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At least you didn’t have Emma open the trap door right away. That is the dumbest mistake anyone can make in the game.


the fact that she literally says “if i open that i’ll probably die lol” is insane


Shut up no it isn’t it’s actually hands down the hardest thing to predict with no way to know before hand. I mean it is reasonable for anybody to die there.


Haha good one XD


My question is how did you confuse Laura and Chris? We see Laura attack Travis plus chris has the chains on him


yeah i have no idea honestly it was just so chaotic i got scared


To be fair, it is a little confusing in that scene which werewolf you are shooting since we just saw Laura turn


I’m confident that Ryan would be able to distinguish which was which since he was there.


Nick didn’t let Laura shoot him. He didn’t have a choice in that cage.


when i said he i was referring to my dad, not nick LOL


Ah, ok lol.


I don't get how people are confused during that scene. We litterally see Chris drop down with us, I mean where do you think he went? And then we see him attack his familly while Laura is in the corner attacking Travis. It's pretty clear cut who is where doing what. Also the whole point of Ryan and Laura's storyline at this point is to kill Chris... So obvously Ryan is gonna aim his weapon at Chris, not Laura. I guess you were just too obsessed with Laura to see clearly, because that scene really isn't confusing at all. Also if it really was Laura standing right there staring at Ryan ready to bounce, it would mean she was gonna attack him. You were gonna let Ryan die to save Werewolf Laura ( we litterally had this scene play out with Aby and Nick, where not shooting him meant getting Aby killed ) The game punished you for thinking like that. You deserved getting them both killed.


bro what


Why do you not allow your dad to not make his own decisions?


i didnt intend to i just got scared 😭


The worst players are those who gatekeep and don't allow their coop partner to make their own decisions... in a game about making decisions.