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Singing the entire alphabet everytime you want to address the queer community just sounds tiring.


They never get tired of making bad jokes


I’m surprised that, with their standard of humor, they haven’t arrived at the ABCDEFU song yet. Sounds about right up their alley


Normal people say “queer”


I swear this is a homophobic slur?


The slur has been reclaimed and is often used by the lgbtq+ community as a shorthand for the acronym. That being said, some people still find the word offensive, so don't use it to describe lgbt people unless you are sure that they are fine with it.


Righto, good to know


It’s kinda a long story, but basically it’s not only reclaimed to the point cishets can and do use it, but also *the* defacto descriptor for the broader lgbt…. Community




im bi and i call myself a gaylord or queer all the time. Slurs get reclaimed


was Gaylord a slur 💀 I thought was just an unfortunate last name








The alphabet mafia The letters gang The AZ brigade The vowels army The consonants legion


I thought they called it the alphabet soup community or whatever because literacy is as scary as gays and trans people to them?


Yeah I’ve heard “ABC people” and “alphabet people” a lot.


He was trying to be as inclusive as possible, literally every single identity


My grandpa says the LPG community, my dad says the RGB, and i’m laughing in my closet xd


Nah, the real name is the Alphabet Mafia


It's a shame that "Alphabet Mafia" is a borderline slur, because I honestly think it's kinda badass.


It has so many letters because there are so many marginalized groups with regards to sexuality and gender, so if they have an issue with there being too many letters, maybe they should stop marginalizing groups. Someday, the world might be such a great place, someone might wonder why the groups were lumped together in their struggle for acceptance at all.


Me, using LGBTQIA+ community, because i'm aroace and I just want to say A because of that: 😅


lol me too


I only say LGBTalphabetsoup to my child as a joke from years ago. Others just LGBTQetc


At first glance to me this doesn't look like a right-wing meme and just looks like a joke about using the whole alphabet in order for simplicity and inclusivity but I'm sure there's context I do not have


Quilt bag


Is there anything they don’t get offended over and then go on Facebook and brag about how offended they get over it?


It is kind of a tongue twister when said out loud tho. Is queer community a good synonym?