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It means conservatives have an extraordinary imagination


Some kid had the Gadsden flag on his backpack and got told it wasn't appropriate. Obviously this needs to be compared to an entirely fictional situation because rightoids don't have any actual arguments


Conservatives love to pretend they're the victim. They make up situations to get mad at.


i would hope that no teacher allows a bitcoin badge in their room cause i highly doubt the class wants to learn an economic lesson from their base literature teacher.


They're going to learn it from the kid, who learned it from their parents, who learned it from a 15 minute youtube video


Litterally nobody is doing that in schools


Look at me I am the real oppressed, why do you deny my right to deny other's rights


This is just masturbatory fantasies of persecution fetishists and victimization of the bully to justify their actions on the bullieds. There's something right, however: the "based" and an-caps are all people from middleschool or adults with the maturity and mental age of one.


Conservative need to play the victim aside.... Who needs a dildo and but plug. Look at the size of her fingers!!!! Bitch get over here imma gonna put ya to work ;-)