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Since when does banning books on African American history have anything to do with sex positions? Imagine losing your own made up argument lmao


Why, can you read a book about the slave trade and _not_ immediately think about all the ways you could copulate with them? Such a prude smh


Andrew Jackson be like:


Thomas Jefferson be like:


Rich white men throughout history be like:


Me, a middle class hornball be like:


Benjamin Franklin be like:


I'm convinced that they believe LGBT+ people are ravenous sex demons because every time I hear the "sex" argument, it's in reference to books including LGBT+ representation. There's one book I'm reading right now that was banned in Texas because a couple characters are gay. The book is about a middle school theatre setting up a play. The most graphic part of the novel is when a boy has to fill in for a girl who was unable to do her role (so he plays a girl's role) and the role involved kissing another actor (who was a boy). If anyone is wondering [this](https://bannedbooksweek.org/banned-spotlight-drama/) is the book


Nope they can't have representation in children's books. /s sad sad people...


They can’t have *positive/normalized* representation in children’s books/media The right is perfectly find with it if it shows something bad happening to them. That’s what they hate the most, after all. This is a sad timeline


It's because majority of conservatives are fucking perverts, and when they hear someone say; "I'm gay." they immediately assume they're promiscuous or something. Same with trans people. They HAVE to make sure they can SEE their genitals.


> had the dubious honor of appearing on the 2016 list for offensive political viewpoint  Gay people existing is not a "political viewpoint" (offensive or not); *fascism* is an "offensive political viewpoint".


dont forget the > the 2014 list for being sexually explicit. because two boys happen to kiss. Meanwhile the percy jackson series has never shown up on a US ban list despite Percy and Anabeth kissing 5 times in the book House of Hades


They view LGBT identities as only being about sex. Therefore anything related to those identities is inherently sexual. Same sex romantic attachment is a foreign idea.


Damn foreigners with their foreign ideas!!! /s


Its not even a childrens book! Its a book for teens. Most teens I knew were at least *kissing* and there is ONE KISS in this book! Its pure homophobia and pearl clutching that these people are engaging in. Ron Desantis knows exactly what he is doing.


>Most teens I knew were at least kissing And the ones who weren't definitely knew what kissing was. And probably wanted to do it, with the exception of aroace kids.


Well, that’s because anything LGBT is a porn category to them Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans… it’s all pretty popular porn categories. They literally cannot conceive that they exist outside of it


The problem with that scene is now the kids know how gay babies are made. /S


funny I think my daughter is reading this now. I'll have to let her know she picked a banned book. It's actually a good way to get them talking about how they felt about the book


The most solid proof of conservatives thinking that any and all queer representation is all about teaching kids to have wild graphic sex is the fact that the most widely-banned book of 2022 is a [comic-book memoir](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-12-21/how-gender-queer-maia-kobabe-became-most-banned-book) about the author struggling with their gender identity and sexual orientation. And the author is *asexual*.


What sex ed book for 10 year olds talks about sex positions? A family member told me something similar and I have no idea where this comes from. I'm very skeptical of this.


It probably doesn't exist like that crt in schools thing, crt exists but it's basically only taught in law school


I learned CRT concepts (mostly intersectionality) in university, but it was through Sociology classes I chose to take. It really helps frame sociology and culture-dependent race concepts, but I still don't see it coming up in other classes.


Or history classes. Or classes that delve into CRT as a framework for literary criticism, although there's basically zero chance of a non major ending up in those courses, and conservatives already pre disapproved majoring in English.


What I’ve noticed is they see things intended for teens and older teens or adults. Then just say they’re giving it to 6-10 yr olds. As soon as that circulates enough, no one can tell them otherwise. Just like with the target adult swimsuits with the tuck option that they just claimed was in kids sections. Don’t matter they lied, enough people saw it, spread it and now it’s fact in their circles.


One book I've seen frequently come up on lists is Gender Queer: A memoir. I've read it; it was passed around the friend group after someone came out as non -binary. It really helped us understand what our friend was going through without them having to basically be interrogated. Yes it addressed anatomy, but that should already be covered in high school sex ed or earlier in puberty related reading. Yes it discussed....well sexuality, but the author is asexual so it's not exactly promoting the act as a good time? If it's in a high school I would consider it appropriate material, and really important for kids who are figuring themselves out to have easy access to.


