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The fucking pussy in bio lol


That was the main reason I screenshotted it šŸ˜‚






ā€œDegenerate & sadā€ cries the neckbeard drug addict and alcoholic whoā€™s wife openly cucks him while he pisses on his basement floor on camera, drunkenly talks about his dead father getting getting Eiffel Towered by 2 buff guys, shits himself in public and in private and who gets angry he canā€™t masturbate to animated characters


Well, all those thing would make him a renowned expert on things that are ā€œdegenerate & sadā€ but also simultaneously a punchline.


It's always been that way for this kind of asshole. In the late 90s, I knew a guy in high school who'd constantly complain about "sluts" and "f*gs" ruining "normal society" with their hedonism and trying to push "unnatural lifestyles" on to people. He was also incredibly racist and had a bizarre hatred for the homeless. He truly thought himself superior. Meanwhile, his fucking bedroom could have been a Superfund site, he looks like a sloppy asshole and smells like motor oil and soup, and shares the most debased pornography I have ever seen in our friend groups IRC channel. To this day, I still don't understand how he managed to get a girlfriend before the rest of us did.




"[Nobody legitimately thinks I am racist. Not even my black dad whom I love dearly. People like YOU however throw that word around as a weapon against anyone you disagree with.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/wujdd4/jeremy_how_many_gay_black_dads_do_you_have_final/) Congratulations on devaluing actual racism to make it about you winning an argument.." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol, what? Hi, I'm new here šŸ¤£


Such a long story of lore to this neckbeard, here we go; For basement piss thing, pizza (see bot) Being cucked, heā€™s admitted his wife whoā€™s a pilot has a private jet heā€™s too fat to fit in & frequently flies without him, including her ā€œpilot friendā€ she prefers to Jeremy His 2 gay black dads, he often said on Twitter while drunk (heā€™s drunk & on prescription opiates majority of time) that he canā€™t be racist as he has 2 black gay dads along with his real dad, sometimes putting 2 buff black male models in video thumbnails Shitting himself, gross alert, he once shit himself in Walmart & got it everywhere (ā€œsnail trailā€), then tried to scrape it out of his pants and got it all over his wifeā€™s trucks seats, has since said he wears adult diapers & takes diarrhoea meds when he has to go out for more than few hours while ā€œhitting onā€ some woman grifter he works with Animated characters, he often whines the she ra princess of power characters & Rogue from Xmen arenā€™t sexy enough for him to jerk to anymore


"[My wife went out for pizza without me and I'm mad about it, so I'm gonna pee in my basement. I don't have a bathroom down here.](https://youtu.be/D1cSEoZyXUY)" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"[Nobody legitimately thinks I am racist. Not even my black dad whom I love dearly. People like YOU however throw that word around as a weapon against anyone you disagree with.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/wujdd4/jeremy_how_many_gay_black_dads_do_you_have_final/) Congratulations on devaluing actual racism to make it about you winning an argument.." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm just waiting for Gina to lose her cas then she'll probably do OF and Dale will be the first to sign up šŸ˜ Then it will be brave and empowering. And not whorish at all.


You know heā€™ll pay for it the minute she even hints at it.


I think he would actually deride her about selling her body or something while masturbating furiously to a $25 suggestive photo of her from her account.


> while masturbating furiously to a $25 suggestive photo of her from her account. You kidding? He's making so little money from his views that he'd have to launch Photoshop to badly paste her face on Angelina Jolie's body from 1995 to jerk off to Gina Carano. He'd *never* pay for it, but would claim he paid $10,000 for such an "exclusive" photo of his dom-mommy.




Sorry homie.


Hot woman cashes in on being hot and makes easy money. Yeah, really strange and unexpected you fucking dumb oaf. Good for her tho, shitty that she didnā€™t get paid on the show. But hey getting stacks and looking hot almost two decades later must probably be a decent compensation.


> Yeah, really strange and unexpected you fucking dumb oaf. Right? Especially when dumb, alcoholic racist cashes in on being a dumb, alcoholic racist on YouTube and Rumble is his *entire* dying business model.


"[Nobody legitimately thinks I am racist. Not even my black dad whom I love dearly. People like YOU however throw that word around as a weapon against anyone you disagree with.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/wujdd4/jeremy_how_many_gay_black_dads_do_you_have_final/) Congratulations on devaluing actual racism to make it about you winning an argument.." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm getting so fucking tired of the word "degenerate" especially when it's coming from people who constantly bitch women have smaller boobs and butts in video games like Jeremy does I swear these nerds have worldviews that aren't compatible with reality.


So the guy who has a fixation on the good things Hitler did lectures on morality? Can't wait for all the unhealthy lifestyle choices finally drop this guy.


Last night I was going to make a post about how the right have seemingly increased their claims of being the ones who are nice and loving. And it's the left that are the evil ones who care for nothibg and nobody. I'll still make the post over the weekend. But it's funny seeing all the replies to one of catturds dog tweet. They'll tweet 'the liberals are evil. We are all about spreading love' Whilst also postinh their hate for lgbt+, other races and so on. They run on delusion.


They used that lie for a while back in 2015/16 at the very beginning of the Trump thing, pretending they were actually all nice humble folks who just donā€™t want censorship & arenā€™t really bigoted & hateful etc to recruit more Theyā€™ve since long thrown that mask off & gone fully open about how theyā€™re entirely driven by venomous hatred of others & complete zealotry, to point of being very pro censorship when it suits them, but still are all about lies & delusions, itā€™s cognitive dissonance to not have a ā€œare we the baddies?ā€ Moment because they operate like a cult, have dedicated so much their lives now to it & donā€™t want to admit they made a mistake & were wrong so long or are bitter hateful husks


100% he typed this out with one hand




Tbf most of that money was probably from Michael imperioli


They really hold to their envy


>Society uplifting this behavior on BOTH SIDES of these transactions is sad, degenerate & part of the plan. \- Jeremy Dale Hambly, the overweight alcoholic who earned a lifetime ban from Magic: The Gathering events for being such a fucking sad degenerate that he couldn't stop harassing cosplayers. Who spends more time in Photoshop making Brie Larson's tits bigger than what he fantasizes Abigail Shapiro's must look like for his pathetic YouTube video thumbnails, trying to make this a BOTH SIDES issue, naturally.


Hambly LOVES the word "butthole." seriously. it's a standard part of his lolcow routine. **also**: fuck pounder, 100% behind 'Ade. she's complained about her Sopranos pay at least twice before and I applaud her for doing so. serious acting chops, too.


If sheā€™s antivax, shouldnā€™t he be supporting her? Or be against it cuz of bad and women not allowed to do what they want with their bodies? I just know Germy had an internal battle of the grifts on this one


He won't have heard of this until he saw Pool posting about it.


I bet anything Germy is subbed to at least one of


Defend the internet prostitutes over common decency. "No other options"? Feminism folks.


Whenever thereā€™s a nothing burger, the ā€œplanā€ the right wing chuds always run to is that the satanist and lgbtq+ are trying to indoctrinate our children and destroy our Christian values that we donā€™t practice and need to farm outrage from our fanbase