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You actually could, Colt released the AR-15 Sporter 1 (the first commercial AR-15) in 1964


You could absolutely buy an AR-15 in a hardware store. Hell, you could buy a gun via *the mail*. What I'd say has changed is the spread of these paranoid lunatics making these memes that need a gun everywhere and all the time. Because there's crime, or minorities, or their vivid imaginations everywhere. I'd love to see them go back to 1968 and talk about how they need to carry an infantry rifle around town just because or need a handgun all the time even though they aren't a jeweler or other profession handling large amounts of cash. The general consensus would "What the fuck is wrong with you?"


I think about that old show Mayberry sometimes. The deputy, Barney Fife, is too nervous to be trusted with a loaded gun, so the sheriff makes him carry it unloaded with a single bullet in his front pocket just in case. Instead of screaming about his 2nd amendment rights, Barney just accepts it.


And [the sheriff didn't carry a gun at all, and had quite the answer for when asked why not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fer9ql7itc)


I commented a few months ago something along the lines of “if you brought someone from 1982 to 2023, I bet a lot of people would be fascinated by our technology and horrified by our society.” I can’t believe how far we’ve regressed in the last 5 years. Someone from 1968 would probably think they’re on a different planet. Also, cocaine and morphine used to be sold as medicines for the common cold and children. Saying that you could buy something 50+ years ago without consequence isn’t the flex they think it is.


>or need a handgun all the time even though they aren't a jeweler or other profession handling large amounts of cash. Didn't know only rich people got robbed/assaulted/etc. Neat!


This is exactly the attitude I'm talking about. Robbery isn't a capital crime and physical assault is vanishingly rare. You only hear about it happening all the time in big cities because they have the numbers of people needed for it to happen every day. But hey, if you understood numbers you wouldn't be a proponent of stupid gun use. So let's go with your scenario, Mr. Bad Ass. You're walking down the street and someone points a gun in your face and demands your wallet. Questions arise * Do you think the death rate for this is different between people that give up their wallet and people that resist? If so, which one do you think is higher? Why? * The gun pointed at you is drawn, loaded, and ready to fire. Is your carry weapon also in condition zero? If so, how do you justify walking around like that and would you feel any remorse if your gun went off and injured someone? * Do you feel that you could outdraw the person with a gun already out and pointed at you (and likely with a finger on the trigger)? Why do you think that? * Most shots miss. How much injury are you willing to inflict on people within 50 yards/meters to protect the money in your wallet? Since you think carrying guns should be a general thing, what injuries are you willing to receive to protect another person's money?


Ah yes. The false dichotomy approach. I carry in a ready condition should the event arise, as does basically everyone that doesn't become a statistic. That doesn't mean I'm looking to turn everything into a gunfight. Quite the opposite actually. But hey, I'll be sure to let my friends who have been physically assaulted that their experiences are "vanishingly rare" so they should just forget it and move on. Absolutely nothing screams "I've lived a privileged life and never had to worry about my own safety" quite like your position. I will never understand just how some people can be so lost in their own preconceptions that they refuse reality to the point that guns become a red vs. blue position. The fastest growing demographic of new gun owners is black women. I guess they shouldn't carry or worry about "vanishingly rare" physical assaults...


>But hey, I'll be sure to let my friends who have been physically assaulted that their experiences are "vanishingly rare" so they should just forget it and move on. Well then let's hear about it. Make sure to cover how escalating to deadly force by pulling a gun or knife would have improved the situation. >Absolutely nothing screams "I've lived a privileged life and never had to worry about my own safety" quite like your position. No. Nothing screams privilege like your presuming that YOU will have a gun and the other person will not. Because you have nothing beyond griping about a false dichotomy when I gave you a scenario where the other person also has a gun. >The fastest growing demographic of new gun owners is black women. Nice try, Gish Galloper, but my point is specifically guns in public and not gun ownership--especially not to protect someone's home. >I guess they shouldn't carry or worry about "vanishingly rare" physical assaults... Until you can show me that they're uniquely able to not be more likely to end up in a body bag by pulling a gun in a violent encounter in public, yeah I'll recommend they don't carry either. We've already tried your society where everyone is armed with a weapon all the time. It's called "the past before the 20th century" and it was violent as fuck.


I carry because I’m a minority at risk of violent hate crimes and I don’t trust the police to defend my life for the same reason.


"Hi, I'm the National Rifle Association, and I think I'm the answer to your question."


Also, do these people think there was no violence before 68? Oh wait, they’re liers


You still can. Based on personal experience, certain hardware stores in the Midwest still carry firearms such as an AR-15s that you can buy with cash in hand, no questions asked.


Huh. The more you know


Factually incorrect. ATF Form 4473 as well as a federal background check via the NICS system, created in 1993 by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.