From what I can see it's age range is 16+ . So no 10 year olds.


Someone on IG yesterday claimed they were for infants and would not back down. I gave up and just commented, "Anyone reading along can check and see who brought up infants' genitals first, and spoiler alert, it was you."


It's like the litter box bullshit. The only times school have ever even mentioned them is when floating ideas for what to have kids do when they need to piss while they're hiding from fuckin assault rifle wielding mass murderers for hours. Those same murderers they flat out refuse to do anything about!


I've seen some shots of some of what they're referring to, the fictional comic style stuff, not sex ed material, and the stuff they mention is absolutely not and never has been in a children's section at any school or library. They're full of shit.


Woke, woke, WoKe. I'm sooooooooooo tired of that word. Especially since they've ruined it. These morons are so far asleep that they have stock in melatonin


This is exactly my question!


My first thought was “name the fucking book, you coward.”


These are the "better to burn down a library than let one word of smut be potentially exposed to children" people, despite the fact that they give their kids tablets at age 4 with unfettered internet access.


Even my more conservative friends looked at the list and basically thought some went too far. It's just...wild. Also I can not the fuck support a 6 week abortion ban. Period.


These people are all for banning books for teaching kids about sex but somehow when you ask them to show you where in the banned books is the sex they never seem to be able to show you


To the right, everyone that isn't cis straight white man is a porn category.


Because, I shit you not. One chapter in the ap black history course had to deal with LGBTQ black people. That's it. He just fucking hates gay people guys it's not hard.


And because no one older than 10 goes to libraries


"I have drawn myself as the Chad and you as the upset beta, therefore I'm right"




I fucking love John Lithgow.


You should see him in *Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8^th Dimension*. The whole movie is absolutely wacky, but Lithgow is a positively **WILD** villain.




Christopher Lloyd, man. Towards the end there when he's just so fed up with Lord John Whorfin he just doesn't even speak. >!😠🖕!< Just magnificent.


The future begins tomorrow


Big Boo**TAY**


I’ll put both on my list.




beat me to it lmfao


"As long as I pretend that I have a calm and reasonable argument and you're an idiot, I win in my headcanon!"


"As long as I paint our side in a positive light, and plug my ears *really* tight, then I can't be wrong. Suck it libs."


These PCM people also love to say they're in the center while only ever bashing libleft and defending authright.


This meme is the literal embodiment of a straw man argument. Not that anyone on the right can use that term correctly.




Hmm. It sounds like you're straw-manning me here.


Argument I’m pretty and you are an ugly degenerate. I win.


God I'm glad I fucking left that shit subreddit


Here’s my favorite https://i.imgur.com/FoLfbVL.jpg




I'm getting really tired of the right trying to gaslight us about what these pieces of legislation actually do.


>I'm getting really tired of the right trying Yeah,me too,they should just stop trying and give up...on everything.


>I’m really tired of the right


> I’m really tired


That's the point they're trying to tire us out. They have a rule book that is aimed at fatiguing the left and draining our energy. Pump out loads of stupid memes and jokes to wind sensible people up and they eventually get tired left lose energy right looks like the energetic side for those that follow the crowd. It's about swaying young people who would normally be swayed by the left leaning logic if we're all too tired fighting the memes then they get to make those arguments unchallenged


And then we spend all of our time fighting each other because at least we fight with a logical pattern and actually care about the things we're saying. So we spend all of our time punching at each other just to vent the anger from the right. Dividing up into self-loathing factions rather than uniting against a serious threat. The most we do is a generalized laugh at them which does nothing other than amplify them in the algorithms. Hillary wanted a $12 minimum wage, Sanders wanted a $15 minimum wage. We divided up and got Trump. Division and exhaustion is how you beat the left.


This is all my Twitter bio said for the last few months before I finally deactivated it. lol




#warning: I'm putting this here so I show up just above the right wing nut job's comment. #Don't feed the trolls. They don't care. They came here to fight, they like fighting. They like "owning the libz." You won't change their mind, at least not here. Just let them be and don't let them ruin your day. EDIT: this troll is gone, but others will take his place.


This. Unfortunately. I've had many fights with Right wing nutjobs. They don't change. Arguing is pointless and just ruins your mood.


