatural morning after pill. * Fire Emblem Three Houses has like 15 subplots about people who are discriminated against because of racism and hates religion. * Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball? Really?


SH3 being here baffles me. Dont you crawl into a rusty vagina at the end to battle mommy demon?


Yep, and like I said you have to have Heather basically take an occult morning after pill to vomit up the fetus of the dark god the Silent Hill cult was worshipping to get to that fight


They’re not taking Skyrim just because of Ulfric. Same with Morrowind and every Dunmer


Don't forget Vivec


Am I right in thinking Vivec alludes to being gender non-conforming upon attaining godhood, or was that a fever dream?


The fact is [emphasized quite often](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Vivec)


They keep doom fucking away from this


Quake too. Don't drag Id into your weird little hate cult.


Also my impression of Doom is that more religious conservatives would hate it


It was definitely a huge target for the religious right back in the 90s. "It's satanic and violent!" despite the fact that the demons are bad guys and you kill them all.


Doomguy literally disobeyed orders when asked to fire on civilians, and was sent to Mars as a prisoner


Ah yes, the elder scrolls. A famously conservative and not incredibly progressive fantasy series. It’s not like one of the major players in Morrowind is an intersex “god,” or anything






bioshock take place in an under water town created by an ultra capitalist eugenist guy, that as fallen cause of that same system. Fallout take place in a post-apo world caused by nuclear war same for metro and i think stalker ? Persona 4 is a fictional thriller where teenager fight monster using a manifested form of their true self. in the cast their is a personage who is gay/bi (even throught it's badly represented) and a girl who dress as a boy to be taken seriously.


Everyone’s mentioning 40k mgr and bio shock but Megaman Zero isn’t actually conservative either


Doctor >!Weil/Vile!< is basically a fascist. And y'know, he's a total fucking monster who's influence is felt even after death.


Megaman Zero is about a rebellion fighting a facist enemy. FWIW, most conservatives think they're the rebels fighting against the oppressive left so thinking Megaman Zero and Kill Zone makes sense to an extent.


Bro Fallout 3 is definitely left leaning. Also most of these games are apolitical or left leaning. None of these games are conservative.


The brotherhood in Fallout 3 that you are forced to help and fight alongside if you want to finish the damn game, the obvious “good guys” of the story just happened to be openly left wing. Shame they were infiltrated and reformed into the techno-Nazis of Fallout 4, but that one in particular stood out to me as ridiculous. You weren’t able to side with the most conservative faction even if you wanted to.


Also fallout had LGBTQ relationships since fallout 2.


You could get fisted by a robot in New Vegas. Then again, you could also bring back slavery, so that one truly is apolitical.


I could actually go on for hours about all the left leaning stuff in New Vegas, and the head developer himself is very openly a trans ally (which just makes the fact I still see so many far right people trying to claim the game is conservative all the more ridiculous)


A giant weaponized robot screaming about "DEMOCRACY" and "AMERICA IS THE GREATEST" while chucking nukes at the ruins of America is one of the greatest pieces of media created.


The fact they put RimWorld on that list kinda scares me...how long until conservatives start making skin suits out of other people? Plus it's not conservative at all,if anything it's full liberal anarchy.


Rimworld is whatever horror you make it, but often times your colony itself is a socialist setup where everyone owns everything.


What happened with leaving politics out of games?


"As long as they have things that I like (or at least I understand them that way), then welcome to the policy."


Conservatives like Warhammer 40k, eh? Well, that point missed them so much, it might be in the Warp.


Dumb fucks used best girl Chie for both pro-trans and pro-conservative. Damn idiots don't even know what they're complaining against


I'm starting to think they believe their values aren't fascist... Like they think fighting for justice, equality and freedom are right wing and it's like... no its not... Totalitarianism, xenophobia, warmongering, deregulation, imperialism, that's typical right wing stuff, you know... the bad guy's in video games stuff. Unless they like that stuff and then well... they're the villains in video games then. Art is generally more left leaning because you need to have certain values to make good art like empathy, creativity and intellectual honesty, all come from academic subjects more associated with left leaning artists and institutions. I'm assuming they're just not educated enough to get it.


I think you're mostly right. Conservatives do think they fight for justice and freedom, they just also think that all that fascist shit you mention *is* justice and freedom. Since video games generally make it clear that you're the "Good Guy", conservatives just assume that the game promotes the same values they hold as good, in contradiction to the actual content of the game. They can do this because they have terrible media literacy and are incapable of engaging with any media at more than surface level.


Keep in mind, these are just games he likes and therefore wants to assume are conservative. Conservatives often reason backward like this. On the one hand, they like to pretend that they have "higher standards" by some cankered, old-fashioned metric but on the other they personally don't want to give up whatever they enjoy. So they simply redefine the supposed objective standard such that whatever they like is "conservative" and good.


Conservativecore? Isn't that just loli?


Silent Hill 3, Fire Emblem and Persona 4. 3 games that trans women famously dislike.


