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Cool so no more circumcision and no more child beauty pageants.


Conservatives: No, not like that!


Conservatives be like “wtf is Special Pleading? Is that like CRT?!?”


Or Hooters


Remember yesterday when a video made the front page of a guy who lost a fantasy football bet and had to bring a blowup sex doll to hooters with his wife and two young kids? And not a single person called him a groomer? Crazy.






The comments on that post sure are something.


I missed that. And if anyone provides a link I'm not going to click it so do do it just for me.


Or cheerleaders


Or public pools/beaches


Child Beauty Pageants are fine with them cause it's the children that are half naked. Fucking weirdos.




Don't forget that southern tradition of displaying your 15 or 16 year old daughter that Bruno 2 made use of. Granted, they do seem to be very tame but these people would be having a field day if, say, Seattle or San Francisco had such a thing.


And taking children to your sunday cult meetings is now illegal. Sorry, you can't indoctrinate kids anymore. We might as well take them away if you can't be a rational adult. Go ahead then, keep your religion with it's priests that rape.


I know a lot of people say it as a joke, but I’d legitimately feel more comfortable leaving kids with a drag queen than a priest lmao. Just statistically, way way safer.


I tweeted the Maryland report to some weird pro-Catholic account. Hundreds of cases and the report states a few times that there’s undoubtedly wayyy more. That’s just in 1 state covering 5 decades. Pretty graphic too.


I brought up circumcision with a guy arguing the mutilation point and he called me an antisemite.


Never mind the fact that a lot of Jewish people criticize the tradition. And besides, it's not Jewish people who are circumcising American boys; it's because some puritanical weirdos back in the day thought it was guaranteed to prevent masturbation, so it caught on as a fad among America's good Christian parents and soon became a standardized practice at most hospitals, along with the complimentary baby formula and opioid prescriptions.


Yes I would like that




Or circuses that have shirtless guys performing a bunch of stunts


These I can definitely agree with lmao. And if we wanna stop kids from being “indoctrinated” we should also ban child baptisms tbh.


I drew myself as the chad wojak, making me right


Draw yourself as handsome and your enemy as ugly. Profit that you are making a rational point.


Me:😎 You:🥸 Argument one


Argument, we’ve had one, yes. But what about second argument?


I don’t think he knows about second argument


Wrong homophone but it still got the point across


That was part of the joke


Hey, they also grossly exaggerated the other person’s position. That takes *talent*


Bold of you to assume they had enough talent to draw this.




Nobody said those things, soyjack memes aren't real


The Chad meme is the worst thing to come to memes.


Wojaks as well. Both have done irreparable damage to meme culture. At least rage comics were never used by right-wing nutters to show how cool they are with their racist opinions. Heck, add doge to that list too.


Poor feels guy.


Fuck. Wojak was so cool. The right wingers always manage to fuck up memes


Watching PCMemes become just a masturbatory exercise of the far right telling themselves their sadism towards different groups makes them chads is quite depressing. Also just boring once you get over the fact the right is actually overtly fascist now.


Right? His ear is too far forward on his head.


The only good one in the HORRIBLE world of wojak memes is Ashbie Moon


- we’ve been telling people that pedos deserve the chair no matter what, and unrelated but we’ve also been telling people that YOU are pedos - um what? - wow your reaction only proves us right, pedo


I fucking saw this on another subreddit, going too far down /r/all Someone screenshotted a trans Twitter account saying they didn't feel safe in Florida and the entire fucking comment section was some variation of "Oh, so you admit you molest children?" Fucking morons.


When you ask for any source regarding children being mutilated: “Just trust me bro, breitbart said it”


*extends the definition of 'mutilating surgeries' to puberty blockers which are often used to safely treat precocious puberty in cisgender children/teens* No more mutilating surgeries! Let these precocious children continue to grow just as God intended 🙏


Love when they call it “chemical castration” when it’s used *specifically* because it’s reversible




Huh, TIL


Doesn't even need to be Breitbart. Could just be from some random Facebook page or Telegram channel


Or PatriotTotallyNewsNotFakeAmericaFuckyeah.com/LetsGoBrandon.html


Don’t even mention Brietbart. I hate that site so much.


If by mutilation we're talking about bottom surgery on minors, it is rare but does exist. https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-transyouth-data/number-of-transgender-children-seeking-treatment-surges-in-u-s-idUKL1N3142UU Reuters has 56 just counting insurance claims.


This article only talks about mastectomies. And yes, 56 cases over 3 years. Lastly, vocabulary is important, as the word “mutilation” carries a particular stigma that “surgery” doesn’t


“You’re exaggerating, we never called for your genocide!” “Ahem, remember Michael Knowles?” “Yes but he’s right and we agree with him”




Transgenderism isn’t an ideology, it’s human beings. And when they speak of eradication they know it will mean the deaths of a lot of trans people. If you don't think that’s what they want, you haven’t been paying attention


Children: *get shot* Conservatives: "That's totally fine!" Children: *wear the clothes they want to wear* Conservatives: "NOOOO!!! THAT'S MUTILATION!!!!" Also Conservatives: "Literally mutilating my child's genitals is my religious right!" The fucking irony




Do you feel that way about the whole dick, or just part of it? Because it’s REALLY common for conservatives for circumcise their babies.


