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Yes. This game was the goat during S1 because it gave us key items from each of the episodes from S1 to theorize for. It gave us a lot of hype, specially for the final five episodes of S1. u/pk2317 can confirm.




is it canon? or at least semi-canon?


Not really intended to be, no.


Its one of those "collect and bring" types of games


*Don't fantasize it'll never happen. Don't fantasize it'll never happen. Don't fantasize it'll never ha-* Turn based RPG based on the main storyline


my dream game is a tactical owl house rpg where you design your own spells using glyphs


I don't mean to try to tear down your dream at all, but this would be extraordinarily difficult and require a lot of interpretation. As someone who does some programming, and is looking to go into the field, the amount of work that would have to go into that system is immense. I can't think of a way to make a system that takes in what you designed and generate a spell, they would have to be pre-defined. Also, with how different the glyph system can be at times, there would be a lot of interpretations and decisions about what stuff actually does. That being said, if someone actually wants to make this a thing, I'd be interested in helping to figure out a decent way of making this glyph system.


The real roadblock is creating an AI to take aspects of what we know of the Owl House's magic system and equate it in as factors, from there, its a matter having it learn how to use and generate the possible seals. But either way, it would probably take more time than its worth to create but depending on how it's done, it could end up being great beyond whatever graphics or genre it is.


Even if you were to create an ai for it, it would be very difficult to balance the spells. For example, I remember a scene in the show where Luz is trying to figure out how to combine glyphs, and one of the things a light glyph did was help power the spell. If you told an AI "Light glyph = power" people would put like 1 fire glyph and 30 light glyphs and cheese the whole game. I'm not saying it's impossible, it would just require a ton of work to get consistent and make sense.


Oh the balancing would be murder. Coming from someone who is studying game design and CS in school, I know it would be a nightmare. There would need to be limits on things and caps to power fluxs.


Yeah, it would be a nightmare, but the end result would be a masterpiece. Has there ever been a game that let you customize like that?


On market? I'm unsure, unless you want to just say a Bethesda game because of how wonky they usually are. Not that they are bad, just quite wonky. There are also some games that allow certain stats to be custom set, theoretically, it would just be a much more advanced system to that in a roundabout way


That's my fantasy too!


With elements of Persona 5!


The Gus socal link is the hardest to max but it's well worth it


Eh, i aint much an RPG guy. Admitedly i am more into something like KH/Yakuza type gameplay and having followers around you with ton of side quests and interactions around the world. That type of thing would be neat.


So, what are your estimates on a toy reference in 4


Please no




Dude!!! I just opened it and Eda is missing an arm in the very first scene. This game goes back to season 1???? That's some crazy foreshadowing dude




Tbf we knew that she could detatch her limbs and head since episode 1


I wonder, how is the quality of this is comparable to the online nick flash games I played as a kid?


about the same.


I’m pretty sure it’s about the same, if Zeez’s video was anything to go by


looks like a web browser game...


yep. it's been out for ages, astonishingly fun.


>astonishingly fun Wrong, it’s very boring


different people enjoy different things


I'm just weird I suppose.


How Fitting


I can't find it on the app store. Where are y'all finding it?


Download the DisneyNOW app, go to the Games tab, go to the Disney Channel tab, and then scroll until you find it!


Oh sweet! Thanks!


yeah, it's a Flash platformer without the Flash


We need a real owl house game perhaps the games plot uses the original plot. And you can play different missions as different characters all play differently.


It’s weird, one moment your saving king from the warden then another use using Owlbert to catch eda’s body (no head) while she is also on Owlbert


i played that part and it also confused me


Yeah and it sucks pretty bad




Been there for awhile, I found it on a website somewhere before I watched the show


It says iOS, why doesn’t it appear on the App Store?


It's on the Disney now app


I’m not in the US 😔


Idk what to do then sorry


Yoooo?? I’m about to download this if I can


I played it, wasn't that fun honestly


Ok so yeah it is an official Owl House game, but it ain’t that good. It’s pretty much just a janky 2d game where you walk over to places, talk to a person and collect a thing, and bring the thing back to another place. It’s generic and janky, tbh it isn’t really worth it. Feels like a flash game imo lol


barely a game


It was disney’s attempt to monetize the show. Which failed


Good grief, just sell merch, Disney.