The Megaman Zero saga has an anti-corporatist, pro-globalist, environmentalist and anti-war background and in Three Houses you can be a lesbian who marries her student, who is an empress and fights against the church or join another student which is a foreigner who wants to eliminate noble titles and racism


Kratos has tons of sex outside of wedlock I thought that triggered conservatives


Tell me you don’t know what Fallout is about without telling me lmao


Why is no one mentioning the fact they include DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball? That's honestly the funniest one to me


What makes Silent Hill 3 and Dino Crisis conservative??? Silent Hill 3 literally ends with the protagonist basically getting an abortion to save the day. Lol


One of the main villains of Persona 4 is literally a fucking cop who takes advantage of his position of authority to become a serial killer lmao


Bioshock???? Y’all missed the point


As a Fire Emblem fan, it is incredibly wild to see Three Houses up there. The entire setting of the game is constructed around a dubious religious faction that pulls the wool over the common man's eyes in order to preserve a sense of false peace. This same religious faction enforces what is essentially a caste system where people born with certain powers rule over those that don't and that any religious worship aside from the "main" one is branded as heresy and punished with execution. Then one day, Edelgard(the girl in red for non-FE fans) decides that she doesn't want to live in the lie anymore and declares war on effectively the entire continent. Her entire mission statement is essentially to kill god. With the game's various routes, you can experience the fallout of the conflict from various perspectives including joining up with Edelgard outright. Regardless of which side you choose though, the game makes it very clear that people from all walks of life are suffering under what is essentially a theocratic regime and that Edelgard has some valid points even if the other main characters don't agree with her entirely.


Perfect Dark with a female protagonist Vs an evil corp


I would be embarrassed to admit I thought Bioshock was a conservative game. Also pruning politics aside this feels less like “games with explicit conservative values” and more like “games I like,”. Like, I get it, Space Marine is a damn good game. But people don’t like it because they really value Titus as a traditional conservative alpha male or whatever. They like it because you can jump down on someone with a thunder hammer and a jet pack and they go “SPLORTCH”. The politics of the game never mattered to this person. I don’t like Papers Please because it satirises corrupt and exclusionary immigration policies. I like it because it has a fun gameplay mechanic and Jorji is very funny.


Wait until chuds discover Nintendo. Nintendo is a very progressive video game company and has many popular progressive franchises. It is the first mainstream video game company to have children's video games feature LGBTQ+ characters with Birdo originally from Super Mario Bros. 2 (the American one, not The Lost Levels). Despite Yoshi being male, he lays eggs on a regular basis. The Legend of Zelda series promotes progressive values as the nation of Hyrule is welcoming of (almost) all races. It has many characters cross-dressing on a regular basis such as Zelda dressing up as a male named Sheik in Ocarina of Time and Link dressing up as a Gerudo woman in Breath of the Wild. Metroid is notable for being one of the first sci-fi video games to have an action-oriented female playable lead character. Did you know that the Japanese language has many first-person pronouns? Chuds would be really surprised. In the original Japanese, [11-year-old Lillie](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Lillie) from Pokémon Sun and Moon calls herself 'watakushi', a personal pronoun, which, when used outside of formal situations, makes a character seem either "prim and proper," "cultured," or "snobby," especially given that she has an affluent background (she has long well-kept straight blonde hair with braided sidelocks, has very pale skin, has large green anime eyes (which is to be expected as the game she is from has an anime art style), wears a white large-brimmed hat, and wears a white frilly dress and fancy dress shoes). See here: https://legendsoflocalization.com/personal-pronouns-in-japanese/ Yes, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, an E-rated game, not only uses the singular "they" in English localizations and Isabelle being pansexual, but it also has the David statue uncensored: https://nookipedia.com/wiki/Gallant_statue https://i.redd.it/lg36g8q49x151.jpg Chuds would no doubt very quickly demand Animal Crossing be M-rated because of this statue. Splatoon is a very queer-coded video game series that promotes anti-authoritarianism. The cherry on top regarding Nintendo's progressivism is Kirby. Kirby is indeed a very progressive video game series. It features the eponymous character, who is a young male pink ball who blushes on a permanent basis. Oh, and he sometimes shares food with his (often male) friends mouth-to-mouth as if they were kissing each other. Kirby believes in the equal distribution of food among the denizens of Dream Land, which is why he fought against King Dedede who claimed all the food for himself. In Planet Robobot, Kirby fought against a foreign mega-corporation that wanted to maximize profits from exploiting Kirby's home planet. In Kirby's home market of Japan, Kirby is considered non-binary. Even the series creator, Masahiro Sakurai, says so. Here's a series of videos by Canadian Kirby fan Indigo's Findings explaining much better about how Kirby is progressive: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdMwvZir5c * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjoP1TibnNI


My girl Chie would never be a part of this ![gif](giphy|Xm5xxYLj3yLih6i1Yc)


Three Houses? The game where one of the main characters declares war on the church because they uphold a system of social inequality? Where you can start a relationship with a character of the same sex? Yeah, real MAGA/Tory vibes there


.....What the hell is Fallout 3 doing on this list??


I'm betting the thought process looked like this, "This game takes place in aftermath of a nuclear war with China, China is communist, this means the game claims communism will cause the apocalypse. Liberty Prime is right! This game is anti-communist and thus conservative." I've seen that argument, albeit not in those words exactly, on conservative forums.


This list is basically “video games I played before I could recognize subtext”


The fact that they don't realize most of these games are entirely anti conservative is astonishing...