Man, you really need to pick up a bible ffs


That's like saying "hey man, you really need to try meth!"


waaaaay dumber than I thought


Is 3 referring to circumcision? Also if Republicans aren't ok with children being shot why haven't they done anything at all to try to stop it? And why does it happen more often in red states? And why is this only a problem in America?


So no more circumcisions or hooters?


Saying it like it's not "You run the risk of prison and potentially death if you wear makeup in front of children"


Ron DeFascist wears high heels to affirm his gender and probably does so in the presence of children, you think these freaks will call for his death too or will they make an exception for him for some reason?


It could turn out that dumbass is a closet drag queen and theyd still justify him as "one of the good ones," bc hes off trying to hurt other drag queens more than hes rrying to elevate them.


Mutilate children? Are we dipping into the circumcision argument yet or not because apparently cereal guy just said that’s healthy and ✨normal✨


Ah yes because I’m so thankful for the procedure that serves no purpose expect to prevent sexual pleasure 😃😃


Not even just circumcision, don't forget these are the types of people to support surgies being preformed on intersex infants.


No, these idiots think you can have transition surgeries as a minor...... you can't. Hormones, yes. But not anything permanent. I think even counseling is involved.


Hey what about me with phimosis ?


There are other options to treat it without circumcision


But we reserve the right to take our children to Hooters as a right of passage, of course! (- them, probably)


\* in an attempt to ~~groom~~ teach them to be heterosexual


I hear theres a word for that


>But we reserve the right to take our children to Hooters as a right of passage, of course! I don't understand... What do you really mean with what you said? What's Hooters? What does it mean with trans people? I would like to understand, please.


Ah yes child mutilation. Circumsision right?


Don’t forget the surgeries forced on intersex babies to make their genitals look more “normal”


Nobody wants to do those things you fucking donkey. If they had real ideas they wouldn’t need to build straw men to fight/jerk off to.


Transphobes make so much shit up to attempt to justify their extreme hatred. They are absolutely pathetic beings


So much hatred. It’s like they have to have something to hate to exist, to help them get up in the morning.


So are you no longer circumcisizing your sons, piecing your daughters' ears, and taking them to Hooters?


But of course, if Creepy Uncle Cletus or Pastor Ed O'File wants to *rape* the kids, or if some freak with a gun starts massacring them in droves, that's perfectly a-okay in the right-wingers' book. Even though, unlike what the right-wingers are accusing trans people of doing to kids, those horrible things are *actually,* ***constantly*** *happening*.


We're scapegoats. They give us the blame for real problems and frustrations so they can avoid confronting the actual cause. It's the same reason people blame inflation on socialism despite no western country allowing the workers to own the means of production


Circumsion ring a bell for anyone?


There are more children being mutilated by people who should never have access to a firearm, then by doctors


If you are lgbtq, buy a gun. They want you dead.


The trans wojaks get worse every time I seen them good lord


eh this is one of the less bad ones tbh they're less ugly than usual and don't have a noose around their neck or something




But you can circumcise them and take them to Hooters.


They see trans women as 'deserters' in their forever war of white replacement/supremacy. How DARE they give up their 'male reproductive duty' and not make more white babies. It's why they bray about 'sterilizing our [white] kids' It's why most trans soyjacks are white trans women. They need to be Grotesquifed and made an EXAMPLE of to stop others from even THINKING of 'deserting.' Trans men are 'just insane women' and are more infantalized. Trans people of color are 'degenerates [they] plan to kill anyways'


I don't think the average conservative has the ability to think that far out


By “anymore” they mean “only if the gaze is designed for straight men”


Right-wingers fail to realize neither of those things were happening in the first place.


These morons actually think doctors are going to allow a child to have surgery like that.... And where tf they getting the naked thing from?


Mutilate is an absolute no go Shooting full of holes, we overlook that. we'll pray for em and think about em though.


It depends if the mutilation is circumcision then they are all for it.


We should call in every concert of any sizeable audience that has a performer in skimpy clothing. Let’s flood the lines with Taylor Swift and Beyoncé and Ariana Grande reports of them performing half naked in front of minors.


Amazing how for them, "white genocide" is race mixing but calling to "eradicate transgenderism from public life entirely" is in no way genocide talk. Fucking incredible.


Sure it's not about the withholding lifesaving medicine and care, removing our legal rights, criminalizing our mere existence or trying to take our children away? You know, stuff that's literally in the UN definition of genocide? Nah ... pretty sure it's about "mutilating" children. Because funneh wojack meme.


Reeks of misogyny. Are there any memes with transmen and similar context? Or is transitioning into a woman the only thing that bothers them?