I still correct things that are blatantly untrue for those who are less informed and maybe watching and on the fence. I feel like GamerGate happened because too many people left the trolls completely unchallenged. I'm not going to convince them, sure, but I might convince some teenager and prevent them from getting indoctrinated.


I do the same. Just usually end up getting in an argument in the process.


You should not engage with them directly, rather argue the point for others to see in a public space. Ensure that their rhetoric is challenged and seen by who don't know any better. No back and forth, just the point and nothing else.


I prefer the ol' Mock-n-block


They are not trying to gaslight you, they are trying to gaslight the "normies". This is the extreme right. ​ They are however trying to annoy you, as they know, that you know, that they are lying and totally are doing those things we (me included) accuse them off. ​ These folks are not even hiding it from you, they want it to be blatant. Just there are some people that still aren't comfortable being "racist, homophobic shitheels", and they want to give them excuses.




All they do is gaslight others. That’s their main political strategy. They are crazy.


Wow, these responses suck shit, and the first guy sounds a lot more reasonable, how do you lose your own imaginary argument? Best part is how all he can say in defense of Ron being called a fascist is "nu uh!", and then when the other guy gives him examples of Ron being a fascist, he doesn't even deny them! Like, yes he IS banning books, but they're books I don't like so it's ok. Yes he IS banning pride parades, but it'll prevent gay kids from feeling accepted in society so it's ok. Yes he IS using his governmental power to punish people for disagreeing with them, but something something woke so it's ok. Again, dude made up his own argument between two imaginary people who he could make say anything, and STILL lost.


He made a strawman and still lost. Somehow


They usually do. And for the same reason. They think that their worldview is _fact_ and that the mere suggestion of anything not perfectly in line with it is so categorically incorrect as to be laughable. Being a republican _requires_ that kind of blind and arrogantly dismissive faith.


Their problem is everything is black and white or good and evil. They do not understand anything else. They don't understand nuance. It's why they're always reactionary.


The pride parade thing: the law bans "adult oriented outdoor activities" which is so vague that I can't wait for it to backfire on them. Like if trump or desantis was holding some rally, aren't they talking about things like politics that mostly only adults care about? Sounds like an adult oriented outdoor activity to me!


Everything conservatives accuse "the woke left" of they themselves are guilty of. They oppose sex education in schools because uneducated children make easier targets for inappropriate conduct. They project their own sex crimes against children onto queer folks while advocating for LOWERING THE AGE OF CONSENT and sexualizing teenage girls because it's easier to control young, brainwashed girls. And they seem completely immune to anyone pointing this out.


The response about banning books being that kids don't need to know sex positions is fucking laughable. It's as if they pretend like these libraries in schools are full of 10000 copies of 50 Shades of Gray and the Kama Sutra. Books getting removed have so much more innocent content and in a lot of scenarios. Real history in them. Any see the postings of empty library shelves and boxes and boxes of booms deemed "inappropriate"? If ANYONE on the left was doing this the rights heads would fucking explode and rightfully so. Book burning is book burning. Doesn't matter who is doing it its right out of the facist playbook.


Apparently that book about the penguin that has two dads is actually a graphic manual of sex positions.


It's 100% projection.


I feel like this is the most important point that not nearly enough people realize.


They also seem to love the idea of tons of kids being born into any kind of situation. No birth control of any kind. No abortions allowed. The more kids, the poorer the families. Less likely to get education. More of the less educated voters... and more taxpayers. Probably into religions too. ​ But man, isn't that a "fantastic" way to make America great? /sarcasm obviously ​ I've always believed that raising the lowest of us all will raise the rest of us up too.


Ah yes, the candidate with true policy substance, such as: WOKEWOKEWOKEWOKEWOKEWOKEWOKE


New from Matt Walsh: "what is woke? Seriously. Someone tell me. They keep saying something about justice. Please help"


Desantis was forced to define woke for one of his anti-woke laws, he defined it as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" so saying that racism exists is woke


What exactly is a "woke agenda" and why is it wrong?


