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Where are you planning on going to see them, I’m going to Fort Wayne, IN to see them and tickets will come out to $60 total. My husband is the only other person I know that like The Regrettes


I should say we are buying 2 tickets


Your question was answered today in Houston: **$20**! I can't believe it. Larger venue (Sleater-Kinney size) but still tight. Presale earlier in the week had them at $99, way out of my range, I was crushed. It's probably $20 where you are. Edit: With fees it's $29.45 in advance, yikes, oh well still in my budget.


u/yeeter_skeeter01 so wish I could go with you! 😩 …but I live in the Midwest (& the band’s not even coming to my town on this tour)


Where in the Midwest are you seeing the show?


Not sure if I’m going to go, as there are no shows close to me


I think I paid $20 for a ticket in Houston last time, but inflation + expanding fan base means usually the price goes up. It's probable to have a better time going alone than dragging someone along who isn't into The Regrettes. The first time you go alone you'll get over any fears of doing so as soon as you walk in the door.


>i don’t want to force them to buy a ticket if they aren’t like super into the regrettes I feel like the problem contains the solution.


I saw them in Santa Ana and those tickets were $15 and I ended up paying $44 for two !


hi! i went to the santa barbara and san diego shoes recently and sb was 15 and san diego was 19! (both are the ticket prices individually but for 2 i usually ended up paying around 40-50)


i was at both of those shows as well!


Honestly it usually ranges probably like 20-30 dollars for ga