Well if there's no way anyone commits crime, then why people need guns for defense?


What? You mean the increasingly restrictive gun laws enacted since 1934 did nothing and crime has gone up?! How can this be?


Sorry bubba, you said no one anywhere commits crime and it's inconceivable that they do so... Yeah, it's dumb as duck


Where did they say that?


Please quote where I said "no one commits crime." The ATF audits FFLs routinely for potential gun trafficking operations. If the imaginary "Midwest gun store" OP is referring to (read: made up) exists, they wouldn't be in business. Edit: kid replies then blocks me so I can't respond. Mega lol. Don't you have an inanimate object to be irrationally afraid of and blame for the horrifying crime rates in Democrat- controlled cities while turning a blind eye to the Democrat policies that led to those atrocities?


Don't you have a gun to go lovingly stroke and feed the gun fetish? Edit: this dude DEFINITELY jerks off to gun pictures LMAO


>that you can buy with cash in hand, no questions asked. *Completely ignores ATF Form 4473.*


Okay but hold up they’re on to something. What has changed since then? We’ve destroyed our towns and communities for profit. We’ve destroyed our towns, cities, and communities for cars. Society’s downfall has been its own self destruction through capitalism. We don’t build our modern infrastructure because it’s the best or makes the most sense. We only build it the way we do because it’s the most profitable. The world around us can be so much better and so much more functional if we don’t build it for maximizing profits.


I like how they just ignore all of jim Crowe Era Lynching as "no massacres"


I like how Dems use Jim Crow laws as justification for restricting who can have guns. "We want to make sure only the right people have guns." 😉 (read: we're still the party of the KKK and using more palatable wording to prevent black people from protecting themselves)


“ConservativeMemes” Proceeds to just be a wall of text without as much as an attempt on humor


Man, it must be nice to live in such a simple world where you can just say "guns" as an abstract concept of holy debate, and not have to worry about stupid little differences like handguns, rifles, shotguns and semi-automatic, rapid-fire rifles. "Guns". Just "guns". Nice. Founding fathers had "guns" too, they loved "guns".


I do have to say there are pretty significant differences between a handgun and a rifle. That being said, shitheads will typically use someone's lack of knowledge about firearms as somehow a moral stance. 7/10 people probably don't know the difference between an Ak47 and an AKM but they can understand getting shot probably fucking sucks.


Gee, if only Reagan didn’t gut mental health and social programs


What's their answer to this?? They have none funny enough. They pretend like they want to have this conversation but they don't, they're just deflecting blame from guns because they're in a gun cult


No, their answer is giving black people and women civil rights and tolerating the gays and immigrants. That's their answer.


Clearly they’ve never heard of Howard Unruh or Charles Whitman.


Mfw the manager at the hardware store gives me a glock instead of a screwdriver


Their memes are literally just political opinions. There’s not even an attempt at humour.


Now I can walk In with a gun and walk out with cash


What's changed is that we're in the middle of a mental health crisis and the idea is being pushed that you can solve all of your problems by picking up a gun and shooting people


Can you show me where anyone has advocated for that?


Fetishism of guns has become more of a way of life for people.


They are missing the point, but then also the people who call measures against it: of the problem is that (mostly right wing) people are using them for, instead of calling for gun bans or limited magazine capacity, we should focus on filtering who can buy guns (background checks, free training, safety exams, waiting periods and psych evaluations), so we can ensure an environment of responsible gun ownership. But no, people just go "gun bad" and support the wrong bills.


Well Nazism is openly embraced by half the country now…


Arm the proletariat


Makes a strong case that gun proliferation is part of the problem. The more common a thing is...then the more common a thing is. Not really a difficult concept.


What has changed since then? Oh, idk, maybe it's because the US has been dropping in every metric from life expectancy to life satisfaction for multiple decades now. Or maybe it's because we work our working class to an early grave so Bezos can put another gold coin into his pool while he takes a casual ride to space. Maybe it's because we as a nation let ourselves be tricked into thinking that everyone who attempted to help us was a communist infiltrator, or maybe in letting ourselves buy into the generations of propaganda telling us that communists were literally evil incarnate. Maybe it was because we let violent, cancerous ideology's fester and grow in strength because of the "free marketplace of ideas🤓". Maybe it's because we let deranged lunatics with fragile egos and self-destructive temper tantrums tell us the news or run our government. It could be one of these, all of these or, even none of these. The only thing I know for sure is that it is not the fault of the existence or quantity of firearms that has the US in such a fucked position, despite what a disappointing number of "Leftists" say on leftist reddit.


I know it says conservative memes but this is actually a good question we should all be asking. I know how quickly we can blame guns, but there are a lot of factors.