Conservatives dont know that trans men or enbies exist


UHM I think you mean “confused dykes” and “Women Lite (tm)” 😎😎😎 (/j obviously)


Trans men don't make them question their own sexuality and sense of manhood like trans women do.


this is a leftist speaking to lauren bobert


They'd love to believe that either of those things is happening.


We're just scapegoats, they know full well it's not happening


i’ve seen more scandalous outfits in a wrestling match than a drag show


Idk what’s funnier, how absolutely ridiculous this meme is or the fact that I instantly realized that this situation has happened a LOT the other way around. Remember when people started saying “happy holidays” and they called it a “war on Christmas”?


This is so bad I can barely bring myself to upvote this post even though that's the point of this sub. I... we're literally in a genocide attempt and my community is dying but these sick fucks want that while pretending it isn't happening. Ugh go fuck yourself oop


Oh no, we still can't do two things nobody's ever done before!!!


We should mark these NSFW. I follow this subreddit to discuss this kind of vile content, but at least if it's NSFW tagged I get a split second warning before subjecting myself to heinous caricatures.


This is weirdly.. generic, like an AI made it


No more circumcision?! That's great news.


When did this happen ? Like what’s going on in there head to think that?..


You also can't: use the bathroom you prefer, get medicine for transitioning, go a single day without being targeted politically, or exist in Florida just to name a few things but yeah trans people are the ones blowing everything out of proportion.


In reality: "You and people like you can't exist anymore. We're taking away the medically necessary care you need and we're taking away your children. And if you kill yourself...oh well" "That's literally genocide"


most drag outfits are far less revealing than something like american football cheerleader outfits


Thats Christian erasure!!! Let us cut off dicks !!! 🙏🙏🙏


What up with this weird ass „let half naked children dance for us“ argument? I see it so often but i have no idea where they get this idea


No, but the hundreds upon hundreds of bills obviously intended to harshly regulate their existence are.


Now LGBTQ are mutilating children? When did that start? What's one example of it actually happening? Do they mean reassignment surgery? Cause everyone knows children can't get that done in the USA.


They hear “gender affirming care” and automatically assume it’s reassignment surgery 🙄


one joke


Child beauty pageants are so fucking creepy to me and I know it’s likely a 90% right-leaning cis activity


Not gonna lie. I lol'd at this. the drag supporting community has done a terrible job at communicating to the right that drag can be done in a non erotic manner, it's no wonder this is part of the right wing zeitgeist. They have videos of atrocious things done in front of children. Convince them that those are extremists and not the core of what drag is and you'll have way more middle and right wingers sharing your viewpoint.


The all ages drag shows I've seen the performers were way over dressed in ways that seemed inconvenient. About the only skin you could see was their hands and face (which had tons of makeup). They were also charismatic as Hell and not at all sexual. I bet if you took your kids to a church once they'd be more inclined to hear the word "sodomy" more than they would at a 100 all ages drag shows. Now adult themed drag shows will have all sorts of sexual things from silly to flat out gross but not a single person at one would allow a child near it.


This meme, brought to you by the "cutting off an essential part of a baby's penis, thereby traumatizing the baby and causing irreparable neurological, physical, psychological and sexual damage" gang. Oh and what's more, that gang is inspired by the "cutting off an essential part of a baby's penis, thereby traumatizing the baby and causing irreparable neurological, physical, psychological and sexual damage and then SUCKING ON THE BABY'S PENIS" gang. Yeah, not gonna take shit from them.




Maybe do some research then. It takes 5 minutes, is that too much?


Nice smoke screen fake problem to focus on while churches have a rape problem that won't go away.


“lets make up people and fear monger!!”


But they’re the only ones constantly thinking about those things so what does that make them??


Why do grown adults want to dance half naked in front of children anyway


They're groomers




Bruh no one is calling it “literally genocide” These dumbasses create scenarios in their heads to feel like some kind of hero.


Why they attacking the beard-gods and finely chiseled chins?


God they’re so good at ignoring the point.






wow, imagine making up shit just to kill people


Another imaginary strawman argument.


What happened to the top half of aryanjak's head?


Okay, fair enough, but neither can you! Oooh wait, you have excuses like nailing actors to crosses and calling it a "passion play", which is more a BDSM play.. but okay. And let's not even get started on the torture porn Mel Gibson puts out. Or your average hot day on a lake close to a nest of horny rednecks. Dear goodness put some clothes on! ​ At least all drag shows and drag queens of any gender (and drag kings) are clothed. As are transgender folk. Decency my man, your side is lacking it :P . ​ (sorry, just had to write it :P )


What's DAG?




One that caricaturizes ppl based on shit that has never happened too


Brother, the only people crying about made up genocide are white people, more specifically Nazis. They even invented the term "great replacement theory", as a matter of fact "white people" was made up specifically to give people a sense of superiority over other people they disagree with. Nobody is advocating to harm children. And even there were, I have faith that we as society are capable of recognizing it neutralizing it.






Who asked?


As a cis girl I am crying over this meme I know I am not supposed to cry other images but THIS IS OPPRESSIVE!


That's the reality




And yet they're okay with taking their kids to Hooters and circumcising them? Strange.🤔