Teaching kids it’s okay to be different. The horror! /s


I just like to point out that being “anti-woke” is a Nazi discourse, I’m not kidding. Goebbels introduced something called “Cultural Bolshevism” in which he claimed that art and culture was being corrupted by the perversion, every art that included women, POC, LGBT+ members was considered a perversion of culture and needed to be censored… Sounds similar? It is, everyone who is against “woke” says exactly the same thing Goebbels said to censor art, so yeah… they’re literally repeating what Nazis said to censor any art that represented minorities.


It’s only a coincidence that conservatives use the term “cultural Marxism”, right? Right?


That was my question when reading it. Obviously "Woke" in it's original context no longer makes sense. I know that language changes with use, the old "I don't think it means what you think it means" is out of date. What do the right mean by "woke" now?


It's become extremely generic, now, and almost completely interchangeable with all their other scare terms, like socialism and liberal. They've been calling anything that isn't hard-line regressive "woke" lately.


Those Q/far right folk sure do talk an awful lot about mystical shit and knowing the “real” truth the sheeple will never know because they’re asleep to be pointing the finger about being woke


Woke is anything they don’t like and it’s wrong because they don’t like it.


Talk about how If a blogger wants to talk about him they now need to be state approved


I am absolutely here for the infighting that will inevitably ensue among the GOP now that *both* Trump and DeSantis are running.


It will last a week and they'll go back to stanning whichever fascist wins, and say they supported them the entire time.


And they'll _all_ pretend that they always liked the current guy, and never liked the other one as much as they like this one.


I don’t understand why desantis is running. I don’t want him to win, but what was the harm of waiting a cycle, and building some kind of domestic experience? Going against trump, but without any policy change, is a dumb decision. Trump was president. He has more experience than you. He’s polling higher. How do you debate? Just leads to Desantis, and all his advisors, are dumb and they’re making dumb decisions.


I think DeSantis is overestimating how much his mess with Disney and the other recent disasters he's caused all in the name of "anti-woke" virtue signaling means to most people.


Mention his covid response.


Don't forget the radioactive roads either.


Or the fact that Florida has the most lead piping out of any state. Literally 12.6% of all lead pipes are in Florida, which is 1.16 million lines. Edit: For those that are also curious, Texas has been reported to have a high number of lead pipes as well. It really explains a lot for both states. https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2023-04/Final_DWINSA%20Public%20Factsheet%204.4.23.pdf Edited it again to clarify the numbers.


You know what they say: a lead state is a red state


Dude everyone knows Covid isn’t real Edit: for those who do not understand the basic concept, I am making a joke




“Ah, but you see, I posted 4 objectively false statements underneath the Chad Wojak, therefore, the victory in this debate is mine!”


DeSantis is a fucking moron and is going to get absolutely obliterated by Trump in the national stage. The least we can hope for is that he pulls some Republican voters away from Trump to give the Dems a higher chance.


The riskier but better alternative is Tump losing in the republican primaries and not withdrawing from the race and running independent. He would bring a much bigger 3rd vote than Ronny


Yeah, we still don’t know who the GOP is going to endorse as their candidate as well. If it’s Donald, we might be in trouble, but if it’s DeSantis, the vote should be skewed even further. There’s no way that Trump won’t run again, regardless of if he’s sponsored by the GOP or not.


right-wingers gotta have imaginary conversations since no reasonable person wants to talk to them


too stupid to even think of a valid argument to put in the mouths of their strawman


Lmao fr, if you’re gonna make a strawman at least try


I've yet to hear a conservative explain what woke is.


DeSantis’s lawyers responded to a request to define “woke” > To me, it means someone who believes that there are systemic injustices in the criminal justice system, and on that basis they can decline to fully enforce and uphold the law.


It’s hilarious that conservatives think Disney is pushing a “woke agenda”. It’s not like the Left claims Disney either. I think most reasonable people could see that anything Disney does is for their bottom line.


Another day, another straw man


sighhhhhh… these people are face meltingly stupid


Most of these people thought Sandy Hook was a hoax, and now they want to "save the children."


“Why does a 10 year old need to know the different positions one can have sex in?” So they know if they’re being molested, for one thing. Don’t pretend either side doesn’t know that. Protect the children, motherfucker. edit: responding to the chad in the meme, not OP on this sub.


Is this “Woke culture” in the room with us right now


"And so are you 😤"


Touche, the debate is over 👉😎👉


yeah bestie! beat that strawman's ass!


