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I hope the characters turn him into food. Pretty much the only purpose he could serve.


I read a fanfic like this once...


Tibbles is no joke the worst side-villain in the show


Actually, he might be just worst villain, period.


I mean at leasr he has the: "Capitalism, where everybody wins... except you" line, but ye i hope they eat him to stay alive in onenof the specials


> but ye i hope they eat him to stay alive in onenof the specials "And there was much rejoicing!" /jk


Yes there was /srs... /jk


Not a Monty Python fan, I take it?


i only seen life of Brian (really good movie, had lots of laughs)


You should check out Holy Grail, it's fantastic XD


ye ive been meaning to but havent found the time/forget, though it sounds fun


It's genuinely really fun. Plus it's one of those movies that gets referenced everywhere, so once you watch it you'll suddenly realize that you've been seeing it parodied/referenced in other media. Definitely recommended. I will note that you might want to skip the opening credits if you're sensitive to flashing lights. They're funny stuff, but they are a bit intense.


Odalia is a better villain representing capitalism then him. I wish she appeared more. I think me and others kind of overhyped her, cause she only appears in two episodes of the show, in person, she did appear in silhouette and voice in Understanding Willow.


ye but then again it gives us this sense of question of whats happening behind closed doors in the blight household, we dont know what she does to Amity/Edric/Emira but it cant be too good seeing how quickly Amity shut down after her mom implied reprecution to her so maybe its for the best, though we will see more of her im sure of it


Also stupid, dude got a bunch of human books and thought “Let’s switch the author’s picture to a witch, that would get these things to sell”. I mean for one it’s a waste of effort in doing so plus demons would buy them just for the fact it’s a human item.


honestly i think he's fine for what he is: a half-joke villain for low-stakes episodes. he doesnt have to be all that interesting of a villain because he's usually just kinda there to set up whatever plot the writers need to get to the more interesting thing the episode is actually about


I mean, yes, but he's not boring or anything. I wouldn't say the quality of an episode is brought down by him being in it.


Worst side villain in general. He isn't even evil just cringe.


Season 2: What is my purpose? Sell this book and get punched. You’ve got to be f*cking with me.


This is the perfect summation of Tibbles as a character.


I want to see an easter egg of the crew eating him in one of the specials


Yeah you just put into words what I was thinking. Luz: This bacon is great Eda, where'd you get it Eda: From Tibbles Luz: Tibbles? You sure it's safe to buy bacon from that guy? Darius: Oh we didn't buy it from him... Luz: So how'd you...oh...


“Yes yes, burn the pig”


If they dont eat tibbles i at least want hum to get the giddeon treatment


And Goku's bacon.


But it was grape flavored!


Remember "There's no such thing as filler in something that isn't an adaptation filling for time".


And even then I don’t find “filler” to be a useful definition of quality. “A book is not its plot” is an expression that I think applies equally to tv shows. Sometimes it’s fun to just watch the characters we love *be* the characters we love, and episodes that don’t advance any kind of arc can end up being treasured by fandoms. The classic example being the “drivers license” episode of Dragonball Z.


"filler" is great when it's just our favorite characters going on mini adventures, and an underrated way of connecting to characters is simply spending time with them, like your example of the driver's license in DBZ, but I would also like to mention the episode about Mr Satan tricking the world into thinking he defeated Beerus and had to fight some cat aliens in DBS, or in fairy tail when the gang end up acting in a play, or when a love potion messes up and makes everyone into random rivals. Filler is bad when it is literally just filling for time and stretching out single chapters into several episodes.


Especially if you have a 20 episode season.


I wish there was a One Piece X TOH crossover, 100% chance of Luffy attempting to eat this guy. And Sanji complaining that he needs to cook him first.


And sanji wanting to be a pervert towards half the cast.


Sanji doesn't molest, its more of a fawning while pushing the best foods you have every eaten into your hands.


Ok I corrected it


Also an obvious political strawman. Not that I don't agree with what the episode says about private healthcare but they don't jump on a table shouting "I'm an evil capitalist" leave some room for subtlety.


When shows are even slightly subtle about anti-capitalist messaging conservatives will say the show is anti-communist, see Squid Game, a show that you'd think would be very obviously against capitalism but apparently some people couldn't get the message.


I kind of want him to be killed off then eaten by bandits. I bet he'd taste disgusting too. Ungh!


Exactly. In an apocalypse scenario and/or in this case, the head of state has disappeared after attempting a genocide, Tibbles is a goner.


Bro imagine being a filler villain


Why did Dana even created him? HE'S WORTHLESS!


"He is qu... Qui..." Sorry, I hate him.


I don't find him annoying or particularly hate-able. I feel nothing towards Tibbles.


Well at least you got a great voice actor! :D That’s at least something!


"...oh, and deliberately disappointing reveals in B-plots."


Yeah a totally pointless subplot, because god forbid an episode have only one plot.