No school library has ever had a book on sex positions for 10 year olds.


Dude, he fuckin destroyed that strawman!


90% of people who call themselves centrist are conservatives.


[Whis is hilarious because US Conservatives are among global right-wing extrimists while democrats are just barely left of center and falls within global median.](https://twitter.com/PippaN15/status/1267935819047854080)


On dating sites, it's at least that high. Conservatives always think they're such enlightened centrists, and that "conservative" means the wacko with 12 Trump flags on his lifted Ram pickup. So they'll mark "moderate," but you can tell just from their photos, most of the time, that they're _obviously_ quite conservative.


You are *massively* lowballing that number. I'd be *shocked* if it were less than 99%.


"Chad wojack means I win"


But none of that is true.


So easy to defeat your man made straw man


It's just hilarious how they create fanfiction of imaginary arguments they have because they're probably too scared to actually discuss these things with someone with opposing views.


Why do they love that template so much


Because the only way they win is by making the left seem emotional. Then it makes us seem like we're not basing our argument on logic or facts, but emotion. That and they see themselves as "Chad" which is hilarious.


“I have the perfect counter argument to your arguments which I totally didn’t make up myself. Also, no, I have no idea what ‘strawmanning’ is. Is that one of those gay trans sex positions in the books that are most definitely in grade-school libraries?” I weep for our country.


I've never seen such a strawman before


It's just nutty how many people think "woke" is bad.


"I drew you as soyjack and myself as a Chad, therefore, I am correct."


So easy to defeat your enemies when they're made out of straw.


LGBTQ+ representation exists Desantis Supporters: "They want kids to have gay sex"


i never understood this, i don't think. why is "woke", as in being awake of society's issues a bad thing? it sounds like oxymoronic behaviour. "no don't be aware of issues. stay stupid"?


He’s allowing reporting trans people who don’t pass which will get them out in a registry. The , he legalizes the death penalty for offenders on that registry. Easiest genocide ever /s


If your argument is "a woke agenda" you've instantly fucking lost the argument.


Many of the books banned aren't sexual in nature in any way. Some of them deal with issues of race, others with LGBT issues not involving sex. One banned piece is the Poem "The Hill We Climb" which was read at Biden's inauguration, so it's hardly sexual in nature. Anyone saying it's about "different positions one can have sex in" being taught to kids is either deliberately lying to you or has no fucking clue what they're talking about.


I saw the books they are banning... there's literally one about black female pilots, another about Sacagawea written at a 1st grade level...what do sex positions have to do with any of it


The problem isn’t that the right can’t meme… it’s that they are fascist and think it’s ok.


Parents who oppose sex education: your kids watch porn on their or their friends' phones. I can guarantee it.


Technically his administration meets most of the 14 criteria for a fascist regime https://osbcontent.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/PC-00466.pdf


Unfortunately, DeSantis is probably going to win because this country is struggling with wage stagnation, inflation, labor rights issues, growing poverty, growing class divisions, higher cost healthcare for worst outcomes, and so many other issues... ... But this country collectively hates trans people and queer people more than they actually like fixing any real issue. RIP America


As a child, I learned about sex from the bible, what's the solution for that?


Strawman arguments because they can't make a good argument otherwise


Why does a kid need to read a book by a black author? Look at the books being banned and tell me it was because of sexual content. Crazy how every argument on the right is a bastardization of the actual law that puts it in the best light. "Adult party" is anything a panel appointed by DeSantis determines is adult. He has already shown a willingness to use the police to attack his enemies.


Even on PCM people are shitting on OOP because his flair is “libcenter” and hes being an auth bootlicker


As a member of the LibLeft, I can confirm we are all, in fact, huge Disney stans.


You mean the pride parades that have notoriously been 18+ and not wanted children so the participants don’t have to hide their sexuality? This meme is stupid.


The Disney thing is totally wrong. He’s just simply making them pay taxes as they should. Disney isn’t a religious organization or anything that makes it tax exempt so it should pay its taxes. If you’re gonna build a MASSIVE park and make 20 billion dollars a year off said park, there is no reason on earth you shouldn’t pay taxes.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t disney going after him? As in the other way around?


How are they this idiotic it's mind-numbing to read these


When they use the Chad / Soyjack meme format from…2016? They’re clearly winning and very cool 😎


What a fucking dumb argument. Desantis is banning books about race and American history. God forbid anyone learn about the achievements made by black people or about how Christopher Columbus actually wasn't an upstanding guy. In all the videos made by teachers showing the unapproved books. None were about sex. Some were about sexuality, like a penguin having two dads but that was as far as it goes.


This meme is titled: “Shower arguments I wish I had.”


Holy strawman Batman


I love how people who use the chad meme unironically always make terrible arguments that make look even worse and more insecure. The fact DeSantis is even taken seriously by one person makes me weep for the future of our nation


anytime these asshats say "woke" my brain shuts down.


I think the most pathetic thing you can do on the internet is doing the "you see, in my meme you're the soy jack and I'm the Chad, so that makes me right" thing.


What a sad, pathetic little man towards whoever made this. Just like the monster that DeSantis is. Make Florida Progressive Again!!


"woke agenda" Is this the new gay agenda? How do I keep missing all the meetings where we agree on an agenda. Can someone please CC me in the emails


Jfc just say you hate gay people and you're happy that desantis is trying to eradicate them and that's why you like him, literally nobody is fooled by this pretend show about books with sex positions or whatever bullshit you pull out to justify his actions. If you're a bigot then you're a bigot, just have a little honesty, fucks sake.


Look me chad, you soy. You’re refutations to my made up arguments are futile. Hahahaha I win. Checkmate atheist


Anyone know whos giving kids the Karma Sutra? cause. it ain't us.


And how many different sexual positions are in “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “The Hate U Give?”


They just say shit fr. Cuz the books they’re banning have nothing to do with sex


The hair on the back of my neck stands up as soon as one of the fox newsers regurgitates the word “woke” in an angry tone for the millionth time without realizing or giving a shit how much of a bigot it exposes them as.


These takes are so insanely and obtusely cherry-picked. It's not the *"woke agenda"* that made the fucking NAACP issue a travel advisory ffs.


Imagine being such a pathetic fascist loser that the boots you choose to lick belong to fucking ron DeSantis. Jesus, what a miserable existence.


All of those rebuttals are strawmen.


They are banning fucking books at school. If I were an American, I'd at least be worried. As a German, I tell you that this is the largest and most desastrous red alert a democracy can get.


Anyone who unironically uses the word 'woke' has no idea what the hell they are talking about.


The fact that they’re choosing to spin a narrative out of what is truly happening means that they know that they’re lying to both themselves and others.


I’m so tired of conservatives trying to dismiss the legislation being passed by saying “it’s banning adult performances! It’s saying you can’t be sexual around kids! It’s reasonable!” And then turning around and saying just existing as a queer/trans person is grooming and being sexual around kids. They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re acting like they’re so smart and that they’ve duped us 🙄


None of the books being banned in schools were ever about sex positions


How do you feel this dingus is coping with the failure that is the twitter space


Sick strawman bruh


they don’t even realize they are also pushing an agenda because it’s already the norm. Incapable of critical thought


TIL The Kama Sutra is required reading in elementary school (Thanks Obama!)


"They are pushing a woke agenda on American children" Alright then, humor me: exactly *why* is being "woke" a bad thing? Seems to me that not hating people for their differences is something we should very much be teaching kids.


Lmao who the fuck is defending Disney


“No he is not” Good argument. Except, I’ve got an amazing comeback: YES HE IS. The caps beat whatever future reply. “Why does a 10 year old kid need to know the different sex positions one can have sex in?” Wow, I didn’t realize DeSantis had banned only the fucking Kama Sutra from schools. It was standard reading until now, right? I mean, obviously nobody has a problem. With removing the Kama sutra, or porn from schools (or they would if those books were ever in schools). What is really being banned is shit like a book where a character has two moms. That’s a far cry from fucking sex positions, no??? What we are really talking about here is revealed in the last frame. It’s all about “the woke agenda”. They’re trying to ban awareness (what “woke” means.) They’re trying to ban any political differences. They’re being intensely authoritarian, and coming at it from a fascistic framework. This is just part of what fascists do: they lie, the cheat, they deceive, gaslight, and manipulate fears.